MacBook Pro :: Word Keeps Closing, Reporting This, Unable To Open Certain Documents?
Jun 28, 2012
Process:Â Â Â Microsoft Error Reporting [3474]Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/*/Microsoft Error Error ReportingIdentifier:ÂÂ Â Â Â 2.2.6 (2.2.6)Build Info:Â Unknown-110309~0Code Type:Â Â X86 (Native)
Parent Process:Â launchd [175]Â Date/Time:Â Â 2012-06-28 17:24:39.192 -0400OS Version:Â Mac OS X 10.7.4 (11E53)
Report Version:Â 9Â Interval Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â 107411 secCrashes Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â Â 11
I have a MacBook. Last week I bought Microsoft Office for Mac. I would like to open documents sent in Word to be opened in Word. But my mac converts them to Pages.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Microsoft Office for Mac
I downloaded Lion last night only to discover I can't open my word documents anymore. My original office software for Mac is packed away somewhere (haven't had to use those install disks for a few years and probably won't work with Lion anyway?).
I downloaded Maverick OS X 10.9.3 and now I can't open my Microsoft Word documents! The message I receive when trying to open a document read: You can't open the application "Microsoft Word" because PowerPC applications are no longer supported.Â
I wish I knew this before I upgraded to Maverick. It happened to my iphotos as well but after purchasing new software for iphoto, I have been able to retrieve my photos. Â
I have my system language set to British English and I'm having some problems with the spellchecker. It's reporting words like "colour" as incorrect, and offering "colour" as a suggestion.
I have a document I do not recognize, cannot move, cannot trash and cannot open on my desktop. It appeared a few days ago. It is labelled 2CC4D500 and the icon is a Word icon.
When I select the file to open I get a dotted square outline in by browser and it says "blank". This happens when I try to look at the school lunch menu, and anytime I try to look up statements online. They still open with Safari.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.7), Airport express
Pdf documents open only with QuickTime. If there are 2 pages or more you can ses only the first. If you want to print, the preview is empty and nothing is printed!
I'm unable to open my Office Word for Mac. The message say's check with developer to make sure Microsoft Word works with this version of Mac OS X.Originally I downloaded OFFICE from the Apple Store App, so unable to reinstall as it suggest.
I am trying to do a mail merge on my Macbook, using Microsoft Word for Mac 2011. I get as far as choosing the data source, however, a pop-up appears saying, "Word was unable to open data source." I cannot get past this point.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just upgraded my laptop to Lion. Now I can't access any of my Word Documents. I 'got' around that by opening them up in 'pages'. HOWEVER, I can't access my emergency records organizer (where I keep all my bank account info, IDs and passwords, etc.) Is there a new application in Lion that allows me to to store this data? I'm not real happy with Lion right now, because half of my life/documennts were Word documents that can no longer be opened-unless I want to open EVERY last one of no fewer than 1,000 Word docs in 'pages.' Not only did I pay to upgrade to Lion, but I'll have to pay for another version of Word. Macintosh is on my___list right now.
i just got a new mac book pro 13 inch and when i went to download a paper from my school website (which on my previous mac would download stragith to word) it goes into text edit form. i know i have word on my comoputer. is there a setting i have to change? if so how do i do so?
When I quit my programs & then shut down my computer upon restarting my computer the programs open up automatically. Why are the programs not shutting down?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a mac os x 10.7.4 connected to a photosmart c309a. I use the mac drivers to scan document. Everything is updated and working fine. However, I would like to scan a document, copy it to word, and edit. How can I do this?