MacBook Pro :: Why Right Fan Randomly Speeding Up To Past The 6200rpm Max To 7000rpm

Jun 16, 2012

I have a 15' MBP late 2011 8,2 2.2ghz i7, 8gb RAM, Hi Res Anti Glare. Over the last 4-5 weeks, my MBP would randomly speed the right fan up to 7000rpm causing the fan to go past the recommended max of 6200. This, on occasions has resulted in the fan producing a high frequency squeel as it is being worked too hard. Is it a co-incedence that 6 weeks ago 10.7.4 was released, could this be the issue? I have also installed the combo client update, but still my fan speeds up. I have booked it in to see a Genius, but just wondered if anyone has the same issue in the same MBP

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: CPU Fan Randomly Start Speeding Up - How To Regulate

May 12, 2010

Every once in awhile my CPU fan will randomly start speeding up until it gets to about 2000RPM, the optical and hard drive fans will reach about 1250 RPM. After about 10 minutes of annoying fan noise it'll slow down back to around 1000 RPM for all fans. Is this normal? The temperatures all look fine according to iStat, and it's not like I'm doing heavy computing (just running firefox, uTorrent, and iTunes). Is there a way to regulate the fan speed, or do I possibly have a defective computer?

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MacBook Pro :: Upgrade Hard-disk 750GB 7000rpm?

Mar 24, 2012

Can I upgrade hard-disk 750GB 7000rpm and Memory 8Gb?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Fan Wont Spin Down After Reaching 6200RPM

Apr 26, 2008

Basically, after the fans rev up to 6200rpm, the rpm stays there and never comes down, even after the computer is sitting idle for awhile. I installed the smc update and am using coolbook to try to avoid core shutdowns. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm going to try replacing the thermal glue tomorrow, to see if that helps, but it seems somehow unrelated to me. I'm using smcfancontrol to monitor the rpm of fans.

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MacBook Air :: Snow Leopard And Air Fan Speed 6200rpm

Aug 26, 2009

For those of you upgrading your MBA on Friday to Snow Leopard, I'd love to know if your fan revs up to 6200rpm and if it ever drops back down even if it's just idling. It seems to be a bug on the Air.

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MacBook :: Machine Fans Running At (6200RPM) Max Speed

Jan 5, 2009

I was just wondering if it's okay to run the MacBook with the max fan speed (6200RPM) at all times? It's really hot nowadays and my MacBook runs at about 60 degrees Celsius idle. If I run a few CPU intensive apps, the temperature usually rises to 70-80 degrees. This is with the fan running at max speed. So what I want to ask is, will it be okay to keep the fans running at max speed at all times? I'm going to get a notebook cooler soon so that should help with lowering the temperatures a little lower.

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OS X :: Mac Fan Running At 6200rpm All The Time And Movies Skipping

Aug 10, 2009

No matter what I am doing and where I am, my mac is running at 6200rpm fan speed. I have checked to see if I had a print job left open and I do not. One day, it was running in the high 1000s, and my movies were running perfectly. Now that my computer is always running at 6000+rpm. This problem is quite recent as it has just started doing this overrunning fan speed about 3 months ago. Does anyone know what I should do?

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MacBook Pro :: Randomly Loses Retina Display And Showing Pixels On Top Menu Randomly?

Sep 4, 2014

My mid-2014 15" Macbook Pro randomly "loses" its retina display at the top menu (becomes pixel-y), where the battery, sound, and wifi logos are (on the top right side of the screen). A restart fixes the issue, but I want to know if this is an issue that can be fixed? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: App For Cleaning / Speeding Up Mac?

Jun 18, 2012

Can any recommend an App for cleaning/speeding up my iMac and Macbook Pro, both of which use Lion? Hard drive space is not really the issue, but I can't help feeling that my iMac is not as nippy as it used to be - my basic requirements are

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Applications :: Tips On Speeding Up NeoOffice?

Feb 23, 2009

I took everyone's suggestions and downloaded NeoOffice instead of using TextEdit. Since my entire document was in TextEdit, I just decided to copy and paste all the text into NeoOffice. Little did I realize that my book I'm writing has grown to 98 PAGES! Obviously, as soon as it got the document imported, the entire thing froze up. I haven't been able to get it to work well at all. I'm using a Powerbook G4 1.67ghz 1GB RAM, Radeon 9700. I can't believe that such a computer can't handle simple word processing tasks, and I'm convinced that it's a software issue.

I'm running Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.6 with all latest updates.

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OS X :: Speeding Up My IMac With Safari Reset?

Mar 9, 2009

The Safari Reset option, does is clean and speed up the computer? Is it really necessary to buy a software to do the job, or the Safari Reset option is sufficient?

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Applications :: Speeding Up Track In GarageBand

Apr 29, 2010

A friend sent me a .mp3 file of a theme song and asked me to speed it up to 1.5 or double speed. I tried adjusting tempo but it doesn't seem to do much. Can I do this in GB?

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ITunes For Mac :: Speeding Through Tracks In Playlists?

Sep 3, 2014

iTunes is racing through the songs in my playlists, but only on my iMac.  It plays fine on my other devices. 

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OS X :: Speeding Up Time Machine Backup Process?

Aug 15, 2009

I'm backing up my HD to a new external hard drive using time machine for the first time. It is going painfully slow. Does anyone know how I can speed it up?

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Applications :: Speeding Up Video 1.5x For IPod Viewing

May 5, 2010

Wanting to watch video lectures on my iPod at 1.5-2x speed. It's great on my laptop w/QT, but impossible on the iPod. So, I need to take the original video, speed it up (shorten it), and save it for viewing on the iPod - is there functionality in QT Pro or iMovie. If not, a preferably free third party app?

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PowerPC :: IMac G4 Very Slow Tips On Speeding Up?

Jul 18, 2010

i just recently bought a iMac G4 in good condition for $175 on Craigslist.I was on a budget so i couldn't afford to spend $1000 on a Macbook.I'm not too familiar on Macs since its my first one.But it seems to be a PowerPC, It's running Tiger OS, and the base of the Mac looks like a lamp.I'm sure you guys know what a iMac G4 is.So are there any ways of speeding up this thing? Is it slow because of its age?Because it seems to be in pretty good shape to me.I did a restore on it and it was still slow.I just need help on improving the performance.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Hard Drive Fans Just Speeding Up Every Now

Mar 22, 2012

Having problem with Hard drive fans just speeding up every now and then usually I clocked the time when this happens it usually happens every last 2 weeks of the month after that it stop in the beginning of the months.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Speeding Up Single Clips In A Project On IMovie 09?

Jul 20, 2010

Ok so I have my project in iMovie 09. I select a portion of the project, hit clip adjustments so I can speed it up, and then it just reselects the entire clip. Is there any way I just get a part of a clip and speed it up once it is my project?

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OS X :: Finding Programs Running In Activity Monitor. Speeding Up Leopard?

Mar 19, 2010

My Mac is noticeably slower so I'm looking to clean it up before I try a clean install on the hard drive. I found a Kodak printer program and an HP printer program both of which I deleted from applications, but both of which are chewing up 500MB of process memory, and when I force a quit they just pop open again a second later.Question:

Where are these programs hididng? How do I kill them?

Any other tricks to speed my Mac up (I verified permissions already).

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MacBook Air :: Cannot Get Past Welcome Page

Jun 5, 2014

I just bought a Mac book air and went through VO tutor but now cannot get past the Welcome page. So after every button pushing failure I'm on my iPhone to get support...

MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.1,

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MacBook :: Doesn't Go Past Log In Screen?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a problem with my MacBook. Recently iphoto kept freezing whilst looking through pictures, then eventually crashed. Kept trying it over and over and it did the same thing. Then firefox started crashing too. Restarted my MacBook and I got to the log in page. Entered my password but it then froze on the blue screen. Tried booting in safe mode but it didn't get past that point either.

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MacBook Pro :: Can Reprint A Past Receipt

Feb 23, 2012

If i lost my receipt, can i reprint it from my account?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Move Past Setup

Mar 10, 2012

I'm on the finishing screen of set up and am supposed to click a button to move on. The keypad is locked and the trackpad is locked for clicking by default, what can I do?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: It Won't Go Past Blue Screen

Mar 28, 2012

My MacBook pro froze so I turned it off.Now when I turn it on it goes to the grey apple screen then stops at a plain blue screen with the mouse up but nothing else.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Get Past The Login Screen

Apr 11, 2012

Bought a refurb from Apple and they don't send the install disk.  Now can't get past the login screen.  Thought I left the password blank but it won't let me get past the start up screen.  Tried the install disk from my 15 inch mbp by holding C and starting up. but it only tells me I need to restart.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Go Past The Grey Screen

Apr 25, 2012

Okay well, to start off, I got my MacBook from a distant family member who got a new one so they let me have their old one. They got it from a pawn shop so I don't have the disk that we got the OS from but it hasn't had any issues UNTIL NOW. I need to use my laptop for a homework assignment. Everytime I turn it on it'll just stay on the loading screen, I left it for 4 hours yesterday and it still wouldn't work. I reset the (insert acronym here) thing already, the thing where you press control, option, P, R keys at start up. because my assignment is on the laptop and it's due tomorrow.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Go Past Start Up Apple

May 22, 2012

macbook pro, 2011, won't go past start up apple?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: It Won't Get Past Grey Screen

May 25, 2012

My Macbook Pro (2008) was upgraded to Lion 10.7.2  before I bought it used.  It's always been slow and after a little while it won't boot up properly, it only gets as far as the apple logo with the spinning wheel underneath.

I've have used Recovery HD and Disk Utility to repair/verify the hard drive and after the repair it still won't boot up past the apple logo.  I downloaded OSX Lion 10.7.4  (client combo) update onto an external drive but I can't install the update when using Recovery HD.  I've tried mounting the existing hard drive onto an external drive, but I get an error mesage immediately.

There are only a few folders I need to take from the existing hard drive in the Macbook Pro. What can I do to either access my hard drive or get it to boot up properly?  I have a retail copy of a Snow Leopard DVD that I can use.  I believe I might have saved Lion onto a DVD a while ago, but Apple seems to insist we intall by downloading the latest Lion?  Basically I need to access the hard drive without erasing the data.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Windows On Mac :: Speeding Up Fans In Windows For Gaming?

Mar 11, 2010

I have tried to browse through the threads in MacRumors and failed to find an answer that provided the solution for this problem.I have a 2009 Unibody MacBook Pro 15" and when I go in Windows, the fans usually spin at the normal 2500RPM speed, and while I game the fans go up really high, so when I play a game like Need for Speed: Undercover or a MMO, it just freezes. (Probably because the computer is going at a temperature above the operating limits.)

I looked at some solutions that were said in the threads. One example was to set your fans at 3500RPM or 4500RPM (Or at any speed you wish) in Mac first, then restart to Windows to have the same speed.

I tried that and it worked once, but after I put it to sleep mode and resumed it from standby/sleep mode, the speed went back to 2500RPM..Are there any permanent solutions (Driver updates, programs that speed up fans,)?

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OS X :: Macbook Won't Boot Up Past Blue Screen

May 16, 2009

I hardly ever turn off my Macbook unless i need to - I just close it and use it whenever i need to. I let the battery run dry as Apple suggests to do every now and again, and turned it on the next day. It started to boot and took a little longer to get past the grey apple logo and loading circle and then froze on the blue screen. I can control the mouse, but every few seconds it changes to a darker blue, cursor disappears but returns after a second or two. I've tried:

- Booting into safe mode (Same thing happens)
- Booting from CD and repairing permissions (Said everything was ok, same thing happens when I booted)
- Single user mode (used some commands from an Apple page and restarted)

I can however boot into windows perfectly fine, which leads me to suspect it's a corrupt log in item. I'd like to know for sure it's not a hardware problem so I don't have to take it into an Apple Store.

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