MacBook Pro :: Application Install Disc Fails
Jun 17, 2012
I have a new macbook pro and application install disc keeps failing stating that "The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."
Am I supposed to do something special to get around this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Mar 30, 2012
I've tried resetting the smc and i've reformatted the drive so why does my mac keep spitting out the application disc?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 11, 2010
At some point in the past I must have uninstalled the Mac Address book (or it was lost in an upgrade). How can I re-install that single application from the install disc? I'm running 10.5.8 on a G5.
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Sep 5, 2009
I just upgraded my MacBooks hard drive and put in the install cd to restore from my time machine backup. Evedything went smoothly until I chose the new hard drive as the destination for the restore. I was told that the install failed to erase the hard drive and to restart and try again. So I did but when I try to erase or partition the drive, there is an error and it fails. The hard drve seems fine since it can be seen by disc utility but after it fails to partition or erase, it disappears from the disc utility forcing me to restart. The process I've done about 5 times now is boot the comp, choose time machine restore, then while the install is calculating the space the restore would require and searching for discs to install on, nothing shows up so I go to disc utility and try to erase or partition the drive only for it to fail and disappear from disc utility. At this point I hold down the power button to turn it off and restart the process.
The first time I tried, the restore process saw the drive while calculating the restores size requirements and allowed me to go the next step where it would automatically try to erase the hard drive (without me having to go into disc utility myself) but after the first try, it just says "searching for disks" and so I go into disc utility myself where I can see the disk.
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Jun 2, 2008
Well, my question is very simple: I have a MBA and this other laptop from work, a crappy HP which is old as hell. I'm planning to use Remote Disc to reinstall my Leopard, since the upgrade to 10.5.3 really screwed things here, and I can't figure out why. Point is: instead of running all Leopard installation thru Remote Disc, I would prefer to share Leopard disc 1 over Remote Disc and restore it to a partition on my external HD, making a clone of it, which would install *much* faster. Has anyone tried anything like this? There's any Windows program which allows me to rip a Mac DVD to a Mac partition?
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Dec 29, 2009
I am trying to install Photoshop CS4 on a MacBook Air running OS X 10.5.8. The error message is the application Setup quit unexpectedly and then when I choose Report there is a long message and at the end:
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/asneu.framework/Versions/A/asneu
Referenced from: /Users/catherine/Desktop/Adobe Photoshop CS4/
Reason: image not found
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Dec 7, 2014
I tried to migrate an friends mac mini from snow leopard to yosemite via an external drive, also via target mode and lan, without sucess.
It alway shows "there is not enogh space on disc" which is not true. Even if I select the smallest part ...
I did verified all drives via disk utility repaired permissions and used different sources to migrate from. I do have access to the Yosemite Mac via sharing.
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm having grief trying to create a new windows partition on my MCP. This is a similar problem to a million others that I've read on google, but slightly different and I cant get to the bottom of it. So, I had a 100GB hard drive running 10.5 and created a 20GB partition for XP. All good, all worked. But 20GB wasnt quite enough so I purchased a new 160GB drive and used Carbon Copy Cloner to create an exact copy of my OS X partition on the new drive. Removed old hard drive, installed new one and OS X runs like a dream still.
However, now I go to make my windows partition using bootcamp assistant and get the following error: "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS. Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again." Thing is, there is only one partition on my drive when I look in disc utility. I could just format the drive and restore using carbon copy cloner I guess, but I'd like to avoid that hassle.
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Mar 9, 2012
I've had my 13' mac book pro for a year and it's about time I clean the hard drive. I've heard some negative stories about "Mackeeper"
MacBook Pro
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May 18, 2010
I am having an issue installing Snow Leopard on my computer. Every time I start the installation process, the process makes it to the first restart, and then crashes. I am running Mac OS X 10.5.8 and using a early 2008 Macbook. I have tried verifying the disk, but Disk Utility says the disk is fine with no issues. The hard drive was recently replaced so I doubt that their is a problem there...does anyone have any advice on how I should install Snow Leopard?
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Jun 3, 2014
I have an aluminum Macbook from late 2008, model A1278. I just had to replace the hard drive, and need to install an OS on the currently blank HDD. Problem is, my CD drive doesn't work, so I can't just install from a disc. I had installed Mountain Lion on my old hard drive, but the original OS was Snow Leopard. I haven't succeeded in getting any of my information off my old HDD. Is there another way to install either Snow Leopard or Lion onto my new hard drive?
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Aug 26, 2014
I have a problem that when selecting a file that is either an attachment in email or is in my finder, double clicking on it fails to load the associated application successfully. For example, selecting a pdf file results in the pdf reader logo appearing on the lower bar on the screen, bounces up and down as if it is doing something, but just continues to bounce. I have to force quit it, then go to my application folder to load reader directly, and from within the reader I can then go and select the file. This isn't an application specific issue (It does it with Excel, Word etc).
It only started recently. I'm using a MBP summer 2010 with Mavericks 10.9.4. Everything else seems to work.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 2, 2012
This is the first time i reinstalled(clean install) my snow leopard on my MBP. All went fine but then i inserted the disc for bundled application (which contains the ilife apps) but it keeps failing.
It says that "the installation failed. the installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. contact the software manufacturer for assistance".
I've also done my research on this matter. I've gone thru a few steps i tried as below without success:
1)normal install - fail
2)repair permission - fail
3)install in safe mode - fail
4) install using another admin acc - fail
5) made an image out of the disc and install - fail
6) used a similar disc(my dad's since we have identical version) - fai
7)updated my system and install - fail
8) reinstall the mac - fail
i cant think of any other solution as im a bit noob when it comes to mac. is there any other things i could try before taking it Apple?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 13, 2009
Please take pity on a confused newbie. I'm running 10.4.11 (Tiger) on a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 13" Macbook with 1GB ram. My school requires me to run Bootcamp to take my exams. They told us that we need 10.5 minimum OS and must have our 'original system discs'. The installation dics that I have are for Tiger. If I buy an upgrade disc to Leopard/SL, will that contain the windows drivers I need to install after I install bootcamp? Or do I need to buy a full installation disc of Snow Leopard (since I think you can't buy the Leopard full installation anymore)? Another issue someone mentioned is that both Leopard & SL require 1BG ram minimum, which is what I have. I'm worried the os will run very slow, but I don't really have the money to buy new ram and get it install (and don't want to crack the fragile top case) now that I have to buy the new software too.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have recently tried to run Onyx which has identified a problem which requires me to run disc utilities from the start up disc. The Snow leopard disc I have only appears to offer Install option.
Q1 Have I missed something?
Q2 Otherwise should I try to run Disc Utilities from an earlier version of OSX
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May 23, 2008
I'm new to Mac. I feel I have been suitably rehabilitated from my former ways. I bought a MacBook Pro. It came with an installation disc for Leopard. I'm not sure if it's an image or if it's the OS install DVD. I bought a Mac Pro, quad Xeon 64 bit monster. The guy I bought it from had to retain the HDD for legal reasons. So, I bought a couple of drives that I'll slot in. Question: Can I use the install disc from my MacBook Pro to install Leopard on my Mac Pro?
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Dec 23, 2009
I have tried to install Snow Leopard on my Macbook running 10.5.8, but the installation fails every single time. I have verified and repaired both the disk and the disk permissions, reset the PRAM, and removed all external devices from the system. Something of importance, the installation always makes it through the first reset, and then crashes afterwards during the second part of the installation. I am wondering if I should erase the disk, and install Snow Leopard, and then restore from a Time Machine backup, but this would be a last resort method.
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Jan 12, 2011
I have: Power PC G5 dual 2.3 w 10.4.11 os, Lost Internet connection. (ethernet cable direct to router), No known cause. Checked router,cable etc. All work fine w other computers etc. router does not "see/read" when cable connected to G5. I figured Ethernet card is dead. Can't afford new card figured I'd try: Net gear G54 wireless USB adapter, just to get back online. Downloaded driver for Mac etc. Went to System Prefernces to set up. Opened System Preferences then Network, Automatically this message drops down: "Your network settings have been changed by another application" When I click "ok" same message automatically drops back down. Cannot access "Network settings" at all.
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Jan 30, 2010
I'm using a iMac PowerPC G5 that I've received from my brother. He gave it to me with a fresh install of Leopard on it, but he unfortunately no longer has the disc that came with the computer that he also used to format it before handing it to me. With that said, I ordered a new internal hard drive. Naturally, I'll need to re-install Leopard, but I don't have an install disc anywhere. How is this going to be possible? Or will it not be? Do I have to buy a new Leopard install disc? If so where and how much?
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Sep 28, 2010
So I need to start my MBP up in OS X but i currently have windows selected to start up everytime through bootcamp. Problem is I don't have a serial key and I'm stuck at the authorization prompt. At this point I don't even care to use windows anymore I just want to get back to my Mac. Which brings me to the subject of the post: I've read that you can choose which partition to use at startup from the Disc Utility and I've tried to access this by inserting my OS X install disc and holding down the "C" key during startup. All this does for me is add a few seconds to Windows boot up time. Also, I've tried holding the "Alt/Option" key at startup to get to the disk selection menu but all this does is bring up a grey screen with a Lock on it and a password field. The admin password I made when I installed OS X definitely doesn't work and no serial numbers I've typed in works either. As a last ditch effort I tried changing the firmware password through Single-User Mode, but holding down "CMD+S" during startup does nothing for me either. Could it be that no Mac startup commands work when Windows is trying to boot up?
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Mar 14, 2009
I have misplaced my MacBook re-install disc, is it possible to use an install disc from a newer model MacBook? That should work right? You just can't use a MacPro re-install disc, right?Sorry if this was posted. Couldn't find it anywhere at the moment.
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Mar 30, 2012
I'm trying to re-install the OS on a MacBook Pro that i'm selling so as to erase all my data from it, however the Install Disc will not start up to run the Installer. I load it, press install, it says it has to Restart, i click ok and it then begins to restart but then just stops at a white screen. The disc drive goes quiet as well. I've tried just starting and holding C down as well. Same result.
Just wondering if anyone knows a way around this? Or is it probably a dodgy disc? It seems to be fine until it tries to start up from the disc.
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Jun 6, 2012
Disk utilities says I need to boot from the install disc, but I can't get my computer to boot up from the install disc. I tried holding down the C key (the letter C), both lower and upper case, but it still boots off the hard drive. Is there a special way I am supposed to initiate the reboot? I just hit the power button to bring up the little window that has buttons for Restart, Sleep, Cancel, and Shut Down. So I held down the C key and clicked the restart button. I also held the C key till the sign-on menu came up. I am running Leopard.
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Jun 12, 2012
How do you install software from a disc/dvd onto the new Retina display Mac Book Pro?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 20, 2012
It probably is the most stupid question ever... but I have a copy of Microsoft Office 2004 on a disc (it is not the original one which is a long story) and can use it at the moment from the disc on my Macbook Pro laptop OSX 10.6.8, although I have yet to figure out how to actually install it onto the hard drive.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 5, 2014
Where can I download it from? Or what else to do?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Sep 5, 2014
there is a way to wipe my macbook clean and put it back to factory settings without an operation system install disc? I'm trying to make it run smoother and clean out the memory. I only have snow leopard on my computer and it never came with an installation disc, the snow leopard set up was an automatic set up procedure when I got the computer so i didn't have to insert any disc. Where ever I look you need the installation disk if you want to restore you computer for earlier mac versions. (i have version 10.6.8). My mothers computer didn't come with one either as it was also an automatic set up. I don't have the money for an installation disc..there is not enough memory on my computer to install Mavericks to avoid needing installation discs.
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Apr 13, 2012
You have mail version 4.2 (1078/1084). It can't be used on Mac OS X Version 10.6.8,How to install application Mail from Optional Installs on Mac OS X Install DVD?
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Aug 25, 2010
I have the following:
Mac Book Air with 10.5.8
iMac with 10.6.4
Purchased 10.6 Mac Box Set
When I try to access and install 10.6 on my MacBook Air, I get the following error:
"The operation cannot be completed because the original item for "Mac OS X Install DVD" cannot be found"
I am trying to use remote disc on my iMac to access the 10.6 install disc. I used the the "Ask to use" option on my MacBook Air, and then selected "Ok" on my iMac to give permission. Despite this I get the above error.
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Aug 26, 2010
Now, from what googling I've done, it seems the only way to fix this is a fresh install. Only one problem - it will not boot the install disc when I hold "C" at power up.
I've already done the reset (remove battery, hold power 5 sec) and also reset PRAM. Neither of these helped the system recognize the disc.
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