MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Rattling Click Weird Noise "link To Recording Of Sound"
Dec 22, 2009
I am not sure how to describe it properly, but since 10 minutes ago, my trackpad on my 13"mbp has been making a weird clicking sound. Normally, it makes a click which is regular, just like the store units/how it should be, however for the last 10 minutes the BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER ONLY makes a weird longer noise which I cannot properly describe. its almost like a rattling noise, or something that sounds like its breaking. had this mbp since july this year, and i do have apple care (got it on student discount price!!
Just wondering if you know what the problem is, Or if it is going to be a problem/if trackpad may be breaking Or if I rang apple/took instore what would they do. Reason why I havent immediately took it in is because if MBP could get new processors soon, I could take it in after refresh in the small chance I get a new computer replacement..........
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Mar 13, 2012
Every time my trackpad is touched it makes a clicking noise/rattling noise. No, it is not coming from the speakers. It seems to originate from the bottom middle and the bottom left where I mostly click, but even when I scroll more upwards it makes the noise. This computer is in excellent condition and has never been dropped or anything.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 20, 2008
Alright well to make a long story short, this afternoon I formatted my Windows Vista PC and reinstalled Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I'll jump right in.Every time I click on something in iTunes, whether it be a song, or a category in the library, iTunes plays this weird "blip" sound. I have isolated it to being just within iTunes. I am not sure what the heck this is and I never had a problem with iTunes 8 before I did my reinstall today.
I was able to capture a bit of the sound using Sound Recorder in Vista. You may need to turn your speakers up a bit to hear it.I have tried completely reinstalling iTunes, but that hasn't fixed the problem. If this is a new feature added into iTunes, then tell me how to turn it off. It is beginning to really piss me off!
I have posted this on the Apple forums, but I thought I would post it here to see if any of you guys knew.
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Jan 16, 2010
Is the right click noise supposed to sound different to the left click? Mine does, is that normal?
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Apr 16, 2012
While I use it, my Macbook Air will make strange rattling noises. It is quite audible and seems to be comming from the upper left corner (not the screen but the part the keyboard is on). Should I take it to Apple store?
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1
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Dec 4, 2010
I have a 15" MBP from around 2006, the one where they first introduced the new magsafe connecters.It's started to make a rattling noise which is very rythmic leading me to believe its the fans. Several years ago it started to make a clicking noise but that stopped and until recently it's been fine.
If it is the bearings on the fans or something like that, how much would that cost to fix?The machine is well out of warranty now.
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Dec 24, 2009
now what I have noticed is that the same monitors (speakers) i had with my older imac (24") are constantly making a louder "white noise" than what they used to (didnt bother me that much but i definitely noticed a louder volume of white noise). The thing that really bothers me is that whenever i scroll the mouse, or click and drag an object in photoshop or something the monitors are making a really noticeable disturbing scratching sound sound ...just cant seem to make it stop..its so annoying.. i also tried to record something and the imac recorded it in a really low volume and unstable wave (volume going up and down). so i figured well obivously the soundcard of the new imac was real got me an external soundcard, Emagic emi6|2m and i figured it would solve the problem. installed the soundcard, and played a song and suddenly a high pitch noise, kinda loud and really disturbing, started coming from the speakers.
2 seconds after i pauseded the song, the sound stopped. play the song, the noise comes, stop the song, noise stop after 2 seconds. if i open up Logic, the sound just starts no matter what. quit Logic and the sound stops. just now i opened up a youtube video and the sound just started going off even after i paused the video. now the sound comes everytime i choose the Emagic soundcard in the sound preferences. its kinda real loud and its bothering me so much, i cant seem to make it go away and definitely cant work with it. When i tried installing the soundcard on my brother's laptop windows with the same speakers, everything was fine and it played perfect with no noise. whaaaaat can i possibly do, this actually really frustrates me.... whats wrong with the computer? something with electricity?
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Feb 9, 2008
I got my MBA for 2 days now. Everything works fine except I heard these randomly Click noise coming out from under the power button place every once a while . It only does it once everytime when it happens and the click sound goes less than a second. Is this suppose to be normal?
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Aug 6, 2010
Well, this problem that I thought was coming from the Radeon 4870 fan was really coming from the lower intake fan on my Mac Pro. The rattling noise was coming from this fan itself, and the Radeon 4870 was actually running silent the whole time. This is probably why people with the X1900 and older Mac Pros have been reporting the same issue. This has actually solved the problem for me, my Mac Pro is running silent now: I downloaded SMC Fan Control, then I increased the speed on my intake fan to max, 2800rpm. I let the fan run at max for one minute, I had an idea that this would cause the fan to work out the kinks if it had any. Then I returned the fan speed to normal, and the problem has been gone for the past 15 minutes. You can download SMC Fan Control 2.2.2 (Snow Leopard compatible) here: [URL]
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Jan 13, 2009
Every time I depress my trackpad (the one built into my MBP 15" mid 2009) It is doing a slight squeak...Now I'm meticulous about how well I keep my beloved MBP... but I do use it everyday for many things (Including design, word processing, accounts, pwning the microsoft network at my office)
But I am guessing that these things are built to last... and shouldn't have an effect on how much I have used it right... Should I take it to Apple and let them have a look at it is there a quick thing that I can do to mend it? Or should I just get over it and accept it as quirk of it's character?
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
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Apr 19, 2010
I was playing a bunch of 1080p videos when I started to hear a vibrating/buzzing/rattling sound coming from my Mac Pro. I don't recall ever hearing this sound before. Is there something wrong with my Mac?
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Aug 29, 2010
My trackpad is making these weird noises. The light click you hear happens when I lightly tap the trackpad. You can also hear it compared to the normal trackpad click sound. I recorded it last night on my macbook pro.
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Feb 4, 2009
Maybe, I did not notice this earlier, but I notice that hard drive is pretty quite but every 10-15 secs, it almost has this faint click noise. Is anyone else experiencing that? Its not that loud, but loud enough to hear if you are in a quiet room or library.
Seems like a click noise every 10-15 secs even when hard drive is idle
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Nov 17, 2009
I just noticed, that my MBP (mid 09) is making a very high pitched noise when it is turned off and the MagSafe connector is NOT plugged in.
I can only hear the noise when I put the computer close to my ear. The noise definitely comes from the MagSafe area.
It goes away when I click the battery indicator button on the side but returns shortly after the batteryindicator lights go out again.
Also, there is a ticking/clicking noise that I can hear when my Macbook is fully charged, turned off and the MagSafe is plugged in.
The noise is only there when the battery is at 100% (MagSafe light is green) the MagSafe light also seems to flicker very slightly but that's hardly visible (but definitly there)
both noises go away when the computer is turned on or in sleep.
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Feb 29, 2008
Alright, so I got this weird problem. Every time I unplug my mouse from my Macbook and start using my track pad, the track pad settings get all messed up. The scrolling and double click speed go to the slowest possible setting.
What gives?
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Apr 10, 2010
After opening my macbook pro from sleep sometimes, maybe all the time, when i move cursor in the top left of the screen (area approx 2 inch down by 1 inch across from top corner) where the trackpad is unresponsive. I can move the cursor around there but i cant select anything so eg, closing a tab in safari.
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Nov 13, 2010
Alright, so I got this weird problem. Every time I unplug my mouse from my Macbook and start using my track pad, the track pad settings get all messed up. The scrolling and double click speed go to the slowest possible setting.
What gives?
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Apr 4, 2010
I have a 2009 15" Macbook Unibody and for as long as I can remember the superdrive has been making a loud noise when I boot up the machine. Its similar to the noise when you insert a disk. I just figured this was the lens aligning and that it was normal. My brother however works at an Apple store and has a Unibody and his is deadly silent, he also said the laptops he had used at work make no such sound. He said as long as the drive functions then its nothing to worry about.
It doesn't happen at any other time, and the drive does indeed function perfectly fine. It just bugs me when I turn my laptop on and hear a loud freaky noise. Just wondering if anyone here has this and what they think of it?
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Dec 26, 2010
My first generation unibody Macbook hasn't had any problems to this date but now it's constantly making that mechanical loading-like noise which is usually heard when the Macbook is switched on (the noise before the start up sound) or when the lid is opened to wake up the computer. Is there a fix to this?
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Sep 2, 2010
Dont know what's going on but my trackpad is really weird... Im having sensitivity problems.. extra sensitivity when I drag stuff or select ( even when I do not want to ) and extra low sensitivity in the bottom part of the trackpad.
Should I contact apple? Or just a software problem.
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Jun 13, 2010
When I use my computer, at random times, I hear a popping noise that sounds like it's coming from the plastic hinge without me moving it. I think this has happened on other 13" models I've toyed with, but I can't fully remember. Everything else works great and it doesn't happen super often so I think I'm just going to deal but does anyone else know what's up? I think it might be the heat coming off on the plastic hinge causing a popping noise every once in a while but not sure... computer works great. Also, it's not the sudden motion sensor clicking for sure. I know what that sounds like.
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Aug 5, 2009
I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like the pop sound you get when you raise/lower the volume, but it happens when you're doing nothing. Like the MBP is hiccuping. A very slight quiet noise, but it's strange and disturbing nonetheless. It's not a mechanical clink, like the HD or something, but a little 'pop'.
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Jun 19, 2014
I wanted to use a lavalier mic for a video conference, but when I plug the mic in to the MacBook Pro (late 17" 10.9.3) I get no playback from Garage band or other recording apps until I unplug the mic. I have tried a Rode lav and a Sennheiser mic for DSLRs. Am I missing something, or is there a problem with the computer?
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Apr 16, 2009
I noticed in the past week that when I scroll through a webpage I can hear a clicking sound (similar to the one from the MM) coming out of my speakers? This also seems to happen when I scroll through my iTunes library but in this case it's a humming sound, when the scrolling stops so does the noise. I've tried muting the speakers but the sound is still there, has anyone else experience this before?
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Oct 1, 2010
When I pick it up, or when I move is suddenly (even just slightly), I get a horrible sound from the back right hand side. It sounds like a someone is putting a piece of plastic into a spinning fan. It also kinda sounds like the hard drive head hitting the disk (scratching sound). I know that these things are meant to have a movement sensor which actually takes the head OFF the disk, but this sounds like its doing the opposite (scratching the moving disk). If I do it while watching a movie, the film freezes for a second at the same time the sound can be heard - so it's definately something to do with the hard drive.
I have done some research but everyone talking about the sudden movement sensor has described the sound as a "click", not a scratch. Can someone confirm this is normal, or abnormal? It's happening quite a lot - e.g. if I just pick it up it occurs. I've had loads of laptops and this is the first that seems to make a sound whenever I move it...
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Feb 21, 2009
when i use expose or open dashboard or any other screen for that matter that opens up, i always get a high pitched "grinding" noise coming from my display. It wasnt there before and all of a sudden it starts doing this? im very confused about this as i have no idea what it could be
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Sep 11, 2009
Ok, this is kind of hard to describe without a recording of it but my MacBook has this frustrating fault where it beachball's without warning and produces a really hard to describe sound every few seconds. The best I can come with to describe it is an "uh-oh" sound from around the keyboard area. It hangs like this for anything from 2-10 mins and will be pretty much unusable in that time.
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Nov 12, 2009
For the past few days my MBP has been slow. Ridiculously slow. Beachballing to open safari etc. I have just noticed that as it tries to load things it makes a weird sound. A short burring sounds followed by a long one then a short one. Don't know if that is relevant. Earlier today it froze so i had to do a hard shutdown (hold down the power button) and then it wouldn't boot. I ended up booting it off the snow leopard disc. This problem seemed to start when i started playing wow again but i had it installed for a long time. Could this be heat related?
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Feb 25, 2012
I see the microphone recording, but no sound happens on playback (youtube for example).
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