I cannot unlock Macbook Pro. I might have forgot ID and psw or my child might have lock it up. I have a black screen and a request of ID and psw. However I am not able to unlock it. I am pretty sure about the psw but doubt abot ID.
I recently upgraded to Mac OS X 10.6 from OS X 10.5, but after that I have been unable to unlock the security preferences. Also whenever I try to install any software or update, instead of asking me the administrator password, the system does nothing, no dialog box appears. When I tried to unlock the security preferences in the System Preferences, after the clicking the 'lock' icon, the status bar shows "Authenticating....." for a couple of settings but nothing happens after that!
I am using Intel MacBook with Core 2 Duo 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM
I'm using Mac OS X 10.6. After copying some folders from external hard drive to PC these folders are now locked on Mac. There is no pencil in the Finder's lower left corner and there are no messages appear. I just simply can't open these folders.
I have remote locked my mac using find my iPhone app via my iPad - I am unable to enter the unlock code as the mac keyboard won't pair with the mac - I guess that will teach me for playing.
trying to add a new user or do anything in system preferences that requires me to unlock - I type in my password (correctly) and the lock will not open.Using a MacBook 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, running Snow Lepoard (10.7.4) logged in as adminstrator user.
My Safari on my MacBook was locked up by malware demanding $$$. Unfortunately, I cannot reset Safari or erase the history as those options are not active. I tried forced quitting and rebooting my computer. neither works. Is there another way of unlocking Safari or can I reload Safari?
I have startup discs for os x and everything. My admin account has a password that i don't know.
I have secondary account thats not a admin and i don't know the password to that one either. everytime i turn on the computer i automatically log into the secondary account.
i have tried everything out there including the command-s window to reset the passwords but nothing works. my os x disc will not boot on startup by pressing c. i cannot use it with the computer on because it asks for a password.
ive searched for hours and i cant find anything. macbook pro lion 10.7.3 tried to install some software but everytime i pressed install, nothing happened. i done so many things to solve that but no joy at all. so i thought maybe i need to make a new admin account. i tried to open the lock on my admin account and nothing happened. i know the passowrds and user name to be correct. so i decided to create a new admin account and the same has happened. i just dont understand why apple dont seem to have this solved yet. doing a system install is not really an option for me as i know this must be a lion problem
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
this has happened a few times in recent weeks. I lock the screen on my MBP (mid 2009) and go do something for a few minutes. When I come back, the computer won't come back on. I have to hold down the power button for ~10 seconds and shut the computer down hard and then power it back on. What the heck is going on here?
I unintentionally locked a file in Pages so now when I try to add additional information to that file and try to save it I get the message that I can't alter that file by adding additional information. How do I unlock a Pages file that has been locked?
When tried to save newly typed text in a document residing in my Mac Hard Drive it refused to save. The only option I still have is to create and save a new document on the Desktop
Tried to fix it by opening Info of Mac Hard Drive . Sharing and Permission options at the bottom of the pane display this:
system - write only (drop box)
admin - read only
everyone - no access
They are not accessible (are dimmed), padlock is dimmed too, so I cant do any changes.
Tried to Option Click on the padlock but it blinks for a moment but goes locked again. Never before had a problem like this.
I have admin access to my Mac with no password set -I just click on OK instead.
Ive tried to do something via System>Accounts - my account, but when I click on the locked padlock it blinks for a moment but goes locked again, so I cant do anything here. (My account is the only one - I have no guest or other accounts set.)
The same story with the padlock when tried pane Internet&Wireless.
Overall, I believe I did something wrong when tried to set my computer inaccessible for strangers when I am on public WiFi hotspot
I am not tech savvy and at this point I dont know what else to do My Mac is MacBookPro, OSX10.6
steps to unblock my HardDrive and get back my access to it ?
Today I was trying out Freeway and Nvu, and somehow one of the System folders and another folder (and all of the folders within those two major folders) cannot be modified. When I try to drag another file/folder into the restricted folders, a message tells me, "The item .... could not be moved because "Folder" cannot be modified."
How do I undo this restriction? There are two choices in the message window, one says "Authenticate," and the other says "OK." If I click on "Authenticate," then I can type in my password and complete the action.
I have two accounts in my mac, I decided to transfer them all into one user, therefore I deleted one of the user. I have ticked not to delete the home folder and this cause a file named "XXXXX (deleted)" exists. I tried to drag the "XXXX (deleted)" into my home folder. But I cannot open anything. I knew I could solve it by setting in "Get Info". But it takes me millions of years, because there are lot's of files.
Could I rebuild the account before to move those folders?
I put Windows Media Player in my trash to throw away. When I attempt to empty my trash can, I am informed that all the files in the software are locked and therefore I can't throw away the software. When I open the info box on the software, it says it isn't locked. And when I tried to drag the software out of the trash and onto my desktop, it copied itself so then I got another version of the same software.
I'm sure there is something simple I am doing wrong, but I don't know what it is. If anyone knows what to do
Every time that i start my computer up and go to an application that requires a password (eg adium, mail, safari) i get a pop up that asks me to unlock my keychain. it's done this for a very long time but has only just started to cause a problem. sometimes when i open an application at start up the pop up for the keychain password doesn't appear and causes the application to freeze and requires a restart to fix the problem.
is there any way i can stop it from needing to ask me?
i've tried unlocking the keychain and then restarting
I've just installed a copy of XP sp2 on my macbook pro using the Bootcamp setup, and as far as I can tell it all went well. My problem is that now I have a popup saying that I have 30 days to unlock the product. The copy I used is one that came with the pc that I bought several years ago, and the key is the one on my pc. Because I purchased the xp copy with my previous pc I don't think I'm doing anything inapropriate, is there a way to unlock this software for my mac, or do I have to purchase a new copy?
I have 2 macs (G4 1250) on a network with a Buffalo NAS Linkstation Pro Duo which most of the time works perfectly. However when one of the macs crashes some files on the NAS are locked and can not be written to. The get info permissions says either ' you can read only' or sometimes 'you have custom access' and offers no way of changing it.
I would be quite happy to turn off permissions as there are no other computers and no internet connection to this network. Otherwise if someone could tell me how to unlock the files I would be very grateful. I am running OS 10.5.5
Basically trying to write a paper on Euro vs. Dollar and have a freely available paper but it is locked so I'm unable to print it off. Find it much easier to print off and make annotations and highlight then simply read off the screen so was wondering if anyone had any ideas how I can print the file?
I found an app but it was shareware and $25 and as I'm a student that isn't really an option for a single citation. Would be very grateful if anyone has any answers.