MacBook Pro :: Won't Type / Keyboard Changes To Symbols
Jul 26, 2010
When I try to type my password and hit enter/return I get an alert sound then nothing. Nothing about wrong password. Even more rare all of a sudden all I can type are symbols so I'm assuming this is what happens when I try to type my password to wake from sleep. I have to do a hard reboot before I can type in my password. I've re-installed Snow Leopard and updates. Tried deleting some preferences.
It's still happening. Anybody got any ideas? I've searching for similar problems. Can't even find a command that changes the entire keyboard layout to symbols only. I'm running 10.6.4 on a Macbook Pro.
My 2009 MacBook keyboard won't type letters. just the number keys and symbols work...any advise?. Is this a setting issue. No physical damage. Also the track pad acts like only secondary click works. When I tap or click it activates "secondary" function
When using Windows XP I was able to type the copyright symbol by pressing the ALT key + 0169 and the degree symbol using ALT Key+ 0176. How do I do it in 0SX?
I just got my first MBP , 15inch AG, on Tuesday. Nice enough machine, getting used to the idiosyncrasies of OS X (like the useless Finder), but fair enough. There is one complete mess up on Apple�s part though: There are no | [ ] { } symbols on the keyboard. I have to use Google to find out how to type on a keyboard that's frigging in front of me! Ok, there's no PgDn and Home keys either, which is annoying (was the shortcut Fn + Arrow, Ctrl + Arrow, alt + Arrow or cmd + Arrow ?!? - I though Macs were supposed to be easy to use) I really wish Apple would fix this - until then I guess I@ll have Letraset it. and the @ and ' are swapped compared to most laptops
The keyboard of my macbook air 11´ is typing symbols instead of letters and so I´m not able to introduce my password. I tried to enter as a guest and to Change the Settings or the language but the Problem remains.
Having been a mac owner for a few years now, I guess it actually shows the quality of the product that this is the first time I've had to post on this site.I've recently upgraded from my 2008 model MacBook to an early 2011 model MacBook Pro 17" with Lion. This machine was brand new when I purchased it, and is a very lovely bit of kit.
The problem comes from the sleep functionality. Approximately one time of three, when I resume from sleep, the keyboard will be malfunctioning. What I mean by this is that when I type letters, they come out as symbols instead. I haven't been sharp enough to get a direct mapping of A-Z yet (I will do next time), but these aren't the 'ALT' key symbols, they're more like this (which is what I typed into Notepad last time this happened)In order to resolve this, I need to restart the computer, which, thus far, has resolved the issue every time. That said, it's a bit of a pain, so would like to know what's going on and if there is any way to prevent it.
All the software on the mac is up to date at time of writing, there have been no expansions to the machine (yet), so it's exactly as shipped. It's the 2.2GHz i7 Quad Core device, and is the first one supporting the thunderbolt graphics connector. Could it be a hardware problem (if so, I want to return it asap to get it sorted).
How do you find symbols/characters on a MacBook keyboard? I was on a Mac suited for a small EU country and the characters, like "}" , were just not easy to find. Is there a layout one can have on the screen to find characters and symbols fast?
I'm trying to do some math/biology study notes for school in pages, but I can't seem to figure out how to assign keyboard shortcuts to symbols. I could easily do it MS Office 08, where I would assign such keystrokes as Alt + Right for the "⇒" symbol but in pages it's not that simple. Right now, I essentially have to goto edit/special characters and insert each symbol in manually when I need it (Which is obviously time consuming for no reason)
my keyboard has suddenly started to flip to some kind of symbols font intermittently - I've tried another keyboard, and the same thing happens. (I'm typing this on another computer) I've tried opening various system preferences, and choosing default settings wherever possible. Sometimes it flips back and forth rapidly between the weird symbols and english... almost like there's a short circuit or something. My Wacom tablet works fine...
When I press sysmbols on keys the symbols appear differently and not how it is printed on the keypad, please advise where I can go to change the settings. I have given you examples below so my question is clearer.Shift 4 gives $ instead of Euro sign, actually I would prefer the £ sign which is shift 3 @ appears when pressing shift 2 and not the sign which has this displayed
My two-year-old daughter was messing with the keyboard on my iMac, and now the keys on the keyboard are not functioning as they were before. The delete key doesn't work, "a" types a symbol-topped "a" followed by the copyright symbol, etc...
I've restores the factory settings to the function keys in system preferences, but the problem persists.
My keyboard only types CAPITAL LETTERS. When I restart the computer it is taking ages to boot and words "Boot Safe" appears in red on the screen. Mail search is not working and nor is spotlight
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 actually
I just purchased a 15" MacBookPro (July 2010). I am not used to laptop keyboards so I was able to purchase a bluetooth Apple Keyboard with the Numeric keys. This bluetooth external keyboard was made by Apple and a local company had these brand new for $60. I was told they were the model that came with iMacs. Apple support told me that they should work fine but did not offer an effective solution. So at any rate about 70% of the time this Bluetooth keyboard works great.
But sometimes when you go to type something it starts repeating whatever key you hit so it you were to type and "a" an example the MacBookPro displays "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". Sometime just a few of the same character and sometimes it does not stop. I correct this by turning the power switch off on the Apple Bluetooth keyboard and then turn it back on and all is fine, for a while. Sometimes for a week or so then it will do it a lot for a while or just intermittently. The keyboard built into MacBookPro does not do this. I think it may be the Apple Bluetooth keyboard not the MacBookPro or its OS.
I'm posting from my iPhone right now, as my problem isn't even letting me log in to my user. I'm using Mac version 10.5.8.
When I was on the computer, it had a spasm that came out of nowhere. When I would use the scroll wheel, the screen would zoom in and out, I was only able to right click, and various keys would bring up that dull tone if I pressed them. I restarted the computer, as it is the solutions to most problems, only to not be able to log in. The only way I could type anything is my holding the option key and typing letters, pressing the return key (the return key came as a character), or pressing q and typing. I have no idea what each thing does.
Lately I have been having a very strange issue with my keyboard. Randomly it becomes unresponsive, but not every key?! All letters are unresponsive, however I am still able to navigate spaces using cmd-1,2,3,4 etc., and the caps lock button will turn on, however I can't type anything. The only way to resolve it is by putting the macbook to sleep and then waking it.
I recently play the game on my Mac, then for some reason, my iMac stop working, so I have to restart my iMac.After I restart my iMac, everything come up normally. Then I found that my keyboard is not working, I try to typed my password, but I can't. Only some key work like enter button, Esc button. I can't type any letter or number!
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Just as of 20 minutes ago, I was able to type, but then for no reason, my computer can't type. The strange thing is that when I use the control click, use the mouse, or use the f keys, it works just fine. I used onyx to clean my computer, which didn't work. I restarted my computer, which didn't work, and I tried to go into the Keyboard/Mouse panel, but then System Preferences quit for no reason.
I'm taking notes in stats and I'm always having to use the ^ to represent a squared number, and writing out "sub" before everything that is subscript. Any way to just type in super/subscript?
I had problems with my G5 (2005) and the repair shop changed te mother board under warranty. The computer came back with a defect DVD/CD writer that was working before they change mother board. I sent back the computer and they repaired it again. Computer came back and now the letter H (lower case) is not working. I tried several keyboard and the letter H lower case does not work but upper case H works. The repair shop cannot find the problem. I reinstalled OSX, reformatted my a disk and nothing is working to correct the problem.
On my father's iMac for some reason in any app when you try to type something in it only types in special characters and I'm not sure how to fix it, I'm also not sure how it even got in that mode in the first place.
If you have seen my other thread in the "Mac basics and help" forum this is how it all started: [URL]. I've worked out that now both of my keyboards have some how changed setting to only let me type with a set of numbers. If you look in this pic V yu will see blue numbers on the letter keys: (forget about the arrow thing found this on google). You see the numbers that are also on the keys? 6 being on O 3 on L. This is now how my key boards are set up. Does anyone know how to unset them?
How do you type the £ sign on an iMac keyboard? Found an old thread suggesting Option 3. I have the new keyboard and believe the Option key is now the Alt key? Anyway, it doesn't work, I just get #.
I have Mac Mini 1.66 Intel 2006 OS X 10.4.11 with CD-R and DVD Player that won't boot properly into single user mode using a IBM PC keyboard. I have tried the alt-s, windows key-s and control-s key combinations. from the mac keyboard hints sheet located on this web site.
I have also tried to boot with key combinations from the mac mini manual with no success. I have also tried to simply insert the install CD/DVD for MAC OS X 10.4 that came with the computer and start the computer with various key combinations and the cd/dvd drive will not boot.
What do I need to do to be able to accomplish these tasks with the PC/ Windows keyboard.
So about 3 weeks ago I spilled some pop on my keyboard. I let it dry and then gently ran a cloth over the keyboard that was damp with rubbing alcohol. The alcohol dried up and it works fine. 2 weeks later I am downloading some "files" and I go to type SHIFT + U....and it wont type a capital U but it will type a small u. Makes no sense to me. I have to hit cap locks to type a capital U. All other keys are working fine. About 2 weeks ago I had some glitches with my mouse. So I know they key works and it has to do something with the OSX at this point.
I have a problem but it's not mine it's my girlfriends. My girlfriend cannot seem to type correct words on her keyboard, due to water exposure. Now whenever she wants to type something it won't let her. We tried different methods; unplugging computer power cord, keyboard, and replug everything back in after 15-20 seconds. No luck. I also had her try to do the pram reset, didn't work as well. I suggest that she re-install osx with the disc or with the new snow leopard disc, to do a clean installation of the snow leopard but we haven't tried that yet.