MacBook Pro :: Wireless Network Signal Very Weak?
Jul 24, 2009
So, recently I just moved into another house and, unfortunately, where I'm at, I'm not able to get internet service through my old provider (Verizon) and they were kind of my only option at this point. However, during this time, my laptop has been able to connect to a free, available, public wireless network near where I'm at. When I'm in a certain area of my house, it works great, but when I'm on the other side, in my office, I get next to nothing. Given that I need to do a lot of work out of my office, is there any sort of thing I can buy that will extend the signal to that part of house?
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Jun 29, 2009
today my 3-year old MacBook's (core duo white) wireless suddenly dropped to a very weak level. I can't seem to get any signal unless I'm sitting right next to my router, like I am now. I know it's not my router because another laptop, my iPod Touch and my DS all can connect to the router as usual. I've been using said MacBook in the same room consistently for the three years since I've owned it, and never had any problems connecting before.
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May 21, 2009
I'm trying to access my wireless router from fairly far away and the signal is very weak. I wanted to make a cantenna to hook up to my MacBook but wasn't sure about how to go about that. Is there any way to boost the range by hooking up an external antenna to the Mac? Or is there any other cheap way to boost the signal from the computer end.
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Jun 24, 2012
I'm using a set of Creative T12 Wireless Bluetooth Speakers which have, until recently, been fantastic. About a month ago i have noticed a marked drop in the volume i can get out of them when connected wirelessly. They work perfectly when wired up and also when connected wirelessly to my father's computer however when I connect, while i do get a signal, the maximum volume i can get out is less than that of the maximum on my macbook pro's internal speakers...
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 15, 2009
We have high speed cable w/ which plugs straight into a router, the time capsule is plugged into the router, and our printer is connected to the time capsule, unfortunately, the actual Motorola (an old) router that the time capsule is plugged into, is much faster, even 2-3x (perhaps more) faster than the time machine on Wi-Fi, my iPod Touch barely loads anything on it (even right next to it), and my dads iPhone only works on the time capsule network.
(This is 2008 Model time capsule, not the newer 2009 one)
The MB Pro is normally within 3-7 meters of the time capsule,
I'm not sure why it's so slow, especially when the laptop (MB Pro) is down in the bedroom (maybe 20-25 meters away, in a very open house), it loads incredibly slow! I'm wondering if this is normal behavior? or are there settings to configure or what? I was also thinking of getting the newer model, and get an apple TV, but I'm worried that it might be incredibly slow, based on this previous model we have.
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Feb 28, 2009
i'm trying to setup a mini wifi hotspot in my shoe box of a bedroom. I have a mac pro, iBook and iPhone and i can't seem to get either the iBook or iPhone to connect to an "Airport Internet sharing" connection.
I thought it might be the thick aluminium box hampering the signal but i'm literally about 6ft from the MP tower and really shouldn't have problems from that range should i?
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Jan 4, 2010
I made a deal with a neighbor where we share the cost of internet. We use a wifi network and I use my MBP in my office and get 2, sometimes 3 bars of wifi. I wanted to extend wifi to the rest of the house and also be able to plug in my printer so I bought an airport express.First problem I'm running into is that where my 2009 MBP 13" laptop gets 2-3 bars, the router doesn't even SEE the wifi signal from the original D-Link Router.
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Sep 14, 2009
Random question, I have Uverse internet. The modem is also a WAP. Would it be possible to use an Apple Airport to receive the signal from the Uverse box wirelessly AND transmit a wireless network simultaneously?
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Sep 3, 2010
My Macbook Pro won't hold a wireless signal. I don't have another wireless signal to test, but have tested other devises which connect fine.
'07 model MBP core duo running OS4.11 + original Airport (hey it still works). The MBP will only stay connected now if my base station within 10' or so. It might connect 30' away, but looses the signal after loading a few pages online. It seems like its getting worse -- maybe not, but seems like it is. I can connect just find with my other MBP, iPod (streaming audio across the house, etc) and PS3.
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Mar 24, 2010
Can i upgrade my mid 2006 Blackbook A1181/MA 472 from G to N which seems to pick up at distance much better?
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm having trouble with my macbook. It's dropping the wireless signal right and left...sorta. Airport isn't disconnecting, it just stops recognizing the signal until I cycle the airport card off and on.
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Mar 15, 2009
I am on a macbook. My wireless was pretty decent during winter break but when I come back for spring break, it is ridiculously slow. The signal strength is completely full, but its almost dial up slow. my wireless on my iphone is blazing.
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Dec 25, 2009
on my new second hand ibook the wireless is really poor, 50% of the time it cant even find it, im using a bt homehub which on the pc it can run at about 6mb/s but the mac runs below 1 although last night it strangly went up to 5 for a miniute or two, i have tried making sure the airport card is in properly and the connector i assume is the ariel?? seems to not plug in very well? a little loose ? do i need a new aiport card?
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Jun 4, 2012
When I arrive at my office and turn on my MB Air, it does not always connect to my wireless network, it sometimes connects to an un-secured wireless network locaterd somewhere else in the building. Is there a way to force Lion to always connect to a specfic network and ignore others?
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Jun 14, 2008
I have a 2.66GHz Mac Pro and will be moving it to a room that does not have a wired internet connection but does have wireless in the house. Other than getting a USB wireless adapter is there any way else so I can take advantage of the wireless signal to get online using my Mac Pro?
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Oct 4, 2005
I am using a wireless network on my 17" PB and the signal strength is low and am downloading music, how can I increase the signal strength (lets say i cannot move).
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Apr 20, 2009
Is there a program where I can see the signal strength on my mac? I just want to know if it can be done without a third party program.
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Dec 9, 2009
Has anyone had this problem? Since updating to 10.6.2 my wireless signal will stop working after about five minutes, the only fix is to turn off my wireless connection then back on again and its fine. I'm on a Mac Pro, the Mrs has a Macbook with 10.5 and she gets no hassle at all so I'm pretty sure its not the router.
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Dec 9, 2009
I get internet from my neighbor next door, and where exactly about 18 ft. apart. I know that having a repeater or an external antenna can solve the problem but i cant afford those things right now. I know that on pc you can go to task manager and conentrate your bandwidth percentage to internet explorer, but is there anything like that i can do to my mac? also any other free way would be good too.
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Oct 6, 2010
Is this an issue for anyone else? Recently got my first wireless Apple keyboard for the living room. It seems to lose signal a bit in certain positions. Might be AntennaGate #2, I haven't quite figured out if I'm blocking signal or what. Generally I move it a bit and signal comes back right away.
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Jan 25, 2007
I live where there are city-wide WiFi connections. I actually live a block or two from one of the routers. The only problem is that my powerbook 12" has the hardest time picking up a signal, in fact I often have a hard time picking up wireless signals unless I'm right near them.
I realize this is one fault of the 12-banger, but it's almost as if mine sucks more than usual. Anyways, I know there is a way to extend the wireless capabilities. I've seen hacks where an antenna is actually soldered on, which is a route I would rather not take. If I had a windows machine there are several USB adapters to extend the range. Are there any of these that will work with a Mac?
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Aug 12, 2009
Can I add an Airport Extreme to a network to get a stronger signal? Im using my roommates wireless (WAP) signal with only one bar. I have the white Airport Extreme that looks a flying saucer. (802.11g?) to his Linksys wireless.
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Dec 24, 2009
I want it to provide a boost to the signal in the basement for my touch. As well as stream music from my laptop. The issue Im having is that the music keeps on cutting out. The newer one this is listed under is working fine, but on the other side of the room, it is setup to Extend the 'n' network (which I assume means allow my laptop better signal in the basement.)
The older one is on a b/g network, which I setup as a WDS network and then setup the express as a WDS relay, which I assumed would provide signal strength for the b/g network in the house (so we are running b/g & n). But setting it up as a relay it still loses connection with the laptop (I am assuming this is with the b/g network itself) and I believe that the touch's WiFi connection also drops with the music, because it is all the b/g network.
The b/g network trickles into the basement, but I assumed with the b/g touch setup as a WDS Relay, that it would strengthen the signal for my touch and ALSO keep the signal strong between the laptop and the express (Im guessing they are talking over b/g). But after being setup as a WDS relay the music is still dropping, and I only assume the touch's wifi signal is dropping as well! I also had to setup the ENTIRE b/g network as WDS because I did not get an 'extend range signal'.
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Nov 22, 2009
i am trying to get my airport extreme to receive a wireless signal and send it through a ethernet cable to my computer. how would i go about doing this?
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Mar 28, 2012
I just got a Mac Mini no too long ago and while moving to my new apartment, my wireless router had a tragic accident and is no longer with me. So I thought "hey, I will just use my Mac Mini to broadcast a wifi signal so my other devices can connect to it." So I spent the morning setting up the internet sharing in the Mac Mini system preferences. Got my Dell Studio 1555 to connect with no issues. But my roommates acer notebook won't pick up the wifi signal at all. Checked it on both of our smart phones (both are android models), my nook, and even my ipod touch. It is only showing up on the dell for some reason. I was wondering if anyone else has encoutered this issue before Mac mini is currently set up with 128bit wep with a 13 character password.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 30, 2009
So this is my network set up:
A) Cable Modem connected to ethernet cord to new Airport Extreme Base Station.
B) Three Airport Expresses located around my house set on extending the network.
The airport extreme station is in the master bedroom and the room I am in is approx. 15-25ft away (thru a wall of course). I ran iStumbler and am getting ~42% signal and 23% noise from the main airport extreme. I am getting about 49% from one airport express with ~15% noise, ~42%/17%, and ~45%/15% from the last. Sometimes they can drop as low as 35% signal... This is not prime. Now, I do get better signal during the day, so other networks could be interfering.
I have checked local networks and their respective channels, and moved mine to an all time random number of 3. The other networks are mainly on channels 6, 8, and 11. Before I moved my network to 3, it was on channel 11. I get the same signal/noise before and after the channel move. Finally, to finish off the description... This current computer is located on the third floor. The main airport extreme is located on the third floor as well, with a relay airport express right outside the door of the master bedroom. It relays to the other 2 airport expresses. (it is also a regular airport express). Currently, all Airports are set at a Multicast rate of 2mbps.
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Dec 7, 2014
I think there is an icon error in OS X Yosemite. The third icon above is slightly larger than all the other icons, distorting the WiFi signal when searching for a WiFi network.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 27, 2009
my Mac Pro has a very weak wireless connectivity � 4-10% packet loss on average, so I want to try to upgrade it's Airport antennae (I've had the same issues on my PC before I bought Mac Pro, I fixed them by upgrading the antenna).
Does anyone have any experience with external antennae for the built-in Mac Pro Airport card?
What are the plugs in Airport called? (RP-SMA � is that right?)
Are there any converters to RP-TNC, so I could plug a normal external PC antenna? Will there be any problems?
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Feb 24, 2010
I have been having a few issues with browsing being slow so I Option-Clicked Airport and it says I have 86 signal strength but the Transmit Rate is 18.
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Sep 4, 2014
Teaching in Netherlands. When connected to wireless, signal bars are full but Macbook does not display any page just a blank page. Itunes and App store both work fine.
My windows notebook and Android phone both connect to wireless.No proxy options are ticked.Ran the Assistant Diagnostics: Selected Wireless, Network settings, ISP, Internet, Server went green/red then back to green with messafe saying Network Change detectedRestarted routerRemoved wifi network and reconnectedRan wireless diagnostics, nothing shows up Renewed DHCP LeaseChecked the Ipv4 and Router address - both begin 192.168.178.xThere are two DNS Server numbers - checked both and they are related to the ISP
Dont have ethernet cable to check wired connection
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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