MacBook Pro :: Update Version Number / Can't Be Installed On This Disk
Sep 8, 2014
Update version number> can't be installed on this disk. A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume..when i'm trying to install microsoft office 2011
I installed a trial of iWork 09 yesterday to get a feel for it, liked it so went out today and purchased the box from my local Apple Store. I know about the whole not needing a serial number now however it is asking me for one since the install on all three applications. I removed the trial and all evidence of it and restarted my macbook before installing the box.
I'm operating on a MacBook Air that i recently updated to OS X 10.9.2. Along with the update, Java 7 was installed. I need to have Java 6 Update 20 installed to use some programs on this computer for work. I've gotten the files to install that update, but when I attempt to do so I receive a message stating that I cannot install on my disk. A newer version is already installed.
I've gone into finder > Go to Folder and deleted the Java folder after uninstalling java in the first place. This has not fixed my issue.
The App Store is showing that an update to Facetime is available, but the update is v 1.0.2 and the installed version is newer; 1.1.1. When I click the update button I get a dialog that "FaceTime can't be installed on "Macintosh HD" becuase the version of Mac OS S is too new." The App Store continues to show this update is available, how do I get rid of it?
The full message is below. I already have updated to 12.2.7 and running the latest Mac OS but suffering continual Entourage crashes, which I'm hoping this will fix.
Office 2008 12.2.8 Update can't be installed on this Disk. A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume.
so i installed a dev preview of safari 4, but now want to switch back. i deleted the old safari, but when i go to install safari now it says this disk already has a newer version of safari installed. what can i do?
can someone using 10.5.6 on a Mac released before the new MacBooks please do me a favour and go to /System/Library/PreferancePanes and check if EnergySaver.prefpane is version number 4.0?
im using the Energy Saver preference pane which came with the new MacBook's Leopard install and i want to put back the old one back which came with Leopard installed on my Core Duo MacBook Pro but i lost my back up! so i want to know if the version from 10.5.0 is the same as 10.5.6. i hope i made sense .
p.s. i dont backup the system with Time Machine so i cant go back in Time and get it .
I bought a refurb iMac directly from apple 2 years ago. It already came with Adobe Photoshop as well as many others. I didn't start using the photoshop until recently. Yesterday, I logged on, and asked me for a serial number. Where would I find this or how do I obtain this since it came with the iMac?
I have two printers hooked up. An Epson Stylus Photo Pro 3800 and HP 5440 Deskjet. I want to determine what the version # is for my active drivers, but can't figure out how to. Also, where can I find the drivers in my hard drive and what would be the format of their file names?
I have installed Safari 5.0 on my brand new macbook and it is massively slower than version 4.0.5. It's taking up to 10 seconds to access some websites. How can I uninstall it? (Should I uninstall it?)
I tried to install FaceTime on my MacBook Pro, but got the message that my operating system was too new! (Can you believe there's a typo in the pop-up alert? How could Apple spell Macintosh wrong?) In another thread someone was able to solve this problem by doing a Spotlight search for FaceTime. Well, I know I don't have it because I deleted it. I can't get it back and I can't download it.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 17"
I have OSX version 10.6.8. When I run software update, it tells me my software is up to date. On my other Macbook Pro, I have 10.9.4. I realize that I will have to run a series of updates to get from 10.6 to 10.9 but why won't software update allow me to update to the next OS version in the sequence?
I've been a Mac user for a few years now, and really love the apps on the Mac, and 99% of the time, never need anything thats on Windows. However, the time has come that I need to open a windows app via Darwin. Its asking me to install - which I've tried to do, but when I download it, it says there is already a newer version installed. I've never heard of, let alone installed before, so this confused me a little.
I've come onto these forums, and had a little search, to which I found out that you need to do something with the original OS disks to install via the install disk. I no longer have the install disks - I moved house 6 months ago, and had 3 boxes lost in transit, (Including my PS3, nearly 50 games a DVD player and all CD's / DVD's ) - and have never recovered them.
Is there any other way I can get this app to install?
Would very much like to know which version of lion will be on my system when I perform the Lion internet recovery. I assume it downloads the latest build so I do not need to update Lion again. I also assume that there will be no difference in Lion version when I perform an erase and install or just an install over the existing installation.
I ran installer then went to disk utility and pushed disk repair. it ran and indicated in green that no repairs were necessary. i then went to startup disk and only the Diks and network startup showed up but no hard drive. i also open computer to make sure was not wet muddy due to leak in cooling system but all was dry
I installed the software update on my MacBook and it never restarted. I have tried most easy fixes but nothing seemed to help. I pulled the drive and then tried to update the software back to Snowlepord but I thnk the install failed. I've seen others with the same problem but can't seem to figure this out.
I have an old Macbook via 2007 and I'm trying to update my operating system (currently OS 10.5.8) to Snow Leopard, but the disk is not reading in the disk drive. And unfortunately, Snow Leopard is only on a DVD, it can't be downloaded.I figure I have 2 choices:
1) take it in and spend $49 to have them do diagnostics and then tell me they probably need to replace the superdrive
2) I could buy an external optical drive. But I would need to know which one would be compatable with my old *** Macbook.
I've tried this software update multiple times and now I find out that I can't extend my AppleCare warranty after it expires. Basically the software update proceeds as usual, the computer restarts and just as you think everything is fine, the message 'There was a problem installing this software update. Quit all open applications and try updating again. If the problem contines, contact Apple support.'
I presently have a 13" MacBook Pro (First-Gen Unibody from Late 2008) running Windows XP in Boot Camp and Snow Leopard. I'm about to buy a new 13" MacBook Air to replace my MBP and will need to install Windows in Boot Camp (for work and for gaming).Which version(s) of Windows can I install in Boot Camp on a new MBA? I heard that only Windows 7 can be installed but would like to verify if this is correct.