MacBook Air :: Update Lion To The Latest Version?
Mar 27, 2012Is there a simple way to update lion to the latest version? I shouldn't have to pay when my new mac air shipped with lion right?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Is there a simple way to update lion to the latest version? I shouldn't have to pay when my new mac air shipped with lion right?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Software update fails on all applications individually and the same updates downloaded from theApple website won't mount.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I Update my Safari to the latest version if I have Mac Os X 10.5.8.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
How do I update my Ipad @ version 4.3.3 to the latest version, I am trying to connect my to icloud with all my apple devices
iPad 2, iOS 4.3.3
I had Safari 4 dev preview installed then i removed it after installing 10.5.4 because i needed some plugins that wasn't working, the problem is that when i uninstalled it using the uninstaller in the dmg i got Safari 3.1.1 no problem i thought... But i was wrong.I wanted the latest version of Safari 3.1.2 so i went to software update in os x didn't find it so then i went to Apple's Safari site and downloaded the latest safari image they had when i was going to install it on my MacBook i can't because the system says i don't have 10.5.2 which is required but i have 10.5.4!! So i then uninstalled Safari 3.1.1 thinking that i then could install 3.1.2 but no now i can't install Safari
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow to download free software to update Mac OS X10.6.8 to the latest version. Current iMAC OS X10.6.8 Processor Intel Core i3 Memory 8GB. Â
Maybe need to purchase as technology changes too fast for software version. NEW is the KEY word not upgrade...or update..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Need Update to Run Flash Player
For years I've used iTunes' "Create AAC version" .mp3 to .m4a feature in the advanced menu, primarily to reduce the file size of my many thousand mp3 songs.
Since the latest update to iTunes, whenever I do this now, the AAC version file size created by iTunes get larger, and makes the .m4a significantly bigger than an .mp3.
I understood the very point of an AAC/.m4a was to be a smaller sized file of an equivilent .mp3 while keeping a similar quality.
I know large artwork affects the file size, but this still happens regardless of artwork.
Does anyone know what's changed re this feature in this latest update?
iphoto won't open, says not latest version, yet ran software updates and version didn't get updated. what's wrong?
Is Safari 5.1.7 the latest version for OS X Lion?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I downloaded latest version of iTunes but cannot run it. When I try to start iTunes it asks to 'restore /don't restore' windows then quits unexpectedly and I get an alert telling me iTunes quit....
iMac9,1, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
What version of Java comes with the latest Lion download?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi cannot get the latest update on my macbook pro, the software update is "Java OS X 2012-003".When i attempt, it says "The update could not be expanded, and may have been corrupted during downloading.The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs".I do run Java, so i would really like this update.I did recently install a parallel program and installed Windows 7 64-bit, im not really sure if this matters but since the installations it's the first time i haven't been successful updating my software.Software updates are available for your computer.Do you want to install them? You can continue to use your computer during the installation.You don't need to restart it when the installation is complete. Note: Use of this software is subject to the original Software License Agreement(s) that accompanied the software being updated.A list of Apple SLAs may be found here: url....
Basically the Software Update removes the most common variants of the Flashback malware. This update also configures the Java web plug-in to disable the automatic execution of Java applets.Users may re-enable automatic execution of Java applets using the Java Preferences application. If the Java web plug-in detects that no applets have been run for an extended period of time it will again disable Java applets.This update is recommended for all Mac users with Java Installed. url...
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I upgraded to latest version of Firefox 12 2 days ago and will not open pdfs or view.. worked fine before?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I think since I updated my mac OS X lion 10.7.2 to 10.7.3. I cannot open YouTube no matter the browser I use it's always the same, so I checked my flash player version and I have the latest one so I don't think the flash player is the problem, I don't know what to do.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
mail, admin safari all asking for my admin password to access the keychain. I repair and verified the keychain yesterday and all seemed okay, mail asked again this morning and safari was asking without even needing keychain access. Has this update trash their links to the keychain or could this be some kind or Trojan virus.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Installed software update for MAc OS X, Safari and iTunes but Safari chrasches every time when starting up the program.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Just updated my software and now safari can't connect to websites. It connects for a bit then after awhile it will no longer connect. Firefox and Chrome are connecting fine so this is a safari only issue with the latest update.
Safari Version 5.1.5 (7534.55.3)
Quiting safari and restarting works for a little while then eventually 'can't connect to server' eventually appears. I'm going back to firefox until this is resolved.
downloaded the newsest updates from Apple and now my computer won't start up. Goes to long in screen and won't let you type in pass word. Spinning Beach Ball of Death comes up and never stops.
I just keep shutting it down ( push off button on the back until it shuts off) and trying to start it again. Some times it will let you get a little farther, but always after 2-3 minutes it goes to SBBOD.
Lates thing I did was push option+command+S when I turned it back on and now screen is black and has a bunch of code. Been at this stage for 30 minutes now. It is not pluged into the internet at the moment.
iMac, OS X but not sure what version.
I'm running Lion 10.7.3 on my iMac and Macbook Air. I upgrade 1Password to the latest build (3.8.16) on my iMac last week but didn't use safari on it until yesterday when I noticed that Safari just opens blank with a spinning beachball? Not a major problem as I've been using my Air..... but just now when I also upgrade 1Password on the Air, Safari stops working and same issue. Firefox works fine.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently installed the latest updates for Lion and since then my Microsoft Office Home & Business 2011 no longer loads?I have tried reinstalling and still no joy.... What do I do as I need my files for work?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Ive recently bought a macbook pro and am thinking about gettin some KRK RP6 studio speakers, I also have some denons cd decks (with denon mixer) and i would like to connect the lot so i can record onto my macbook pro and for the sound to come out my krk speakers. I would i was wondering if anyone can recomend an interface and what cables i would need to connect the lot (ive been told that the how i would do it?)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a 17" UniBody MacBook Pro. As far as I'm aware it's the newest version. It has 8 GB of Ram and the Intel Core i7 in it.Â
When I attempt to turn the machine on- nothing at all happens. If I plug the MagSafe into it, I get no light or anything on the connector. Also, the battery status indicator on the left side seems entirely dead too.Â
Hopefully this is a simple fix, but I have a pretty bad feeling about this. It is still under warranty, but I use this MacBook in production as a DJ, and I rely heavily on it for my Midi Controller when I do a gig. (I have a few coming up really soon).
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 160 GB SSD, 750 GB HDD, No Opti
Whether through the App Store or the Apple download page, it starts to download, gets a certain way through, and then just stops. In the App Store, after awhile I get a message that Software Update can't connect to the update server. On the download page, it just stops downloading. I don't think it's our internet connection, because the update worked just fine for our other iMac (which is older than the one I'm having trouble with).
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just updated my laptop to the 10.7.4 and now every 5 seconds there is this message in Console:
kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80119c8000
I also get a bunch of these logged:
kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
kernel: AppleThunderboltNHI::enablePower - turn power on, status = 0x0, result_value = 0x0
I have seen other people reporting this online, but haven't found any here on the board. How can I roll back to 10.7.3?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5, RAM 8GB
I have a new air book with Lion version 10.7. 3. Skype was working fine but when I called yesterday my camera is not working. I can hear and see my caller and he can hear me but no picture of me.
When I check Skype preferences there is no picture from the camera, yet the little green light is on by the camera. I have reloaded the latest version of skype but still no visuals.Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My Mid 2011 iMac 27" i7 will no longer start after the latest EFI update. I decided to perform some system updated on my iMac and after installing 10.7.3, I rechecked and it found the EFI update and one other update. They were both pretty small (the largest was 3.6MB), so I decided to proceed prior to getting back to business with my system. After downloading the updates (took about 5 seconds), the machine proceeded to restart. There was a loud beep prior to the system restart chime after which it went to the grey-white apple startup screen with the spinning wheel. And it stayed there. After 35 minutes with no discernable progress, I decided something must be wrong. This system normally takes about 30 seconds to boot from a cold state (it's running on an OWC SSD) or maybe a minute after updates. So I held the power button to reboot. But it keeps going to the same state. I tried to reboot to a different internal drive holding the option key, but the same thing happens.Â
System Specs:
iMac 27" i7 3.4 Ghz (mid 2011) 12G Ram
Internal 1TB Apple HD
Internal OWC SSD 240G (main startup drive)Â
1. How do I recover from this?
2. Is anyone else running into this problem?
3. How long do the EFI updates normally take?
4. Shouldn't there be some sort of "progress bar" to indicate something is going on during this process? Or, if not, then perhaps a "WARNING!! This process will take up to two hours, during which you will receive no discernable feedback. Do not interrupt the process until more than 24 hours have passed with the spinning ball."Â Â
P.S. I think this is my last iMac EFI update. After my last iMac received an EFI update (2009 model 24" iMac), it became ultra-flakey and started corrupting HD's. It never worked the same after that. This machine was working PERFECTLY before the update.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just literally updated my macbook pro to the latest version of Lion, today 4/3/12 and now it's just stuck on the main log in page for lion. As in, I type in my password, it thinks for two seconds, goes black, and has the log in page again. It just loops. No end in site. I've rebooted in safe mode, run disk utitily, and repaired the disk... but no dice, still. It repairs the disk, fine right? When I reboot in regular mode, it just goes back to the password/login screen loop.
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I just "upgraded" yesterday from a Power Mac G4 to a 17" MacPro. Among other adjustment problems, I can't open PDF files. The message I get is "You can't open the application Adobe Reader because it is not supported on this kind of Mac."
I've tried downloading the latest version of Adoobe Reader, an although it seems to download, I can't find it.
How do I deal with PDF files on a MacPro?
Do NOT update to Mac OS X Version 10.7.3 if you use QuarkXPress 9 or 8.5 as Quark is not compatible and will not show the icons in the Tools window. You will need to revert to OS X Version 10.7.2 to get full function back for Quark
QuarkXPress, Other OS, Mac 10.7.3
I've been out of the loop for a couple of years and I'm thinking it might be time to consider an upgrade. I am presently using OSX 10.4.11 (Tiger?) on an iMac 4,1. Can anyone advise if the latest version is worth it? I have no idea how many versions there have been between 10.4 and the newest. I have not visited the Apple site to price it nor read the reviews. I have always valued the opinions of you people here.
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