MacBook Pro :: Why Can't Enlarge Safari Window
Mar 28, 2012Suddenly, I can not make my Safari pages full screen. Not sure what changed and how to fix it?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1, safari screen
Suddenly, I can not make my Safari pages full screen. Not sure what changed and how to fix it?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1, safari screen
When I open Word for Mac, the window opens very small and I cannot enlarge it with the bottom corner square. Changing the view does not help as that only affects the text inside the window. How do I get the window to enlarge so that I can work on the document?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I cant enlarge PDF files in Safari. Any plugins that address this?
safari, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i can't enlarge the size of my partition it returns a blank file massage
i have just deleted a partition to make room so that sholdn't be a problam
When I open Safari, the window opens up but not in a tab. I prefer the single window being in a tab.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I've read all the proposed answers for enlarging text in the body of emails and none work for me. I have tried dragging the small a-large A icon to the taskbar but clicking it does nothing. In fact, none of the icons are functional. I can enlarge the text so it's readable (18 pt. or so) but then the recipient gets an email with overly enormous text. I only want to VIEW the text larger, say, 50% larger, because IT'S SO SMALL IT'S A STRAIN TO VIEW IT.Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
Why can't i install itunes and safari in window for macbook pro?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEven when I hit the Green button on any window it never maximizes the screen size to fill up the screen and still keep the dock showing at the bottom?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
how do I have the calculator on my Macbook Pro in the same window as a Safari webpage? I'm trying to do some calculations from a webpage and currently need to keep going back and forth to the dashboard.
My safari extensions window has gone blank. I have a MacBook Pro running 10.7.4, and I recently downloaded some extensions from the Apple Site. I've trashed the Library/Safari/Extensions plist folder and re-booted but this has not helped. I can install them but not manage them through the preferences > extensions window.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
am using a Rev A MBA, and I just noticed that after the 10.5.6 update, I have lost the functionality of the pinch gesture when trying to enlarge/reduce icons ? both on the desktop and finder. Still works in all other areas like photos or webpages.
Anybody else notice this?
You know the custom folder icons are considerably small if compare to Desktop, Documents, Applications icons. How can I enlarge the custom one?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi cant reduce or enlarge the icons on the desktop of a macbook pro 10.7.3 lion
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Need to make a passport size photo and wish to just use a family picture, and just isolate my head and enlarge it.
Info:MacBook, iOS 5.1.1
What is the problem between Safari 5.1.7 and hotmail? I can't quit safari while the hotmail window is open. I can close Safari from all other websites.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2), Same OS on my iMac and MacBookPro
Last night, I was trying to download Xcode 3.2.5 and it wouldn't show up in my downloads window.
This is what it looks like. as you can see, it says the number of DLs at the bottom of the window.
The file DOES download, but for some reason, it just wont show up in my download window.
How do I remove a bookmark from the popular drop down window in safari?
MacBook Air
i have made my window on safari as large as possible but when i go from one site to another it becomes smaller why?
MacBook Pro
I'm facing an issue with safari. Every time I try to start the app safari - alert window pops up, and I cannot really close it because when I do, it shows again and again.
MacBook Air
I am currently using my macbook pro with my lcd tv which is positioned a few metres away.
In firefox it is no problem as cmd + will enlarge everything. But when navigating around with the finder, the text is way to small. Is there a quick way to fix this without changing my system preferences permanently?
I have several thumbnails i NEED the information on asap, and they are too small to read. when i magnify them its all blurry. Is there anyway to enlarge the whole thing so i can read the writing on them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI call it "Safari Window Corner" or "Swic" for short. It's a tiny plug-in that does one simple thing. When you bring your mouse right over one of the top corner of a Safari window [it could have a preferences for the corner you prefer], most likely the top left corner, a little blue triangle appears, if you click it, Safari jumps right up into the the corner. This does one simple thing, saves you from having to drag it up to position it. If you're like me you like windows to stay in certain places. And if you are a big user of tabs and web browsing, you'll know windows like to move around a little. Safari Window Corner saves that little bit of time and annoyance [they add up] which I'd gladly pay for. $5 sounds reasonable.
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Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 750 Gb, 8 Gb ram
If I have a pic that is, say, 640 X 480 and I want to enlarge it to 1280 X 1024, what does a better job of performing the resize?
Letting Leopard stretch the wallpaper, or enlarging it myself on Photoshop?
If Photoshop is the answer, should I do Nearest Neighbor, Bicubic, Bilinear, Bicubic Smoother, or Bicubic Sharper during resize?
The only thing that keeps me from using Safari is the way that target="_blank" links open in new windows, and there is no option to open them in new tabs.
Yes, I'm well aware of Command-click, right-click, etc. Those are not a good solution. It's the surprise new windows that bother me.
I'd like these surprise links to open as tabs rather than windows. However, I'd also like specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows to open the way they were designed to: As pop-up windows.
I've used Saft in the past. It does a nice job with the first half of the problem, but does not accommodate the specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows.
Yeah, this thread has come up several times before. Just wondering if anything has changed since the last one, or if Saft is still the best game in town.
Am I imagining it, or did Cmd-W use to close the active tab only? Now when I want to close a tab,I hit Cmd-W and suddenly my entire Safari window closes.I notice in the File Menu that Cmd-W is set to close window and there is now no keyboard shortcut to close a tab.When did this change and why? Is there any way to get the old functionality back? I am using Safari 5.1.7, Mac OS X 10.7.4 on a Mac Pro
Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 core 3.2 GHz + 6GB RAM
I am a new mac user. I am trying to figure out how to enlarge the screen image so it fills the entire screen.I am aware that I can hold control and scroll with the mouse but that moves the toolbar out of view.I also have found a way(unintentionally) that it minimizes to the lower left side of the screen and when I enlarge it it stays on the left side of the screen.
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