MacBook Pro :: Crashes When Turn It On

Dec 6, 2014

I Tried turning my laptop on earlier and it did. It showed a white screen with a loading bar and loaded to about 2-3% and then disappeared while the loading icon remained and then it crashed and showed a black screen. When I turned it on again, it did the same thing.

MacBook Pro

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Mac Pro :: 2010 2.8 Wont Turn On Crashes - Monitors Connected Via Two Vga Mini Display Adaptors?

Dec 11, 2010

Just got my new 2.8 with 5870. From the start it gave me some trouble getting it to turn on. I kept trying different plugs and such throughout the house and randomly I got it on. It was working good but I noticed that waking it from sleep the machine will click and the sleep light goes out and a red led behind the grill comes on briefly. I try pushing the power button to hear another click and the red led flashes. These problems seem intermittent and sometimes it will sleep fine. Im using 2 acer monitors connected via 2 vga-mini display adaptors.

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MacBook Pro :: When Turn It On, It Just Goes To A White Screen With A Flahing Grey Folder With A Question Mark And Will Not Turn On?

May 12, 2012

I've tried turning it ff and on via the power button several times, but it always goes back to the white screen.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Turn Off/turn On A Bluetooth?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a problem with my 17'' MBP unibody:

1) Bluetooth is ON:

I can't turn it off. The checkbox is inactive.

But I can turn it off, if I choose "Share my internet connection for other units". (I don't know, if this is the right text in english, because my OSX is in german)

2) Now Bluetooth is OFF:

But I can't turn it on, because the checkbox "ON" is inactive.

It turns only on, if I choose "New Unit"(?). Then there is a new window, that says, that this is only possible if Bluetooth turns on. If I say OK, bluetooth turns ON.

Back to 1)

What's the problem. Why is this f* checkbox for turning bluetooth on and off inactive?

This is not a hardware problem, because I can have stable bluetooth connections.

I did a smc and am pram reset. But it doesn't help.

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Mac Mini :: System Crashes When Idle / Getting Out Of Blue Crashes

Jul 11, 2009

I have a late 2009 Mac Mini with 8GB of OCZ 1333 RAM and an Intel X25-M 160GB SSD. Running 10.6 fully updated and installed from scratch.I have been getting out of the blue crashes while the system is most of the times idle. Can it be the RAM? It's reported fine as 8GB 1333 DDR under the system info. The Intel SSD runs latest firmware.

This is the log from the last crash which happened a little ago.

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 139426 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: 01A96B0F-D497-443A-8E19-9111DF3604EE

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PowerPC :: Unable To Turn Off/turn On IBook G4?

Jan 4, 2009

Had (used) iBook G4 several months now & thoroughly enjoy it, even tho' I live in the sticks where there's no hi-speed/wireless available; I connect to internet & power, which is fine.

This weekend I went to turn off my iBook & it wouldn't turn off. It's now permanently on, with opening info barely visible (like I need to click on F2 to brighten up, except nothing happens).

Currently using my "back up" computer, my iMac Grape, which is pretty much an antique by now.

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Software :: Won't Turn On / Turn Off During Work

Jul 22, 2008

I was playing around with my mac g4 logic board... ( yes, i know... ) anyways, i press the power, the light turns on, and the fan spinns up then everything just turns off...
^ my tower, (agp graphics, ftw)

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MacBook Pro :: Its Crashes When Updating

Feb 2, 2012

My Macbookpro crashes while updating. It says " executing scripts" and than nothing more happens... I can wait all day but it stays in that screenmode.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Disk Utility Crashes?

Oct 1, 2010

When i do a disk utility and i go to verify or repair disk utilities it crashes half way through.

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OS X :: MacBook Crashes On Waking Up From Sleep

Apr 15, 2009

I have a late 2008 macbook, and occasionally after going into sleep via closing the lid or according to the sleep timer, it doesn't really want to wake up. I open the lid/press spacebar and the computer sounds like it's waking up, the keyboard lights up, but the screen stays dark. I've tried waiting for up to 30 seconds before eventually I just hold the power button and hard reset. Upon restart, there is an error message stating that os x crashed. I haven't been able to let it sit for more than a minute or two, as it usually happens when I'm getting ready to give a presentation or something, fun right.

Wed Apr 15 11:28:25 2009
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A9C68): Kernel trap at 0x00143b90, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x000003ad, CR3: 0x01879000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x00000001, EBX: 0x00000002, ECX: 0x0052ad64, EDX: 0x00000000
CR2: 0x000003ad, EBP: 0x60e3793c, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0x0714f454
EFL: 0x00010246, EIP: 0x00143b90, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x0b970010
Error code: 0x00000000

Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x60e37758 : 0x12b4f3 (0x45b13c 0x60e3778c 0x1335e4 0x0)
0x60e377a8 : 0x1a9c68 (0x464700 0x143b90 0xe 0x463eb0)
0x60e37888 : 0x1a038d (0x60e378a0 0x0 0x60e3793c 0x143b90)
0x60e37898 : 0x143b90 (0xe 0x52680048 0x60e30010 0x7a40010)
0x60e3793c : 0x767a790 (0x1 0x0 0xb97e650 0x0)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x2160c8

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: mDNSResponder
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.0: Mon Nov 24 17:37:00 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.9.59~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBook5,1 (Mac-F42D89C8)

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MacBook :: Frequent Stalls/crashes In OS X 10.5.8

Sep 24, 2009

I'm new here to this forum and I'd like to get some advice. I've had my 2008 macbook 2.4ghz-160gb since august of last year. I upgraded it to 4gb of ram in the early stages and had no issues till lately.

For the last week, almost daily, Id get the beachball for a long period of time. This happens most frequently when I surf the internet. Occasionally this may occur when i play music in itunes but that is probably due to my library being store on an external hd. With that being said though, as I mentioned, it most likely occurs when I surf the internet. Many times, its not just a browser crash but a system wide crash where my mouse can move but when i click anything in the background, it would have no effect (but my mouse can move still). Only way to 'resolve' this was to do a hard shutdown and restart by holding the power button for few seconds. Of course, this issue keeps happening and it pissed me off so I looked around the net to find some possible solutions and many sites claimed flash being an issue. I uninstalled flash and retested and the problem still occurred. Reading maclife, it mentioned about some fsck -fy thing during boot up so i ran that test and found no errors. Restarted again, did some surfing and still the problem.

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MacBook Pro :: Crashes While Watching Multimedia?

Apr 21, 2010

2 days now while reading an online journal and watching a real estate display, my 2 1/2 yr old MBP, while on battery just crashed. Could not reboot or anything until I plugged it in.

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MacBook Pro :: Crashes When Decoding H.264 Videos?

May 15, 2010

my new i7 macbook crashes (grey screen) whenever Im converting a video file to Apple TV format.

I tried handbrake, toast titanium and imedia converter. I also tried converting the same video files in windows 7 on my boot camp partition with handbrake and got a blue screen.

in my opinion, this has to be some hardware failure. i went to my local apple store and they checked my macbook on any hardware failures but couldnt find anything.

i just would like to get some more opinions on this problem before I sent it back. i spoke to apple care and they told me to reinstall mac os and see if it still crashes. but since it also crashes under windows, i dont think that reinstalling will solve the issue.

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MacBook :: Programs Not Responding Or Crashes

Jul 20, 2010

I have a macbook operating on mac OS X version 10.5.8 processor 2.13 intel core duo, memory 4gb 667 mhz ddr2. Lately I have been experiencing programs crashes i.e. program not responding also sometimes when I try to access system preferences it does not respond, I have to force quit all the time.

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Crashes While Running OS X 10.6.8

Apr 13, 2012

Safari Crashes.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Crashes When Not Connected To Power?

Apr 29, 2012

Updated to OSX Lion. Now everytime I'm not connecting it to the power adapter, sooner or later the screen flickers and it crashes or freezes straight away. It's usually caused when I'm using the browser to open a flash site, which is probably heavy on graphic processing. Or watching a video on quicktime or youtube, even when it's not using a flash player on youtube. Or working on a graphic heavy processing apps like Photoshop. It's updated with latest software updates.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: It Crashes Intermittently - How To Stop It

May 19, 2012

Here's my hardware, purchased in September of 2009. Model Name: MacBook Pro  Model Identifier:MacBookPro5,3  Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo  Processor Speed:2.8 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 2  L2 Cache: 6 MB  Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.07 GHz  Boot ROM Version:MBP53.00AC.B03 SMC Version (system): 1.48f2 

I'm running OSX 10.6.8. and have only used approximately 200GB of my 500 GB Hard drive. My mbpro simply hangs. I'll open a browser, or hot corner my spaces, save a file, whatever, and my laptop will not respond. Sometimes my cursor will still be movable but won't actually activate anything. I frequently get the BBOD and all I can do is wait until it stops and then all the cursor commands and keyboard clicks I made while it was spinning, execute...or not.I have run the Apple Hardware Test which came up negative. I've downloaded and installed ClamXAV which only came up with a couple of domain spoof type viruses which I've quarantined and deleted. I've got Little Snitch telling me what connections are going out but it seems that there's nothing unusual, but I frankly don't know that much about the processes other than what I have looked up on goole.I have looked at the Activity Monitor and every not and then, right when my machine hangs, I'll see a spike in Network Activity pane but almost seems as if the spike isn't being read because the processes that come up seem to be legitimate and often, they don't show that they've taken up all the bandwidth. Please help. I've got a G4 quicksilver from 2002 that still kicks A and my MBPro has made me nervous ever since switching to the Intel chipset. (Don't know if that actually has anytghing to do with it.) Lastly, I think there's a chance that I'm the fool who opened or executed something downloaded from the internet. It could have been a dashboard widget or an extension or add on or software or whatever.

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Crashes With Iphoto?

May 22, 2012

I have a macbook pro MAC OS x and have started having issues with my computer's screen going black while working in iphoto.  The only thing I can do is to press the power button to power down and then reboot.  My memory is fine on the computer.  All updates have been completed.  Best I can tell, this only occurs while using iphoto.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Safari Crashes Continuously?

May 27, 2012

My macbook, version 10.5.8, started crashing today. There was an update for Adobe Flash Update that popped up earlier today (I think it wanted to install a debugger), I X'd it out because I was doing something else (bad mistake), and now Safari crashes continuously every time I log in. I've tried to download things to my laptop to fix the problem, but Safari crashes before the download can even get halfway through. I've even tried to find the flash update for earlier, but either I can't find it or Safari doesn't stay open long enough for the update to download. The strange thing is, this is only happening on one account on my laptop– the one where the Adobe Flash Update popped up on. The other account on my laptop has Safari working fine (but it's not the account I want to use).   

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Brand New Spontaneous Crashes?

Jun 22, 2012

I just received the 13" MBA last week, and it's crashed nearly every day since then (one kernel panic with that black dialogue window telling me I need to reboot; all the other times it just spontaneously freezes out of nowhere and my cursor / keyboard doesn't jog a response).  I called Apple this morning and the guy said he knew nothing about it, took me through some tests, and said hopefully it won't happen again. It just did.

MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Freezes And Crashes During Startup

Jul 1, 2014

I have an old macbook, its about 5 years old, one of the first aluminum models.

It has always served me well but now it has broken.

When I try and start it up it shows the grey loading screen, I see the little stripes rotating, to show that something is loading and then... it turns off.

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MacBook Pro :: Crashes After Sleep While Charging

Jul 2, 2014

So i have a Macbook pro that does weird thing when it comes out of sleep. When i open it, it does a loud sound, does a little reset and than gives me the login screen. After some time having that issue i noticed it's when it's charging while in sleep.

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 2010 Crashes While Starting Up

Dec 2, 2014

My mid 2010 MBP 15" crashes while starting up. At first, it crashed while I was using it. Then when trying to start it again, it crashed when the log in screen showed up. Then when I restarted it a couple of more times, I got a screen with a loading bar, like an update was going on. When the loading bar is full, it crashes, before the log in screen shows up. I have OS X Mavericks, I think.  

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Crashes And Won't Open?

Jun 17, 2014

everytime i try and open safari it come up with this box which says safari has unexpedidly not opened

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)

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OS X :: Kernel Panics And Random Crashes On 09 Macbook Pro?

Nov 13, 2009

I got a new macbook pro a week ago. The first time I shut the machine down it experienced a kernel panic right after I selected to shut down the computer. Programs randomly crash while I am using the computer. The apple store said that crashes are most likely due to CS3 because it was not properly updated for the system, so they installed the CS3 updates. The next time I used the machine after installing CS3 updates, it experienced another kernel panic upon shut down. I would like to hear about known issues with the Summer 09 macbooks. I am trying to determine if this is a hardware, software, or an OS issue.

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OS X :: IWork 09 Update Completely Crashes MacBook

Mar 16, 2009

Bought and downloaded iWork '09 March 8 from authorised Apple reseller in Hong Kong, used it for a week. loaded software onto white MacBook 13'' 2.16Gz. machine is now 7 months out of the standard 1-year warranty (meaning I've owned the machine for 1 year and 7 months). Apple Auto Update cued update for iWork '09 (Pages, Numbers) on March 13, which I authorised for it to download. Left and came back to computer, which does not turn on. Tried resetting PRAM, SRAM, doesn't work - completely crashed, light next to IR port does not turn on, battery does not charge, but power adapter lights up green when connected. Went to CASE, in Mongkok (Hong Kong), over the weekend.

3rd party service contractor of AppleCare HK, which takes care of hardware problems. The counter rep said it will cost me HK$600 (US$100) just to examine the problem because the machine is out of warranty. I kicked up a fuss. he finally gave it a cursory look, say something is wrong with logic board and says they will have to charge me HK$10,000 (US$1,200 = which equals new aluminum MacBook) to fix it. But they said i should wait to speak to a Customer Service rep on Monday to see what more could be done. So I went home, took out the hard drive and put it into an external hard drive (SATA) case. Over USB, backed up my critical user files onto another macbook. There were "stop signs" overlaid my file folder icons, I clicked on them, opened them up, transferred these files onto another external drive.

I returned original hard drive into unbootable macbook (apparently this should have fixed it), did not try to power up one last time (see below). Called up AppleCare Customer Service on Monday (see below); they were helpful. At CASE (AppleCare's 3rd party contractor), technician pushed power button and to my utter amazement, the computer turns on. screen shows the machine was just about to restart - it was stuck on Apple Update, which has just finished downloading for iWork 09. The technician says actually I am the second person to have this problem - the other person was installing updates for iLife '09. Technician also says this has never happened before iLife or iWork 09.

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MacBook :: Weirdest - Crashes When Plug In Battery

Apr 7, 2009

My second generation black macbook has always been working perfectly until last night... I was watching a movie on my external monitor, when the computer kinda a froze, became irresponsive etc... Rare but ok. I reboot the machine (it was plugged in with the power source and battery inside). The machine won't start... so I remove the battery, reset the PVRAM, etc. The usual things. The computer restart just fine with only the power cord plugged in but not the battery. I tried to plugged the battery when the computer was running and it crashed it immidiately: this weird black screen that appears really really rarely saying that I need to reboot.

I reboot with the battery in, I hear the optical drive makes it's bzzz bzzz sound as usual, but the screen won't turn on, no chime, nothing. I remove the battery again still plugged in, but it won't start... I finally reallized that I need to do the reset thingy apple + command + power button with everything unplugged (battery and power cord) to have the computer restart after I placed the battery inside. I don't understand.. what could be wrong ? My battery ? It's fully charged... it was showing pretty good health last time I check (99%).

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MacBook Air :: Safari Crashes After Reinstall Leopard - How To Fix It

Jun 2, 2009

i reinstalled my leopard on my macbook air and today, apparently, my safari always crashed.

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MacBook Pro :: Lots Spinning Pinwheel And Crashes

Jun 27, 2009

I just bought a 13 inch macbook pro about 2 days after the keynote, and it came in on the 15th. I opened it up and it worked pretty good. I noticed I saw the spinning pinwheel a little more than I think I should. My cousin's macbook did it less frequently than my new macbook pro. It was happening when I opened iTunes or Safari. So a few days ago I opened up iTunes and I saw the pinwheel, but then it kept going, and going, and itunes froze up and crashed. After that it has happened several times. The same with safari and iMovie. I am sort of angry because I spent a good amount of money on this and I don't think it should be happening. I can live with it, but I certainly hope this isn't the norm! I switched to mac so things would be easier.

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MacBook :: OS X Quit Unexpectedly? - Lot Of Applications Get Crashes?

May 11, 2010

I just got the screen that says you need to hold down the power key and restart your computer. Anyone know why? I'm running tiger. I had about 12% battery left and I am "borrowing" my neighbors internet because mine is down right now (I'm a broke college student). I had about 1-3 bars of internet but those go in and out and fluctuate often. I've noticed my computer seems to lag because of that, I've had a lot more applications crashing.

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