MacBook Pro :: Unresponsive When Connected To An External Display - How To Know About It
Sep 26, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro 13'' (mid 09) and another MacBook pro 15'' (early 09). The problem below applies to both of them.
I often use my 15'' mbp connected to a usb keyboard, mouse, display etc. Basically it is used as a stationary computer that can be easily moved (to work/school etc). This is my main laptop so this is where I noticed the problem first. Sometimes when just using the computer as normal (using itunes, opera, adium etc) the OS X will just suddenly become very sluggish and unresponsive.
However it is not OS X itself, but the GUI! Example: if I move my mouse over the dock, it wont animate. If I try to do any finder related action the GUI response is way of and if I try to do something in the menubar I have to hold left click, if I let go it just closes the menu.
This goes for the application folder as well (I have it as a list). Normally it will just funtion as normal but when this problem occurs I have cant let go of the mouse button when moving through the menus because then the menu closes!
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Jul 31, 2010
When I connect my 13" MBP to an external display to watch a movie etc. the external display seems to be darker than it would appear if I was watching on my MBP. Is there anything I can do to make things brighter (other than turning the brightness up on my TV)?
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Nov 21, 2010
WITHOUT closing the lid, because i like using the touchpad. i know that you can turn the brightness all the way down, but sometimes windows from the main screen randomly open on the other display. and it also slows down performance. i want to turn off the 13" screen as if the lid was closed. that way, the mac doesn't even see it.
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Aug 19, 2009
I was trying to connect my Apple headphones, that came with my iPhone, to my computer, and they were unresponsive. I tried connecting and reconnecting it various times but none worked. I don't really know what the deal is. Audio just continues to play through the speakers, even if the headphone are in. This is the first time it ever happened.
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May 7, 2010
Well my unibody macbook display decided to screw up last night, it was working fine last night no problem. Connected to a external monitor. I fell asleep last night with front row left on, obviously it went to sleep and then I woke up and the screen was black. Now the LED lights are working, my external display is also working. The display settings recognize a screen being present (when I click detect displays and gather windows - 2 windows appear). Ive reset PRAM, SMC, reseated the RAM, control+shift+eject (which just made the screen flicker a little after turning it back on) and Im out of ideas. Its out of warranty and about about 18months old.
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Jun 25, 2014
I have a Late 2011 MBP, just recently I also go an Xbox and wanted to hook it up to my external display that I have been using for a long time with no issues. I went and bought this: be able to easily switch between the two inputs. The xbox works fine, however when I view my Macs input the screen flickers a static image very frequently.
I know what you're thinking, it's probably an issue with either a cable, or the device. But when I boot into Windows via Bootcamp with the same exact setup, there is no flicker at all. The display is a dell s2440L, the HDMI adapter is a rocket fish.
Here are the troubleshooting steps I have tried: Resetting PRAM/SMCChanging out HDMI cables on both the Splitter output, and the inputs (I tried 3 different cables on both the inputs, and outputs.)Downgrading OSX to 10.7 (And then went back to 10.9)Lowering the resolution on the monitor (Lower resolutions flicker just as much, if not more.)Resetting the splitter by unplugging the HDMI cord powering it and plugging it back in.and of course, plugging my computer into the splitter input that the Xbox works fine on, as well as taking the xbox one out so the computer is the only input on the splitter.
Like I said, the Xbox works fine, and even the computer works fine in Windows, but whenever I boot into OSX my screen flickers with this static. I should add, the display works fine when not connected to the splitter on OSX.
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Sep 8, 2014
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
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Jun 12, 2010
I use my MBP connected to a Dell U2410 and everything has been ok for the last 5 months or so (I got the MBP around the beginning of Feb.). However recently, my display will start flickering (blinking) a blue screen up to the point that it is completely unusable. Often if I simply unplug the mini displayport from the mbp and plug it back in again, everything goes back to normal for awhile. Just now I was able, between flickers, to switch from the integrated graphics card to the dedicated (?) graphics card. Although I did get a few flickers logging back in, so far it's been ok.
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Aug 16, 2010
I have a 2009 Mac Mini connected to a 22" LG monitor via Mini-DVI port and it's also connected to a 50" Pioneer Plasma (in the next room) via Mini-Displayport. Everything works perfect except that when I turn off the Pioneer Plasma, my mouse can still scroll over from the LG monitor to the Plasma.
I've also noticed that my screensaver is laggy even when the Plasma is turned off (usually that happens when it's drawing the screensaver on both screens) so it must still be sending a video signal out of the Mini Displayport.
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May 21, 2010
I hooked up my macbook pro to a mini display port to a dvi -> hdmi to my tv no problem. However, when I hooked up the mini display -> dell monitor, I get nothing. The screen is black. The weird thing is that my macbook pro recognizes that a second monitor is plugged in... it just won't display anything
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Jun 16, 2009
I have a mid-late 2008 MacBook connected to a Dell U2211H monitor using a Mini DisplayPort -> VGA connection.
When I use 1920x1080, I only get 60 Hz and the display is a fuzzy (text). Also, there are black bars. Why?
Will my issues be solved using a Mini DisplayPort -> DVI connection? Or should I exchange it for the 2209?
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Oct 1, 2010
My macbook pro 15's screen is dead and I don't want to buy a new one. I've been using it connected to my tv for a while now and the display has started to feel irritating and unnecessary so I wanna get rid of it completely.
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Jun 17, 2014
Every now and again my mac book pro ret display says no connected camera. how do i fix this?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.1
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Apr 17, 2012
Only way to recover is hard restart. Just downloaded Lion two weeks ago - problem started shortly after.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a 19-inch Envision EN9410e LCD flat panel monitor. Right now I did a mirror display setup. The native resolution of this monitor is 1280 x 1024. When I went to System Preferences to change it to that resolution my LCD monitor shows the Snow Leopard desktop but it's in the middle of two black bars. I had to revert to 1024 x 768 resolution to not have the black bars show. Is there a way I can change it to the native resolution and not have the black bars on the top and bottom show up on the screen?
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Mar 5, 2012
I have a macbook pro purchased last June. Want to connect an external display and the only option is usb. Apple does not make a minidisplay to usb adaptor and I can not find one on line. Computer will not recognize the display connected directly to the usb. What can I do?
MacBook Pro
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Mar 26, 2012
My Macbook Pro (15 in 2 GHz core i7) absolutely crawls when I plug in the thunderbolt display. I'm running on snow leopard with 4 gigs of memory. Ive made all the neccesary updates. I plug in the screen and close my laptop and the computer gets unbearably slow. Once I open it up it gets way better and when I unplug the display it goes back to 100% speed. Ive called apple and they cant figure it out. Ive taken it to the apple store and they tell me they cant figure it out.
Info:Thunderbolt display, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 9, 2012
I have a late 2011 15" macbook pro running latest lion os that suddenly - when connected to my 24" cinema dislay - speeds up the fan. I have tried to reset both pram and smc, but still it heats up when I connect to the display. What to do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15" Late 2011
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Jun 5, 2014
I have an external HD full of music and whenever I want to play one, I just search for it in finder and drag&drop it to iTunes. However, I'm having issues with it on my new MacBook Air. Whenever I search the drive for files, they appear normally, but I can't drag them! Highlighing works OK, so does double-clicking or cmd+O, but I can't move them to a playlist. It's the same with any files, not just .mp3s - they cannot be dragged out of the finder window. Scrolling is also wonky, but moving between files using arrows works fine.
note that this works perfectly fine when searching the computer's HD.
Is this a glitch of some sort, or is the computer preventing me from doing it for some reason? I'm running 10.9.3 with all the updates; the HD is a 1TB Transcend, ExFAT formatted.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 14, 2010
After months of an incredibly slow internet connection @ home I finally discovered the problem. I have a MacBook Air 1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. It can connect to any wireless network at home, school, office, etc. However, when at home I connect my Macbook Air to a 23" Apple Cinema Display (ACD) the internet goes from 1500 Kbps to 60 Kbps. Not believing the reason I have tried it several times and there is no other factor. At home I use a 2701HG-T 2Wire router.
1) I do not have a network adapter so I can't know if the same would happen with Ethernet.
2) The problem exists whether with my MBA is opened or closed.
3) I do not change the location of my MBA when I connect it to the ACD.
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Aug 17, 2009
I have a 2 month old 13" MBP which I absolutely love. The only hitch is that there is an oddity when connected to my Dell 2008wfp display. It only happens when I wake the MBP from sleep. A number of things happen sometimes. Usuaully, when I wake the MBP from sleep, i get a black screen on both displays and all I can see and control is the cursor. Sometimes the main display will be black, but the MBP display will show the desktop wallpaper, but again, I can only see and control the mouse cursor. It should also be worth mentioning that the keyboard is rendered non-functional as well.
Sometimes, OS X will appear on both displays, with mouse cursor active, keyboard inactive, but I am unable to click anything or interact with anything OS X.
Anyway, I'm at the point where I need to mention this because it happens quite frequently and its getting rather annoying. The only way I can get out of this hang, is to cold reboot the machine. It happens everyday and at least 50% of the time I wake the MBP from sleep. When not connected to the display, I never get this occurrence. Also, this display worked perfectly when I used to own the classic 15" MBP, so its hard for me to pinpoint what exactly is the anomaly that is happening.
Anyone else experiencing this same issue? I am using a mini display port to DVI adapter to the Dell display.
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Apr 22, 2012
I would like to connect my Macbook Pro to my hometheatre via HDMI. Normally no problem with the mini display port and an HDMI adapter, but the port is already used for the 27" cinema display... Is there another adapter available that let`s me connect both, an HDMI device and the cinema display to my Macbook? I only care about the sound - I want to get digital sound to my receiver. (I am not interested in the solution via airport express and then connect via analogue audio cable - I am looking to get a digital sound signal all the way through...) about Macobook Pro: mid 2010, 17", Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5, Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 2, 2014
Macbook air 2014 model screen flickers when ever it is connected to minidisplay port to vga adapter?
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 4, 2014
My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 4, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro late 2011 with Lion installed. The Performance is less than I expected if compare with my old Macbook with Snow Leopard installed. Connect to Apple's Thunderbolt Display Performance goes doen to very, very, very, very slow.For Example to load a JPG in Preview it takes more than 30 seconds until 1 min to load. Same to start iWork like Pages or Keynote.Sometimes Safari freeze, loading images or loading plugins like flash animations. Generally Lion works with low performance and I wish Snow Leopard back. But my Mybook Pro late 2011 is not compatible to install Snow Leopard on it.
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Oct 13, 2009
Okay, So i have my Unibody Macbook Pro (late 2009) hooked up to external speakers (RCA Home Theater system with a standard audio cable). Everything works fine and there is no buzz or sound except for the music of course until I plug my printer in. I know the obvious solution is to unplug the printer when listening to music but the printer is shared and other people print off of it etc. and I was wondering if anyone knew why this happens.
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Jul 26, 2010
I am trying yo plug my NEC EA231WMi into my MBP via DVI and a DVI to mini display port Adaptor and the computer is not recognizing the monitor. It does nothing when I plug the monitor in.
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Apr 6, 2012
I want to boot my MacBook Pro from an external drive that has 10.5.8 on it but when I select that drive as startup disk it just beeps continuously.Apple says that doing this is not supported. But I really need to run some older software for a while....
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 4, 2009
Did any of you experienced this ? My WiFi slows down or even stops working when external monitor is connected (via the big connector, don't remember it's name, DMI or something like that). Air Rev A, 1.6.
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Sep 28, 2009
I have a strange problem with a WiFi slowdown when connected to a TV. Here are the specs of the equipment:
2.2 Ghz white macbook, santa rosa, 4 gb ram, purchased January 2008
Panasonic TV connected via HDMI to DVI cable + Apple Mini DVI to DVI connector
USB Western Digital harddrive connected to a 500 GB Time Capsule (1st edition, no dual channels)
Snow leopard 10.6.1
Before upgrading to snow leopard, I would frequently use the macbook to provide video to the above mentioned TV streamed from a hard drive connected to an imac (connected to the same time capsule). I moved, and upgraded to snow leopard, and haven't tried this until finished setting up my equipment yesterday. I can stream videos to the macbook from this hard drive fine when nothing is connected. However, the moment I plug in the mini-DVI connector, the WiFi drops to a crawl. This applies not only the to air disk but any data from the network (internet, etc.)
A couple of additional notes: Display is set to mirror. Has nothing to do with clamshell mode because the macbook isn't closed. Nothing to do with location/interference- the effect is instantaneous with plugging and unplugging the cable. The base station is actually closer than in my previous setup and is pretty much 20 feet away in direct line of sight. I connect to another external monitor daily at work (vga, again with apple mini dvi to vga adapter)- no issue whatsoever restart did not help. I canceled all time machine backups over the network to limit that as a factor- no effect.
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