MacBook Pro :: Kill Multiple Processes Related To Single Command?
Mar 25, 2012
I selected 48 folders in Finder and pressed Getinfo which opened 48 windows reluctantly. How to close all 48Â windows using activity monitor. Problem is that activity monitor does not show any PID with getinfo name. Mine is OSX Lion 10.7.3 (MBP 2011)
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Can I merge multiple files, and multiple file types, into a single PDF with my MacBook Pro?, Can I merger multiple files, and multiple file types, into a single PDF with my MacBook Pro?Â
I need to combine word docs, .jpgs, .PDFs, .pptx files from multiple sources into a single PDF. In the past I've used software such as Nuance but I'm wondering if there's something in the MacBook Pro OS or applications that support this function.Â
I have set up an automator service that TAR's a folder into an archive for me and it works quite nicely. Idealy however, I would like to be able to highlight several folders, right click and have automator tar each folder into it's own TAR archive, but do it one by one. Â
I'm not 100% sure so I guess it would be a good time to verify, is there a problem with having the system try to TAR multiple folders at one time? If it is not a problem then I guess this discussion itself is pointless and I can simple right click on each folder and select "TAR Folder" and just wait until they're all finished. I would think that it would be ideal for the system to do each one individually and not try to do them all at one time.Â
What's the Best Way to Organize Multiple Related Contacts? It may be a Couple or a Family with common Address and Phone, but different names and birthdates. Then I try to put them all in one contact listing.It may be a Large Business where you want to keep track of information about a dozen different people's address, phone, depart, title, email etc. But It still would be nice to be able to pull up one entry with all the business's information.
I've stupidly moved (not deleted) a couple of shortcut links to items in the 'private' folder, from their correct place resulting in my Macbook Pro (10.5) refusing to boot.The files were resident in the top level of the Macintosh HD after enabling the viewing of hidden files using console. I created a new folder at the same level and moved the files into it.
Problem is I cant remember the specific file names that i moved - though it was only a couple )I have started up in single user mode and know the commands for moving files around, but need to be able to view the folder/file structure of the disk.Is there a command usable from Single User interface that would list the files/folder structure?
if there is a way to use multiple external monitors on my MacBook Pro using the single DVI-output provided. From reading previous posts, I heard you can be able to use Matrox's DualHead2Go for splitting the DVI-output. Is this device capable with MacBook Pro even though Matrox device requires an Analog output?
I don't mean dual-booting two OS'es, but rather a single Snow Leopard on 2 partitions (i.e. Applications, System, and Library on one partition and Users on the other)
I have a few PDF files, some of which have A4 portrait pages in them and others have A4 landscape pages in. Is there any software (ideally free) that can combine these files into one single PDF file?
so here's the deal. I have an 80GB drive in my MacBook, which is currently where my iTunes lib resides.
I also have a 250GB external drive. What I want to do is keep my music on my laptop, but store movies and TV shows on my external drive, yet still be able to access them along with my music... know what I'm saying?
I recently bought a 1TB hard drive... I am trying to partition it to be 250GB Mac Format and 750GB NTFS. The reason for NTFS format is because I work with ISO files and Blu-Ray movie files a lot that are well over the 4GB limit of FAT32/Mac formats. Is there a decent disk utility for OS X or Windows that can format a hard drive into both of these file systems? The built-in Disk Utility in OS X only does FAT, to my knowledge, so I need something else.
I have bought myself a copy of Snow Leopard, single user upgrade version ($29). I have not yet installed it, but I'm curious:
Lets say I install it on my MacBook Pro and that in a few months I buy a SSD to replace my current HDD. I would probably opt to go for a clean install (I am pondering whether or not to do it now) and copy over some important files. Would this work? Or would the install disk see my new SSD as another computer?
I mostly use (on Lion 10.7.3) to read and annotate relatively large pdf documents (articles, reports, etc.). While working on a given project I tend to have many pdf files open at the same time. I personally would like to have all of the pdfs I use open in a single window, so I have Preview set to "Open all files in one window" (Preferences > General). This setup initially worked very well since it allows me view all of my open documents in the sidebar (similar to tabs in a browser window). The problem is that when I switch from one pdf to another, the position of the pdfs (i.e., the page I was on when I switched to another pdf) is not preserved. This seemingly defeats the purpose of having this functionality in Preview,is this the intended behavior of this setting, or is this a bug? In either case, is anyone aware of a fix for this? I just want the documents I'm reading to preserve their positions when switching between them when opened in a single window.
In systems prior to "lion" when I wanted to select and print multiple different imagews per page, I could select the number I desired in "copies per page". Now when I select a number in "Copies per page", I get that number of a single image instead of 1 of each each different image.
I'd like to take one hard drive and back up 3 different Mac computers using Time Machine. The hard drive has the capacity greater than the 3 computers.
I bought an imac 24" 4 months ago and set up individual access accounts on the mac for me and my daughters. I then set up an itunes account for each and I started to pay into their accounts for them to purchase some music and all was fine after syncing each nano with their access account and itunes account.
However, it quickly became apparent that they could not share their music between account even though they are on the same computer. I have tried various searches but to be honest some of the methods suggested I just dont understand hence my appearance here.
Can I now save the music they have purchased etc and take it all to one account and then sync them again with the one itunes account or would i be better to keep the different accounts and change the set-up so that they can see and sync with each others music.
Is it possible to backup multiple computers to a single external drive connected to an Xserve using Time machine? We have a Six TB external drive that we are connecting to an Xserve that has three drives. We want to backup the entire
My external monitor stopped working after performing tonight's software updates. 2011 MBA 13inch running 10.7.4. Computer takes 2 minutes to boot to a grey pattern on the MBA and an all blue desktop on my external. Boots fine when I unplug the monitor and reboot.
Hi everyone, I have a big problem. Today, I noticed that my Macbook Pro was running a bit strangely, with some video being slow and stuff, so I restarted it while it was in Windows Vista through BootCamp. I came back about ten minutes later to see a black screen, and the computer still on. I don't know if it restarted or not. I tried hard resetting it countless times, and messing with the battery like letting it run dry and stuff, but whenever I keep turning it on, I hear the "dong" boot sound, but the screen doesn't turn on, ever.
No I'm wondering if a PRAM zap will help fix the problem, but I really don't want to lose the hard drive and the stuff I have on it. I have a TON of school and work files on there that I simply cannot afford to lose. Will a PRAM zap kill my Windows Vista hard drive or should I even go ahead with it? I really hope that I can fix this problem myself, because the nearest Apple Store (and Geek Squad place that supports Macs) is over 40 miles away, and I really need the stuff for school on Tuesday.
I'd like to restore the Dock from CoreServices when I first installed Leopard. When I click restore it doesn't let me restore it because the Dock is now in use.
This works best with "How to speed up mouse tracking in OS X", found elsewhere in this forum.
Note that mouse acceleration in OS X cannot be terminated completely, unless you are using something like USB OVerdrive. Assuming you are not using or do not want to use USB overdrive or similarly complete solution, read on.
Download the source here:
You'll get a Unix executable file. Open a Terminal window and drop the file onto it.
After "killmouseaccel", type "mouse" (without quotation marks), and make sure a space remains between the two words. Then hit enter.
Effect is immediate. Logging out or restarting will kill the effect, so you'll have to run it each time. You might be able to set it to an automatic script upon logging in. Something I haven't figured out yet.
Ideally, it's best to increase the mouse tracking speed first (using instructions I posted elsewhere in this forum), which should be permanent until you reset the speed in the actual mouse pref pane, and then run the executable to kill mouse acceleration.
...I'm just not sure if I should. It runs at least once an hour, making all kinds of HD noise, and I don't know why. Isn't PSC connected to MobileMe? Because I don't have a MobileMe account.The MobileMe icon also shows up in my menubar. I know I can command-drag it out, but I'd rather get to the root of this issue and stop PSC from running too, unless it's doing something else important.If it's only used by MobileMe, I can just "relocate" the app somewhere that OS X can't find it. But finding out how to turn it off smartly would be even better.
I have two macs an iMac and a MacBook. I use Earthlink, have a BritePort modem and a Linksys wireless router.Everything was fine. No problems. I was able to get online with the two computers with ease, then I had problems connecting last week.If I went directly through the modem to my MacBook I can connect, but I would lose the internet wireless intermittently throughout the day.Earthlink said everything was fine as far as signal reaching my modem.So I bought an Airport Extreme.
Both Macs connected wirelessly but then I'd lose internet whenever BOTH tried to get online.I would be working fine on my MacBook, but once my wife tries to get online with the iMac, it kicks us both off! If she's online on the iMac and I try to get online on the MacBook it kicks us off!This is what was happening with the Linksys too! I reconnected it, and it was only when both Macs accessed the internet that we both lost connection.It was working perfectly fine a week ago, nothing has changed, which is why I am baffled!
Randomly on my computer I noticed very high CPU use while the computer was otherwise idle. I have narrowed it to the launchd and syslogd processes, taking up roughly 85% of my CPU for no good reason. I do have a TM backup that I could restore from, but that takes a while, so is there any way I could make them stop? (Already tried quitting from Activity monitor, it simply restarted my computer and didn't fix the problem)EDIT- Nevermind, it just went away on its own. Weird.