MacBook Pro :: Screen Hinge / Bezel Broken

Apr 8, 2010

I have a macbook pro, and the screen/bezel is broken. Every time I open and close it I have to hold it etc. I am the only one who can use it with out making it completely horrible. Maybe drilling in some kind of brace or something. This stinks and stupid Apple is saying it's my fault (under warranty), and this just came about over time.

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Started To Develop Creaking Sound / Slight Bulge Between Bezel And Screen

Dec 12, 2009

Mine is bulging out at the bottom of the screen, right by that area that gets burning hot when you are plugged in or are on the 9600m gt--right where is says "Macbook Pro".

I noticed that the hinge started to develop a creaking sound when I opened and closed the lid. So I investigated to see if there were any cracks in the hinge. What I found was that if you look at the space between the bezel and the screen, there is a slight (very slight) bulge right by the wording "Macbook pro". If you press down on it, it moves--unlike the rest of the bezel.

Anyone else notice this? I am pretty sure it is caused by the heat in that area. That is a really poor design.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Was Extremely Flimsy And Broken Hinge On It?

Mar 31, 2012

After opening the lid yesterday morning, I noticed that the screen was extremely flimsy. Usually, it hardly rocks when i tap it, but now when I tap it, it rocks back and forth. I made an appointment with a local apple store for later this evening, but would they be able to fix this? I am very gentle with my Mac and have never dropped it. I also have AppleCare on it if that makes a difference.It seems to be the left side of the screen moving more than the right side is

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Lose Lower Bezel Hinge

Jul 11, 2009

The black strip that covers the hinge on my mbp (the one beneath the MacBook Pro writing) is getting increasingly loose. It slides left and right and also makes clicking noises whenever the lid is opened / shut. Obviously this is a cosmetic annoyance, but as ever, this wasn't the cheapest of laptops so faults like this are quite annoying. Anyone else had similar issues? Also is there way of taking it off and repositiong it without having to take too much of the machine apart?

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PowerPC :: Hinge Broken On IBook, Got To Change The Screen?

Oct 28, 2005

My wife accidentaly dropped our ibook with the screen open. It landed on the corner of the screen, and the right hinge cracked a bit.It still close, but not perfect. It also seems that the hinge get worse every time I open and close it, so I left it open.happened a couople of weeks ago, and the machine it self runs perfect (or so it seems, no trouble since)I took it to my local Apple center and they said the hinge is a part of the screen, so to fix it they?ll have to change the screen. This is very expensive, especially due to the fact that it still works perfectly.The guy added that they MIGHT be able to improvise and just glue (or whatever) the hinge What do youthink are the chances that they can fix it without changing the screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Anti-glare Bezel WARPING; Hinge Creaking?

Jul 14, 2009

Can the owners of anti-glare models check their bezels to see if they are warping?ine is bulging out at the bottom of the screen, right by that area that gets burning hot when you are plugged in or are on the 9600m gt--right where is says "Macbook Pro".I noticed that the hinge started to develop a creaking sound when I opened and closed the lid. So I investigated to see if there were any cracks in the hinge. What I found was that if you look at the space between the bezel and the screen, there is a slight (very slight) bulge right by the wording "Macbook pro". If you press down on it, it moves--unlike the rest of the bezel.

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MacBook Air :: Broken Or Squeaky Hinge On Rev C

Oct 1, 2009

Anyone else have a squeaky hinge on a Rev C or any other? I hear all the talk about lose hinges and broken hinges but the absolute only worry (and it is not a big one) I have about my magnificent two month old Air is the squeak it makes sometimes when I open it up. I suppose that a too tight hinge could lead to a broken hinge but it doesn't sound like the kind of squeak that could lead to breakage. But who knows. If I open it very slowly it doesn't make it. Eventually I'll probably take it in, but not for now. Everything else looks and works too well.

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MacBook Pro :: Replace Aluminum Bezel With Black Bezel?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a 17" unibody MBP with the matte screen option. I've had it since last July and, although I'm extremely happy with it, I still wish it had the black bezel.

Does anyone know of an easy way to swap the bezel or if any company has made an alternative like a black vinyl sticker cover? I've searched high and low with no luck.

I know you can purchase the bezel/glass front mount for the mbp, but I don't need the glass and I don't know if you can separate the two?

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MacBook Pro :: Prefers The Silver Bezel To The Black Bezel?

Apr 22, 2010

Seems lots of people like the black bezel way more. I think the silver bezel actually looks nicer since it matches the color of the computer itself.

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MacBook Pro :: Replace Unibody Macbook Pro Bezel With Aluminum Anti Glare Bezel?

Feb 12, 2010

I want to know if there is some where i could purchase the part for the 15 inch unibody macbook pro's with the anti-glare option (aluminum bezel and matte lcd), to replace my glass/glossy lcd from my late 2008 unibody. I looked up the tech restore option but its looks crappy, id much rather pay for the parts and see if its swappable.

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MacBook Air :: Black Spots Around The Screen Bezel?

Mar 11, 2008

This is a minor complaint admittedly, but on a certain spot at the top of the bezel around my screen (just below and left of the camera) I have a black 'spot'. Every couple of days I wipe it away and it returns somehow! The only thing I can think is that maybe something is leaking from the trackpad (ie. from the inside of the machine but via the gap around the trackpad).

The machine is otherwise perfect, so I don't imagine there's anything seriously wrong inside...

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MacBook :: White Cracking Around The Screen Bezel

May 25, 2009

I took my Macbook into the Apple store yesterday, to be repaired for a few cracks i had on it. Looking at the Repair descriptions, I have noticed there a few extra thing the genius must have noticed, and included to be repaired, these are:

Item Number: 922-8285, Description: Housing, Bottom case, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: 922-8383, Description: Display Bezel, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: B661-5075, Description: Top Case W/Keyboard Assy Wht-GBR, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: S1491LL/A, Description: Hardware Repair-Level 2, Amount Due: �0.00

Does that mean that I will be getting the whole case, trackpad and keyboard included repaired, or will they just give me a whole new case. I was also told that there was a few hairline cracks around the screen bezel, I could not see them but according to the genius they where there so he included that to be repaired also. How long do repairs usually take, as i have my dissertation due on Friday, and would like my computer back by then.

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MacBook Air :: Skins To Make Screen Bezel Black?

Oct 30, 2010

I know there are lots of sites that sell those plastic skins people use to decorate their laptops, but has anyone see a black one to go around the new macbook air screen? I think this thing would look really sharp with a black bezel, and I don't want to risk painting it or anything myself. I've done a quick google search and not found anything, but I'm also not really familiar with the popular sites and companies people go to for this kind of thing. I know Techrestore has announced a service to replace your air's screen with a matte one and replace the bezel with a black one while they're at it...but right now I'm just looking for an inexpensive, reversible (in case I don't like it) option.

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MacBook :: Screen Quality - Matte Black Bezel?

Mar 23, 2009

For those of you that consistently read the Macbook Pro forum, you may have already heard of the Techrestore Matte Service. For those of you that don't: Techrestore essentially removes the glass from your Macbook, puts in a HQ matte screen. Then they make a matte black bezel to go around it. The pictures look great. And it's like on youtube and MacWorld and stuff. It was even ZDNET's best in show. [URL] (sideline3's techrestored macbook pro)

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MacBook Pro :: Tiny Screen Size And Larger Bezel

Sep 3, 2009

So I was in the Apple Store again yesterday and whilst looking around the different versions of the notebooks it suddenly struck me that, with all things considered, the 13" Macbook Pro isn't really a 'Pro'. It doesn't look or feel very Pro-like especially when you consider the lower spec, tiny screen size, and larger bezel. It really strikes home when you see all the 13", 15", and 17" laid out side-by-side on display. I really think by upgrading the 13" name to 'Macbook Pro' Apple are doing a grave injustice to all the customers who could afford and purchased the real Pros'.

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MacBook :: Silver Bezel - Anti Glare Screen - 17inch?

Jan 11, 2009

Does anybody know if Apple is going to bring the new silver bezel with matte screen to the regular Macbooks like they did with the new 17" MBP? I would buy in a second if they would!

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Making Squeaking Noise / Open Screen From Center Top Of Screen

May 31, 2008

My Macbook Pro is fairly new, and the hinge on both side is already making squeaking noise when I open my screen. It gets a bit annoying, I open it from the center top of the screen, not by the side. Is this a problem that I should be taking to the Apple Store? Or this can be fixed easily?

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Mac :: Hinge Creeks While Slowly Closing Screen - When Macbook Is Closed, Screen Is Uneven?

Jul 26, 2009

I have 3 problems with my aluminum macbook and I think that they are all related and are caused by each other.1) The hinge creeks sometimes when I slowly close the screen and I'm afraid it will only get worse as this just started happening.) When the macbook is closed, the screen is uneven. The right side does not completely close and there is a gap between the base of the computer and the screen. However, the left side is just fine unless I push down on the right side then the left side just goes up and becomes uneven.

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MacBook :: Hinge Making Cracking Noise / Lubricating The Hinge?

Sep 8, 2006

I got my Unibody MacBook the first day they were available, and since late December, the hinge has gotten stiffer and stiffer, making a cracking noise when I move it after it stays in one position for a few seconds.

I took it to the Genius Bar (covered under AppleCare) but the people there wouldn't do anything about it, saying it's within normal spec and classifying it as a "user perception issue." (The slightly condescending sound of that phrase is for another post.)

Has anyone attempted to lubricate the hinge in their laptop themselves? I removed all of the bottom paneling and looked at the hinge, but didn't see how to separate it from the case easily. Would it be a bad idea to try to squirt a little silicone lubricant into the hinge to see if that helps the issue? Is there another trick I could try.My mom has a Unibody Pro with a hinge that glides nice and smoothly and it's annoying mine is no longer working properly like this.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Screen Hinge?

Dec 7, 2010

On another post...I indicated that I bought a MacBook Pro 13 inch laptop loaded up with all the goodies and decided to cancel my order due in part to possibly saving by installing my own SSD and RAM. I did not really mention the main reason that I cancelled my order....

I did not mention that I went to a local Best Buy and checked out the 13 inch MacBook Pro on display. I was kind of shocked to note the amount of wiggle that was present on the display screen of the 13 inch. I read another thread about the screen becoming loose and wobbly on the 13 inch MBP after time.

Does this occur on the 15 and 17 inch models as well?

I have a 3-4 year old 15 inch MBP and the screen is still solid as a rock. I hate to spend dollars on a lesser quality product so I thought I would ask if this screen weakness comes with all of the newer MacBook Pro models.

(I did not check out the 15 or 17 inch models at Best Buy...but I intend to go back and see if they are weak also). I want to buy a 15 inch I hope that they are solid as a rock as my older MBP.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Clicking Screen Hinge - Way To Fix It?

Dec 21, 2010

I noticed that my basically mint condition Mid2010 MBP's lid started clicking occasionally when I close it. It seems to happen on the left hinge, and only after the screen has been open for a while. Does anyone know what this is indicative of? I'm assuming that it means the screws on the hinge are either too tight or too lose. Should I attempt to fix it myself? I really do not feel like going to an Apple store to get it repaired if it's something simple like tightening a screw (yes, I know that in order to get to the actual lid, you have to do a lot of other disassembly, I've done it before).

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MacBook Pro :: Gap In Screen Hinge/body?

Jan 7, 2011

Is it normal to have a slight gap between the screen hinge and the body? On right side there is about 1mm and on left side there is 2mm.

You can see it when the screen is open and when its closed on the back.

Ill try to attach pictures later.

But what do you guys and girls think? Does yours have a gap?

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Mac :: Macbook Pro Screen Hinge Operation

May 5, 2010

and lived to tell about it? I'm going to do it tomorrow when im putting a new drive in. My screen is getting loose..

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MacBook Air :: Screen Hinge Broke - How Can I Fix It?

May 13, 2010

Today I noticed that on my MBA Rev A, right screen hinge got damaged somehow. Wife said she heard a crack when she was closing the screen, and sure enough, something's messed up inside and won't close fully anymore. Screen also won't keep open as firmly as before, as right hinge became loose.The warranty is out since last year, so I tried opening it to see if there's something that I can do. Looks like some part of the hinge is broken. One little metal piece fell out of hinge when I scratched a bit there with a tiny screwdriver.On top of that, just last month my battery stopped holding charge anymore (have to keep laptop plugged in all the time or else it shuts down losing all my work when the battery meter shows ~20% life remaining)

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Mac :: Way To Tighten The Hinge That Holds The Macbook Screen Up?

Jun 27, 2008

if you get what i mean... mines a little loose.. its kind of annoying

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Hinge Becomes Weak Because Of Too Much Play?

Jun 15, 2009

on my old white 13" MB when I pick up the computer to take it to another room with the screen open it would never move back and forth. When I would tilt it at a 45% angle it wouldn't move. Now I just purchased a new 15" MBP (sweet btw). My only issue seems to be that when I tilt the computer 45% or more the screen almost closes.Is it a weak hinge? Can that be tightened at an apple store (I am lucky and have 4 that are within about 35 to 40 minutes here in NJ)?

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MacBook Air :: Creaky Hinge - Replace The Whole Screen?

Nov 2, 2009

Just sent in my 2-month MacBook Air which started squeaking in just a couple of weeks. Luckily still in warranty and they said they'll replace the whole screen clamshell for me for free.Certainly I wouldn't mind much since it's free, but is it absolutely necessary to replace the whole thing just to stop the hinge squeaking?

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Snap 13" - Screen Options

Sep 25, 2009

Lately I've noticed a loud popping noise when I adjust the tilt angle on my screen. The noise comes from the right side of the screen and is very loud. This happens when the screen angle has been stationary for a few minutes. I went to the Apple Store today and the genius told me it was normal.

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MacBook Pro :: Remotely Turn On Screen Sharing With A Broken Screen Running Snow Leopard

May 28, 2012

My daughter has dropped her ageing MBP, bent the screen lid and now the screen is no longer usable. We have other Macs available to access the data on the screen if we could turn on Screen Sharing on the damaged MBP running Snow Leopard. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Black Plastic Of Screen Hinge Cracks When Touched

Jun 12, 2012

I was cleaning my 17" MacBook Pro today (purchased in March, 2011), and when I was cleaning near the screen, I noticed that the black plastic of the hinge made cracking noises as I ran my cleaning cloth across it (and every time I do it now with my finger). I have never had this happen before. Is this a known, harmless defect or is it something I should get looked at by someone at an Apple Store (still under AppleCare). 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.3GHz Intel Core i7

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