MacBook Pro :: Battery Down To Zero Left It Over Night And Started It Up
Aug 12, 2010
I have already run the battery down to zero left it over night and started it up and it had 2% so I ran that down again. Is it now suffice to say that it is dead? Or should I leave it for the rest of the day and try to turn it on and run it down once more
I Can't figure out what is going on; I've played around in the battery settings; but maybe I'm just too Green to my used 17 Inch Macbook Pro that I bought 3 months ago.
I used to have a full battery at night, close the lid go to sleep and have hardly any battery loss first thing in the morning.
Now, I close the lid or even manually put the Macpro to sleep ( from the apple menu ) and wake 8 hours later with " NO" battery.
whats going on? what do I need to check? what do I need to set? this is getting frustrating.
the battery is still strong get about 3 hours on a full charge; it's a mac battery; so It must just be settings or something I need to do in the software.
When I close the lid on my MacBook Pro (Late 2008), the battery drains almost completely over a night or so! Very odd. Anyone else dealing with this? I reset the PRAM already.
I would like to know if charging the MacBook Pro for 8 hours overnight will cause the battery to diminish faster. I only let it happen once, I usually unplug it when its green.
I have been shutting down my MacBook Pro OS X10.7.3 at night.I just read that OSX runs "maintenance" procedures early in the morning (between 3:15 am and 5:30 am) and that if Mac is powered off at that time, that these maintenance procedures will NOT run.True or False? AppleCare says that it won't make any difference and I won't be affected if these night procedures never run. But, if that's true, then why are they set up to run at night? ? I went to the Apple Manual but it does not address my question.
I bought a battery for my macbook and now it has started to expand and make it useless as if it even connects, it doesnt let me use the trackpad! Its the only battery I have!
Do apple still have warrantly for abnormal battery? I'm in the UK and cant find a number to phone about this? Does anyone know the tel no?
I have a MacBook Pro. Keeps completely shutting down all the time when its fully charged and at random times when it is at 65% for example. Do I need to get a battery replacement? Or do I have a virus?
calibrating my battery for the first time this morning. i just opened my macbook pro to see that the time left icon jumps every minute. it goes from 8:50 to 12:38 to 6:54 to 11:37 to 7:40! and now it went from 8:45 to 9:19! the percentage remaining is consistent and correct but the time left is way out of whack! sorry for the slang! now it went from 9:19 to 9:11 then 8:47. i have the screen at the lowest brightness, no backlit keyboard, nothing else running except firefox. i wasnt aware that i was supposed to calibrate my battery and its been about 3 months since i bought this. now its at 8:37 now 8:18. this is quite
My Macbook Pro keeps shutting down before I reach zero percent battery and often when the battery still has 25% left. I am wondering if this is a software issue that may be fixed or if there is something incompatible with my hardware. I am running 10.6.4 with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM memory bought in April of 2007. My mac was originally running Tiger, but a few months ago I updated to Snow Leopard.
Coconut Battery is showing that I only have about half of my original battery max limit left, but now I'm getting a message that says "Service Battery" when I check battery info from the icon on the top of the screen. Anything at all I can do at this point, short of buying a new battery?
A little while later I notice the MBP felt like it was running when I touched it. It was vibrating from the HD running. I didn't think much of this.
I just now tried to turn my MBP on and it wouldn't. I decide to plug it in. When it turned on it did so for about 2 seconds, turned off, then turned back on. It then took a long time to boot up. When it finally did boot, it told me that the clock was all out of whack and I noticed tons of my settings had been reverted to default. I then check the battery to see that it is charging but the level is at 1%! When I shut the MBP lid earlier to put it to sleep the battery was at least 50%.
I have my mbp just 3 weeks old and I tried to calibrate the battery just few hrs ago. I continuously used my mbp until the battery level reached to 2% (the warning message showed when it was 6%). Just then I had to receive a phone call. When I was busy talking, I noticed that the mbp has gone to sleep mode but when I returned (2-3 mins later), I found it shut down. Well, I think it should have remained to sleep mode but it didn't.
Then after an hour I connected the power cord and switched on and noticed a progress bar which I saw for the first time. I have been charging it for 40-50 mins, now. Also the health of my battery keeps fluctuating between 95-100 %. istat shows this. Is this normal? So what I want to know is, Is this normal for mbp to shut down when the battery reach that low? OR there is some problem in my MBP?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.4GHz, 500GB HDD
So i noticed I had no charge left in my little battery icon on my Macbook Pro so I plugged in my charger. There is a little green light on my charger but it is not charging the macbook pro.
I recently did a Lion clean install and since then im having this wierd issue..I already saw some cases that the kernel_task was eating too much cpu but that was random and caused by flash player.. mine is different.. it only happens when i have less than 5% battery and it stops when i connect the magsafe. I already tried PRAM reset.. already tried uninstall flash player but with no luck. What can i do ?
This is my first post, and I apologize as it's a little long. I just wanted to get the whole story on the table and clarified.I've had one of the new Aluminum 13" MacBooks (2.0GHz C2D) since Christmas Eve. A few weeks ago, it accidentally fell off my desk at work (not a far drop , but far enough for my heart to stop for a few minutes) when I got tripped up in the power cord under the desk.
For all intents and purposes, the MacBok seemed to work fine. I had one of our IT staff, who happened to be a trained Apple repair tech, take a look at it; the only real damage was that the display hinge had been knocked a little out of alignment. Just ot be on the safe side, I took the machine to the Apple Store, where they told me not to worry about attempting to get the hinge fixed (because I'd be paying a lot of money for such minor work), and the Genius sold me a hardcover plastic Speck case for the MacBook.
While the Speck case certainly looked nice and madethe already sturdy laptop feel sturdier and "protected", I was a little concerned about the amount of heat the machine was giving off within the case. On Sunday, I unplugged the machine from the MagSafe charger for a few hours and left it closed in sleep mode. When I woke it back up, the fan on the left continually gave off some sort of high-pitched whine whenever the computer was in idle mode.
I Googled, searching this site and others, and read about the "CPU whine" in the previous generation MacBooks and MacBook Pros. I also saw where a few people with new Aluminum MacBooks were having this same issue or something similar:
It seems to only make the noise when the computer is running off of the battery - plugging in the MagSafe charger makes the noise quiet 85% of the time (I've found that plugging, unplugging, and replugging will not stop the whine from occurring).
I tried installing QuietMBP as was recommended in some posts, but the only setting that will stop the computer from whining is the "highest" setting (that is, allowing the processor 0 seconds of idle time), which causes QuietMBP to eat up 30% of my processor usage in Activity Monitor and to start the fans going (and, presumably, to significantly lower my battery life).
I don't know whether all of this was the result of the MacBook falling, from it overheating in the case, or something that "just happened". I set up an appointment with the Genius bar for today at 4 PM, but Idiscovered another odd occurance when I set up a new account for the Apple Store (rather than give them my password)
The noise never happened under the new account. Never. I left the machine idle until any and all initial processes were done. No noise. I checked Activity Monitor for stray processes. None. And no noise.
Now I'm bewildered. Could something have gone wrong somewhere in my account, leading to a corruption of a power management utility or process? I'm not canceling my appointment, but I am going to try a few things before I leave. I've already repaired disk permissions, and I'm about ot reinstall the 10.5.6 OS X combo update. Should I try to reset the PRAM too? What other options should I be looking at?
Or should I just wait, and let the Genius Bar folks look into it? As a note, I'm aware I may have to pay for any repairs because they may or may not blame them on the MacBook having dropped (despite two to three weeks passing between the fall and this issue arising), and I'm okay with paying for reapirs (though I will try my best to argue my case, of course).
You know how when the battery dies the mac restarts in the exact way you left it? well, i was wondering if there was any way that i could put in that mode on my own (without pulling out the battery or hurting the mac).
My Apple Wireless Keyboard Stopped Working, i don't know what problem it is. its just stop, after i leave it one week without battery. this keyboard just 2 months old, any suggestion so i can get it repaired...?, is it possible to bring keyboard to apple retailer, and get it fixed there ?
I have a new MBP 13". When I'm using the Mac it's mostly connected to AC. Over night it's mostly sleeping without the AC connected. My question is, if I should let it sleep at night or should I shut down the Mac regarding to maximize the battery life?
Is it safe to charge my Macbook over night in a laptop bag that I have? What's your take on this? How do you charge your Macbook (on sleep, shut down, open, closed etc)?
I left my mbp next to an open window on a very damp night after a few very damp days. In the monring it would not start after I pressed the power button, and the magsafe connector appeared to be dead, there was no light of any color. I used another magsafe whose light did turn on, and left it all plugged in overnight. In the morning it all turned on as if nothing had happened, and my magsafe appeared to be working fine. I had everything back up, and was lucky to be in town, but what do I do now to trouble shoot and make sure this doesn't happen again?
How do I set up a MacBook Pro running Lion to interface with Starry Night software? My telescope is a Meade LX200GPS with a serial input. I have tried using a Radio Shack USB/Serial adapter which worked when I used a Windows 7 laptop but does not work with my MacBook Pro.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Is it harmful to my macbook to leave the lid open in sleep over-night for iAlarm? I know it seems slightly naive, but is sleep different when the lid is closed versus open?
My macbook pro overheated last night while in sleep mode. I starting it this morning it just kept a black screen and would do nothing else. Tried holding down power button for 10 secs and now it wont turn on at all. I pulled the battery out and unplugged the from the charger. Put it back in the computer got warm without even being on. Don't know what to do. Do not have apple care, mac was bought through school and is 4 years old. Is there anything that can be done to save it?
I ordered an 24" iMac with 2.93 GHz (I think thats the number) and I am supposed to get it today. Anyways. I was wondering if it is safe to keep it on all night and never turn it off. Will it become slower? When should I shut it off?
I have noticed my iMac waking up in the middle of the night when it's sleeping. It's not real loud or anything, but I am a light sleeper and it wakes me up, sort of like a Twighlight Zone episode. Does anyone else notice this? Could it be spywre?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Update keeps installing old software
My iMac seems to wake up often in the middle of the night and in the day when I'm at school. I was wondering if there's an app/pill that can attempt to do the opposite of Caffeine: keep my Mac asleep at night. Does anyone know of such a thing? I doubt it exists, but then again sometimes I doubt I exist.