MacBook :: Screen White-out And Horizontal Lines?
May 15, 2010The screen started by having the occasional 'white out' where it would be in use and a white screen would fade in for a few seconds then usually return to normal.
View 5 RepliesThe screen started by having the occasional 'white out' where it would be in use and a white screen would fade in for a few seconds then usually return to normal.
View 5 RepliesThere's some known documented issues concerning the Nvidia graphics chip in the particular model of macbook pro I have.
Basically when turning on the machine, the screen is filled with black & white horizontal strips like a piano keyboard, but thats it - it doesn't actually boot up fully at all, you cannot hear the hard drive running !
Would the hard drive have anything to do with this ?
I explained this to apple telephone support & they informed of the article
& stated that the symptoms were linked.
On taking the mac to an apple store they ran a special 'firmware' boot up 'test' using an instore ipod to determine if it was a faulty Nvidia chip, so as to prove to Nvidia, the company funding the repairs whether it is that to blame.
Because the machine didn't even boot up & complete the 'test' they couldn't say whether it was the graphics chip - so 'no free repair' under extended warranty & the final answer was as usual ' buy a new logic board' that will cure it !
This happens every time when I turn on my computer or restart. Otherwise all other computing and display are fine once I get passed the log in screen.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've had my macbook air 13" 256GB for four days now, I had it shipped to me in Canada because I wanted the ram to be changed to 8GB. When I'm scrolling around on the internet I see a horizontal line appear in the lower half of my screen, it disappears quickly so I haven't been able to get a screen shot. I have apple care, should I take my laptop in? Is this normal? I've been very careful with my laptop, I haven't dropped it or anything (I even have it in the Tech21 Impact snap case).
MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.2
I have a MBP purchased in late 2006 so it's fairly old.
Lately I've been having really random lock ups and freezing maybe once every week or so. Sometimes when I hard reset it, there's a few horizontal lines across the screen, usually just on the background. It'll go away if I restart it again.
I used the onboard disk checker and no problems are detected. Is this a sign that the hardware will fail soon?
my MacBook pro display that there are frequently horizontal grey lines going across my screen. I've noticed it mostly when the display color should be grey or white, but that's not always the case. It occurs mostly in my Google search bar using Firefox, and also occurs heavily on Facebook in the comments/reply section of a post. Outside of the browser I've also seen it when looking through some personal photos, especially of the sky, the lines will seem to sort of outline different contrasts in white or light tones, kind of like the Magic Wand tool would do in Photoshop. The lines do flicker and change when scrolling.I attempted to snap a photo with my iPhone the best I could.
My specs:
-13" Macbook Pro (2009)
-Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz
-NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
-Resolution: 1280x800, 32-bit Color
After 1 month there are small thin horizontal lines appear on my macbook pro screen. i never drop or bang or what so ever.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a 2 month old rMBP Mid 2014 and i am experiencing horizontal lines in the middle and bottom of the screen. For example, If i was browsing a site and then close the window you can still see parts of the website in the middle of the screen. I took the laptop in for the technicians to have a look and they a blaming it on the software,claiming that Gfxcardstatus is causing the problem. The problem still persists even with gfxcardstatus turned off. Does Gfxcardstatus do this? Is it the Lcd or gpu failure? Take a look at the photos ....
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
My iMac screen has developed multicoloured horizontal lines in random spots across the screen..Is there a fix for this?
Imac intel, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
when I start up in Safe Mode and only in Safe Mode in my iMac (mid 2011- HD 6970M 2048 MB) appears white horizontal lines. I changed already the graphic card almost before a year.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I thought it might have been a graphics card problem, but these lines move with the apps even in expose mode.
Its driving me nuts. I had this problem before while on 10.4 Tiger and now again on 10.5 Leopard (fresh install on new hard drive).
Over the past month I have encountered a number of bugs with Snow Leopard on my MacBook Pro (mid 2006). Ever once in a while, usually during high performance task (like watching flash or encoding with handbrake) the temperature of my cpu will spike to 85-90 degrees celsius and then the system freezes.
During this freeze, I can still move my mouse, but I am unable to click on anything on the dock or any program. Moving the mouse over the dock does not invoke the magnification either. I have to do a hard reset to fix the problem.
Also every once in a while, a long blue horizontal line will appear in on the screen. (sometimes their in iChat windows, sometimes safari, and sometimes the desktop as shown in the photo).
I purchased a late 2006 intel core duo iMac 20'' with an upgrade to os Lion. I've been using it for less than 24 hours, and it has managed to freeze up on me twice, with a followed appearance of pixel abnormalities, horizontal lines, etc. I did my research and it seems to be a graphics card problem, which is a Raedon ati x1600 ,256 mb.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late '06 iMac/2.16ghzICD/2gb
My mac screen is frozen with white fuzzy lines going across the screen. I shut it off and turn it back on but it still remains white fish lines on the start up screen. I've tried revolting it, it works sometimes but now its stuck at the starting screen. I have been at this for 2 hours to try and fix it but nothing has changed about the screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince yesterday, my screen has been acting really wierd. Every few hours, the screen goes all fuzzy with a bunch of white lines on it, and it becomes completely unusable. It only happens for a few seconds each time (fortunately, it's fine right now), but it's kinda got me worried because I need to keep this computer for 2 more years before getting a new one, and I can't afford to fix it. I can't stop using it because I need it for school, so if it breaks, I'm completely screwed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedRunning normally and if I adjust the screen angle it goes white with lines.Just started happening. 10.5.8 about 4 years old
Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
i was working on my macbook pro and suddenly the screen went white with lines through it. i tried a reboot and after the Apple icon shows screen goes white and does nothing.
i was on wireless so wen back and connected through wire and left over night in case it was heat
I've had my MBP for about 2 weeks and yesterday a white vertical line about an inch long appeared on the right edge of the screen.
It went away after a restart, so I thought nothing of it, but now another one has appeared. Picture:
They mostly appear only on the desktop, but occasionally crop up when I'm running apps.
Is this something I can fix or is it a video adapter issue? I have searched and come up with some similar motherboard issues but they are mostly older macs.
i have a MacBook Pro..I had my track pad replaced recently..I am not sure if it has anything to do with my screen, however, the screen is randomly turning gray and white with lines and fading out..What does this mean
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I recently got my laptop back after the logic board was replaced and now black lines with white text keep appearing on the screen. When this happens I cannot do anything except hold the power button in to reset.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
Just received the new 13" macbook air yesterday and today have noticed some very thin horizontal banding lines across the bottom portion of the screen.
Has anyone else noticed this, or check to see if your one has this problem.
It is quite subtle but it makes the icons on the dock look as if they have a card like effect through them.
Easiest to check if you make your screen wallpaper the dark grey colour.
On this the top part of the screen seems consistent, but at the bottom part there is very thin white horizontal lines. I tried updating the software, but it seems to be the same - looks like a faulty display may have to send back,wondering if it could be fixed with a software update.
The strange thing is black and dark colours do not produce the effect it only shows up on greys or medium contrast colours like blue.
I was excited to see if the horizontal lines would be corrected but to my dismay they are still there. Looks like it's going back to Apple.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have been Noticing about the Horinzontal linesASA i open my MacbookPro i see No color but when you move your mouse you can see the lines... which cut the mouse partially, Even when you visit forums the line could be see
View 1 Replies View RelatedI noticed that my built in iSight camera displays horizontal lines. Could this be an software issue that will be patched? It occurs in all applications, in all users and after an clean install.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have an IMac and first the screen went green not long after I got the power supply changed and now lines are appearing
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had my iMac for over 2 years now. Last Thursday, I left it on for more than 3 hours and it started having black and white verticals lines appearing on the bottom and top part of my desktop and the cursor. Yesterday, when I checked it again, it was still there! What can I do to fix it, WITHOUT going to a Apple store?
iMac, iOS 3.0.1, URGENT!
Simply using my Imac for watching tv on the web, Hulu, and left to help my wife get groceries in the house. My wife checked her email and closed Safari.
I came back in roughly 10 minutes from when she shut down Safari to see a black screen with white pinstriping, and the mac being totally unresponsive. Shut down and rebooted, sent off the report to Apple, and am now here with seemingly no problems.
Needless to say, as a photographer this computer is just about as important as my camera. Should I be worried? discovered the thread to this issue, which appears to be quite extensive.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
It's been happening for a few weeks and I really need to know if it's something bad or not because I can't afford a new laptop.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I put my PowerBook to sleep and left home with it about an hour ago. I just opened it and it woke up but the screen was black. I turned it off and back on. The white screen with the apple and progress wheel came on for a normal period of time, but then the screen went all white and there were several uneven horizontal lines across the middle and froze there. I forced a restart and the same thing happened but this time I got the semi transparent window that says need to restart. I did that and I got the same screen without the message.
View 5 Replies View RelatedStarting this morning, when I boot up my MBP, it seems fine through boot up, but when it reaches my desktop, the taskbar, dock and desktop icons never show up and instead I have horizontal lines across the screen. I tried booting up from my external hard drive, but I have the same issue. I can see the mouse and move it around and the desktop wallpaper shows up sometimes, but nothing else shows up. When I boot up in safe mode however, everything looks fine. I have not upgraded anything anything recently, either hardware or software.
Macbook Pro (Original), Mac OS X (10.6.4), AEBS, Apple TV