Applications :: Keyboard Shortcut To Switch Tabs In AIM?
Sep 22, 2010
Using the official AIM client on my PC, I can switch conversation tabs with ctrl-tab. On Mac, however, I can't seem to figure out any key combination that allows me to switch tabs. Is there a shortkey or any way to enable a shortkey?
If not, is there an alternative AIM client that supports tabs, chat history logging, and preferably direct IM?
I alternate between French and English regularly when typing, but every time I have to go to System Preferences (or add an ugly flag that does not match the color-scheme to the status-bar) and change the language. Is there a way to have a keyboard shortcut that switches between two keyboard shortcuts?
I'm a multitasker, like many others out there. When I surf I like having many tabs open in my browser. My browser of choice is Firefox due to one single reason: Firefox allows quick switching between tabs using CMD + # (nr.). If I want to jump to the fifth tab in Firefox I simply press CMD + 5.
In Safari this key combination opens the fifth bookmark in my bookmark bar.
Question: Is there a way to "quick switch" between tabs in Safari other than CMD + SHIFT + ARROW LEFT/RIGHT (which gets stuck in text field etc.)?
Safari is otherwise quicker than Firefox on my Mac, so the decision to only run Safari would be obvious if it wasn't for this small thing.
I would love to get rid of the four finger swipe left/right that switches applications and replace it with switching tabs in Safari. I have Googled this -- MultiClutch doesn't recognize four finger swipe. Can anyone think of solutions?
I would use Firefox, but twisting is really annoying.
I have been googling around but I can't find anything sufficient. I would like a simple way to enable a keyboard shortcut to toggle bluetooth on and off; one feature I enjoy having turned on is the option under Universal Access to disable the trackpad if an external mouse is connected. This is great when I'm at my desk, but if I move my MacBook Pro to another room it doesn't necessarily disconnect the bluetooth mouse and thus I have to go back to my desk to shut the mouse off in order to get my trackpad back again.
So a quick simple tool, like maybe fn+B or cmd+B or whatever, would be awesome.
I tried recording an Automator macro but it can't discern whether bluetooth is on already or not, plus there was a huge lag time of five seconds each time I triggered it (on top of it stealing window focus).
I currently use Spark on my mac to have a keyboard shortcut for quickly switching to/opening iCal. I would love, however, if I didn't have to be running the SparkDaemon all the time. Anyway to do this within keyboard shortcuts?
Back in the days I used a PC, I used to be able to assign custom quick phrases (like "Sincerely, Emily") as a keyboard shortcut. For instance I'd assign my phrase to F3 or something...and then voila!!! I could insert commonly typed phrases into my emails or word processing. SO NICE! And I miss that. Anyone seen this feature in Mac Mail?
Magic Mouse has this ballyhooed two-finger swipe feature that (in any browser, apparently - I use Chrome) lets you go back and forth on a page. That's great, except I rarely need to go back or forth; switching tabs, however, is way more useful. Is there a way to set up the mouse to do that instead?
I was just wondering if there was a way to change the short cut key combination for switching tabs on safari. I wanted to change it to something like cmd and arrow direction instead of using cmd + shift + [ or ] for directions.
Just curious as to whether or not I could assign gestures to commands? I want to make a four finger swipe left/right switch tabs in Safari. It's possible to do with with my Logitech mouse but when I'm not using my mouse I feel as if a four finger swipe would be much easier than command+shift left/right.
In iWork 08's Pages application, I need a keyboard shortcut to edit the cell contents. Example: current cell contains the text "new client" -- I decide I want it to read "new clients" without typing it all over again. In Excel for Windows, I would hit F2, that would give me a cursor at the end of the word "client" and I was good to go.
my safari upon opening shows a tab for the current window. i thought tabs only appeared when you have 2 or more concurrent windows open at the same time.
is there a way to hide the tab when you only have 1 window open?
I've been searching in vain around the internet for a few days now for a way to change the hotkey for switching between spaces (by default, option-arrow keys, though I have changed it to command-option-arrow keys) to option-tab and shift-option-tab. To be more specific, I'd like option-tab to switch to the space to the right, and shift-option-tab to switch to the space to the left. I have downloaded BetterTouchTool (, and it can assign any shortcut key to the simple option of bringing up the spaces interface itself, but I can't find a way to assign a different shortcut key to actually switching spaces. Interestingly, using that app, I was able to assign a five finger swipe (which blew my mind, by the way) in the corresponding direction for which space I wanted to switch to by assigning the gesture to the shortcut key for switching spaces (so, five finger swipe to the right is assigned to command-option-right arrow).
I like to keep my laptop cool, so I usually run on the integrated 9400 graphics chip. But lately I've been finding myself playing a lot of games on my unibody mbp. However, it gets kind of tedious to have to continually switch over to the "better performance" 9600M option in energy saver. Instead of opening energy saver, clicking "better performance" and then restarting, is there a simple applescript or shortcut I can just double click that will do all this for me? I'd like to just place that script on the desktop and call it "play games" or something." I know it's a small inconvenience, but does anyone have a solution? Or can anyone make a simple automator or applescript to handle this?
Is there a way to exchanging/switch primary/secondary display in OSX via shortcut instead of manually dragging the menu bar between the "displays layout" in the displays pref under "Arrangement tab" ? I'm very surprised that apple didn't address this simple issue yet.
I open two apps in my macbook, how can i select the app without clicking on it?.I know that f3 > mission control and then click, but i want to switch between apps with keyboard shortcut.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for switching search engines in Safari's search box (I believe Chrome had this feature before they got rid of the search box in the latest version)? The arrow on the left-hand side is cumbersome.
I set my fn key to display all windows (same as F3 default). I would like to remove this, but it doesn't show up on the system preferences shortcut list. Pressing "Restore Defaults" does nothing to alleviate the problem. Is there a way that I could reset all of my default shortcuts through terminal or something more powerful than system preferences?
I use Macbiff to check my email. I guess you'd say it's a background app; it has no dock icon or cmd-tab icon; it resides solely in the menu bar. To check email, I have to click its menu bar icon and select Check Now from the drop down menu. I have created a keyboard shortcut for "Check Now", but I can't figure out a way to give the app focus in order to use the shorcut, aside from clicking the icon, which obviously defeats the purpose. FN-ctrl-F8 gets me to the menu bar, but not to Macbiff...this only works for OS based menu bar items, not 3rd party apps. Aside from a 3rd party keyboard app, is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? 3rd party apps don't see Macbiff as a running application anyhow.
You know how in Windows you can use the tab key to tab through fields in a dialogue box until the OK or Cancel button is selected, then use the enter key to execute one's choice? Well how does one do that in Leopard? For example, I am entering a lot of transactions into my accounting software (MYOB) and each entry has to be recorded by hitting the OK button. It's highlighted in blue but hitting the enter key doesn't do it and I cannot tab to it. It would speed things up greatly if I didn't have to keep mousing to the button.
It wasn't until I got my new MPB that I realized how much I use Spaces on a daily basis, when I had my whitebook.
I've set up Spaces on my new uMBP but can't find a way to "view all my spaces." You know, the overview look of spaces, when you can see all your spaces at a glance and click to switch on whichever space you wanna enter.
Well, I can't for the life of my figure out how to set up a keyboard shortcut for this. Back on my whitebook it was always set to F10, but looking at the new layout of buttons on the top row of the keyboard, there are some buttons I'd like to leaver untouched.
F1+F2: Screen brightness controls I'd like to leave untouch since they're obviously useful.
F3: This is Expose right? Giving me a view of all open windows. Well, can't I just do this already by moving 4 fingers downward on the trackpad? If that's the case, which I think it is I wouldn't mind assigning F3 a different shortcut, like Spaces. But how?
F4: Dashboard. On the whitebook it was always F12, guess it'll just take some getting used to.
F5+F6: Backlit keyboard dimmers, i'm fine leaving thouse as is.
F7-F12: Controls media with the back, play/pause, next button which I love & the sound controls which I don't mind.
In System Prefs. in Spaces I'll set "Activate Spaces" to F3 but still F3 will do Expose. I'm not sure how to change this.
& I have no idea what secondary mouse click or middle mouse button is...i'm guessing this has to do with mighty mouse? Me no have one, just using the trackpad..
i have a 13in macbook before the intel core duo so i have TWO enter buttons, but they both dont work now. I tried using the keyboard shortcuts under system preferences to make a shortcut to do the same thing as the enter button but no luck. I dont know what to do now.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for Stickies? (the "post-it note" application in Mac OS x). I can swear I remember using one a couple years ago, but cannot for the life of me recall one or find one using google.