OS X V10.7 Lion :: Broken Screen On MacBook Pro - Unable To Show Desktop On External Display?
Jun 9, 2012
I have a broken screen on my MacBook air and have an external screen attached via thundbolt and hdmi connection when I boot up the unit it only shows second screen on external no dock or desktop so can not see system preferences or anything, need to find a way so then when I boot up system the external automatically comes the default screen
I have a Macbook Pro 2.16 Core Duo, and I'm wanting to install 10.6, but about a year ago, I cracked my screen to the point that I cannot make anything out on it, and haven't replaced it. Instead, I have just been using it in clamshell mode, which has worked out fine so far. My problem is that I cannot get the 10.6 install to show up on my external monitor.
I searched around, and could only find one other similar thread that just ended with the author putting it in clamshell and having it work fine. When I boot to the install and close the screen, I just get a grey box on my external display with a black bar on either side of it. I can't seem to find any other resources, so I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i have tried going to the disk utilities and remounting my external drives and checked for an option in system prefs, but my external drives (both flash drive and hard drive) just won't show up on my desktop. My computer isn't even a week old!
I got my MBA about 2 weeks ago, and in 3 different occasions some windows and parts of the desktop would show display artifacts. I am attaching snapshots. I didn't recognize any specific pattern that could cause this, and the CPU was not overheating when the fact happened. Every time it was sufficient to reboot the system, and the problem disappeared. I am worried it might be a hardware issue, maybe related to the integrated graphics. Should I have the MBA replaced?
My external HD won't show up anymore on my desktop nor does it get listed in disc utilities. I tried to cennect it to another mac but it doesn't show there either nor in that mac's disc utility. I happened to re-start the computer while the hd was connected and now it doesn't show up anymore. I use it for back-up via Time machine. I could re-format and do the back up all over again but then I need to find it first.
My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all.Â
My external drive has been used once. It was formatted, partitioned and files were saved on a mac. It showed up on a friends computer running Linux, and it showed up on my PC at home, but it hasn't been turned on since (about two weeks). This is where the problems begin. A few days ago I purchased a new enclosure for my HD (Nexstar 3.5). I took the HD out of it's old enclosure and put it in the new one (I needed the new enclosure for school purposes). I got to school today and plugged it in to the mac, but the drive didn't show up on the desktop. I tried to connect with Firewire 400, 800 and USB 2.0 but no luck with any of them (a USB key worked fine). Just to make sure it was working, I got home plugged it in to my PC and it showed up instantly.
From looking at other threads regarding this issue they all say I have to access the Utility menu. The only problem is since the mac I need to use is a school computer I can't access the Utility menu. It says I don't have authorization to use that menu, and won't allow me to go any further.
I don't know what to do from here. I can't reformat the drive because there is rather important info on there that hasn't been backed up yet. What can I do?
My backup harddrive has suddeny disappeared from my desktop. It happened after I shut off which took loger than usual. I have also two other external harddrives, which are new formatted that does not show up.
I have the latest model of macbook pro 15" (entry-level one) and since a few minutes ago the screen has gone mad. It seems it has gone to lower resolution and the desktop doesn't fit on the screen anymore. I have to drag the mouse to the edges of the screen to see the parts that are hidden. I tried SMC reset, PRAM reset and it didn't fixed it.
My Maxtor 500 external hard drive has suddenly stopped appearing on my desktop. My other external drives appear. I've tried hooking the drive to my MacBook Pro with the same results. The drive however, seems 'active'. The light on the front of the drive does its usual flashing routine when plugged into a new machine. I've never had a crashed drive before. Does it sound like this is what has happened, or does anyone have a clue as to what I should do?
I have three external harddrives all of which are connected through different ports, all show up in finder, all show up in disk utility, but none of them will show up on my desktop. I looked at a few other posts similar to mine but the answers given to other problems have not worked. There is no way all three of my cords are causing a connection problem and I have repaired and verifyd all the drives and still nothing.
I turned my 2011 iMac on this morning but it never loaded past the startup screen. Eventually the Apple icon which is usually displayed on the screen turned into the broken folder symbol. I read some articles on how to fix this and tried resetting the NVRAM and PRAM, but that didn't work. I was going to try reinstalling OS X next, but putting the disc into the driver doesn't appear to do anything, and now I can't eject it.
Disks I put in the Superdrive, external hard drives, or anything in the USB or Firewire (thumbdrive, etc) -- nothing shows up on the desktop. All are visible in Disk Utility. USB thumbdrives and external hard drives are visible in the sidebar in Finder, but disks are not (only disk utility).
Because of this I can't burn a disk because the disk is not being recognized. In Disk Utility, the external hard drives appear mounted and can be opened in Finder, but why aren't they appearing on my desktop (they used to)?
I've had this problem since I was running Leopard on my old MacBook Pro - I was hoping it would 'go away' once I bought a new MacBook Pro running Lion, but it persists.Yes, I have "Show These Items Show CDs & DVDs" selected in my Finder Preferences and my Energy Saver Power Adapter setting are set to two hours to sleep.Is there some preference that I need to delete from my Library (User or root)?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8 GB RAM
i was wondering if anyone can tell me why the mac HD icon that i have on my desktop wont show up in my finder>desktop page. other apps that i have on the desktop show up on the desktop page but the mac HD icon is not there.
Permissions Problem in Lion: Drives Do Not Show on Desktop I created a new Administrator account in Lion. When I log into this, neither my internal hard drive, nor the two external hard drives, show up on the desktop. I clicked on "Documents" in the dock when logged into this new account to get a window. Here, again the internal HD does not show up.Â
1) The two external FW drives did show up this way
2) When I click on the various folders in the sidebar (Desktop, Downloads, Movie, Music, Pictures) I get a "the x folder cannot be opened cuz you do not have permissions" type error message.
3) Only "Applications" folder opens in the usual way from this approach.Â
This problem occurs on both my work and my MBP computers, both of which were just upgraded to Lion.Disk Utility's "Repair Disk Permissions" command successfully completes, but the problem still persists.I'm having several weird program issues (e.g., Photoshop CS3 and FolderSynch do not run) that I think MIGHT be related to this.How did this happen with the upgrade to Lion? Most importantly, how do I fix it and get my permissions back to a normal state?
(Not sure whether this is software or hardware related)
I did a powerpoint presentation using my MBP (late 2008, OSX 10.6.2 updated yesterday) and a Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter. Afterwards, I unplugged the projector, then the adapter and closed the screen without looking.
When I opened the screen, surprise!: - desktop is empty: background image is visible, but all files & folders are gone - all running applications are still functioning properly - clicking on the desktop or dragging a file to the desktop does nothing - content of desktop is accessible through Finder - there are no other usernames in the HD>Users folder
I have not tried a reboot, because I heard of similar symptoms (without the mini DisplayPort) being related to username issues and people loosing all their data as a result.
My Dell u2711 is my primary display. Sometimes I wake up the macbook out of sleep mode and forget to have the lid shut. Consequently the Macbook screen comes on as well. Everything is working as it should but I am curious is there a quick way to switch the Macbook display on and off with the setup I have described?
You can assign the application in the dock to a desktop. But can you hide the application in the dock in the desktop where it is not assigned? That is, the dock in each desktop should show only the app icons that are assigned to that desktop. Possible? Within OS X or via an app?
I am attempting to use an external DVI monitor using the mini port port and the mini port DVI adapter sold by apple. However the screen display on the external monitor does not match the Mac book display. All I get is a color Mac opening screen with no icons.apparently there is more to getting an external monitor going then just plugging it in.
My Mac started doing this a few weeks ago, where after login it all kind of collapses. Sometimes the desktop icons won't show up, or Hear (which runs on startup) will get stuck loading for a long time. Sometimes everything seems fine but no programs will launch, or the dock won't respond. So far I've done an Onyx cleanup run, a Disk Verify and Repair. Permissions Verify and Repair and even did the good old Command+R on startup and reinstalled Lion. It worked the first time and then it went back to its old antics. I'm afraid if its a corrupted file and even if I get a new Mac then when I restore from Time Machine it'll carry over.
when using apps in full screen mode the spotlight shortcut cmd+space doesn't work anymore.
E.g. safari in fullscreen mode, I tap cmd+space and nothing happens, if I move the mouse on top of the screen the bar appears and cmd+space is restoredÂ
I am a late 2006 macbook pro 17" with broken LCD screen casing. For now i used superglue to put it back together, but if the computer gets hot i think the superglue will melt and cause problems.i have been told its impossible to find a replacement screen for this model cheap enough to make it worthy of repair.I am thinking of turning it into a desktop by getting an external monitor. Can I remove the LCD screen entirely off the macbook pro so it's just the body, and then connect it to a new monitor? this way i can still use the keyboard/mouse, and not have to worry about the existing screen and superglue, melting.
I have a early 2011 MacBook Pro 13" running the latest version of Lion. I have been using my MacBook with an external monitor since I brought it in 2011 and have had no problems with connecting it to my external monitor. Connected via mini display port DVI adapter and a DVI cable to a Philips monitor.
Two days ago when I plugged the MacBook back in to the monitor I connected and but now only displays a black screen, I can move the mouse off the MacBook screen and over to the external monitor and back but it is not displayed on the monitor. I have tried connecting other devices to the monitor and they work fine.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a MacBook Pro 13 for portability to my classes at the university and a Dell 2209WA as an external monitor. One of the few good IPS monitors I could find around for cheap.
The monitor works fine in mirror mode with the MacBook Pro, but as an external display only it does not work. It attempts to wake up and then you see power savings mode again and the screen goes black as if there was no connection. Not sure what exactly the problem here is. Drivers?
The monitor works great with a Mac Mini I have and it works great in mirror but not in external display mode(the lid of the MacBook Pro closed). Anybody know of this issue? The cable is good and the MacBook Pro is not that old(a few weeks).
Well my unibody macbook display decided to screw up last night, it was working fine last night no problem. Connected to a external monitor. I fell asleep last night with front row left on, obviously it went to sleep and then I woke up and the screen was black. Now the LED lights are working, my external display is also working. The display settings recognize a screen being present (when I click detect displays and gather windows - 2 windows appear). Ive reset PRAM, SMC, reseated the RAM, control+shift+eject (which just made the screen flicker a little after turning it back on) and Im out of ideas. Its out of warranty and about about 18months old.