MacBook Pro :: Somewhat Unresponsive S Key On Keyboard
Nov 18, 2010
I've owned my 15 inch Macbook Pro for a little over a month now, and I've noticed that generally the keyboard requires a bit more of a tactile pres than others that I've used, but my S key is especially annoying. I can depress it all the way lightly (<-- notice the lack of second s in depress) and have it not register. I have to press a fair bit harder. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's had problems with the keyboard. I'm just wondering if there are any obvious fixes before I end up taking it in to a store. I've tried pressing down really hard and moving the key around a bit and canned air, but I don't think anything's under the key, it seems like just a mechanical issue.
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Jan 5, 2010
I just got a generic usb keyboard to use with my mbp as schoolwork is taking its toll on the keys and I wouldn't mind preserving it a little better.
This keyboard is the dynex from bbuy that's labeled in windows crap but was cheap and works fine on the mac. Unfortunately, everytime the mbp comes out of sleep, the keyboard is unresponsive and i have to set it up again in settings.
Just hoping there's a simple fix and that it's not terminal
thanks in advance.
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Sep 12, 2014
MBA late 2013 mavericks
opened up my MBA and my trackpad and keyboard were unresponsive. However in recovery mode they are. Only when mavericks has booted.
reset pram with no luck.
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Sep 27, 2010
Just out of the blue, the trackpad stopped working tonight. I restarted but the problem remains. Plan Z would be to bring it into the Apple Repair Shop. Found this link, but not sure if it is the correct way to fix this.
17" MacBook Pro
OS X 10.5.8
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Dec 12, 2014
I have a brand new MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014). Shipped with Yosemite pre-installed, the version I have is 10.10.1 . I don't have any software installed except Google Chrome, so it is clean/new OS.
I noticed sometimes the keyboard and trackpad become completely unresponsive after waking up the laptop from sleep. Happened several times, the last time it happened I could not reset PRAM or SMC as keyboard was unresponsive even after restarting or shutting down so I had to Re-Install OS.
Right now I have the laptop next to me, again the keyboard and trackpad are unresponsive after wakeup from sleep, and I did SMC reset but did not work. Trying to reset PRAM or go into Recovery mode .. etc, it is not responding to the keyboard, as it is unresponsive at that point as well.
What should I do ? How can I tell if it is Hardware or Software problem ? I ran the apple test diagnostics test and there was no problem reported. And I am not able to install Mavericks because it is shipped with Yosemite pre-installed so it is not allowing me to downgrade.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 12, 2010
So, sometimes when I wake my SR 2007 15" MBP from sleep, the keyboard and trackpad are unresponsive and I have to reboot several times before they work. I googled the problem and looked around here and didn't find any solutions.
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Apr 19, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro 2.4GHz from last Fall (not the new Unibody) that has a keyboard and trackpad that freezes, meaning it becomes totally unresponsive, with no warning for no reason. Either I carry an external keyboard and mouse, or, my only recourse is to hold the power button down and restart the machine. When it reboots, sometimes the keyboard works and sometimes it does not. If other folks have had or are having this problem, would you please step up and say so? I'm tired of Apple support people telling me they have never seen this problem when there are so many others who have written to the forum with the same or similar issues.
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro from December 2007. Currently, when I push the power button to start it up, it makes the initial sound (although sometimes this initial sound is abbreviated, like it's cut off mid sound) but it never sounds the follow-up majestic-type chime. Also, the screen remains black, and the keyboard is unresponsive (The Caps doesn't light up, for instance). The light on the front comes on faintly, but does not blink as in sleep mode. And the fan comes on as well, again faintly, not as in overdrive.
And I'm assuming this next part is coincidental but I'll relay it anyway: The first hiccup with this was yesterday when, in sleep mode, I pushed the front release button to open the MCP and then immediately afterward accidentally closed it again. Upon opening it for the second time the screen remained black. I manually shut it down holding the power button. After two or three times of turning it on and off manually, the majestic chime thing finally sounded and it booted properly. It worked fine then throughout the rest of the day when I would come back to it until last night when it failed again.
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Dec 4, 2014
I just bought a macbook pro, and I installed bootcamp and had everything running perfectly. I installed the drivers, and then I let windows 7 update while I went to sleep, when I woke up the macbook was turned off, then I tried to turn it on, and it sounded like it was about to boot up, but the screen is blank there is no cursor, it looks like it's not even on, and I think the keyboard is unresponsive because when I press caplocks it doesn't light up.
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Mar 10, 2010
Lately I have been having a very strange issue with my keyboard. Randomly it becomes unresponsive, but not every key?! All letters are unresponsive, however I am still able to navigate spaces using cmd-1,2,3,4 etc., and the caps lock button will turn on, however I can't type anything. The only way to resolve it is by putting the macbook to sleep and then waking it.
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Dec 28, 2006
When I boot up with the XP disk I get to the selection screen for either Home or Pro (MSDN version) and I can't make a selection because the keyboard is non-responsive. I've tried several times with no success. I've got a MacBook c2d with the latest OS and firmware updates.
Boot ROM Version:MB21.00A5.B00
SMC Version:1.13f3
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Jul 21, 2010
I am pretty new to mac so a little unsure about the issue at hand. I bought an ibook without an OS installed. So I put in a setup CD but cant get it to load by holding C. This initially made me question the CD. But I then realised I wasn't able to eject it by holding fn and f12. Also the caps light wouldn't toggle on and off when I hit it, though I am unsure if this light works when there is no OS installed. My question is: is the keyboard not working?
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Jun 1, 2009
I booted up my macbook and am now unable to click on anything. I can move the cursor around fine but cannot select anything. The keyboard works fine as well. I tried plugging in a mouse but it was unable to click on anything either. I've also restarted multiple times but nothing changed.
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Sep 20, 2009
I was using my Macbook as usual last night, when some of the programs froze and the laptop started to get extremely hot. I tried to quit out of them but they were unresponsive, and unsure of what to do about it closed the lid and let it sleep and cool off. This morning I have tried to close the programs again with no success, so I hit the power button to restart the laptop. Now it doesn't boot, a folder appears on a gray background with a question mark in it. It wont boot to windows either, just sits on a gray screen. Can anyone help? What do I do? I'm not brilliant with computers, but I don't think I had done anything to crash the laptop. I had upgraded to Snow Leopard earlier on though, and not had any issues until then.
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Nov 28, 2010
I've had my 13" MBA for a couple weeks now and have loved it. I was using it last night just fine and go to use it around noon today and it is completely unresponsive. I've tried all of the troubleshooting options available on the Apple website for those whose computers won't start up. I really don't want to have to bring this in to my not-so-local Apple Store which is almost two hours away and I really don't want all of my data erased.
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Jul 4, 2008
What is the cause of this is it software or hardware? I'm puzzled as to how it's possible for it recover overnight so that it's reliable again the next morning.
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Apr 2, 2010
I got a new Macbook Pro in December and straight away I noticed I have to really jab at the Caps Lock key to activate it, sometimes several times. Pressing it on the left hand side (where my finger naturally reaches to) almost never works. Anyone else have this? Is it a known problem? Would Apple be likely to be able to sort it out if I took it to a store, or am I wasting my time?
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Jul 7, 2010
A few days ago I posted about a bit scratch that appeared out of nowhere on my brand new iPad, now this: Spilt tiny quantity, maybe 3 ml, of coke onto the case of my mbp and little of it drained into the bottom edge of the trackpad. It became unresponsive and made only a dull click for the next 15 mins. Whilst tapping harder to see if I could get a click out of it (it ofc happened whilst doing something important) the glass of the track pad cracked beneath my finger. Wasn't even tapping that hard.
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Mar 23, 2012
safari is slow and unresponsive
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X(10.4.2)
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May 3, 2012
My MacBook pro is running very slow and unresponsive.I have mid 2010 model running on lion. Past few days it looks very unresponsive. Tried to reinstall lion as clean copy. Still no luck.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 8, 2012
2.33 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. 10.6.8
Here's the log:
Fri Jun 8 13:50:00 2012
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x28fc2e): "TLB invalidation IPI timeout: " "CPU(s) failed to respond to interrupts, unresponsive CPU bitmap: 0x0, NMIPI acks: orig: 0x0, now: 0x0"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1504.15.3/osfmk/i386/pmap.c:3572
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
[Log Report] .....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 12, 2014
My cd/dvd drive has become unresponsive.
I try to insert a photo cd and it is not accepted. I then thought I might try to burn a disc from iTunes to see if it might "wake up" the drive. No luck.
I have a mac book pro running yosemite. As best I can tell, the last time I used the drive was about 6 months ago, prior to the upgrade to yosemite. Is this a sign of a software problem or a hardware problem?
Mac Book, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Dec 12, 2014
We were running out of space. Today I was downloading a big file (1GB) when I got the "running out of space" alert message. Went to open info in the HD and saw there was only 255MB!!! I opened Trash but before I could hit "empty trash" the system froze. I can see there is "zero bytes" as available space... Nothing is responding, nneither the trackpad not the keyboard. SOS! I don't know what to do... It has been frozen for 1/2 an hour now..
What should I Do? MBP is running Mavericks.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Aug 26, 2014
Macbook Pro trackpad clicker unresponsive
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 17, 2014
After downloading the latest Mavericks software on my MacBook Air, the process asked my to open my account. I could not remember my password and as instructed, requested to change it. Off it went, with the little wheel turning madly and 5 days later it continues to do so, with me unable to turn the computer off or in any way restart it. It's stuck in the on position, with the wheel madly turning around and around.
It says to exit windows but I can't get at it because the screen is unresponsive.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jun 5, 2014
I haven't had too many problems with my MBP. However, beggining yesterday I've had a very unresponsive computer. The problem only occcurs when I open certain types of apps. Google chrome (which i am using now) is perfectly fine, photobooth, even imovie is working fine and not making the computer unresponsive. However, when I try to open safari/software update/firefox/skype the computer always (100% of the time) will have a long stream of unresponsive time, followed by a small time frame where the computer catches up to any commands I pushed (force quit option), which is than followed by another stream of unresponsive time.
I've had the activity monitor out while I tried opening safari or software update and it will show an 8% usage. Nothing remarkably high. however the programs will be highlighted in red with the words unresponsive and it will occasionaly make the other programs (like google chrome or finder) unresponsive.
I know that iMovie is a very heavy taxload program for the MBP but if i can use that smoothly, I think it's safe to say my MBP is not too "slow".The only thing in common I see between the programs that provoke an unresponsive computers is that they use the internet (safari/software update/skype/itunes will log onto the store). Whats peculiar is that google chrome is working great.Does google chrome connect to the net in a different way?
Heres my mbp details:
MacBook Pro (10.6.8)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro6,2
Processor Name: Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 2.53 GHz
space free is over 70 GB
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 24, 2010
I've had my trusty aluminum MacBook for around 18 months and recently I've noticed that the trackpad is sometimes unresponsive, it's as if it's registering another press elsewhere. Moving the cursor across the screen it 'jumps' around from time to time, this is becoming more and more of an irritation. I'm loathed to take the machine in as I really need it for work at the moment.
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Sep 26, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro 13'' (mid 09) and another MacBook pro 15'' (early 09). The problem below applies to both of them.
I often use my 15'' mbp connected to a usb keyboard, mouse, display etc. Basically it is used as a stationary computer that can be easily moved (to work/school etc). This is my main laptop so this is where I noticed the problem first. Sometimes when just using the computer as normal (using itunes, opera, adium etc) the OS X will just suddenly become very sluggish and unresponsive.
However it is not OS X itself, but the GUI! Example: if I move my mouse over the dock, it wont animate. If I try to do any finder related action the GUI response is way of and if I try to do something in the menubar I have to hold left click, if I let go it just closes the menu.
This goes for the application folder as well (I have it as a list). Normally it will just funtion as normal but when this problem occurs I have cant let go of the mouse button when moving through the menus because then the menu closes!
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Nov 20, 2010
I just got a 13" MacBook Air and I'm having an issue with it; googling around I've seen slightly similar problems, but nothing identical to what is going on with mine. I have the trackpad set to use the "tap to click" option in System Preferences and I've noticed that after I sleep the machine and wake it again, something gets bungled with it. The tap to click either stops responding entirely, requiring that I use the regular physical click instead, or it's highly, highly unresponsive. I've seen other reports of erratic clicking and the mouse moving on its own after sleeping the laptop.
Which thankfully mine isn't doing, but I haven't seen anybody reporting this slightly more demure issue. In any event, rebooting the machine fixes the problem completely until I sleep it next. I'm not 100% convinced that this is an Air issue, however, since I think it affected my 15" MacBook Pro to a lesser degree right after I upgraded that machine to 10.6.5, but I can't be entire certain of that since I no longer have that laptop and rarely used it without an external mouse in the first place.
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Jan 9, 2009
My macbook keys and trackpad unresponsive at login. This all happened when I used a automator online to patch leopard so i can enter dfu mode with my touch at first everything was fine until restart. I cant login at all unless I put in leopard CD and format it and I will but I need to backup my itunes etc.
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