MacBook Pro :: Screen Hinge Becomes Weak Because Of Too Much Play?
Jun 15, 2009
on my old white 13" MB when I pick up the computer to take it to another room with the screen open it would never move back and forth. When I would tilt it at a 45% angle it wouldn't move. Now I just purchased a new 15" MBP (sweet btw). My only issue seems to be that when I tilt the computer 45% or more the screen almost closes.Is it a weak hinge? Can that be tightened at an apple store (I am lucky and have 4 that are within about 35 to 40 minutes here in NJ)?
I bought myself a 13" Macbook pro last july and have loved it. However, the hinge on it has always felt quite flimsy. Recently, I noticed that when I move the screen it sometimes makes faint creak sounds, and I have found that I can push the hinge from side to side (Sorry if this is hard to understand).Is this something to worry about? My Mac is still under warranty and it still works fine, I'm just worried this problem escalates and the hinge ends up snapping.
Whenever I put my display at a wider angle, it will fall and gradually close. I've found that it will only stay if the screen is perpendicular to the ground. Does anyone see what I'm talking about, or is this just my machine? It's kind of annoying for me.
Since there's been sometime,about a couple of months?, that users have been using it maybe it might be a bit premature to ask, but surely it's enough time for some problems to have at least started appearing?
My Macbook Pro is fairly new, and the hinge on both side is already making squeaking noise when I open my screen. It gets a bit annoying, I open it from the center top of the screen, not by the side. Is this a problem that I should be taking to the Apple Store? Or this can be fixed easily?
I have 3 problems with my aluminum macbook and I think that they are all related and are caused by each other.1) The hinge creeks sometimes when I slowly close the screen and I'm afraid it will only get worse as this just started happening.) When the macbook is closed, the screen is uneven. The right side does not completely close and there is a gap between the base of the computer and the screen. However, the left side is just fine unless I push down on the right side then the left side just goes up and becomes uneven.
I got my Unibody MacBook the first day they were available, and since late December, the hinge has gotten stiffer and stiffer, making a cracking noise when I move it after it stays in one position for a few seconds.
I took it to the Genius Bar (covered under AppleCare) but the people there wouldn't do anything about it, saying it's within normal spec and classifying it as a "user perception issue." (The slightly condescending sound of that phrase is for another post.)
Has anyone attempted to lubricate the hinge in their laptop themselves? I removed all of the bottom paneling and looked at the hinge, but didn't see how to separate it from the case easily. Would it be a bad idea to try to squirt a little silicone lubricant into the hinge to see if that helps the issue? Is there another trick I could try.My mom has a Unibody Pro with a hinge that glides nice and smoothly and it's annoying mine is no longer working properly like this.
On another post...I indicated that I bought a MacBook Pro 13 inch laptop loaded up with all the goodies and decided to cancel my order due in part to possibly saving by installing my own SSD and RAM. I did not really mention the main reason that I cancelled my order....
I did not mention that I went to a local Best Buy and checked out the 13 inch MacBook Pro on display. I was kind of shocked to note the amount of wiggle that was present on the display screen of the 13 inch. I read another thread about the screen becoming loose and wobbly on the 13 inch MBP after time.
Does this occur on the 15 and 17 inch models as well?
I have a 3-4 year old 15 inch MBP and the screen is still solid as a rock. I hate to spend dollars on a lesser quality product so I thought I would ask if this screen weakness comes with all of the newer MacBook Pro models.
(I did not check out the 15 or 17 inch models at Best Buy...but I intend to go back and see if they are weak also). I want to buy a 15 inch I hope that they are solid as a rock as my older MBP.
I noticed that my basically mint condition Mid2010 MBP's lid started clicking occasionally when I close it. It seems to happen on the left hinge, and only after the screen has been open for a while. Does anyone know what this is indicative of? I'm assuming that it means the screws on the hinge are either too tight or too lose. Should I attempt to fix it myself? I really do not feel like going to an Apple store to get it repaired if it's something simple like tightening a screw (yes, I know that in order to get to the actual lid, you have to do a lot of other disassembly, I've done it before).
Today I noticed that on my MBA Rev A, right screen hinge got damaged somehow. Wife said she heard a crack when she was closing the screen, and sure enough, something's messed up inside and won't close fully anymore. Screen also won't keep open as firmly as before, as right hinge became loose.The warranty is out since last year, so I tried opening it to see if there's something that I can do. Looks like some part of the hinge is broken. One little metal piece fell out of hinge when I scratched a bit there with a tiny screwdriver.On top of that, just last month my battery stopped holding charge anymore (have to keep laptop plugged in all the time or else it shuts down losing all my work when the battery meter shows ~20% life remaining)
Just sent in my 2-month MacBook Air which started squeaking in just a couple of weeks. Luckily still in warranty and they said they'll replace the whole screen clamshell for me for free.Certainly I wouldn't mind much since it's free, but is it absolutely necessary to replace the whole thing just to stop the hinge squeaking?
I have a macbook pro, and the screen/bezel is broken. Every time I open and close it I have to hold it etc. I am the only one who can use it with out making it completely horrible. Maybe drilling in some kind of brace or something. This stinks and stupid Apple is saying it's my fault (under warranty), and this just came about over time.
Lately I've noticed a loud popping noise when I adjust the tilt angle on my screen. The noise comes from the right side of the screen and is very loud. This happens when the screen angle has been stationary for a few minutes. I went to the Apple Store today and the genius told me it was normal.
After opening the lid yesterday morning, I noticed that the screen was extremely flimsy. Usually, it hardly rocks when i tap it, but now when I tap it, it rocks back and forth. I made an appointment with a local apple store for later this evening, but would they be able to fix this? I am very gentle with my Mac and have never dropped it. I also have AppleCare on it if that makes a difference.It seems to be the left side of the screen moving more than the right side is
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I was cleaning my 17" MacBook Pro today (purchased in March, 2011), and when I was cleaning near the screen, I noticed that the black plastic of the hinge made cracking noises as I ran my cleaning cloth across it (and every time I do it now with my finger). I have never had this happen before. Is this a known, harmless defect or is it something I should get looked at by someone at an Apple Store (still under AppleCare).
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.3GHz Intel Core i7
Iv had my macbook pro for probably a little bit under two years, I bought it when i started college and I am currently finishing my second year. I cannot complain about the performance at all as I have it upgraded to a solid state hard drive and 4GB of ram and the machine is a beast but some physical aspects of it do bother me a little bit. When living in the dorms last year it was hard to keep the machine in top shape especially when I had no idea where my desk was under the pile of GROSS in the room :P, thankfully I live in an apartment now.Anyways the problem that bothers me the most is the monitor hinge. I have seen this on a few laptops after a few years but basically when the LCD is open i can tap it lightly from behind and it will shake in a way it did not when it was first bought. It seems like it is a bit lose either right around the LCD or in the hinge area. I do not mind spending a few bucks and I am very good with my hands and computers in general, currently studying engineering, so I do not mind opening it up and doing some tweaks. Is there anything i can buy to improve this with or tutorial I can read on improving it? I would imagine this is a problem that would affect alot of people with this model of macbooks and as I never really did anything to cause this.
Build-quality wise the unibodies are really as perfect as I've ever experienced any machine to be. Simply amazing. BUT, the black plastic hinge cover is cheap and creaks as soon as I grab the computer or open the display. I opened her up to see if there was anything I could do to reinforce it or something, but I didn't want to mess with it.
Quite a few seem to have this 'issue' and I thought maybe somebody has figured out a solution?Such a shame on an otherwise perfect machine. I would have preferred the same kind of rubbery plastic that was on the old generation MBP
Mine is bulging out at the bottom of the screen, right by that area that gets burning hot when you are plugged in or are on the 9600m gt--right where is says "Macbook Pro".
I noticed that the hinge started to develop a creaking sound when I opened and closed the lid. So I investigated to see if there were any cracks in the hinge. What I found was that if you look at the space between the bezel and the screen, there is a slight (very slight) bulge right by the wording "Macbook pro". If you press down on it, it moves--unlike the rest of the bezel.
Anyone else notice this? I am pretty sure it is caused by the heat in that area. That is a really poor design.
I have recently noticed my 3 month old MacBook Air has 1/2" to 1" "play" or "slop" in the hinge. In other words, the screen will move 1/2" to 1" with little or no resistance. The hinge does not seem to have any adjustment or an easily fixed remedy.
I took it to the Southpark Genius Bar in Charlotte and at first they seemed quick to tell me there's nothing wrong. After further discussion, the Genius took my machine in the back for a closer look by whatever techs they have on site. Upon his return, he seemed much more perplexed and treated me as though I may have a valid concern.
While my machine was in the back I took the liberty of checking the three MacBook Airs on display. Two of the machines had screens with similar "play" as mine, the third one was much worse, maybe up to 2". I had the Genius make a note of my visit in the computer and told them I would monitor it for now and bring it back if it worsens.
My wife accidentaly dropped our ibook with the screen open. It landed on the corner of the screen, and the right hinge cracked a bit.It still close, but not perfect. It also seems that the hinge get worse every time I open and close it, so I left it open.happened a couople of weeks ago, and the machine it self runs perfect (or so it seems, no trouble since)I took it to my local Apple center and they said the hinge is a part of the screen, so to fix it they?ll have to change the screen. This is very expensive, especially due to the fact that it still works perfectly.The guy added that they MIGHT be able to improvise and just glue (or whatever) the hinge What do youthink are the chances that they can fix it without changing the screen?
So, recently I just moved into another house and, unfortunately, where I'm at, I'm not able to get internet service through my old provider (Verizon) and they were kind of my only option at this point. However, during this time, my laptop has been able to connect to a free, available, public wireless network near where I'm at. When I'm in a certain area of my house, it works great, but when I'm on the other side, in my office, I get next to nothing. Given that I need to do a lot of work out of my office, is there any sort of thing I can buy that will extend the signal to that part of house?
I'm using a set of Creative T12 Wireless Bluetooth Speakers which have, until recently, been fantastic. About a month ago i have noticed a marked drop in the volume i can get out of them when connected wirelessly. They work perfectly when wired up and also when connected wirelessly to my father's computer however when I connect, while i do get a signal, the maximum volume i can get out is less than that of the maximum on my macbook pro's internal speakers...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.
This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.
If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.Any ideas what to do? It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.
My laptop is only about 3 weeks old, and I notice that the gap on the right side is bigger than the left side when I close my computer's (15" 2.8GHz MBP) lid. I am guessing the magnet on the right is not as strong on the left side. Pics below..
I know a few guys have had problems with the lid opening when the laptop is vertical (due to weak magnets).. I dont want it to get to that stage. Right now it barely just holds on.
2nd problem is with my power brick. There is a definate gap between the socket and the brick itself. is this normal? Again pics below..