OS X :: Right Click Noise Supposed To Sound Different To The Left Click?
Jan 16, 2010Is the right click noise supposed to sound different to the left click? Mine does, is that normal?
View 7 RepliesIs the right click noise supposed to sound different to the left click? Mine does, is that normal?
View 7 RepliesI had to dissassemble my wireless Mighty Mouse to clean it properly, as the trackball was unable to scroll up and down. As I had cleaned the trackball, I attached the two internal cables to their respective "slots" again and assembled the mouse.
Now my right button does the same as the left button (right click = left click). I tried dissassembling the mouse again, but I cannot see what I could have done wrong. After all, there are only two cables to attach and de-attach inside it.
I just bought a mighty mouse, happy as I was, plugged it in and started my ibook running OS X 10.3.9.I know the mighty mouse shouldn't have full functionality (as the software delivered with it is >10.4.2).The problem is that the right click doesn't work right. When I try to right click it sometimes takes the right click, sometimes takes it as a left click (which is extremely annoying in firefox or finder).
I have SteerMouse (I'm a windows/linux user too) installed but when I de�nstalled it the problem remained.
When I plugged the mighty mouse in my pc (at that time running windows) right click just worked.When using a cheap mouse (from pleomax) the right click on the ibook (with Steermouse installed) works all the time.
I find this al really confusing. Seems like it can't be the hardware because it works on windows, but it can't be the software because another mouse does work.
I noticed that when right clicking at the total right side near the "expose-button" (not a position my fingers lay naturally) right click works all the time. I don't hope this is normal?
I'll try and click on a link and nothing, then I click bookmrks in the menu bar, it works, then i can go back and be to click on the link and it'll work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got my MBA for 2 days now. Everything works fine except I heard these randomly Click noise coming out from under the power button place every once a while . It only does it once everytime when it happens and the click sound goes less than a second. Is this suppose to be normal?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am not sure how to describe it properly, but since 10 minutes ago, my trackpad on my 13"mbp has been making a weird clicking sound. Normally, it makes a click which is regular, just like the store units/how it should be, however for the last 10 minutes the BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER ONLY makes a weird longer noise which I cannot properly describe. its almost like a rattling noise, or something that sounds like its breaking. had this mbp since july this year, and i do have apple care (got it on student discount price!!
Just wondering if you know what the problem is, Or if it is going to be a problem/if trackpad may be breaking Or if I rang apple/took instore what would they do. Reason why I havent immediately took it in is because if MBP could get new processors soon, I could take it in after refresh in the small chance I get a new computer replacement..........
i have a wireless mighty mouse for 9 months and today i had a serious problem. I had the casual problem with the trackball but i used to rub it on a clean peace of paper and it was fixed. When i done this today it won't right or left click. All it does is open the dashboard which this is the middle button. When i set off the middle button it can left click but not right. What the heck is going on? What should i do? Can it be fixed or do i need to go on an Apple Store and get a new one? God i hate this mouse. By rubbing it on a paper, the trackball is now scratched. Will this affect my warranty?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy daughter's macbook, circa 2008, is not left clicking easily anymore. Is there a simple fix for this aside from an external mouse?
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I'm trying to get my wired mighty mouse working to my satisfaction but it wants to left click if I touch the mouse anywhere as far back as the apple logo. Thats a little far back for a left click so I'm doing it when I don't want to. Btw, I made the left button my primary button coming from a windows PC background. Also how to I reset everything in the mouse settings, I've changed alot of things.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a macpro 2008 Running Lion. Mouse stops responding to left click. Restart does not always solve. Have reset PRAM and installed a clean updated copy of Lion still regular problem
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mouse fails even after reboot. Rese
I have owned my MacBook Pro for about 3 years and just a couple of weeks ago the trackpad stopped working when I clicked on it. I can still use it by finger touch but I can no longer left or right click on it. I have been using a mouse for the past week so that I can right click.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
So i haven't had one single problem with my Imac for 1.5 years until Yesterday I recently recieved a SD card that i purchased off ebay and stuck it into the side which I was expecting to popup but didn't This may or may not be the reason why my Imac is acting wierd but basically I cannot Left click at ALL, right click works, the internet works
The taskbar at the bottom with the icons do not have the title shown when I hover down the bottom either. I have a 2010 Imac with 12gb ram that i upgraded to.
Is there any steps that i can follow to ensure my imac runs normally, i have alot of data on computer that i need and i cannot find my boot cd anyhwere
When I right click and open the secondary ("right") menu and accentily right click it again the right click acts like a left click. Is this normal?
Example: When I right click on a picture and the cursor is in the menu it will automatically left click what it is over.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can't left click in any apple apps in the main admin user. Other users no problem but problem too weird for me to track down
I CAN left-click in finder, system prefs, Safari, Pages, stickies and any and every thirt party app without a problem.
BUT, Mail, Contacts, Preview, Maps, Aperture, Notes, iCal, stickies I can scroll and right click but not select anything. Nor can I close or minimize windows.
CMD-P in an unresponsive app brings up the print dialog but can't choose any pdf options or any other options
Affected apps can be moved from the title bar but not resized , restarted multiple times, reset pram, trashed prefs of affected apps as well as bluetooth.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), magic mouse
I got a Magic Mouse for Christmas this morning and set up with my Macbook Pro. The setup went quickly and well. I was able to move the cursor around my screen with the Magic Mouse.
However, the click buttons don't work. I have tried left and right clicking and nothing happens.
Is there a problem with my mouse or did I miss something in the setup?
Clicking with the left and right mouse buttons doesn't seem to be working properly. I first realised this when a message box warning me of low disk space popped up and I couldn't click on OK. Scrolling with the ball works, as does clicking with it. I restarted my iMac and removed the batteries from the mouse for a minute, but all that happened was that left and right clicks started acting like middle clicks. A wired mighty mouse works fine. I've tried cleaning it by turning it upside down and rubbing the ball on paper and a clean damp cloth, no change.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk so my bottom left corner of the trackpad doesn't like to register. It only happens when I want to click on it. It doesn't work however when i tap on it. Sometimes it works and other times it doesnt..
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a two year old Macbook (lion os) , the on board Trackpad does not respond when I click in the lower left window to open an app. I have cold booted the system with no success.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), launching an app via terminal.
It feels like there is less room for the left button to press down and the right button clicks loudly when I press down on it. Everything still woks in terms of clicking but it's so annoying to have to press down harder than I have to.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My workflow entails repetitive tasks that would be so much easier if I could set Leopard's (Safari's) default double-click functionality to select ALL text within the Google search box instead of having to use a triple-click. Does anyone know how to make this change to Leopard/Safari?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAlright well to make a long story short, this afternoon I formatted my Windows Vista PC and reinstalled Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I'll jump right in.Every time I click on something in iTunes, whether it be a song, or a category in the library, iTunes plays this weird "blip" sound. I have isolated it to being just within iTunes. I am not sure what the heck this is and I never had a problem with iTunes 8 before I did my reinstall today.
I was able to capture a bit of the sound using Sound Recorder in Vista. You may need to turn your speakers up a bit to hear it.I have tried completely reinstalling iTunes, but that hasn't fixed the problem. If this is a new feature added into iTunes, then tell me how to turn it off. It is beginning to really piss me off!
I have posted this on the Apple forums, but I thought I would post it here to see if any of you guys knew.
Whenever I pick up my MBP then put it back down, There is a noticeable clicking noise which comes from the HDD i presume. Is this normal? Is it the motion sensor? I'm still in the 14 day period, should I take it back for a replacement?
View 7 Replies View RelatedYou know something that has always bothered me is the loud and obnoxious clicking sound which happens whenever you click with a mouse. Unfortunately for me my new magic mouse is louder than previous mice I've used. When I use the mouse at school during class, or at the library the noise is very noticeable, annoying and distracting to others (and to me). I wonder if there is a way to setup the magic mouse to tap to click in the same way that touchpads work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI posted this awhile back, but didn't find a solution. Anyway, my 12" PowerBook G4 is back from the shop, where, I found out, they haven't worked on it for three weeks or so (it's been there two months!) It still will not boot. The battery charges, and when I press the power button, I can hear the "click" noise that means it's trying to start. I can never hear the HD spin all of the way up. It sounds like it tries and then fails. Nothing ever appears on the screen... ever. I have to do a hard shut down, and then it sounds like the HD spins down. For awhile, it did the "double dinging" noise, but I don't know what that means... and couldn't find anything on [URL:...]about it.
View 11 Replies View RelatedOnce in a while when I tilt my MBP, the hard disk will make a brief click noise. Also, I can trigger the noise by closing the lid, and then tilting the MBP. Is this normal? Is this just part of the built-in accelerometer?
View 19 Replies View RelatedWhenever I move my MacBook Pro, I get this weird faint metallic click noise. Is this normal? I have seen some videos on YouTube with this problem: [URL]
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy 13" MacBook Pro (Mid 2011) is making a loud click, or snapping noise whenever the clamshell is closed, or moved a little sometimes. It's becoming very persistant and doesn't seem normal. Most of the time it does make the noise (which is from the back right). I'm taking it in tomorrow under warranty. Any suggestions? Is this normal? The screen also moves smoothly and is always in place. It's all strange and hopefully they can replace the hinge.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
When I turn on my Powerbook G4 (1.5 GHz) 15" a little Earth icon flashes about 15x. Then a small question mark flashes followed by the Mac smiley face icon. They alternate flashing about a dozen times or so. My computer then goes to the grey-on-grey Apple logo screen, then to the password login screen. I enter password and successfully get to my desktop, HOWEVER:
(1)the font on my menu bar seems to have changed. No big deal?
(2)The menu bar is incomplete as I'm missing my internet signal indicator
(3)My dock is completely gone. Cannot find it anywhere.
(4)I have desktop icons but cannot left click on any of them. When I do I just get a long blank white colored rectangle. When I roll cursor over it it turns blue. Still blank though!
(5)This is the same with the menu bar. When I click on anything (Finder, File, Edit, View, etc) the drop down menu is just blank empty space
I have a Mac Pro 1,1 and every day or at least twice a day I hear a clicking sound.
It is not hard drive style click of death sound. For the life of me I cannot tell where its coming fromDo you guys think it might be the power supply? Everything works perfectly on the machine but that sound worries me.
About 90% of the time, I am using the MBP on the couch while watching TV. When I pick up the MBP to move it around, the HDD makes a quiet "CLICK" sound... It does it more when the base is slightly vertical if that helps. Is this by design? The first thing I thought it might be doing is preparing for a drop by stopping the read/write. Then again, it may be the ugly sound of a dying HDD. I should probably tell you what I have. Spring 2010 MBP. Specs are in signature.
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