MacBook Pro :: Switch Keyboard From Qwerty To Azerty?
Mar 26, 2012
I already have a french mcbook pro and I want to use the spanish keyboard after changing it with the flag but the keyboard appears in qwerty and I want to switch it to have it in azerty without changing the language
I just installed the new iMac but when I've been asked on the type of keyboard I answered "Italian" by mistake.
Now some keys are not typing the right character (eg : y and z are inverted), and some others.
I would need to change this, or do it again since the beginning, but when I enter into preferences --> keyboard --> I cannot find any place where I can change that setting.
I have recently gone cold turkey on QWERTY in favour of the Dvorak keyboard layout, to see if it's really all that it's cracked up to be. However one thing really bugs me, and that is when entering my password in the log-in window, the keyboard remains in QWERTY mode. This is especially annoying because I have actually switched the keycaps on my keyboard to the Dvorak format, so I have to rely on my muscle memory to type my password in QWERTY when I'm logging in after a restart.
Does anyone know how to fix this so that the log-in window is in Dvorak format as well? I am the only user of this computer, so if a fix exists that applies to all users, well, that doesn't matter - as long as I can still undo it later on if I decide QWERTY is better after all. (basically, I want to make the Dvorak layout a system-level default rather than just a user-level default)
I alternate between French and English regularly when typing, but every time I have to go to System Preferences (or add an ugly flag that does not match the color-scheme to the status-bar) and change the language. Is there a way to have a keyboard shortcut that switches between two keyboard shortcuts?
Is there a way to switch off the Keyboard Backlighting on a Macbook pro only when it is on battery power?I have been through the energy saver settings and it appears that the settings apply to both power and battery.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13 inch 2.4Ghz Core i5 4 GB RM
I have a PC and a Mac at work. With that I also have a mouse and a keyboard for each. Is there a way that I can just use one mouse and keyboard for both of these computers?
Using the official AIM client on my PC, I can switch conversation tabs with ctrl-tab. On Mac, however, I can't seem to figure out any key combination that allows me to switch tabs. Is there a shortkey or any way to enable a shortkey?
If not, is there an alternative AIM client that supports tabs, chat history logging, and preferably direct IM?
Today I upgraded from mac os 10.5.3 to 10.5.5, and now whenever I play World of Warcraft, I can't use the keyboard shortcuts to switch between spaces. Since I am an AVID spaces use (particularly when playing WoW), I am determined to find an elegant solution to this beyond reinstalling an older version of leopard.
That being said, on Windows I would start tinkering with the registry, seeing if there is a setting that may have been switched for full-screen applications that prevented the use of the shortcuts, etc. And, after doing some digging, I did find some basic files for Spaces (Resources, XML .plists, etc), but couldn't find anything like the registry where the settings are laid there such a thing? If so, how do I find/tinker with it?
I realize that you're encouraged NEVER to mess w/system settings blah blah etc... I've got everything backed up on the machine and could format/reinstall without any issues.
I have a Korean language keyboard that I'm using with Lion that has a key next to the spacebar for switching language (han/yang = korean/english). I would like to use this key to switch languages rather than apple space. Is there any way to make this happen? I tried changing the keyboard shortcuts, but am unable to do so. The OS doesn't recognize the key.
I currently have 4 input sources on my mac (English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish).
I use the keyboard shortcuts Command+Space and Command+Shift+Space, and I also have it set to automatically switch input sources as I switch to a document, but for some reason, it's just not working out very well for me. I feel like I'm always typing in the wrong language - particularly if I have tabs open in Safari with different languages, or something like Facebook chat which is in the same window, but may require all 4 languages.
I'm wondering if there is any way to set language-specific shortcuts, for example Control+Command+E -> English, or Control+Command+H -> Hebrew.
I looked in the menus of BetterTouchTool but could find nothing...
Do I need to make some kind of script or app to do this?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
If I select from the menu bar another available wireless network (one without a password for example) and then switch back to my own wi-fi network, am I still safe?
Did the fact that I connected to another network present any risks?
I did not send any private info during that time, any risks of getting hacked?
I use the Dvorak keyboard layout on my MacBook Pro, but like to use the Dvorak-Qwery Command option, which means that Cmd+* uses the Qwerty layout (When I try to use Dvorak for Cmd, I always end up pressing Cmd+Q when I don't mean to).
This works great in every app I've tried so far, except for one: Microsoft Word (and possibly the other Office apps as well). Initially, I dismissed it as a problem with Word 2004, and figured it would be fixed in 2008. I was mistaken - kind of.
Sometimes restarting is not enough: you need to power off your Mac, wait for a little, and power it on again.It could be a script which act like the "schedule" program in system preferences: it would switch off the Mac immediately, the add 1 minute to the current time and switch it on again.
I used to just closed my Mac instead of pressing the shutdown button; I tried this time but I cannot shut it down anymore, also my keyboard cannot control the volume or turn on the keyboard-light. Also I remember there is like a back-up shortcut (or something like that don't know what is it exactly named) consisting of three keyboard button.
So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.
He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.
I just got a new Macbook Pro and f5 and f6 are used for the keyboard backlight. I don't need f6 but I'd like f5 to refresh the browsers. In preferences I can switch the f keys to be the default, but I just want this for f5. Does someone know how to do this?
I currently use an iMac (20" late 2006 model) as my main computer, but for my next I am seriously considering a MacBook Air. I bought my iMac with the intention of using all of it's power (I got the 2.33Ghz with 256mb X1600), but the only time I really tap into the processor is when I encode video, which I do rarely anymore, and when I play games, which I never do anymore since I have a PS3 for that. Now, all I really do is websurf, listen to music, use Garageband, and other basic stuff.
i know you've already tackled this a thousand times, but, having read those thousand threads, i'm still not sure which of these i should go for. you all seem generous with your opinions, so i'll ask again.i need to replace my 4 year old dell 700m (12.1", 1.6ghz, 512mb ram, tiny 24gb HD) as it has become painfully slow and things are beginning to stop working. i've very much enjoyed its portability (it's small and weighs just over 4 pounds) which is why the MBA has caught my eye. my concern, is that i've heard all these things about it being underpowered - but underpowered for what? the lure of the MBP, of course, is that it's a lot more power for its moderate increase in bulk and weight.
I've been following this forum for over 2 months now and I'm proud to say that it helped me to finally make the decision to buy a mac. I've always been an iPod-fanatic but a completely new OS seemed like a very drastic change. I recently moved houses and now I live about 200 metres from an apple store, so I guess it was just a matter of time before I caved in .Now that I've been using my new laptop for about a week I can honestly say that I've never enjoyed using a computer as much as I do now. I'm already getting frustrated when using my PC (a Dell Inspiron 1525) to transfer files because it doesn't function as fluently as my mac, I believe that this is a good sign . What I like the most about my new machine are the multi-touch gestures on the trackpad and the very good battery life (I can easily watch over 3.5 hours of video with Airport turned off and low light conditions. Coming from barely 1h15 of word processing on my Dell, I can say that I'm quite impressed). I'm also a lot more productive on this computer than I ever was on any other laptop, I don't know what it is but i'm guessing it has something to do with the fullscreen option in Pages '09. Also, the backlit keyboard is incredibly useful when instant messaging in my room in the middle of the night without my parents knowing, or typing in dark lecture halls.
I recently downloaded the Switch App, after finding that I don't need it anymore I decided to uninstall it but wont uninstall, tried doing what apple tutorial still its there.