MacBook :: Misplaced Re-install Disc?
Mar 14, 2009
I have misplaced my MacBook re-install disc, is it possible to use an install disc from a newer model MacBook? That should work right? You just can't use a MacPro re-install disc, right?Sorry if this was posted. Couldn't find it anywhere at the moment.
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Dec 26, 2010
My 2006 iMac died a couple of months ago and I got a 13" MBP for Christmas. Yesterday I was working on installing everything on it and started to install FCE, which yes I did buy perfectly legally ;-)
Anyway I seem to have misplaced the booklet with the serial number on it so I can't complete the install. If I call Apple support will they be able to give me another serial? I'd hate to think I've wasted $200 just because I lost a $.50 booklet that came with it. I have a full backup of my iMac on an external drive so I don't know if maybe there is a library file or something that I could use to recover my password? I just thought I'd pose the question here before calling them because I'm sure their hold times are crazy this time of year.
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Jun 2, 2008
Well, my question is very simple: I have a MBA and this other laptop from work, a crappy HP which is old as hell. I'm planning to use Remote Disc to reinstall my Leopard, since the upgrade to 10.5.3 really screwed things here, and I can't figure out why. Point is: instead of running all Leopard installation thru Remote Disc, I would prefer to share Leopard disc 1 over Remote Disc and restore it to a partition on my external HD, making a clone of it, which would install *much* faster. Has anyone tried anything like this? There's any Windows program which allows me to rip a Mac DVD to a Mac partition?
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Jun 3, 2014
I have an aluminum Macbook from late 2008, model A1278. I just had to replace the hard drive, and need to install an OS on the currently blank HDD. Problem is, my CD drive doesn't work, so I can't just install from a disc. I had installed Mountain Lion on my old hard drive, but the original OS was Snow Leopard. I haven't succeeded in getting any of my information off my old HDD. Is there another way to install either Snow Leopard or Lion onto my new hard drive?
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Oct 13, 2009
Please take pity on a confused newbie. I'm running 10.4.11 (Tiger) on a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 13" Macbook with 1GB ram. My school requires me to run Bootcamp to take my exams. They told us that we need 10.5 minimum OS and must have our 'original system discs'. The installation dics that I have are for Tiger. If I buy an upgrade disc to Leopard/SL, will that contain the windows drivers I need to install after I install bootcamp? Or do I need to buy a full installation disc of Snow Leopard (since I think you can't buy the Leopard full installation anymore)? Another issue someone mentioned is that both Leopard & SL require 1BG ram minimum, which is what I have. I'm worried the os will run very slow, but I don't really have the money to buy new ram and get it install (and don't want to crack the fragile top case) now that I have to buy the new software too.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have recently tried to run Onyx which has identified a problem which requires me to run disc utilities from the start up disc. The Snow leopard disc I have only appears to offer Install option.
Q1 Have I missed something?
Q2 Otherwise should I try to run Disc Utilities from an earlier version of OSX
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May 20, 2009
i have the alum macbook 2.4 and apple care. i misplaced my macbook dvd (not the applications but the other one.) i was just wondering how much would it cost me to get apple to send me a replacement disc?
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May 23, 2008
I'm new to Mac. I feel I have been suitably rehabilitated from my former ways. I bought a MacBook Pro. It came with an installation disc for Leopard. I'm not sure if it's an image or if it's the OS install DVD. I bought a Mac Pro, quad Xeon 64 bit monster. The guy I bought it from had to retain the HDD for legal reasons. So, I bought a couple of drives that I'll slot in. Question: Can I use the install disc from my MacBook Pro to install Leopard on my Mac Pro?
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Jun 18, 2012
How can I trace my Mac-book Pro in case it is stolen or misplaced or disabled? Am traveling soon and want to make sure I am able to recover it.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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Jan 30, 2010
I'm using a iMac PowerPC G5 that I've received from my brother. He gave it to me with a fresh install of Leopard on it, but he unfortunately no longer has the disc that came with the computer that he also used to format it before handing it to me. With that said, I ordered a new internal hard drive. Naturally, I'll need to re-install Leopard, but I don't have an install disc anywhere. How is this going to be possible? Or will it not be? Do I have to buy a new Leopard install disc? If so where and how much?
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Sep 28, 2010
So I need to start my MBP up in OS X but i currently have windows selected to start up everytime through bootcamp. Problem is I don't have a serial key and I'm stuck at the authorization prompt. At this point I don't even care to use windows anymore I just want to get back to my Mac. Which brings me to the subject of the post: I've read that you can choose which partition to use at startup from the Disc Utility and I've tried to access this by inserting my OS X install disc and holding down the "C" key during startup. All this does for me is add a few seconds to Windows boot up time. Also, I've tried holding the "Alt/Option" key at startup to get to the disk selection menu but all this does is bring up a grey screen with a Lock on it and a password field. The admin password I made when I installed OS X definitely doesn't work and no serial numbers I've typed in works either. As a last ditch effort I tried changing the firmware password through Single-User Mode, but holding down "CMD+S" during startup does nothing for me either. Could it be that no Mac startup commands work when Windows is trying to boot up?
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Mar 30, 2012
I'm trying to re-install the OS on a MacBook Pro that i'm selling so as to erase all my data from it, however the Install Disc will not start up to run the Installer. I load it, press install, it says it has to Restart, i click ok and it then begins to restart but then just stops at a white screen. The disc drive goes quiet as well. I've tried just starting and holding C down as well. Same result.
Just wondering if anyone knows a way around this? Or is it probably a dodgy disc? It seems to be fine until it tries to start up from the disc.
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Jun 6, 2012
Disk utilities says I need to boot from the install disc, but I can't get my computer to boot up from the install disc. I tried holding down the C key (the letter C), both lower and upper case, but it still boots off the hard drive. Is there a special way I am supposed to initiate the reboot? I just hit the power button to bring up the little window that has buttons for Restart, Sleep, Cancel, and Shut Down. So I held down the C key and clicked the restart button. I also held the C key till the sign-on menu came up. I am running Leopard.
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Jun 12, 2012
How do you install software from a disc/dvd onto the new Retina display Mac Book Pro?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 20, 2012
It probably is the most stupid question ever... but I have a copy of Microsoft Office 2004 on a disc (it is not the original one which is a long story) and can use it at the moment from the disc on my Macbook Pro laptop OSX 10.6.8, although I have yet to figure out how to actually install it onto the hard drive.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 5, 2014
Where can I download it from? Or what else to do?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Sep 5, 2014
there is a way to wipe my macbook clean and put it back to factory settings without an operation system install disc? I'm trying to make it run smoother and clean out the memory. I only have snow leopard on my computer and it never came with an installation disc, the snow leopard set up was an automatic set up procedure when I got the computer so i didn't have to insert any disc. Where ever I look you need the installation disk if you want to restore you computer for earlier mac versions. (i have version 10.6.8). My mothers computer didn't come with one either as it was also an automatic set up. I don't have the money for an installation disc..there is not enough memory on my computer to install Mavericks to avoid needing installation discs.
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Aug 25, 2010
I have the following:
Mac Book Air with 10.5.8
iMac with 10.6.4
Purchased 10.6 Mac Box Set
When I try to access and install 10.6 on my MacBook Air, I get the following error:
"The operation cannot be completed because the original item for "Mac OS X Install DVD" cannot be found"
I am trying to use remote disc on my iMac to access the 10.6 install disc. I used the the "Ask to use" option on my MacBook Air, and then selected "Ok" on my iMac to give permission. Despite this I get the above error.
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Aug 26, 2010
Now, from what googling I've done, it seems the only way to fix this is a fresh install. Only one problem - it will not boot the install disc when I hold "C" at power up.
I've already done the reset (remove battery, hold power 5 sec) and also reset PRAM. Neither of these helped the system recognize the disc.
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Nov 18, 2010
I have an aluminum macbook, from made around January 09. The issue is I need to repair the hdd using the osx install disc. The problem is that when I try to do so, boot using the disc, it just restarts to the hdd, it will not boot from the disc. I try holding c and I have tried setting the disc as the startup disc and it just goes in this never ending circle of restarting and restarting. I've never seen this before.
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Nov 27, 2010
My late-2007 Macbook's hdd got screwed and I bought a new one.
Now I try to install Snow Leopard but Macbook won't boot from the install disc.
It spins the disc a couple of seconds and then ejects it.
Key commands don't help. Startup manager won't show up if I keep pressing the option key during startup and same goes with pressing c for booting.
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a macbook my old hard drive I guess malfunctioned because when I start up there is a folder with a question mark. So I installed a new hard drive however I do not have the original discs the only discs I have are to my 21in Imac is there anyway to install this without buying new discs or is there anyway to recover my old hard drive I think I deleted a folder I suppose to when I tried to restore so now I have 2 hard drive no OS and a macbook I can't use
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Feb 24, 2007
My MacBook won't turn on. I hear the noise (not from the speakers but from the inside, like the hdd or something) but nothing shows up on the screen. I tried to boot from the Mac OS X install disc, but now the disc is in there and not coming out, and when I turn the computer on i hear the cd/dvd drive instead of hard drive.Still nothing on the screen. This is a follow up to the behavior I described in this topic:[URL]
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Feb 3, 2009
Ok, I recently bought an imac used. I formatted it to get all the previous owners junk off, thinking I could use the disc to my macbook to install leopard. I quickly found out that doesnt work. I read a little about modifying the disc image and re-burning it, but it kinda seems like a pain.
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Feb 10, 2009
I bought OSX 10.5 Leopard about 3weeks ago and still have not been able to install it onto my macbook. When I put the disc in for the first time I went through the standard procedure of clicking install OSX and then restart when it restarts however it goes to the Grey screen with the apple and the spinning loading symbol and just sits there forever.
I thought it was the disc so I took it back and ended up with the exact same problem. I then thought maybe I should just use my factory disc and wipe out everything on the hard drive. It gave me the same problem as trying to install Leopard.
Then I thought maybe it was my CD/DVD drive. Nope! It perfectly played a DVD and I was able to install Photoshop CS4 through the CD/DVD drive as well.
A Month later I am stock with a Macbook that won't budge. I am no longer under warranty so I am trying to see if there is a way that I can fix this problem first before taking it to the apple store where I know I will get charged...I love Apple but I must confess this task would be easier to complete on a PC.
I tried going to disk Utility and erasing the drive and that did not work either because it doesn't give me the ability to click the erase button when I click the Hard Drive. I got this computer from my friend's sister and apparently I am finding out that she had the computer's Hard Drive partitioned and running Windows XP on it on the TIGER OS.
I am not sure if this has anything to do with it but I think it may be a factor as to why the OS disc both Leopard and Tiger (factory disc) will not write to the hard drive. I'm thinking maybe there are some permissions or something not allowing it to write to the drive or something to that nature.
My idea is to wipe out the Hard Drive completely I don't need anything that is on it I already backed it all up. But how would I do this? Is there a program I can use? Can I take the hard drive out and take it to a computer repair store and they hook it up to something erases it all? or should I buy a $40 HD from eBay for the macbook?
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Feb 26, 2009
I got remote disc up and running on a windows pc. Can I use it to install windows XP on to my MB Air?
I dont care if I use parallels, fusion or bootcamp, i dont care if it is windows xp or windows 98.
I just need windows running on my system as I need to run just one windows based application.
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May 6, 2009
I was installing a retail version of OS X the other day on a Dell Mini 9 and I realized you could customize the install by removing printer drivers and languages that you didn't want... saving about 8+ GB or so of space. I was wondering if the recovery disc that comes with our Air also allows us to customize what options we can include, assuming I do a fresh install.
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Sep 10, 2009
When i put in my Leopard install disc and hold the option key to boot from the disc, my macbook pro spits the disc back out. It will not load it. So i took my Tiger install disc and booted it and completely erased and repaired my HD. But still my macbook will not boot to the Leopard disc upon startup. It simply trys to load it, then sends it back out.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a uMBP 2.26GHz with 4GB and 500GB HDD. I usually do the Disk Utility every once in a while and it recommended me to use the MAC OS X disk and repair the disk. I inserted the disk, restarted and held "C" and the disc was running and everything. Like 1 minute later my display went black but I can still hear the disc running. But that's all it happens. Everything runs but my display went black. This is a 3month old uMBP. This is the log from the Disk Utility
Verifying volume "Macbook Pro HD"
Performing live verification.
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Checking extents overflow file.
Checking catalog file.
Missing thread record (id = 782820)
Missing thread record (id = 962550)
Incorrect number of thread records
Checking multi-linked files.
Checking catalog hierarchy.
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 54635 instead of 54637)
Checking extended attributes file.
Checking volume bitmap.
Checking volume information.
The volume Macbook Pro HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk.
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May 1, 2010
My friend just got a macbook from 2010 but it's used and there is a lot of old software, media, etc. on it. The person she bought it from didn't give her the install discs or anything that came with it. What I am wondering is, if I were to use my 2008 OS X discs on her 2010 macbook could I restore the computer to factory settings? Or would I have to use a newer version of the OS X?
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