MacBook :: HDD Making A Weird Hiccup Noise?
Feb 4, 2009
Maybe, I did not notice this earlier, but I notice that hard drive is pretty quite but every 10-15 secs, it almost has this faint click noise. Is anyone else experiencing that? Its not that loud, but loud enough to hear if you are in a quiet room or library.
Seems like a click noise every 10-15 secs even when hard drive is idle
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Apr 4, 2010
I have a 2009 15" Macbook Unibody and for as long as I can remember the superdrive has been making a loud noise when I boot up the machine. Its similar to the noise when you insert a disk. I just figured this was the lens aligning and that it was normal. My brother however works at an Apple store and has a Unibody and his is deadly silent, he also said the laptops he had used at work make no such sound. He said as long as the drive functions then its nothing to worry about.
It doesn't happen at any other time, and the drive does indeed function perfectly fine. It just bugs me when I turn my laptop on and hear a loud freaky noise. Just wondering if anyone here has this and what they think of it?
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Dec 26, 2010
My first generation unibody Macbook hasn't had any problems to this date but now it's constantly making that mechanical loading-like noise which is usually heard when the Macbook is switched on (the noise before the start up sound) or when the lid is opened to wake up the computer. Is there a fix to this?
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
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Nov 12, 2009
For the past few days my MBP has been slow. Ridiculously slow. Beachballing to open safari etc. I have just noticed that as it tries to load things it makes a weird sound. A short burring sounds followed by a long one then a short one. Don't know if that is relevant. Earlier today it froze so i had to do a hard shutdown (hold down the power button) and then it wouldn't boot. I ended up booting it off the snow leopard disc. This problem seemed to start when i started playing wow again but i had it installed for a long time. Could this be heat related?
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Dec 18, 2008
I just bought a MacBook Pro and a Weird sound such as a disc scratching is coming from it seems my Disc drive. This only happens when I start the computer up or wake it after the HD goes to sleep. The notebook is brand new and not sure if this is normal.
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Jul 28, 2010
I have heard this "bleep"ish sound twice now in the last 15 minutes. It sounds like it is not coming from the studio monitors that I am using as speakers. It's rather hot right now...
iStat reports this as my temperatures
HD: Macintosh
Airport Card62�
Enclosure Base41�
GPU Diode69�
GPU Heatsink62�
Heatsink A58�
Heatsink B51�
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Nov 17, 2009
I just noticed, that my MBP (mid 09) is making a very high pitched noise when it is turned off and the MagSafe connector is NOT plugged in.
I can only hear the noise when I put the computer close to my ear. The noise definitely comes from the MagSafe area.
It goes away when I click the battery indicator button on the side but returns shortly after the batteryindicator lights go out again.
Also, there is a ticking/clicking noise that I can hear when my Macbook is fully charged, turned off and the MagSafe is plugged in.
The noise is only there when the battery is at 100% (MagSafe light is green) the MagSafe light also seems to flicker very slightly but that's hardly visible (but definitly there)
both noises go away when the computer is turned on or in sleep.
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Jun 13, 2010
When I use my computer, at random times, I hear a popping noise that sounds like it's coming from the plastic hinge without me moving it. I think this has happened on other 13" models I've toyed with, but I can't fully remember. Everything else works great and it doesn't happen super often so I think I'm just going to deal but does anyone else know what's up? I think it might be the heat coming off on the plastic hinge causing a popping noise every once in a while but not sure... computer works great. Also, it's not the sudden motion sensor clicking for sure. I know what that sounds like.
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Apr 16, 2009
I noticed in the past week that when I scroll through a webpage I can hear a clicking sound (similar to the one from the MM) coming out of my speakers? This also seems to happen when I scroll through my iTunes library but in this case it's a humming sound, when the scrolling stops so does the noise. I've tried muting the speakers but the sound is still there, has anyone else experience this before?
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Sep 20, 2008
Alright well to make a long story short, this afternoon I formatted my Windows Vista PC and reinstalled Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I'll jump right in.Every time I click on something in iTunes, whether it be a song, or a category in the library, iTunes plays this weird "blip" sound. I have isolated it to being just within iTunes. I am not sure what the heck this is and I never had a problem with iTunes 8 before I did my reinstall today.
I was able to capture a bit of the sound using Sound Recorder in Vista. You may need to turn your speakers up a bit to hear it.I have tried completely reinstalling iTunes, but that hasn't fixed the problem. If this is a new feature added into iTunes, then tell me how to turn it off. It is beginning to really piss me off!
I have posted this on the Apple forums, but I thought I would post it here to see if any of you guys knew.
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Jul 22, 2009
I was just downstairs in my basement using my macbook and I decided to come upstairs and when I got up here I noticed that my fan is making a weird buzzing noise. I can tell it is my fan because when I make the fans spin faster in smcfancontrol the noise gets louder. Could this be something that is in the fan or could this be a more serious problem? I can take the back case off and check but I just wanted to know if this could be a serious problem with the fan. Is there any chance I could have bent something by carrying it wrong?
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Mar 18, 2012
I just found out that the trackpad of my Macbook Pro 15' (bought on early 2011) is making noise recently, especially the left bottom part of the trackpad when I tap on the trackpad.
Info:Mac Pro
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Apr 11, 2012
My MacBook Pro just started to making a clicking/ticking noise. I am assuming that it has something to do with the fan because when I shut my computer down, the noise stops, but once I start my computer back it, it starts once again.
MacBook Pro
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May 26, 2012
I would like to know if it's normal that my mac pro makes a noise like if a fan is working insede it. I havent heard this noise before.
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Sep 2, 2014
i opened it and it started making a strange low buzzing noise
MacBook Air, OS X Server
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Jul 1, 2014
My macbook pro was on while I was sleping and I think the power got disconnected and it shut off on its own. I woke up to it making this ping noise every 20 -30 seconds.
Here is a link to the YouTube video: [URL]
The computer works fine I've tried to turn it back on and off and it works ok.
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Mar 16, 2008
I have had my MBA for almost a week, and I've had no issues so far. Until now. This is the case: The fan operates as it should. It stays on 2500 rpm at light use, and increases with heavier use. At 2500 rpm I was not able to hear it without putting my ear next to the keyboard. That was yesterday. Today the fan produces a new noise. It isn't very loud, but clearly audible at 2500 rpm in a quiet environment. It's a low, constant, buzzing kind of noise. It also increases with fan speed.
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Nov 11, 2009
my macbook keeps making this electrical whine noise around the upper left hand corner does anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
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Apr 4, 2010
Im using a 13" Pro, and when I touch the trackpad it keeps making this clicky noise. Like if I drum my fingers on the pad it makes a clicky noise.
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Jul 4, 2010
I have a 13" MacBook Pro from Mid-2009 and just today I've noticed a real faint clicking noise coming from the fan. It almost sounds like that noise a bike makes when you put a baseball card against its wheel. It's not very loud, but when I'm working in a silent room, it's been pretty annoying. I opened the back and blew all the dust out and all that, but the problem seems to only have got worse since then. The fan is still spinning at its usual 2000rpm.
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Feb 14, 2012
It is also getting warm. The static is continuous and I have turned it off and back on. It starts up again. This just started tonight.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 4, 2012
Yesterday I started up my MacBook Pro that I've only had for about 9 months. I immediately noticed that there was a barely audible buzzing / humming sound coming the inside of the laptop, most likely in the fans. I don't know how long this has been going on, and I really don't know the cause of it. So is this something I should be worried about (the sound is barely audible)? Or is this something that happens after prolonged use of the laptop?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 28, 2014
My Macbook Air has suddenly decided not to turn. I have tried the rebook using the left hand side keys 'shift/control/option & power' but still nothing happens. Every now and again when I try turning it on using the power button the fan turns on and is really loud?
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Apr 14, 2007
1.33 Ghz) has started acting up, and while I think I know what the problem is, I'd like some confirmation.The symptoms:
After starting the PB up, it runs for about 5 minutes before we get a permanent spinning beach ball. When the beach ball is up, I hear what sounds like (and is coming from) the hard drive. It sounds like it's spinning either way to fast, or as if something is wrong with it. All the open programs freeze, and we do a forced shut down.Also, the first time this happened, we had a song playing in iTunes. The song would play a 2 second clip, then stop, then start, and continue to stutter.
We've tried turning the computer off, unplugging the battery and the power, but it still does this.I think it's a hard drive problem, and that we need a new hard drive. Does this sound correct?
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Sep 29, 2010
I purchased a MacBook 2010 from bestbuy almost two weeks ago, I have only really internet surfed and added some songs from my ipod using senuti. Yesterday I started noticing this little noise sort of a sounds like a bug like a scratchy hiss (or something spinning kind of like the noise my ipod classic makes every now n then) its very quick but it happens every few seconds. Now mind you it is very faint cant hear it if there's noise around me but if its silent I can hear it. I wanted to know am if its something I should be concerned with or was this small noise there from the beginning and i just started paying attention.
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Mar 19, 2008
I called Apple tech support about the screeching noise I started hearing more than once out of my Air. This was posted by someone else and there is a youtube video floating around also. I am going to take it to the Apple store to have them look at it, but I also asked the rep about operating temp range.
He said that spikes up to 90 degrees are normal, but if it startes to climb or stay in the 90-100 range, then someone should take a look at it.
Not sure how reliable this is, but thought I would mention it.
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May 12, 2008
I've had my Macbook Air 1.8GHz SSD since basically the day it was announced and aside from iChat video lag and YouTube (which has only happened lately), it's been almost perfect. One of the things I particularly loved about it was how silent it was, but as of Saturday, that suddenly changed. It now makings a constant (as in, never stops as long as the Air is on) noise which sounds like a harddrive being accessed; a kind of buzzing/whirring noise. It's not particularly loud, and once about 2ft away you can no longer hear it, but it is concerning that it would suddenly start.
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Mar 16, 2010
I know I can control the fan speed, but I desperately need to stop the left fan which is making unbearable noise. I'm travelling at the moment and cannot have it replaced until next week.
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Jun 6, 2012
8gb RAM
This morning for some reason whenever inserting a DVD my Macbook Pro makes the following double beep noise for around 20 seconds prior to ejecting the disk.
I can't upload it here so i've put it on YourListen,[URL]
i've tried resetting the PRAM and that didn't work, I really need my DVD player back.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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