MacBook Pro :: Sound Choice Moves To Soundflower?

Sep 7, 2010

My audio keeps switching to soundflower. I reset it and eventually it gets changed. Any ideas how to prevent this?

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OS X :: Using And Installing Soundflower?

Dec 6, 2010

I couldn't figure out why my iMac had no sound and after checking the speakers, power, and cables I went to the System Prefs for Sound and found output set to Soundflower (2ch) rather than headphones.

Never had seen this before. I recently recorded something streaming with Snapz Pro X. That is the only thing I can think of that would have changed my sound. But even that was a while ago. Not sure what else I may have installed since then that would have done that. Possibly an Audio Hijack Pro update, but I never even use that.

What App typically installs Soundflower?

I have never even seen it before in my Sound settings. Certainly not on my MacBook and I'm in the settings all the time messing with Mic volumes and such for better iChats.

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Applications :: Using Screenium Soundflower?

May 5, 2010

Everytime i use Screenium + Soundflower to record what ever is on my mac screen the video freezes all the time on playback, sound is fine and carries on.

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OS X :: Settings Up Soundflower (For Live Streams)?

May 5, 2010

I need to setup SoundFlower properly so that I can do live streaming of audio. I have 3 (I think) audio sources:
1) My USB headset's mic
2) The people from Skype
3) My computer's audio

I can stick all those into SoundFlower, but, when doing a live stream, they can hear everything BUT me. This is because my voice isn't actually being outputted through SoundFlower. My workaround is to use Audacity to record my USB headset's mic, and playback what I'm saying while it's recording. This works, but I'll then be hearing myself talking, and there will be a delay, which is VERY annoying.

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MacBook Pro :: Best Choice (Left Windows Behind)

Jun 23, 2009

I just bought my new MacBook Pro 13", the best choice I ever made. No regrets about leaving Windows!

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MacBook :: Best Choice For 500gb Hard Drive?

Jan 27, 2009

Is there a best choice for a 500gb hard drive?the main options seem to be a seagate momentus or wd concern is noise.i want something more quiet than performance.

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MacBook Pro :: Popular Choice / Hassle Free 1TB Drive

Jul 30, 2010

Been hitting the search and found that the Western Digital Scorpio Blue 1TB is a popular choice amongst MBP owners. Will this have any issues with the SMS? Also, can I expect any increase in heat and vibration, as opposed to the stock drive? Finally, I've heard a few people say that the bottom plate doesn't sit flush due to the extra height of the drive (12.5 - 9.5mm), is this true?

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Moves On Its Own?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a MacBook pro purchased in 2009. After it is on a while the cursor starts jumping around like someone is in the computer and looking. It changes preferences. It won't stop till shut down.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Bottom Of System Moves Up And Down

Apr 12, 2012

I took my MacBook to the Apple Store about a month ago because of a problem and the person opened it up to look inside. Now a couple of the screws on the bottom are coming loose and the bottom plate moves up and down a bit. My question is am I allowed to tighten the screws myself because I heard opening it voids my warranty but what about simply tightening them. 

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MacBook Pro :: My Trackpad's Cursor Moves On Its Own

Apr 13, 2012

My trackpad shows no visible change, however my cursur moves on its own, clicks on things, drags icons, and at other times refuses to move. Sometimes for a moment it will work, but then it is back again.  I highly suspect malware. My computer worked fine, there is no sign of hardware damage and I reset my Pram.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Moves Randomly By Itself?

May 24, 2012

Mouse moves randomly even when not touching the computer. Tried bluetooth, IR and even just using native mouse pad.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), any mouse any keypad, even native

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MacBook Pro :: Scrolling Moves Display More Than Mouse?

Sep 5, 2010

My wife's cat walked over her Macbook keyboard. Thereafter, when she uses the trackpad to try to move the cursor, the display moves in response, and the cursor sometimes moves, stutters, delays. Usually, both move.

So my guess is the cat hit some odd combination of keys changing some preference.

We could not find anything in System Preferences/trackpad, or searching the forums here (not that i know which words to use).

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Brightness Self Adjusts / Moves

Jun 29, 2009

Just bought a brand new 15" MBP, and immediately after unboxing the screen brightness seems to just move/adjust without adjusting via brightness buttons.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Frozen Apps / Mouse Moves

Nov 17, 2010

I have a 2007 2.2Ghz "Santa Rosa" MBP, which I've had quite the problems with for the past 3 (soon to be 4) years. Just starting this week, if I'm on Safari or iChat for instance, Mac OS X freezes and everything stops... yet the mouse cursor can still move. Very soon, the screen starts flashing black and white over the frozen screen (with Safari, iChat, or whatever still open and visible behind the intense flickering). This flickering only goes on for a few seconds though; but the system remains frozen, requiring a manual shut-down and reboot.

Any ideas what's going on? It just started recently. Software has been completely up to date. Somehow I'm paranoid that the graphics card issue is coming back to haunt me again (I've had it replaced once already) but it doesn't seem like that's it.

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MacBook :: Trackpad Scrolling - Page Moves Down - Invert?

Jun 28, 2009

I have a problem with scrolling using the trackpad. It is somehow inverted: when I scroll down, the page moves down (so it follows the content, just like the iPhone). But I want to have it back the way it was. Is that possible?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Get A Choice Of Which Two Accounts To Use?

May 14, 2012

How do I get a choice of which two accounts to use?  I have a gmail account, but I want to set up another account. 

Mac OS X (10.7.4), Apple Mail 5.2

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse On Randomly Moves From Center Of Screen To Bottom?

Sep 29, 2009

So I love my 1 1/2 month old 13inch MBP.

The thing is that recently at random times throughout my day when I'm, using my finger will be on the glass trackpad and i'll be doing something like say surfing the web or using w/e application...Well, randomly the mouse on the screen will disappear from its current location, say for example on Firefox's toolbar, immediately to the bottom of the screen. It's never the top of the screen, or the sides since it normally just causes the dock to rise up...

I'm really concerned to see what's going on here. I rarely had this problem with my old Whitebook, though admittedely did happen a few times.

Perhaps a water spill/damage? Though consider to have been very careful with my new Mac. I'm sure the glass trackpad on these new Macbook Pro's has water damage sensors right? Anyway I can see it/observe it myself.

I used to love taking apart my old whitebook but these new MBP's seem impossible; that or i'm just too scared since I do love how the machine was built.

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OS X :: Erase And Install - Safe Choice?

May 25, 2009

I am about to sell my Mac Pro Tower and am going to do an Erase and Install of OS X Leopard. Is the erase pretty safe in terms of deleting all my sensitive data? I mean, is it safer to do an erase first, then install?

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OS X Yosemite :: No POP Account Choice In Mail?

Dec 8, 2014

Used to be that when setting up an account I got the choice between setting it up as POP or IMAP, but no longer. Why is that? Should it be that way?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 2.7 Ghz 16GB RAM

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MacBook Pro :: Internal Speakers Will Not Play, Only Audio Choice Is "digital Out"

May 28, 2012

15 inch MacBook Pro.  Internal speakers will not play.  Output to headphone plug did work.  Now I cannot insert headphones into socket, it seems to be too shallow.  There is no red glow as mentioned in other posts.  I had the red glow issue on an older MacBook and resolved it by inserting toothpick into socket and triggered switch.  I have used command, option, r and p reset.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Run 1080p Mkv Files Smoothly / Videos Moves Fast

Jan 21, 2009

Basically I want to watch high definition videos on my 42" hdtv so I bought the mini display port to hdmi adapter. When I play the videos with VLC I notice choppiness when things move too fast across the screen. Is this a limitation of the hardware (the integrated GPU?) Anyway I can perhaps smooth it out?

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OS X :: Using Airport Network Choice - How To Build Choices

Dec 31, 2010

When my laptop awakens from sleep, it forgets which network my wifi should be on and I end up on some network that's in my building instead of my own. Is there any way to keep my airport pointed to my home network only at all times?

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MacBook :: Cursor Moves Erratically And Screen Gets Bigger And Smaller Without Touching The Trackpad?

Dec 5, 2014

Just recently my cursor started moving erratically and it's difficult to click where intended.  The screen gets big and small without my touching the trackpad.  What's wrong - is it a virus or a malfunction in the trackpad?  I have an OS X 10.9.5

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Seagate FreeAgent Desk For Mac - 1 TB: Good Choice?

Feb 18, 2009


Seems like pretty good deal, although only 2 reviews it seems to be very good. I heard a lot of good things about Seagate, especially their warranty.

I was leaning towards WD but I've heard a lot of reliabilities issues with their MyBook's actually.

Anyone have this drive? I would go 1.5 TB but I hear current HDD technology isn't up to snuff yet to make another more than 1 TB reliable .. though that could be false.

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IMac :: IWork Or MS Office Student / Home - Best Choice?

Nov 3, 2009

I would like to know if anyone uses iwork and MS office Student & Home. If so what do you think is best? I am thinking about getting the Student & Home edition. I have iWork

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Intel Mac :: External Hard Drive Size Choice?

May 21, 2012

I am having issues with my iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 (Random freezing up).  I took it to the local Apple Store and an associate suggested I back up my hard drive before bring it in for diagnosis.  He suggested a 2 TB external drive but others have told me that is way too large.  I have heard everything from nothing larger than a 500 GB drive and even one self proclaimed computer wizzard says I can get by with a 10 GB thumb drive.  What is the right size and if it is a 1 or 2 TB drive, why do I need such a large one.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: Change The Blue Default Choice On Prompts?

May 25, 2012

I am in the process of deleting a few duplicate songs from iTunes, and when prompted to choose between keeping the file or moving it to trash, the default option is always 'Keep File'. Is there any way to change the default option to 'Move to Trash' so that I don't have to constantly click that option?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: System Date Reset And WiFi Password Choice Lost

Apr 7, 2010

This morning when I turned my Mac on the date was set back in 2000 and it my wireless network settings were lost. I reconnected to my router and eventually the clock fixed itself.

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OS X :: OS X Freezes The Mouse Still Moves?

Apr 17, 2009

I've always wondered this, when my Mac gets the little beach-ball and everything freezes (I have to hard-restart), why does the mouse still move?

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OS X :: Cursor Moves To Yes On Pop Up Menus

Mar 21, 2010

Every time a menu pops up asking me to choose yes or no, the mouse automatically moves to the yes like it's ready for me to click. I'm pretty sure I set it to do this a while ago, but I forgot how to change it back. It's late, I'm frustrated, and this is bothering me. A few searches didn't get me anywhere. Anyone know what I'm talking about and/or how to change it back?

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