MacBook Pro :: Unable To Boot Into Hardware Test / Pressing The D Key Without Disc
Sep 4, 2010
I've read that Early 2008 model MacBook Pros can boot into the Hardware test while pressing the D key on the keyboard without the disc in the drive (or was it the F2 key). I've also read that lots of people succeed doing it. Why does my MBP not do that?
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Jan 14, 2011
I was trying to boot up from my Snow Leopard disc last night to run Disk Utility (to repair my hard drive). I pressed C while starting up but it took me right to my login screen. I did this several times, no luck. I'm using a 15" MBP btw.
I also tried the same thing on my sister's MacBook (using her own install disc) -- same thing, straight to login screen.
I know pressing C used to work before because the MacBook used to belong to me and I did an erase & install before passing it down to my sister.
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Nov 18, 2010
I have an aluminum macbook, from made around January 09. The issue is I need to repair the hdd using the osx install disc. The problem is that when I try to do so, boot using the disc, it just restarts to the hdd, it will not boot from the disc. I try holding c and I have tried setting the disc as the startup disc and it just goes in this never ending circle of restarting and restarting. I've never seen this before.
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Nov 27, 2010
My late-2007 Macbook's hdd got screwed and I bought a new one.
Now I try to install Snow Leopard but Macbook won't boot from the install disc.
It spins the disc a couple of seconds and then ejects it.
Key commands don't help. Startup manager won't show up if I keep pressing the option key during startup and same goes with pressing c for booting.
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May 3, 2010
How do i get the Mac to run the hardware self tests. I saw the guy at the Genious Bar do it on my MacBook Pro.
I replaced the parts that showed bad, i would like to run it again.I tried holding down the D on powerup but didn't work
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Oct 11, 2009
My Macbook is starting to get really slow. I've tried Onyx and it told me that the startup volume had to be fixed. But I can't boot my install DVD by pressing "C" in the startup.
Is there another way to repair the disk?
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Apr 30, 2012
I finally went from Leopard to Snow Leopard (SL) by doing a clean install. But I found I was not able to boot from the install disk by the normal procedure -- restarting and pressing the Option or C keys. Before the SL install, I had a volume structure problem on my HD and tried to use the Leopard install DVD to repair the drive. I was unable to do that by using the normal boot up procedure.why I can't boot from the optiical drive by pressing the designated keyboard key(s)?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 400GB G-Drive FW800 Ext. HD; 4GB RAM on MBP; 60GB iPod Video
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Oct 5, 2010
I've read that Early 2008 model MacBook Pros can boot into the Hardware test while pressing the D key on the keyboard without the disc in the drive (or was it the F2 key). I've also read that lots of people succeed doing it. Why does my MBP not do that?
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Apr 18, 2012
I cannot get my macbook pro to switch on.when it is not plugged as I press the power button nothing happens, when the computer is power plugged, it gives me the white blackground with the apple centered and the loading button below but it keeps loading forever left it as for 4 hours and still nothing. I have try to reset the SMC but didn't change much, now instead of the apple logo I get a circle crossed My macbook is 1 year and 4months?
MacBook Pro
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Feb 7, 2009
so I have a very unique, bizarre problem. A friend brought her G4 1.67gHz 15" Powerbook to the office to have it looked at as it wasn't working properly. I took a look at it and found that one of the RAM chips was shorted out. I took it out and ordered her a new pair (since it was like $26 for 2gb, and with the one removed she was running on 512). Here's where it gets bizarre: I installed the new RAM and it was freezing regularly. I then took one out and it was still freezing regularly. I booted it from my Utilities partition (I have a bootable firewire drive set up to fix problems and recover data) and ran Disk Warrior, TechTool, and a whole heapin helpin of other fixin and optimization apps. I got it to fix all the reported errors, TechTool reports no hardware errors, everything should work perfectly. So now, the laptop boots to a blue screen. I can't boot it from a retail Tiger install disc, and I can't boot it from the hard drive, it just boots to the Apple logo, the Unix spinner, and then goes blue and freezes. So I set it as a firewire target drive and was able to do an archive/install of Tiger using my G5. It recognized and installed fine and it booted my G5. Ok, so it's not the drive. I restart and nothing, apple/unix logos then blue screen. Same with the Tiger DVD. I replace the original 512MB stick (the working one) and still same result. So finally I go back to my Firewire repairs disc and everything boots fine, all tests come out fine, drive is recognized and works fine, etc. What could cause a computer to boot, a drive to be bootable, but a computer not being able to boot on any installed drive?
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May 14, 2009
I lost the recovery dvds that come with my mac.. I do have a Leopard retail dvd though...
Is there anyway to run a diagnostic test without the original recovery dvds?
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Jun 30, 2012
My MacBook Pro is acting strangely lately. When I close the lid, sometimes it doesn't go to sleep. Also, when I shut it down via the menu system, it will go to a blue screen and just hang there for 30-60 seconds before shutting off. Sometimes it just goes to that blue screen while doing random tasks.
Almost every time I'm hooked up via Thunderbolt->HDMI, when I unplug the cable (disconnect from TV), the computer goes to a blue screen.
I'm trying to run the Hardware Test, but right when that OS9 menu comes up, the computer shuts down instantly. I've tried holding F2 while booting as well as holding 'D' while booting (with USB OSX 10.6.7 Install DVD inserted). No dice with either one.
I'm running 10.6.8 with 16GB of SuperTalent RAM. I have a 120GB Intel 320 SSD in the optical bay and the stock 750GB  HDD in the stock position. Is my laptop now a dud that needs replacing?
Info:MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.3 i7, 16GB RAM, 120 SSD, 750 HDD
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Oct 18, 2010
I have downloaded what I assume is the correct AHT image (iBook Version 1.2.4 [URL]) from Apple Support. After burning it to a CD, using disk Utility, it fails to boot on my late 2004 14" G4 1.33ghz IBook M9627B/A.
Am I doing something wrong or is there another version of AHT that is available as a download that will work?
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May 20, 2010
With Leo, you install CD #2 and restart with D key but it doesn't work with Snow Leo... ...talking about the Apple Hardware Test
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Oct 24, 2010
My 13" MBP (Spring 2010) will NOT boot from an OS X Snow Leopard disc (disc or USB bootable). I get a Kernal panic every time with the window shade and 20 languages telling me to restart my computer.
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Apr 10, 2010
My MacBook 13" which was the current model when I bought it in September '08 decided after a normal shut down to not boot up the next time I tried. It gets as far as loading the grey apple symbol and then gets no further (no loading cog etc.
Naturally my first thought was to try to repair from my OSX install disc but when I booted from this the same problem occurred (the grey apple symbol, no further). The disc is definitely recognised by the disc drive and is displayed when I hold the option key on startup. I also tried using a friends OSX disc and the same problem occurred so I'm assuming it can't be the disc.
I have tried booting in safe mode, single user mode & verbose mode, none of which work although I am able to see where the script gets to in a safe mode boot by using the option that shows this .
The weirdest thing is that I have dual-boot set up with Ubuntu on my macbook and I can still boot to ubuntu fine, also all linux live discs I have tried in order to investigate the hard drive have had no trouble booting.
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Jun 6, 2012
Disk utilities says I need to boot from the install disc, but I can't get my computer to boot up from the install disc. I tried holding down the C key (the letter C), both lower and upper case, but it still boots off the hard drive. Is there a special way I am supposed to initiate the reboot? I just hit the power button to bring up the little window that has buttons for Restart, Sleep, Cancel, and Shut Down. So I held down the C key and clicked the restart button. I also held the C key till the sign-on menu came up. I am running Leopard.
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Feb 24, 2007
My MacBook won't turn on. I hear the noise (not from the speakers but from the inside, like the hdd or something) but nothing shows up on the screen. I tried to boot from the Mac OS X install disc, but now the disc is in there and not coming out, and when I turn the computer on i hear the cd/dvd drive instead of hard drive.Still nothing on the screen. This is a follow up to the behavior I described in this topic:[URL]
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Mar 22, 2009
I'm trying to restore my Macbook (white) to factory defaults and I can't get the disk to boot and am having trouble. Whenever I load the disk in and restart holding c, the disk spins and then spits out and the computer boots to Mac OS X (Leopard). I've reset the nvram, the pram, repaired permissions with no success. I used to have Bootcamp installed, but I read that may cause problems so I uninstalled it and it still won't work. These are the grey disks that came with the computer when I bought it new a few months ago so I know they work. They say Mac OS X Disc 1/Disc 1. Any suggestions to getting the disk to boot instead of spit out?
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Feb 13, 2010
I had only Windows 7 on my HDD for the past few months. I wanted to reinstall mac osx so I restarted it and tried to install it on a partition I made in 7 but to no avail. The disc reformatted the HDD as BOOTCAMP with the old data on it and I lost the extra partition. I placed the HDD in an exernal bay that I have. I backed up what I needed and reformatted. It's being read as G: (NTFS) on my PC and it works. I rebooted witht eh DVD in to reinstall MAC and redo the BOOTCAMP system but the blinking folder comes up.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a uMBP 2.26GHz with 4GB and 500GB HDD. I usually do the Disk Utility every once in a while and it recommended me to use the MAC OS X disk and repair the disk. I inserted the disk, restarted and held "C" and the disc was running and everything. Like 1 minute later my display went black but I can still hear the disc running. But that's all it happens. Everything runs but my display went black. This is a 3month old uMBP. This is the log from the Disk Utility
Verifying volume "Macbook Pro HD"
Performing live verification.
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Checking extents overflow file.
Checking catalog file.
Missing thread record (id = 782820)
Missing thread record (id = 962550)
Incorrect number of thread records
Checking multi-linked files.
Checking catalog hierarchy.
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 54635 instead of 54637)
Checking extended attributes file.
Checking volume bitmap.
Checking volume information.
The volume Macbook Pro HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk.
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Apr 9, 2012
I have a 17" unibody MBP (early 2009, specs below). It was running hotter than usual the other day, so I F2 booted into AHT to run a diagnostic. The status box within AHT showed 1 second into the 1st pass, and never got beyond that. Several seconds after that status message was displayed, the cursor froze. The time counter never advanced after that, and although I waited a long time, nothing happened. The test froze.Â
I've tried it several times more. It once worked, but every other time has frozen. Checking the "extended test" box, or trying to run in loop mode has made no difference - still freezes at "1 second".Â
I've had this machine for 3 years, OS's Leopard through Lion, and this has never happened before. I last ran a test, successfully, in January. I've not changed any components or suffered any damage since then. Memtest (ver 4.22) says my RAM is fine. (I ran this because the first portion of the AHT is the RAM component.) Aside from the aforementioned overheating episode, which disappeared, my machine's been fine.Â
early 2009 MBP unibody 17"
2.93 Core 2 Duo
750 GB HD
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a MAC OS X 10.4.11 IBook G4 1.1. It's acting up on me. Crashes often and freezes as well. The only CD I can find is the Mac OS X Tiger Install DVD. Is this the Hardware test cd as well?
If yes, how do I get the hardware test started. I tried the "restart while holding "C"" and "restart while holding the "option key""... Doesn't work... Don't see a hardware test option. If no, Can I download the application
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Jun 25, 2012
My son's 17" imac PPC G5 was not booting up. After a trying a couple of things I got it to boot using Disk Warrior and reparing the file directory. At that time I also ran DW's hardware test which said the drive was fine. My son hard restarted it shortly after I fixed it and it wouldn't start up again. Just a gray screen, no apple logo. When I tried to use DW again it told me there were problems with the hard drive and it couldn't fix the problem. I tried to fix the hard drive in target disk mode using Disk Utiltiy and Drive Genius. No luck. So I pulled a working drive out of my Mac Pro and reformatted it and swapped the internal drive of the iMac with it. There were no DIP switches to set. Started up the imac with a Leopard retail disk thinking I would just install a fresh system onto the replaced internal drive of the iMac. Disk Utility on the leopard disk didn't see the hard drive. Now I'm beginning to think it's a logic board problem but I can't find the original disks to do a Hardware test with. Is there some other way to test a logic board? Or some other idea that I'm not thinking of that could be wrong with the machine?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), ATI 1900, 8GbRAM
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Mar 2, 2008
I have followed the instructions, on the boot screen I selected the appropriate option to remote disc boot via wireless connection to my iMac to OSX. Well its been 15 minutes now and still it has not booted into the OSX setup screen. It just shows a "no smoking" type symbol, and a little circle like its doing something and the iMac Remote Install Mac OSX app just says "Waiting for MBA to startup"... but its taking so goddamn long! How long is it supposed to take to reach the OSX setup screen over wireless?
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Jun 11, 2009
I've just bought a 500GB Western digital scorpio blue HD. I'm going to put it in my mac mini which I don't have yet. I have a macbook at the moment, so want to format the new drive so it's ready to put straight in the mini and use
Is it OK if i put the 500GB HD in the macbook, then boot it from disc and install leopard onto it that way? Or do i need to format the disc in some way before I install leopard?
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Feb 9, 2012
I noticed my notebook running a little slower than usual so I took the usual steps, without much luck. I then verified and repaired disk permissions in Disk Utility. Tried to use disk repair but got a message that the disk was damaged and I needed to boot from an install disc and run Disk Utility from it. I put the disc in, chose it as my boot disc in Preferences, and ever since once I power up all I get is the chime and a blank grey dead screen. proceed or at the very least remove the disc from the SuperDrive
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2, 4GB RAM
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Mar 26, 2012
I bought a Mac OSX 10.6.3 Snow Leopard CD (Family Pack) to upgrade on my Macbook Pro, but it won't boot. There are sound like it was running but it reject in the end. My Macbook Pro is Intel Core Duo 2GHz with 2GB Ram. It is currently running OSX 10.5.8. I tried the disc on other Macbook running 10.6.6 purchased 2-3 years ago and it work. So I don't really know what happen with mine. My DVD drive work fine though.
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Apr 18, 2012
I'm installing a new HD in my MBP and realise that I don't have my original dvd's to hand. I've created a time machine back up of the machine, but I can't boot from that can I?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Feb 27, 2008
if you recall a thread I started trying to get help on why the Mac Pro was crashing... I finally narrowed it down.After speaking to about 4 different people at apple.... they had me run the Apple Hardware Test off the boot CD.I took out EVERYTHING except the 2nd DVD burner (Apple Branded Superdrive from my old 2.5 Dual G5)... and ran the test.The Hardware Test ACTUALLY FROZE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAM TEST.I thought I had bad aftermarket ram... as it wasn't playing nice with the Apple ram when I added them together.Looks like I had fine aftermarket ram... the Apple ram was bad.I REPLACED the Apple Ram with the Aftermarket Ram... and the Hardware Test completed fine.So, now I'm going to be calling them again in the morning and letting them know what happened. I wonder if they'll just let me RMA the bad ram, or if I'm going to have to lug this dang thing down to an apple store.I WONT BE HAPPY IF I HAVE TO DO THAT.Oh, and no more lockups since switching out the ram... and all the other quirks (not able to burn CDs in Windows, sloooow Internet page draws, etc...) are all but gone now.
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