MacBook Pro :: Check The Status Of Hardware Usage?
Apr 15, 2012
Hey all, I'd like to know how to check the status of my hardware, particularly my RAM and graphics card. I remember partitioning some of each, along with some of my harddrive space, to an application a while back that has now been deleted. However, it seems as if my computer isn't running as quickly as it had been. Is there any way to redirect all hardware power to my harddrive, and delete all other partitions? I haven't messed around with it much, yet, but I'd like to get a lead from someone who has done it before.
I think you guys will agree with me, that I have powercycled my battery too much, resulting in a serious loss of performance with my battery.
I have been unplugging my MBP each, and every night, and then using battery during th day until I got the low battery warning, then plugging it in until the evening, and so on.
Looking at the status below, 50+ powercycles in 10 months has reduced the life of my battery by half. Looks like I will invest in a new battery at some point, and follow Apples guidelines to the letter in future.
What the icon "check client status" does? It just noticed it on my MacBook Air while I was trying to figure out why my computer is running so slowly? Can I delete it?
I just installed last night the 1TB WD Scorpio Blue without a problem in a 2010 MBP 13", but seem to be having some issues now. Im showing the drive is shown w/red text and failing the SMART status in the disk utility. It showed verified when I installed it last night and reinstalled OS X, but now this. I have also been getting some beachballs, but does seem to be running fine now. Is this a sign of just a bad drive, or is it normal for a non-apple drive to fail the smart status check?
I'm new to Apple Mac so apologize in advance for using incorrect terminology. Since yesterday when I signed on to OkCupid, I'm getting what I believe is Apple's "hourglass" icon (round various colored circle) which I can't get rid of (and can't do anything) until I shut down and restart computer. It's happened today on other sites as well. It takes over my computer. Is this a virus? Does anyone know, and if so, how can I get rid of it?
Any way to really check for hardware failure on an external FW800 drive. I'm interested in being able to check for bad/pending sectors. SMART status on external drives is not supported in disk utility or SmartCTL
In the last week, I have been using daily ±5GB of data. Usually I used ± 500MB. When I use Netflix, I understand that my usage can increased dramtically, but when I don't, how can I explain my usage ? My ISP tells me that he cannot give me any clue, because my usage is confidential.
What can I do about that ? Can I install a software to check this and to be sure that nobody else is using my internet connection ?
As the Title of The Post says, i need to know if Apple Hardware check, Does check the hard drive. I'm getting a little bit more frequent hard drive clicks so i want to make sure my HD is not failing. So i need to know as so as possible if Apple hardware check looks for Hard drive Problems. And if it does not. Can someone point me into some Utilities i can use?
I remember about a year ago that people were discovering you couldnt use Bootcamp/Windows7 with a Macbook Pro that was eqipped with the OEM SSD drives.
I was wondering if in the interim Apple has done something to correct the situation or if I should stick with the 5400 drive.
So I had my MacBook Pro charging, and it said it was on 59%. For some reason, it had been stuck at 59% for a while. I highlighted the power readout in the menu bar, and it said 20:00 until full. I unplugged the charging cable and plugged it back in, then it read 89% full and charging.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Before there was a discussion on a couple of apps people had written that show in the status bar whether you're using the Intel HD or Nvidia 330M on an i5/i7 macbook. I now have an i7 MBP but can't find the thread anywhere (tried MRoogle too!).
So when I bought this the guy said that Apple installed a new battery on it recently. I believe him because when I downloaded the iStat Pro widget it said only 2 or 3 cycles which is because I calibrated the battery. But I just finished charging and the light is green. But it says the charge is only at 97%. I don't see why it should be like this. Also when it's not plugged in the battery only lasts maybe 3 and half hours from just surfing on the internet. But I thought it was supposed to last like 6?(I'm thinking that since mine is an older model, that could be it.
My aluminum unibody MacBook is plugged in to the power adapter and the light on the adapter is green. The battery status indicator says "Not Charging." What do I do?
I'm new to this, but since today the screen of my Macbook doesn't get out of it's dimmed status anymore. Whether I'm on adapter or battery, no matter what I do or press, the screen is dimmed [like pressing F1 till it's on 0 notches, so when the screen seems off, but you can still see if you look hard].
Even if I adjust the brightness, I can see the notches going up, even full, it doesn't change anything to the brightness. I tried restarting multiple times, also with command-option-p-r to reset it, but no luck.
Does anyone have an idea what I can try to fix this? Any idea what the problem might be?
I accidentally left it on while I was doing some chores. When I came back it was dead (no battery). So I plugged in the charger and it immediately turned bright green when its supposed to be orange first, right? MacBook says (Not Charging) but power source: power adapter, green light is on, on the Magsafe. It's running by the power source because the battery is at 0%. I've had the charger plugged in for less than/about an hour and the 0% still hasn't changed. (Not Charging) is still there too. I bought my Macbook last August 2009, so it's not even a year old.
It's a new Momentus XT 750 that I bought to replace the orignal HDD.I can read and write and even installed Leopard via USB, but the SMART status was not appearing 'verified'.After installing I hook it up to my MBP and it could not be recognized.
Info: MBP 2.8G Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 4Gb RAM
Some games seem to close off menu bars and everything else.My daughter plays the sims 3 and sometimes uses battery power, but she always panics that the mac will just shut down due to lack of battery power.
How does she see what the power is at while playing the game? ts normally just in the menu bar, but like i say this game overrides all that info until the game has been quit.
I just got a new MacBook Pro today (2.4Ghz i5) and it kept freezing randomly, such as opening safari. I open disk utility, it says that S.M.A.R.T. is verified, when I verified the disk, it said "invalid node structure" and to repair using the Mac OS disk. I booted from the disk, disk utility failed to repair twice, but after the 3rd repair, it said repair was successful, but after a few days, same problem "invalid node structure." I've repaired the disk many times and I always get the same result a few days later, I've also reformat the laptop 3x with same problems reoccurring after a few days.
I read that using disk warrior was best to solve these problems, except I there were mixed results, some people said that it fixed their problems, others said it was just a temporary fix, so I don't wanna pay for a program that may or may not fix my problem.
Last experiment, I popped in the HDD into my sister's MacBook Pro (2.4GHz Intel Core2Duo) and did a clean install. After a few days of use, it starts to slow down, ran Disk Utility, S.M.A.R.T. status is verified, clicked repair disk, and same thing "invalid node structure."
I went to apple, Apple "Genius" said that there was nothing wrong with my laptop and just told me to do a clean install, which I did many times already. They kept it over night and called the next day to say that there was nothing wrong...
Having said this, how accurate is the S.M.A.R.T status? I search google and some people say that "Invalid node structure" is a sign that the HDD is failing.
Any of you guys experienced this problem, where the S.M.A.R.T. status is verified, even though the HDD is dying? I don't have money to experiment and buy another laptop HDD to install just to test this out so can you guys tell me your experience?
Is it normal for the battery of an 1 month old MacBook Pro 17" to display the Health status 98% in iStat Pro widget. The MBP is on 4 cycles and the battery was calibrated 2 times: First when I received it and the second time was yesterday.
Do take a look at my current battery capacity. How can my current battery capacity be higher than the Original battery capacity? Anyway if you want to know how I keep it at 99-100% battery capacity 1] Set brightness level to the lowest or most comfortable 2] Turn off Bluetooth/Airport when not in use 3] Try not to use the iSight camera too much 4] Try to do activities that will decrease your battery life only when it's plugged in 5] Put it to sleep instead of shutdown. 6] Keep it plugged in as much as possible, it's okay to use 20-30% of the battery when you're in the bus or in places that has no power adapters. In fact, it makes the MBP healthier.
My order MBA 2012 2.0GHz Intel Dual-Core Core i78GB 1600MHz DDR3L SDRAM256GB Flash StorageKeyboard/User's Guide-THACountry Kit-THA status change to "Preparing for Shipment" But why still ships 2-3 weeks?
My magsafe 2 is plugged in but the light's not on. My battery status shows it plugged in, but says "battery is not charging."
I've reset the SMC several times and have been able to get it to work again, sometimes after going through the process several times. Sometimes the yellow light stays on even after I unplug the magsafe.
I try to access The website is fully loaded (status bar) but it won't display the content. The page only show website menu bar & the ad..This happen to both chrome and safari. Other website have no problem. My friend running on the same network didn't have this issue as mind. Furthur more my new ipad having the same problem on only this website , runing on 3G.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)