MacBook Pro :: Bottom Of System Moves Up And Down

Apr 12, 2012

I took my MacBook to the Apple Store about a month ago because of a problem and the person opened it up to look inside. Now a couple of the screws on the bottom are coming loose and the bottom plate moves up and down a bit. My question is am I allowed to tighten the screws myself because I heard opening it voids my warranty but what about simply tightening them. 

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse On Randomly Moves From Center Of Screen To Bottom?

Sep 29, 2009

So I love my 1 1/2 month old 13inch MBP.

The thing is that recently at random times throughout my day when I'm, using my finger will be on the glass trackpad and i'll be doing something like say surfing the web or using w/e application...Well, randomly the mouse on the screen will disappear from its current location, say for example on Firefox's toolbar, immediately to the bottom of the screen. It's never the top of the screen, or the sides since it normally just causes the dock to rise up...

I'm really concerned to see what's going on here. I rarely had this problem with my old Whitebook, though admittedely did happen a few times.

Perhaps a water spill/damage? Though consider to have been very careful with my new Mac. I'm sure the glass trackpad on these new Macbook Pro's has water damage sensors right? Anyway I can see it/observe it myself.

I used to love taking apart my old whitebook but these new MBP's seem impossible; that or i'm just too scared since I do love how the machine was built.

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MacBook Pro :: Bottom Third Of New System Is Darker?

Apr 16, 2010

lower third of the 13" new MBP, is darker than the rest. So when I am reading forums, the top starts off with white background, and the bottom is clearly a darker grey. This only is visible when setting the backlight to less than 75% max brightness. Normally I have it at half brightness. I am gonna be crazy with taking these things back. My big cheap Dell LCD and E6500 laptop have no where near the uniformity issues this Macbook has been having. Is this common or do I keep getting bad ones?

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OS X :: System Preferences By Clicking Combination In Bottom Left Of Keyboard?

Dec 12, 2008

My niece was poking away at my MacBook and somehow brought up System Preferences by clicking some combination in the bottom left of the keyboard. I think it may of involved the ~ key. Does anyone know what it might be as it would be very useful? Last week she managed to move the dock to the left of the screen instead of the bottom with what looked like a single keystroke. However there may of been some kind of trackpad swipe involved.

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Moves On Its Own?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a MacBook pro purchased in 2009. After it is on a while the cursor starts jumping around like someone is in the computer and looking. It changes preferences. It won't stop till shut down.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: My Trackpad's Cursor Moves On Its Own

Apr 13, 2012

My trackpad shows no visible change, however my cursur moves on its own, clicks on things, drags icons, and at other times refuses to move. Sometimes for a moment it will work, but then it is back again.  I highly suspect malware. My computer worked fine, there is no sign of hardware damage and I reset my Pram.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Moves Randomly By Itself?

May 24, 2012

Mouse moves randomly even when not touching the computer. Tried bluetooth, IR and even just using native mouse pad.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), any mouse any keypad, even native

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MacBook Pro :: Scrolling Moves Display More Than Mouse?

Sep 5, 2010

My wife's cat walked over her Macbook keyboard. Thereafter, when she uses the trackpad to try to move the cursor, the display moves in response, and the cursor sometimes moves, stutters, delays. Usually, both move.

So my guess is the cat hit some odd combination of keys changing some preference.

We could not find anything in System Preferences/trackpad, or searching the forums here (not that i know which words to use).

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MacBook Pro :: Sound Choice Moves To Soundflower?

Sep 7, 2010

My audio keeps switching to soundflower. I reset it and eventually it gets changed. Any ideas how to prevent this?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Brightness Self Adjusts / Moves

Jun 29, 2009

Just bought a brand new 15" MBP, and immediately after unboxing the screen brightness seems to just move/adjust without adjusting via brightness buttons.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Frozen Apps / Mouse Moves

Nov 17, 2010

I have a 2007 2.2Ghz "Santa Rosa" MBP, which I've had quite the problems with for the past 3 (soon to be 4) years. Just starting this week, if I'm on Safari or iChat for instance, Mac OS X freezes and everything stops... yet the mouse cursor can still move. Very soon, the screen starts flashing black and white over the frozen screen (with Safari, iChat, or whatever still open and visible behind the intense flickering). This flickering only goes on for a few seconds though; but the system remains frozen, requiring a manual shut-down and reboot.

Any ideas what's going on? It just started recently. Software has been completely up to date. Somehow I'm paranoid that the graphics card issue is coming back to haunt me again (I've had it replaced once already) but it doesn't seem like that's it.

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MacBook :: Trackpad Scrolling - Page Moves Down - Invert?

Jun 28, 2009

I have a problem with scrolling using the trackpad. It is somehow inverted: when I scroll down, the page moves down (so it follows the content, just like the iPhone). But I want to have it back the way it was. Is that possible?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Run 1080p Mkv Files Smoothly / Videos Moves Fast

Jan 21, 2009

Basically I want to watch high definition videos on my 42" hdtv so I bought the mini display port to hdmi adapter. When I play the videos with VLC I notice choppiness when things move too fast across the screen. Is this a limitation of the hardware (the integrated GPU?) Anyway I can perhaps smooth it out?

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MacBook :: Cursor Moves Erratically And Screen Gets Bigger And Smaller Without Touching The Trackpad?

Dec 5, 2014

Just recently my cursor started moving erratically and it's difficult to click where intended.  The screen gets big and small without my touching the trackpad.  What's wrong - is it a virus or a malfunction in the trackpad?  I have an OS X 10.9.5

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: OS X Freezes The Mouse Still Moves?

Apr 17, 2009

I've always wondered this, when my Mac gets the little beach-ball and everything freezes (I have to hard-restart), why does the mouse still move?

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OS X :: Cursor Moves To Yes On Pop Up Menus

Mar 21, 2010

Every time a menu pops up asking me to choose yes or no, the mouse automatically moves to the yes like it's ready for me to click. I'm pretty sure I set it to do this a while ago, but I forgot how to change it back. It's late, I'm frustrated, and this is bothering me. A few searches didn't get me anywhere. Anyone know what I'm talking about and/or how to change it back?

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OS X V10.4 :: Screen Moves With Mouse?

Mar 27, 2012

my hole screen moves with my mouse and is zoomed in to how do i fix it?

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PowerPC :: EMac Keeps Freezing - Nothing Moves?

May 25, 2007

eMac keep freezing nothing moves not even the mouse cursor.

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IMac :: Mouse Pointer Moves By Itself?

Aug 26, 2008

I just got my iMac, and I have a problem with mighty mouse. Sometimes, when I move the mouse just a little, the pointer will "jump" to one side of the screen... it's very frustrating.

Is it due because my mousepad has different colours on it ?

That's my only explanation. Maybe the mousepad different colours cause reflection on the pointer that make it jump all over the screen...

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OS X :: Trackpad Moves Cursor But Cannot Click

Aug 18, 2009

I have been trying to do some research on this, but it seems so specific, and all the trackpad stuff is about the ones on the new macbook line. I have a MacBook that I got towards the end of 2006. Here is a link to the tech specs. I have the 2.0Ghz one.

As soon as I turn on my computer, if I use the built in trackpad and mouse, I can move the cursor around, and the keyboard still works, but if I try to click anything by either tapping the trackpad or hitting the buttons, it won't click. However, if I shut the computer down and plug in a USB mouse and then restart the computer, the USB mouse works. If I even slightly brush the trackpad or hit the mouse button on the computer, the USB mouse will stop working and I have to restart again.

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ITunes :: No Audio But Play Indicator Moves

Aug 31, 2009

I am running Snow Leopard and after installation itunes was working. I noticed this afternoon that double clicking on a song would start the marker moving as if it were playing but there was no audio. I've tried replacing preferences but the problem continues. Ran repair permissions and I got the following message which I don't understand:

ACL found but not expected on "Applications/QuickTime".
Repaired "Applications/QuickTime".
Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/" has been modified and will not be repaired.

When I switch to a TEST user the music plays. When I log back into my user the music progress indicator is moving but there is no audio. Movies play with sound. Tried reinstalling iTunes but that didn't fix the issue. The only other thing I can think of is that I installed Quark 8.1 this afternoon. That could have screwed up the playback but I haven't a clue how that could happen.

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PowerPC :: Screen Locks Up But Mouse Still Moves?

Sep 10, 2010

This is sort of a double post, but since this problem is way down in the original thread and pretty much a different problem (with no replies) I figured it might be worth a new post.


On this 1.25ghz Tiger emac we picked up, the OS loads, and everything seems to work for a minute of so, but then the mouse stops working.

Actually the pointer still works, but I can't click anything, almost like the desktop is frozen. This does have a swollen capacitor, so I'm, not sure if that's the problem or if I just need to reload to OS.

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OS X :: Pressing Option And Command Moves Windows?

Nov 21, 2010

I recently noticed that whenever I press option and command it moves my windows, this is extremely annoying when I am in photoshop since those 2 buttons are used for resizing the brushes.

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Hardware :: Magic Mouse - Finger Moves?

Nov 28, 2010

I've had the Magic Mouse for a few months and I'm not overly impressed with it, although I like the sideways swipe very much. But perhaps my preferences aren't ideal. I am using Magic Prefs.

I find the mouse very heavy, with 2 batteries (- it's a pity there wasn't a chorded version - it would be much lighter).

My question: Is there a way the movement of my forefinger can represent the movement of the cursor? i.e. is there a way I don't have to move the actual mouse (it is heavy), but just move my finger around the surface and have the mouse cursor follow?

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PowerPC :: IBook Screen Moves With Mouse - OS 5.2?

May 17, 2008

I have a G4 iBook with a 1.07 MHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 60GB HD running Leopard OS X 5.2.

It has been running like a charm, and suddenly, the screen image starts moveing with the mouse - the desktop, all open windows, websites, everything.

You can drag it to one side or the other, and still open and close applications, use them, use the web, send and received emails - everything, but the screen moves around with the mouse, and it is driving me crazy!

I have tried resetting all the settings - Power, Display, Appearance, etc.

I have reinstalled OS X 5.2

I have run Disk Warrior and got some errors:
"User differs on "Applications/, should be 0, user is 502", and then several similar error messages regarding "Resources", always with "should be 0, user is 502"

In Macintosh HD/Users/oBookg4/Library/Preferences/ , Disk Warrior detected that "the Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired"
"XML parser error:
Unexpected character at line 1"

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OS X :: Firefox - Text Highlighting Moves Whole Window

Apr 7, 2009

So I am running Firefox version 3.0.8 and when I go to highlight anything with my mouse (Like moving from left to right while holding down the button on my trackpad which should highlight the text) it highlights, but the whole window for Mozilla Firefox moves too, even if I have the text box in use, it does happen with other programs.

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OS X :: Cursor Moves Automatically To Install Button

Aug 31, 2009

When I try to run an app which requires Rosetta, the install Rosetta dialog box appears which is fine. However, the cursor automatically actually moves to the dialog box and positions itself right above the Install button. It doesn't actually click it but it kinda freaked me out to see it happen.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mouse Randomly Moves Around And Clicks

Mar 14, 2012

Ok, so ive had this problem for a few months now and it has led me to the point where my mac was in storage and i havent touched it in a month or two. What happens is no matter what i am doing my mouse will move around the screen clicking randomly and basically doing whatever it wants. i have looked into the problem and other people have similiar issues but not the same. i can be across the room from my mac with the screen on, and the mouse will still move around and click and open countless folders even though no one at all is even near the computer. today when i took the mac out to see if there was a software update available (which there was) the mouse was not moving around or jumping at all througout the entire update. After the update it is now yet again jumpin around and clicking wherever it wants. Also its not just once in a while it is 24/7 it has made my mac unable to be used because you cant really control the mouse for more than a second at a time. my whole screen is now full of untitled folders..


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Computer Freezing Except Mouse Moves

Mar 27, 2012

Every now and again my Mac Mini will freeze except whatever audio is currently playing will continue to play until end of file is reached (ie, the next track comes on iTunes) and the mouse cursor moves but the rest of the GUI is frozen, not allowing anything to be clicked, no keyboard interaction, and nothing else on the screen gets updated (the clock stays at whatever minute mark the computer froze at). I can SSH into the machine with Terminal on a different computer and poke around but I can't figure out where to take it from there. I've tried looking at processes with top and performing 'kill -9 pid' but I'm never able to bring the machine back without a hard reset.

Through the kill command I've tried quitting the Dock, Finder, any "big" programs I'm running (eg Logic Pro), but none has ever recovered my system.

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Intel Mac : My Mouse Moves But No Response From My Keyboard

May 3, 2012

Frozen desktop,My mouse moves but no response from my keyboard


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