MacBook Pro :: Torx Size For HDD Rails?

Nov 25, 2009

I was wondering if anyone knew what size torx wrench needs to be used for the rails on the HDD in the unibody MBP? Is it a T6 or T8?

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IMac :: Torx Size 27" Stand

Aug 15, 2010

Can anyone tell me the torx size of the stand of the iMac 27"?

I need to remove the stand to transport the iMac (plane). What's the correct torx wrech to use?

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MacBook Pro :: After Installed Ruby, Cannot Install Rails In It

Jun 27, 2012

sudo gem install rubygems-update 
sudo update_rubygems 

After I have done the above in my MacBook Pro, ruby is installed. 

sudo gem install -y rails 
sudo gem install rails 

However, I cannot install rails when typing the above and here are the errors. Also, I cannot find Frameworks folder under Library folder. 

Chanteki-MacBook-Pro:~ chanwaihung$ sudo gem install -y rails

INFO: `gem install -y` is now default and will be removed INFO: use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list Building native extensions. This could take a while...

ERROR: Error installing rails: 
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb


You can then rerun your "rails" command.Chanteki-MacBook-Pro:~ chanwaihung$

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), sudo ruby gem rails

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MacBook Pro :: No T6 Torx To Replace HDD?

Aug 26, 2009

Just use a pair of pliers! Worked like a charm.

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MacBook Pro :: Installing New HDD In 13" - Get Torx T6?

Dec 5, 2009

So i take it I need a torx T6 screw driver to install a new HDD into my 13" mbp. Where can I buy one of those?

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MacBook Pro :: Torx T6 - Unscrew Without Screwdriver?

Aug 5, 2010

I need one to upgrade my HDD. I don't have a shop near me and don't really want to wait for an ordered one. Could someone suggest how I could unscrew them without the screwdriver?

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MacBook :: Upgrading Hard Drive - Torx T9 Or T8?

Dec 17, 2009

I'm upgrading my HD on my Macbook, I read that you need a Torx T9 and I also read a place that suggested a Torx T8. I was going to pick one up at the hardware store (I don't own either) and I was wondering which size is better? Or perhaps it just doesn't matter?

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: WikiServer Gives 503 Error After Updating Ruby And Rails

Apr 16, 2012

Wiki services is broken after I updated Ruby and Rails in order to install a log reading dashboard. Now when I start wiki services (via command line), I get Error Reading Settings, and a 503 error when I try to access the wiki via the web. We have content in the wiki, so I'm hesitant to just blow it away.

reddwarf:~ mikec$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [universal-darwin11.0]
reddwarf:~ mikec$ rails --version
Rails 3.2.2
sh-3.2# ls -ld /Library/Server/Wiki/ .....

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Size / Increasing The Font Size And Icon Size

Jan 13, 2010

I'm must be hitting some strange key combination / trackpad gesture (I just got a macbook pro) and my font size in safari keeps randomly increasing. This happens on the desktop with the icons as well.

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Mac Pro :: Special Screwdriver - Torx Or Hex?

Sep 18, 2008

I just acquired a G4 Power Mac and have noticed some odd screws I don't have tools for; maybe someone here has dealt with this before. I have searched the forums here and found a previous discussion about the main case screws near the handles. Someone said that they are 2.5mm hex, but on my case a 3mm hex fit perfectly. But the problem I have is with the really bitty hex screws that hold the keyboard together. The guy at the local hardware store was convinced that they are Torx, but the only torx we could get to fit, a T5, was rather loose and has now rounded off to the point where it won't do anything. And I am now convinced these ARE hex. But the size is in the 1.25mm range and I can't find any actual tools like that. I know for sure that .050" (1.27mm) is too big. The T5 torx measures .048". I suppose that the simple thing to do is file a .050" one down just enough to fit. Anybody know? There must be some special Apple tool for this.

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OS X :: Replacing Hard Drive In UMBP 13 - Torx 6 Not Fit?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a problem which I couldn't solve for quite a while now. I bought a new WD Scorpio Blue 500 GB for my uMBP 13. I can't, however, figure out which screwdriver I need for those mounting screws that have to be removed in order to change the drives. I first bought a Torx 6 (Black & Decker TX 6) which is too big. I then ordered both a Torx 4 and Torx 5 from eBay. They are both too small... So what is wrong here? anyone had the same problem? Or any alternative solutions w/o using a Torx driver?

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MacBook Air :: Finding Maximum Size Of Windows 7 Partition Size

Dec 17, 2009

i read may post about this but still do not have a solid answer. Will 20GB partition be fine with my Macbook Air SSD drive ?

I only plan on installing a antivirus software and thats about it, maybe 1 program.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Size / Can't Get Size

Oct 23, 2009

done some searching and looked at the sticky but I'm still undecided about what size to get. I had originally decided on a 17inch MBP but now I'm leaning towards getting a smaller MBP and a new iMac. I'm not looking top of the line but I would like to be able to play WOW on occasion and do some on the road photo stuff (but nothing to the level of pixel peeping). I'm looking at the faster of the 2 13 inch MBP variations versus a 15 inch with the same basic specs. What I'm worried about is the 13 inch having enough horsepower to do the simple photo and games that I'd like it to do.

Right now I have basically the same setup that I'm looking at doing again. A 20 inch iMac G5 and 12.1 inch iBook G4 both bought last half of 2005 (just after the iBook was updated - remember my order was delayed waiting on the new specs). The iMac can run WOW fairly well BTW, just lag evident in the trade district in SW.

TIA and hopefully this isn't too redundant with other questions.

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Applications :: Won't Work With Iphoto Library / Size Doesn't Match Folder Size

Dec 31, 2009

why the iphoto library file size in the finder appears to be a certain size, while iphoto itself reports a very different size. Is there any way to recover any disk space or reconcile the numbers here? Please see the attachments below, it may make a bit more sense that way. I would like to recover the disk space and if it really is a 16gb difference somewhere.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: View Options' But 'size' And 'calculate Size' Are Greyed Out / Cannot Be Checked

Mar 18, 2012

i'm trying to get the file size displayed in the finder.i can right click on an individual file to 'get info' and find the size, but can the size be displayed routinely in the finder? i tried to 'view options' but 'size' and 'calculate size' are greyed out and cannot be checked.

imac 27"

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Applications :: ITunes Libary Size Not Matching Music Folder Size?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm using iTunes 9.2.1 and it states that my music library is 159.99gb with 25,994 songs, however the folder containing music files is 171.26gb with 30,309 files. This is a difference of 11.27gb and 4315 files. The folder only contains mp3 or m4a files with their respective album and band folders; no images, text files or anything else. The iTunes folder is located elsewhere. I added the folder to iTunes again to see if there were 11gb of songs I'd forgotten to add and there was no difference. I even deleted all iTunes settings and the current library and added the folder again and it is still missing 11.27gb.

I'm about 95% sure that none of my music collection is missing from iTunes so my first thought was that iTunes is just reading the file sizes and count inaccurately and it really is 171.26gb, but I'm not sure.

Can anyone think of a solution without going though my entire collection and comparing it to iTunes to see if anything is missing?

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Applications :: Won't Work With ITunes / Library Size And Music Folder Size

Feb 12, 2009

I dragged a folder from an external hard drive into iTunes containing the songs I want on my new MacBook.

But, for some reason the file size shown in iTunes is 47.66GB whereas Finder says my iTunes Music folder is 50.38GB

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OS X :: Finder Won't Display Folder Size In Size Column Or Info Window?

Feb 5, 2010

Normally, the Finder window will display a folder's size in the Size column. However, I have one folder which shows as "Zero KB" in the Size column. When I open the General Info window, the Size reads as "Zero KB on disk (Zero bytes) for 0 items."

In order to get the folder size I have to go into the folder, select all folders, then with either the Summary Info or Inspector window, it'll show the folder size ("185.32 GB on disk").

Why is this occurring in only this folder? Is it because it's a large folder?

I'm running Snow Lep 10.6.2. The folder is on an external drive in FAT32 format.

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Applications :: Won't Work With XSlimmer / Current Size In App Different From Finder Size

May 22, 2010

I purchased Xslimmer recently,and I've just notice a big issue. In Xslimmer, it says the current size of the app is say 20 mb, but Finder says it is 50 mb. Same thing after I slim it. I checked on a different computer, and it said the same thing. Could someone check the filesize of in Finder (mine was 77.4 mb), and the current size in XSlimmer (said it was 25.5mb).

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OS X Mavericks :: App Size In System Information Not Same As App Size In Finder?

Jun 4, 2014

As you can see from the image above, finder is showing that apps are taking up nearly 30 GB, nearly 25 GB less than system information. What is causing this or which one is the actual size of the apps. It's not as if I'm runing out of space , I'm just a bit curious.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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MacBook Pro :: Font Size On 17 Is Too Small - How Can I Increase The Font Size

Jun 4, 2010

I'm trying to increase the font size of my mac, but I can't find it anywhere. I should be really simple to do so I'm probably missing something. On windows you just right click the desktop > appearance and bang. How can I do it on the mac? Oh and I don't want to increase the font of safari or finder, i already know how to do that, what I'm looking for is a way to make all fonts bigger (including menus)... just like you do on windows, make all fonts 1.2 times bigger.

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OS X :: Won't Show Size Of Data Instead Of Size Of Files

Nov 14, 2010

All my smaller files show up as 4kb in finder. I know this is because on HFS+ that is the minimum allocation for a file, but it really doesn't help when trying to get a sense of how large files are when you're thinking of deploying them to the web, or glancing to see which are longer/which have been changed etc. is there any way to set Finder to display the size of files based on how much data is in them.

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OS X :: Won't Change Partition Size / Not Full Size

Oct 21, 2009

I changed my partition size firstly from (full disk size) about 160GB to 80GBs in order to create a new one which was another 80GBs after that I decided to just leave this 160GB and one partition, so I did what I decided, but now there is a problem. I did everything under Installation CD and than it shows in Disk Tool that the partition is 160GB on diagrams but under it it shows: total size 80GB... and the same is when I launching Snow Leopard. I'm clicking Macintosh HD and informations than it shows total size: 80GB, I tried to change again partition sizes but it does nothing, I cannot do anything under Mac OS and bootable installation disc. I'm completely stuck it shows, always and always that "Spliting in to partitions finished due an error - could not modficate partition's map".

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Intel Mac :: Why Is Total Size Of Two Partitions Not Same As Hdd Size

Mar 19, 2012

I have an iMac with a 500 GB hard disk. Currently I have two partitions on it. According to Disk Utility one partition is 266 GB in size, the other one 200 GB. That makes a total of 466 GB --> 34 GB missing.Previously I had a Bootcamp-Windows partition of about 30 GB, but I erased it using Disk Utility. However, it seems that the space is still missing.What could be the explanation for this, and how can I get this space back?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac When Opened Safari It Opened To A Nice Size Screen Size?

Apr 16, 2012

When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac
OS X (10.5)

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Work With Partition Size & Windows Size

Jun 22, 2009

I heard from multiple Youtube videos and walkthroughs that said that Windows took 4gb, so I made a 24gb partition. After installation, I go to "Computer" (c: drive), and it says 9gbs free of 24gbs.

I'm using a MBP 2.53 w/ 9600, and installed Windows 7 RC 64bit. What happened? How can I see what's taking up all that space?

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MacBook :: Size Of Aluminum Box?

Feb 15, 2009

Can someone give me the size of a Aluminium Macbook Box? (Not the size of the Macbook, I want the size of the box)

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MacBook :: Get Charger - Same Size?

Nov 5, 2009

Anyone know any good charger where I can get it cheaper. Im kinda broke at the moment to spend $80 on one. I mean I tried ebay I got one and it works but it is more narrower than my original one. I don't technically care if its a copy version of apple I just want one that is the exact same size as my charger.

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MacBook Air :: Won't Work With Size Of The SSD

Apr 20, 2010

what snow leopard reports the size of the 128GB SSD to be. Mine is reporting at ~121GB, which seems like less than it should since Snow Leopard uses base-10 for calculating drive space now.

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MacBook :: Increase The HDD Size In It?

Apr 17, 2012

Is there a way to increase the HD size in a MacBook

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