MacBook Pro :: Its Still Scratching Cds After Repair?
Jun 4, 2012
I went today to get my macbook pro fixed in Genius Bar, cause the superdrive was scratching cds, and the display (hinges) made some noise when closing, due to the misplaced display. Well ! So, now the display is well placed, but still making a bit of noise (that's not that important), but my superdrive, now scratches more severely my cds ! Tried a cd, and it ejects scratched in form of L more or less. The superdrive is "brand new", and makes very strange noises when inserting the cd or turning on the laptop...
I've noticed that recently my macbook pro drive has been severely scratching DVD's now and then (doesn't always happen but when it does it renders the DVD unusable). At first I wasn't sure if it was the drive or not but now I am sure it is. The laptop hasn't been moved or dropped in anyway and its just started happening for no apparent reason - laptop isn't on a tilt either it hasn't been moved from the desk in weeks.
Is this an issue with the MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-868 drive? It's still in warranty and i'm going to take it into a authorised apple service provider tomorrow and see what they can do but I just wanted to check about this drive as I don't really want a replacement of the same drive if its just going to do it again. Also is there any chance apple could offer some form of compensation for the DVD that was just destroyed by it? It was a part of a boxset so kind of ruins the collection.
I have an aluminum macbook that is abou a year and a half old. It is making a weird scratching noise every few minutes. It sounds like I have DVD spinning in my disk drive and I am moving the laptop around. There is no disk in it so I am worried it's coming from my HD. Any ideas on what I should do?
My macbook pro has never made weird sounds. It is 2 and a half years old. It has been dropped twice, but not recently at all. Upper left side of macbook pro made very loud scratching sound as I opened it from sleep. It only did it when I had the laptop at a certain angle. It is still doing it. Im currently backing everything up to an external hard drive. I'm very worried. It was very loud, not the fan, not the usual disc slot movement, not the speakers.
So i just got a new mac not that long ago, about 3 weeks ago and i went with the base price iMac with no upgrades and it runs perfectly fine, i love my imac the only issue i'm having right now is whenever i put a cd or dvd and when i eject the cd/dvd i notice i get scratches, so im wondering where it could come from. i been hearing from some people that the aluminium around the superdrive is the cause of scratches, also id like to mention i got the superdrive changed on tuesday and got it back today free of charge because of my 3 years of applecare, anyways im still having the same issue where the superdrive is still scratching the cd's/dvd's.
my question to anybody out there, have you had this same issue or heard about it? also id like to mention that i talked with a apple senior advisor for about an hour today and he told me he'd be setting me up with a new imac to pick up at the ottawa apple store because thats where i bought my current one. I'm just hoping it doesn't scratch cd's with the next imac *crosses fingers*
My MBP recently had a bunch of problems with the logic board and speakers. I brought it into the Apple Store (on Monday) and they gave me the option of them sending it into a repair center, or them repairing it locally in store. I requested that they sent out just because I was curious to see how long it would take. To my surprise, my MBP arrived, fixed and as good as new on my doorstep today. That's amazingly fast for sending it out to a offsite repair center. The repair center is in Philadelphia. I live in Maine. You do the math. When I've had things repaired locally in the Apple Store it's taken weeks to repair instead of days because they need to order the parts.
Anyways, the point of this thread was to suggest to people that they choose the offsite repair option. It's amazingly fast, and it saved me a trip to the Apple Store (they shipped my MBP directly to my house).
I was burning a few discs the other day and noticed that my iMac is leaving ~1cm curved scratch marks around the middle of the disc (ie, about equal distance between the hole in the middle and the edge). It won't do it every time, but I'd say about 50%. Anybody have any clue what's causing the scratches?
I've noticed that every time I eject a disc, I see some scratches. I put in the Star Trek Digital Copy disc into my iMac disc drive and when it ejected, I found a lot of scratches on it. My Sims 3 and Spore discs also have similar type of scratches. Is anyone having this problem or am I taking out the disc wrong causing the scratches? This is my first iMac and I'm a bit sad about this as I do not want to lug this computer back to the store to get a replacement... And if I return it, do I have to bring it back to the same store or can I go to one that is closer to me?
When playing podcasts on my iPhones, the audio skips and scratches and sometimes freezes. It does NOT do this with audiobooks downloaded from or music from the iTunes store or ripped from CDs. I am having this problem on multiple iPhones. The 3GS is over two years old and the 4S is brand new. The software and firmware for both devices is up to date. For these reasons, I don't think it is related to the iPhones. It started very recently (June 2012). It occurs on the headphone jack and on music systems that connect through the dock. It occurs when using the stock music player application. I am loading the audio files via stock iTunes, which is up to date. I wonder if it is realated to the last iTunes update.
For approximately one week I have been getting a scratching sound when I move the mouse pointer accross desktop no matter what program I am running. Current OS is MAC OS X 10.7.3. Sound continues when I turn sound off.
I have a PowerBook G4 15" Laptop and it's recently started making a buzzing noise. It drives me crazy! The noise seems to come from the processor and happens whenever I'm scrolling through web pages, hovering over my dock, launching applications or pretty much whenever the computer is doing anything.
I've googled the issue and found it to be quite common, even being some posts on this forum. Here's the best info I've found so far:
"The squeaking is actually the processor going into Nap mode, and has been noticed on a number of G4 and G5 models. To save power when the processor has a little bit of idle time, it essentially turns itself off. What is happening when it's squeaking like this is it is alternating very rapidly between going in and out of Napping as the processor waits for more things to do. I've noticed that it happens most often during an active SSL connection; an https:// connection, Software Update, checking E-mail on a secure server, or any other secure connections can make this squeaking noise. There are many other ways to produce it too, such as scrolling through a web page or some other more graphic-intensive process.
If you want to check and/or get rid of it, you can download the CHUD tools (part of Apple's Developer Tools, and also available separately). The Processor preference pane (formerly called Hardware) will let you disable Napping, after which point the squeaking should go away. The squeaking also goes away if you reduce processor speed by turning Energy Saver processor performance down to Reduced. However, I'd recommend that you leave Napping enabled (to reduce heat output and increase battery life), so leave it in the default state."
I've downloaded the CHUD tools program and turned off Nap mode, I think. But it still makes the noises! I cannot figure out how to reduce processor speed. So frustrating. Anyone have any advice?
I took my late 2007 macbook in because the case was cracked. I read that this was a known issue and they would repair for free.(I had no warranty) also my battery was expanding and bloated, so much that it will no longer fit in my comp.
When I took it in, the tech said that my bottom case was cracked and he said that wasn't part of the known issue. He said it was caused by accidental damage (it was cracked clean through, so much so that it could be physically separated from the comp.(I informed him that the comp had never been dropped or damaged in anyway, he apparently didn't believe me but said he would see what he could do.
Anyway, he said he could fix the top case ( but they would not fix the bottom case)and give me a new battery although he had never seen a battery with the problem that mine had. He said it was probably expanded cells. I agreed to that as something is better than nothing but then, I asked him if the battery expanding could have caused the bottom case to crack since it was cracked near the battery compartment but on the side of the comp. After he tinkered around for a bit with the battery and the cracked part, he said he wasn't sure but he would send it in for repairs and I would not be charged.
First he said he would quote me a repair price and I told him that I had no intentions of paying for anything. After several instances of him running to the back to talk to people, he agreed to send it in. On the repair form it is listed as tier 4 accidental damage and I know that the tier 4 comes with a hefty charge for repair. Anyway, I am out of town and my comp is scheduled to be returned to me today. I dropped it off at the apple store on the 30th, it was received by the repair center on the 1st, repaired today( the second) and shipped back to me today and scheduled to be delivered today as well.
I was trying to find out if they actually repaired the bottom case or not as I will not be home to receive my comp until next week sometime. The repair form also said call if additional repairs are needed to quote a price. I have not received any calls at this number and do not know if they left any messages on my home phone. The repair turnaround seems rather quick and I was just wondering if they actually repaired it or sent in back in the same condition.
Apple support has no details of the actual repair just the time it was received, repaired and sent back to me. Also will they just leave it outside because no one is home to receive it?
Every-time I repair permissions using the disk utility it says that the permissions are repaired, but then I click to verify permissions and it is all as it was before... What can I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Disk Utility says there are a bunch of disk permissions that need repairing. I hit repair and disk utility says that it repaired those disk permissions. But when I verify, it says they still need to be repaired.
I was just wondering if this has happened to anybody,
A couple weeks ago I closed my Macbook Pro because the battery was low and I needed to plug it in. So I plugged it in and opened it back up...Nothing. I pressed the power button and I could hear the SuperDrive move and the hard drive spin, but that's it. No chime, no gray screen, no POST, nothing. So I did some research and found out that the same thing had happened to a LOT of people with my model. So I assumed it was the whole NVIDIA issue.
So I took it into Apple and the Genius right away told me that the NVIDIA chip/card was the culprit but he still needed to test it with their NVIDIA test drive. He comes back and tells me that they were not able to test it because it cannot boot up that far. So he tells me that since they can't tell for sure if it is the NVIDIA, my computer doesn't qualify for the free replacement. And since my AppleCare is 211 days out of warranty, he can't do anything about it. I could have it shipped out and repaired for $360 (which is better than $1000+ in-house). (BTW.. I even had the logic board replaced a couple years ago for a different reason, so the logic board is newer than my MBP)
I understand where they're coming from, but my computer should be covered in the warranty because it has a faulty part on it, NO MATTER WHAT.
Back in January I slipped on some ice and regrettably the LCD on my Blackbook did not survive. I have been making due with my computer plugged into a video out (A real pain to do work on) but I really want to get the darn thing fixes. I was really stupid and did not get the Apple Care (which likely would not cover this repair anyway).
Upon taking the laptop to Apple they quoted 800 to replace the unit with a refurb since it was well out of warranty. Everything but the LCD works just fine so I was wondering about getting a replacement screen and doing the repair or sending it out to another company.. My question:
1) What is your opinion on doing this (I cannot replace the whole laptop and I have a 2.16 C2D), is it really worth it? Is this a big repair job? 2) What price should I be looking at. These guys have the screen for $150 but I don't know if they are any good nor do I know of anybody who will do this. Is it something that can be done on my own (i would have a friend assist me). I am not bound to one vendor, but I have never had to do out of warranty repairs on a mac before so I don;t know where to go. 3) Any advice on where I should get the screen at or do business? 4) Am I just wasting my time?
THe reason I ask is that I really cannot afford a new machine right now, but if I can fix the screen like new for around $200 that would be much better. Any advice would be grateful.
So I just got my MacBook Air (rev A) back from AppleCare after my hinge (like many others', apparently) decided to randomly bust itself. I was very pleased that when I took my MBA to the Apple Store, they didn't bat an eye about replacing the hinge (I'd heard horror stories about Apple denying the part was defective and calling the damage a user error, even with computers covered under warranty). But I was shocked when my package arrived today and the letter inside detailed the parts replaced. Keep in mind, the only thing wrong with my computer (as far as I could tell) was a broken hinge. Here's what they replaced:
Antenna window Video Display Panel Camera Bottom Case Display Housing Clutch Clutch (two different part numbers) Bezel Top Case Logic Board
I have a Macbook Pro that is a few years old. It's been fine until recently - it shuts off - poof - when I try to play certain games on Facebook, or watch a video on Facebook. I can watch videos fine on a site like YouTube. I thought perhaps it was the browser I was using (Firefox) but it's not. I ran disk Utility and that didn't . Software Update says I'm up to date. I'm running OS 10.4.11
I also had an issue with my MagSafe where the cable was coming out of the housing and there are wires exposed. Had to replace it myself as they said the issue on that was not covered. It also had a very dim green light (only notice it in a dark room), and the not charging message by the battery icon after the repair but I figured this was due to the MagSafe, however was only able to buy a new one yesterday.
So got the new charger home, plugged it in and same thing, so definitely not the MagSafe at fault. Took the MBP and new MagSafe back to the shop and same there. They then plugged the charger into one of their MacBooks, red light came on the charger fine. The weird bit was they then plugged it back into mine and the red light came on again.
Took my dead MacBook Pro (purchased April 29, 2008) to the Genius Bar because it would not start-up. They sent it out for repairs and ended up replacing the Logic Board stating the symptom was "NVIDIA Video Issue (multiple issues)". They charged me $310 plus tax. Would this fall under the "MacBook Pro: Distorted video or no video issues" from url...I tried calling Apple Corporate and they said the logic board had a loose wire. Hmmm seems weird to me since the graphic chip is soldered on to the logic board. The invoice said the reapir was covered and showed the amount owed to me was $0. When I went to pick up the fixed laptop the associate helping me had to speak to her manager and there was some back and forth as to whether I owed anything.
I just picked up my MBP yesterday from the Apple Store after the display was replaced. I've noticed it's been acting a little slower. For example when I scroll down it lags sometimes (when it never used to), and when I am deleting a word or something it might freeze or take a few seconds to delete. Also on occasion it goes into the spinning wheel which I rarely ever saw before.
Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro3,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.4 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache:4 MB Memory:2 GB Bus Speed:800 MHz Boot ROM Version:MBP31.0070.B07 SMC Version (system):1.16f11 Serial Number (system):W87422DCYAM Hardware UUID:00000000-0000-1000-8000-001B63A49B75 OS X 10.5.8
I am unable to use my OS X disks to boot from. The DVD drive tries to read and then ejects them. Blank DVD's can be formatted and written. The text below is what repair disk reports: ACL found but not expected on "Applications/Utilities". Permissions repair complete
but when i start xp up the red light comes on from the headphone port and speaker doesnt work and when i put in the headphone it also doesnt work.
I've read pages and pages of solution , about the sticking 1001 tools in and wriggle it around and i did , none worked. the evil red light is still there and only on xp.
I am attempting to use Archive and Install to repair my MacBook's OSX. It finished the DVD check and began installing, only to stop with an error saying some files could not be installed. I am making a second attempt, but if this does not work, should I contact Apple? I'm afraid the drive might be failing and there are important school documents I need to try and retrieve.
I purchased a Macbook Air from Amazon. The display is excellent but i've been having this constant buzzing noise going. It's very irritating and I'm not sure what is causing it. I definitely didnt hear this noise in my rev A Macbook Air or in Macbook air sin the Apple store.
To preface this, this is my friends macbook and I'm very unfamiliar with how they work. However, she had dropped her laptop off her bed (i'm not sure how bad of fall it was) , suffice it to say her screen broke and she asked me to fix it. This turned out to be a fairly routine job, save for the hinge that is a total pain to get back on.
On starting the macbook up, the screen/camera work fine but it is moving at a terribly slow rate. I timed it and it took 3 minutes to get to the login screen, 30 seconds to log in and another 2 minutes for her desktop to load. Once loaded, the applications take forever to start, lag terribly and some crash automatically (safari, ichat) despite being connected to network. On top of this, I have tried restarting/shutting down the computer but this freezes and will show the "thinking circle" for an infinite amount of time.
I have tried the disk utility, and it fails to verify the disk. I'm not sure what else to try, as I am unfamiliar with macs. I fear though, that she damaged her hard drive when it dropped, although once again I'm not sure.
Oh well. I'll just ask what you guys think. So which macbook is least likely to need repair? I'm looking for a used macbook on ebay preferably with applecare. If it didn't have applecare--it would have to be the model that lasts the longest.
I've recently been having a LOT of problems with my MBP freezing. I was wondering if anyone else has had similar problems? I'm running a early 2008 MBP with OSX 10.5.7. I use time machine and have bootcamp installed too.