OS X :: Weird Noises From Dragging Mouse + Emagic Sound Card Causing Noise
Dec 24, 2009
now what I have noticed is that the same monitors (speakers) i had with my older imac (24") are constantly making a louder "white noise" than what they used to (didnt bother me that much but i definitely noticed a louder volume of white noise). The thing that really bothers me is that whenever i scroll the mouse, or click and drag an object in photoshop or something the monitors are making a really noticeable disturbing scratching sound sound ...just cant seem to make it stop..its so annoying.. i also tried to record something and the imac recorded it in a really low volume and unstable wave (volume going up and down). so i figured well obivously the soundcard of the new imac was real bad..so got me an external soundcard, Emagic emi6|2m and i figured it would solve the problem. installed the soundcard, and played a song and suddenly a high pitch noise, kinda loud and really disturbing, started coming from the speakers.
2 seconds after i pauseded the song, the sound stopped. play the song, the noise comes, stop the song, noise stop after 2 seconds. if i open up Logic, the sound just starts no matter what. quit Logic and the sound stops. just now i opened up a youtube video and the sound just started going off even after i paused the video. now the sound comes everytime i choose the Emagic soundcard in the sound preferences. its kinda real loud and its bothering me so much, i cant seem to make it go away and definitely cant work with it. When i tried installing the soundcard on my brother's laptop windows with the same speakers, everything was fine and it played perfect with no noise. whaaaaat can i possibly do, this actually really frustrates me.... whats wrong with the computer? something with electricity?
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Dec 22, 2009
I am not sure how to describe it properly, but since 10 minutes ago, my trackpad on my 13"mbp has been making a weird clicking sound. Normally, it makes a click which is regular, just like the store units/how it should be, however for the last 10 minutes the BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER ONLY makes a weird longer noise which I cannot properly describe. its almost like a rattling noise, or something that sounds like its breaking. had this mbp since july this year, and i do have apple care (got it on student discount price!!
Just wondering if you know what the problem is, Or if it is going to be a problem/if trackpad may be breaking Or if I rang apple/took instore what would they do. Reason why I havent immediately took it in is because if MBP could get new processors soon, I could take it in after refresh in the small chance I get a new computer replacement..........
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Aug 29, 2010
My trackpad is making these weird noises. The light click you hear happens when I lightly tap the trackpad. You can also hear it compared to the normal trackpad click sound. I recorded it last night on my macbook pro.
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
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Jul 28, 2010
I have heard this "bleep"ish sound twice now in the last 15 minutes. It sounds like it is not coming from the studio monitors that I am using as speakers. It's rather hot right now...
iStat reports this as my temperatures
HD: Macintosh
Airport Card62�
Enclosure Base41�
GPU Diode69�
GPU Heatsink62�
Heatsink A58�
Heatsink B51�
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Apr 14, 2007
1.33 Ghz) has started acting up, and while I think I know what the problem is, I'd like some confirmation.The symptoms:
After starting the PB up, it runs for about 5 minutes before we get a permanent spinning beach ball. When the beach ball is up, I hear what sounds like (and is coming from) the hard drive. It sounds like it's spinning either way to fast, or as if something is wrong with it. All the open programs freeze, and we do a forced shut down.Also, the first time this happened, we had a song playing in iTunes. The song would play a 2 second clip, then stop, then start, and continue to stutter.
We've tried turning the computer off, unplugging the battery and the power, but it still does this.I think it's a hard drive problem, and that we need a new hard drive. Does this sound correct?
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Dec 21, 2010
I recently purchased a gently used MacBook. Running 10.5.8. The computer sounded and operating perfectly until I made the following software updates:
MAC OS X Update Combined
Security Update 2010-007
Remote Desktop Client Update
Airport Base Station Update
iLife Support
Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 5
Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 8
Airport Utility
Now I have an annoying hum noise, that could possibly be the fan.I have run Disk Utility, but the annoying hum noise remains. Does anyone have any suggestions before taking this by an Apple Store.This was intended as a Christmas gift for my wife. Can anyone spare me the embarassment?
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Dec 27, 2010
ive had a look around an only found bits an pieces relating to this but nothing really specific.i have an imac 3.06ghz, 4gb memory. less than a year old its been making some noises recently (like a downloading sound for afew seconds every so often) which happens every 30 seconds or so. this happens even when theres no programs open and im not connected to the internet!!! ive only really noticed it doing this the last month or so to be honest.
the computer has also been re-formated about a month ago as it was passed onto me from a family member, an im wondering if its got anything to do with that?is this a normal thing for macs an maybe i just havent noticed it before, or does it sound like something is wrong??
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Apr 16, 2009
I noticed in the past week that when I scroll through a webpage I can hear a clicking sound (similar to the one from the MM) coming out of my speakers? This also seems to happen when I scroll through my iTunes library but in this case it's a humming sound, when the scrolling stops so does the noise. I've tried muting the speakers but the sound is still there, has anyone else experience this before?
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Nov 5, 2010
So I have been having an issue with my MBP 13" since I bought it, about a month now. At first the guy at Bes@ Bu@ attributed it to the fact that I was pressing too hard on the trackpad and sent me on my way. Two weeks later and the same issue is still happening. So I return to the store and they take the drag lock off, which I have tried before and I tell them this is not the problem-I am not an idiot-I actually know a little about computers. Oh well so here it is another two weeks and the same issue is still going. What do I do? A little background-I need a computer to be able to work on-this is not an option.
Best Buy said that if there is something truly wrong with the trackpad then they will have to send it off to "somewhere" and it could be gone for 10-14 days. That is just unacceptable. Is anybody familiar with their "Black Tie" protection plan? would it be easier/better just to run the thing over with my truck? instead of dealing with the headaches of shipping it somewhere? Basically it seems like the mouse is dragging and locking on everything it can. I have to hold and move, or double hold and move, its hard to explain, but there is definitely an issue. But since I mainly work nights, its hard to bring it up to BB when there is an issue.
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Nov 2, 2007
I have a PowerBook G4 15" Laptop and it's recently started making a buzzing noise. It drives me crazy! The noise seems to come from the processor and happens whenever I'm scrolling through web pages, hovering over my dock, launching applications or pretty much whenever the computer is doing anything.
I've googled the issue and found it to be quite common, even being some posts on this forum. Here's the best info I've found so far:
"The squeaking is actually the processor going into Nap mode, and has been noticed on a number of G4 and G5 models. To save power when the processor has a little bit of idle time, it essentially turns itself off. What is happening when it's squeaking like this is it is alternating very rapidly between going in and out of Napping as the processor waits for more things to do. I've noticed that it happens most often during an active SSL connection; an https:// connection, Software Update, checking E-mail on a secure server, or any other secure connections can make this squeaking noise. There are many other ways to produce it too, such as scrolling through a web page or some other more graphic-intensive process.
If you want to check and/or get rid of it, you can download the CHUD tools (part of Apple's Developer Tools, and also available separately). The Processor preference pane (formerly called Hardware) will let you disable Napping, after which point the squeaking should go away. The squeaking also goes away if you reduce processor speed by turning Energy Saver processor performance down to Reduced. However, I'd recommend that you leave Napping enabled (to reduce heat output and increase battery life), so leave it in the default state."
I've downloaded the CHUD tools program and turned off Nap mode, I think. But it still makes the noises! I cannot figure out how to reduce processor speed. So frustrating. Anyone have any advice?
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Mar 27, 2009
I have a Macbrook Pro, one generation old. In the past week, it started making a high pitched noise from the upper left hand corner, near the keyboard. When I pick the computer up and change the angle, I can eliminate the noise.
Just in the past day I noticed that in addition to this high pitched noise, periodically a much louder, different noise comes from the same area, which again, if I move the computer around, I can minimize the noise.
My guess is that there is something loose in the computer, maybe a fan? Should I bring it to apple? My computer has been running pretty slow lately, could this have anything to do with it?
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Sep 20, 2008
Alright well to make a long story short, this afternoon I formatted my Windows Vista PC and reinstalled Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I'll jump right in.Every time I click on something in iTunes, whether it be a song, or a category in the library, iTunes plays this weird "blip" sound. I have isolated it to being just within iTunes. I am not sure what the heck this is and I never had a problem with iTunes 8 before I did my reinstall today.
I was able to capture a bit of the sound using Sound Recorder in Vista. You may need to turn your speakers up a bit to hear it.I have tried completely reinstalling iTunes, but that hasn't fixed the problem. If this is a new feature added into iTunes, then tell me how to turn it off. It is beginning to really piss me off!
I have posted this on the Apple forums, but I thought I would post it here to see if any of you guys knew.
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Feb 4, 2009
Maybe, I did not notice this earlier, but I notice that hard drive is pretty quite but every 10-15 secs, it almost has this faint click noise. Is anyone else experiencing that? Its not that loud, but loud enough to hear if you are in a quiet room or library.
Seems like a click noise every 10-15 secs even when hard drive is idle
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Nov 17, 2009
I just noticed, that my MBP (mid 09) is making a very high pitched noise when it is turned off and the MagSafe connector is NOT plugged in.
I can only hear the noise when I put the computer close to my ear. The noise definitely comes from the MagSafe area.
It goes away when I click the battery indicator button on the side but returns shortly after the batteryindicator lights go out again.
Also, there is a ticking/clicking noise that I can hear when my Macbook is fully charged, turned off and the MagSafe is plugged in.
The noise is only there when the battery is at 100% (MagSafe light is green) the MagSafe light also seems to flicker very slightly but that's hardly visible (but definitly there)
both noises go away when the computer is turned on or in sleep.
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Aug 27, 2010
That's so creepy... I just came back from watching Tv. and i hear some weird noises like there's papers inside the Mac Mini's Fans. And it's a bit scary.Does anyone have any clue why is that? I have no Disc inside. And it seems like it stopped but who knows maybe it can return back.
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Sep 10, 2010
Just accidentally rolled my MacBook Pro over a chair (About the height a little over one MacBook Pro's screen) while it was inside it's case.)
I then later found that it had strange DVD drive noises after the drop-There were 2-3 DVD grinding noises longer than the usual grinding noise at the beginning of a startup.
Is my DVD drive now dead?
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Dec 25, 2010
I have a June 2010 17" 2.66 i7 UMBP. This is going to sound really silly and I do not really know how to describe it correctly, but it has begun to make lots of strange "Tapping/Clicking" noises. It happens quite regularly when the notebook is stationary but increase whenever the notebook is moved.
I am familiar with the hard drive clicking noise but this is totally different - it kind of sounds like a small metal ball-bearing inside a small, thin glass sphere knocking or clicking against it's side or like tapping a small thin glass object with something like a thin metal rod.
I am sorry for the poor description but that is the best way I can describe it & know I must sound like a complete idiot but I am not very savvy to computer issues but I hope someone can identify what these noises are if if they mean that something bad is going on.
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Jul 16, 2010
Are others experiencing this? I'm having issue getting a good solid answer after googling for quite a while. Some of the threads I have read also lead to no end result.
When I watch any videos, no matter what it is, after about 2 minutes my black macbook heats up and then run at fan speeds of 3600-4800rpm and it's super annoying and hot. As soon as I turn off the video, it cools down back to 1800 RPM and runs at 62 degrees. Sooooo odd.
I went to the genius bar and the guy there said that it is probably due to the fact that Snow Leopard takes advantage of the dual-core processor. I don't understand why it needs to utilize this processor where as it never had an issue on leopard before I upgraded.
I've also read that reloading the OS doesn't seem to help. Is this a common issue? Should I go back to Leopard?
I've only noticed that expose` is a little bit fancier on SL but other than that, I do not notice much of anything that is different.
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Dec 26, 2010
My first generation unibody Macbook hasn't had any problems to this date but now it's constantly making that mechanical loading-like noise which is usually heard when the Macbook is switched on (the noise before the start up sound) or when the lid is opened to wake up the computer. Is there a fix to this?
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Apr 4, 2010
I have a 2009 15" Macbook Unibody and for as long as I can remember the superdrive has been making a loud noise when I boot up the machine. Its similar to the noise when you insert a disk. I just figured this was the lens aligning and that it was normal. My brother however works at an Apple store and has a Unibody and his is deadly silent, he also said the laptops he had used at work make no such sound. He said as long as the drive functions then its nothing to worry about.
It doesn't happen at any other time, and the drive does indeed function perfectly fine. It just bugs me when I turn my laptop on and hear a loud freaky noise. Just wondering if anyone here has this and what they think of it?
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May 10, 2009
when I was browsing the BBC website . I happened upon the front page and could hear a crackling sound, eventually after looking round the room for about 5 minutes I realized it was the macbook.
When the news page 'scroller' at the top types its news story out in a tika tape kinda way that is when the crackling noise happens .
does this make sense ? is my macbook faulty ? ..does it take soo much power to perform this function as to make my macbookCPU crackle ?
the noise is coming from approx the center of the notebook and is quiet(ish) but audible enough
anyone have any ideas ?
link to the site is below , you'll see the words scrolling across the screen at the top which then creates a clickable link to a news story : URL
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Jun 13, 2010
When I use my computer, at random times, I hear a popping noise that sounds like it's coming from the plastic hinge without me moving it. I think this has happened on other 13" models I've toyed with, but I can't fully remember. Everything else works great and it doesn't happen super often so I think I'm just going to deal but does anyone else know what's up? I think it might be the heat coming off on the plastic hinge causing a popping noise every once in a while but not sure... computer works great. Also, it's not the sudden motion sensor clicking for sure. I know what that sounds like.
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Jul 4, 2012
I have an apple mini mac desk top computer.My mouse is dragging and I cannot play my fast games.What should I do?
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Sep 17, 2008
I'm on a 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro, just updated to version 10.5.5. Today, it seems some strange sound output issue has cropped up. Using either the laptop's built-in speakers, or the headphone jack connected to an external pair of creatures, the sound turns on and off intermittently. When I go to System Preferences -> Sound, and select output, the "Choose a device for sound output", I have: Name: External Speakers, Type: Built-in Output. Then occasionally switches to something else, a little too fast to read. Looks like "Something Output (ispk)". Every time the sound goes out, the Balance goes to "The selected device has no output controls". Weirdly, right now, I've got nothing plugged in, and its switching between Headphones, Internal Speakers, and Built-In whatever. Basically, it looks like the sound output stuff is wigging out. Sound works fine through a USB headset.
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Aug 5, 2009
I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like the pop sound you get when you raise/lower the volume, but it happens when you're doing nothing. Like the MBP is hiccuping. A very slight quiet noise, but it's strange and disturbing nonetheless. It's not a mechanical clink, like the HD or something, but a little 'pop'.
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Nov 22, 2006
My PM G5's Hard Drive has been making wierd noises lately and I'm really beginning to worry that it's failing. How can I be sure?
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Dec 16, 2008
I'm having some more issues with my cousin's iBook I'm trying to fix.First of all, it's running on Panther (10.3.9)So here are both my problems:- Here and there, the laptop makes this loud buzzing noise... it's like you are holding down the enter key somewhere you can't enter anything. It's not a GSM buzz or anything, but I don't know how to get rid of it. I've tried doing a couple of things, but it hasn't worked. Any ideas?- Secondly, I'm having some trouble with the mouse often. (I unchecked ignore accidental trackpad click).
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Mar 20, 2009
My G4 iMac has been making a weird fan sound (a flickering sound, as if there were a piece of paper in it or something). Last night I turned it off and the weird fan continued running. I tried to unplug my mac and plug it back in, but the fan just starts right back up. The computer won't start, I've tried holding the start button but nothing happens. I need my computer today to work.
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Feb 12, 2010
Any time I boot up my i5, I don't have any audio. Putting the machine to sleep then immediately awakening it fixes the issue. Has anyone else had this happen? I've searched the forums and google but could only find threads about boot camp sound issues.
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