MacBook Air :: Stuck Screen / Unresponsive
Jun 17, 2014
After downloading the latest Mavericks software on my MacBook Air, the process asked my to open my account. I could not remember my password and as instructed, requested to change it. Off it went, with the little wheel turning madly and 5 days later it continues to do so, with me unable to turn the computer off or in any way restart it. It's stuck in the on position, with the wheel madly turning around and around.Â
It says to exit windows but I can't get at it because the screen is unresponsive.Â
OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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May 5, 2010
My system preferences window is stuck on the left side of my screen. I can only view half of it and can't move it. I also can't select anything on the sys pref window. Please check out the image.
Somehow I opened up Mobile Me and got a separate pop up and I am unable to close or move that as well.
I have OS 10.5.8 and using a Microsoft Natural wireless 6000 mouse.
The solution was to delete the I tried that and restarted, but nothing changed.
In case it will be helpful, I have included the chain of events that led to this problem:
- First, my mouse stopped letting me double-click to select a word or any text. I altered the settings and things just got worse.
-I reset it to default set up and restarted. That didn't change anything.
-I opened the system preferences window again and it was unresponsive. I cannot click on anything. When I click on my mouse icon, a menu appears with a "Remove" option.
-I repaired my disk permissions and restarted. No change.
-I opened the sys pref window and moved it. Then the cursor was stuck to it and as I moved the cursor around, the sys pref window moved with it. I couldn't click on anything anymore and had to do a hard restart. When it came back up, I clicked on restart and waited.
-When I opened the sys pref window again it was stuck on the left side of my screen and only half visible. Since then, I haven't been able to click on it to move it or select anything. I have no idea how I was able to open Mobile Me.
-My computer is pretty much unusable until I can solve this. My mouse is so messed up that I can barely use it.
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro from December 2007. Currently, when I push the power button to start it up, it makes the initial sound (although sometimes this initial sound is abbreviated, like it's cut off mid sound) but it never sounds the follow-up majestic-type chime. Also, the screen remains black, and the keyboard is unresponsive (The Caps doesn't light up, for instance). The light on the front comes on faintly, but does not blink as in sleep mode. And the fan comes on as well, again faintly, not as in overdrive.
And I'm assuming this next part is coincidental but I'll relay it anyway: The first hiccup with this was yesterday when, in sleep mode, I pushed the front release button to open the MCP and then immediately afterward accidentally closed it again. Upon opening it for the second time the screen remained black. I manually shut it down holding the power button. After two or three times of turning it on and off manually, the majestic chime thing finally sounded and it booted properly. It worked fine then throughout the rest of the day when I would come back to it until last night when it failed again.
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May 13, 2012
I cant seem to make it shut down completely or re-start, it seems to be in sleep mode and wont wake up. When I try and restart it makes a sound like its trying to eject a disc (there is nothing in the cd drive).
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)
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Dec 4, 2014
I just bought a macbook pro, and I installed bootcamp and had everything running perfectly. I installed the drivers, and then I let windows 7 update while I went to sleep, when I woke up the macbook was turned off, then I tried to turn it on, and it sounded like it was about to boot up, but the screen is blank there is no cursor, it looks like it's not even on, and I think the keyboard is unresponsive because when I press caplocks it doesn't light up.
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Nov 12, 2009
I got a 3 year old white macbook. I was surfing the net when suddenly it turned off. On restart, I got the grey screen for a while, the a picture of a file with a question mark in it, waited for ten minutes, still the file. I have done the following:
1.- Reset the PRAM: I use the combination of keys, and it reboots, but on rebboting it goes back to the picture of the file.
2.- Use the option key on startup: I get a grey screen with the curso on it, which I can move with my mouse, but no buttons to click or nothing.
3.- Use the X key: as if doing nothing
4.- Resseting the SMC: as if doing nothing
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Mar 31, 2010
I have been experiencing some unusual problems with my imac. While on the internet today my computer crashed on me twice, the first time the screen just showed a bunch of vertical lines, the second it flashed some random colors then went black. After the screen change the computer was unresponsive. I have a bad feeling, is it due to overheating, a bad logic board or something else. This is the first time I have ever experienced this on a mac. Has anyone had any simiar issues? Or am I up **** creek? I can't really afford a new computer seeing that I just bought an iPad (it comes Saturday). I am not sure if my computer is still under apple care and even if it was I won't get it back by the time I have to go back to college. I attached a screen shot of my computer temps.
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Mar 16, 2012
i am using the mac mini 2011 server headless without a screen.over time the system gets unresponsive and the finder doesnt let me open new windows. asap i attach a screen again its fine.
system.log all filled up almost from all active apps:
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May 11, 2010
I have been having some crashes lately on my mac and finally I got a crash report. I do not understand any of this but all I do is leave my mac on when I go to sleep and when I get back the screens are unresponsive to wake-up/sleep. Here is the report:
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 924936 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Tue May 11 19:37:32 2010
Panic(CPU 13): Unresponsive processor
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: firefox-bin
Mac OS version: 10D578
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.0: Fri Feb 26 11:58:09 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.3.12~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacPro4,1 (Mac-F221BEC8)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 83342292918606
Panic(CPU 14): Unresponsive processor
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Jul 5, 2012
I tried uploading pictures with my s.card and then I plugged in my back up storage disk to transfer pictures and then my computer stopped working as if it was overloaded or something.... I tried forcing quit but that didn't help any. So I just shut it down in hopes that when it restarted it would work but now when it restarts the login screen comes up and after I type my password it just stays on snow leopard default screen(purple sky) and stays there.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Apr 14, 2012
My iMac starts up to a white screen and stays that way and won't start.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 4, 2012
I was changing my desktop screen saver. Now it says it is "Loading Images..." and won't stop. It is locked and I can't do anything.Everytime I click on my "System Preferences" -- the Desktop & Screen Saver comes up - has my old picture and states it is still loading images.
This has been going on for awhile and I can't seem to get it stop. The Colouful wheel goes around. Â
iMac, Screen Saver unresponsive
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Apr 17, 2012
Only way to recover is hard restart. Just downloaded Lion two weeks ago - problem started shortly after.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm using Macbook Pro Unibody (late 2008). 2.4GHz, 2GB Ram. Mac OS X. So I'm in the library right now and tried to start my computer, and it is just stuck on the blue screen. It worked fine like an hour ago, I don't know what happened. So I hear the chime, and the white screen with apple logo. And then, blue screen and I see that little circle thing going around and around on and off, but nothing. I do hear the fan and hardware. I tried to do PRAM reset, but it doesn't work? I tried to look for other posts with similar symptoms, but couldn't find anything.
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Feb 7, 2012
Literally just bought my macbook pro today and its in the set up assistant stuck on the registration info screen.
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Apr 27, 2012
Just completed a divx upgrade, restarted and the MacBook will not go past the white screen with the apple and the little wheel going around.
MacBook Pro
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May 7, 2012
My MacBook pro is stuck on the start up screen with a circle with a diagonal line through it. I cannot get to the login screen. I tried the command+option+p+r immediately when turning on my computer but that did not work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 12, 2012
I just had a software update on my Mac Book pro, and now it is stuck on the grey screen.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 11, 2012
I just installed and updated some new software on our MacBook, and restarted it to enable all of the features. However, when I restarted it, the desktop picture showed up with the loading icon at the bottom. I believe this is what it does to prepare the MacBook for reboot after new software has been installed, but it has been stuck in this mode for about 25 minutes.Â
Is this normal for a MacBook to do for some software? And should I just wait it out or should I hold down the power button to force shutdown?Â
In case it is important, the software I installed is Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition.
iMac and Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPod Touch 2nd Gen 8GB, iPod Nano 3rd Gen 4GB, iPod Mini, iPad 1
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Jun 12, 2012
With the Apple sign and the timer spinning. I am unable to get to the screen where i can input my password at all. The macbook is about 6 months old and is running on Lion. whether this is hardware, software or virus? I have tried some different key press combinations to reset the MacBook to factory default setting but the problem is, no image was taken of the macbook in time machine and when bought, it did not come with a disc with OSX on.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Jun 24, 2012
My macbook pro is stuck at a white screen and doesnt boot. I tried resetting, tried to safe boot by pressing shift, nothing works,. It is stuck in white screen.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 12, 2014
i was was using my computer when the screen went brown and striped. I **** down and restarted and the screen is now stuck on blue. I don't have the original software disc and my disc drive is broken. What can I do?Â
PowerBook g4, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Sep 21, 2010
i have the 13 in unibody macbook pro. 10.6 snow leopardd
all of a suddden my computer froze and i turned it off with the button. when i tried to restart it would load but would stay stuck in the blue screen. i tried out the disk snow leopard disk and when i press "c" a multi languege pop up tells me i have to "hold power button untill shut down and resart in" blah blah blah
i did a hardware test and it said everything was fine..
i dont care about this on my hard drive i just wanna get it running again
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Oct 21, 2010
I have an issue with a macbook pro and booting from DVD. When I try to boot from the DVD it starts reading and after a few minutes I hear the driver stops and only a gray screen with the apple logo in the screen. I have tried two snow leopard disk and the original disk that came with the macbook pro. I can boot into the operating system, repair permissions, verify disk and disk utility does not find any problem. I also tried with a usb dvd and the same symptom, after a minute it stops reading the dvd.
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Dec 8, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro, have had it for about a couple of years now. Monday of this week, the computer was acting a little sluggish, so I decided to shut down the computer, let it cool down for a couple of hours, then turn it back on later. Well, once I decided to do that, I noticed after the grey screen & Apple logo screen appeared, the screen showed about 2 different versions of blue & stayed on the blue screen. After 3-5 minutes I knew something was wrong, so I just tried restarting, nothing worked. So I google up similar problems, none have a conclusive ending. I didn't recently install any new hardware, all I did recently was sync new photos from a trip to NYC. I've tried a PRAM Reset, SMC Reset. Boot from Snow Leopard CD, ran Disk Utility, repair disk permissions and repaired the disk, tried a reinstall of Snow Leopard, Install failed.
I checked the log, it says:
Failed to load (or something along the lines of that).
So, I went and got the Leopard disk that came with the computer and tried an archive and install, 15 mins later Install failed once again, yet it used about 4 GB in the process, so I went from 82 GB to 78 GB of space available. So I put in the SL disk once again and tried to see if I still had the files on my HD still there by goign all of the way to the section where it asks you to accept the license agreement and if you want to save it. I clicked save to search my files, and they're still there, but I can't access them. I'm currently stuck at Purdue in the middle of Indiana and the nearest Apple Store is over an hour away. I really need to get my files off of that MBPro. If I can't even login, how can I go about doing so if I have a iMac with over 800GB of space & an ethernet cable?
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May 29, 2008
After my great experience the last day with my two days old MBA 1.8Ghz/SSD I stopped smiling after I discover a stucked RED pixel in the middle of the screen. Normally I'm not such a whiner, but $3000 is a lot of money for a laptop, and I think you should expect a 100% flawless product for this huge amount of money. What to do? I tried the online video fixer for more then 10 minutes... didn't work. Should I give it a try at Apple? Or is it a no go? The problem is, I bought it at an Apple reseller who had this MBA as showroom demo for a month. So even though for me the product is only 2 days old, i think for Apple it is one month old and that would imply that I lost all my warranty and refund rights already. What to do?
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Jul 5, 2009
the screen has about 6 stuck pixels! 2 are big and the others are quite small. The notebook is covered under AppleCare until 2011. So if i take it to the Apple reseller near me, will they repair it???(they helped me out with my Mac mini before)
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Aug 25, 2009
I noticed shortly after I bought my Mac last week that I had a stuck pixel. I don't know if it was there when I first turned it on or not, but I have been trying to ignore it, and really the reason is that if people see it, they will think what I have is defective, when it is really only one pixel that I can probably work back awake. I know I have OCD-tendencies, so I was wondering if there are people out there that have a stuck/dead pixel that they are okay with having on the screen! Sorry for the weird post, but I was hoping to find some posters who have gotten over the fact that a pixel of theirs is dead/stuck.
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May 30, 2010
About two weeks ago I'm using my snow leopard partition of my macbook pro and browsing the internet via firefox. My mouse freezes for a second, and then my computer just shuts down. I power back up my macbook pro to find a 'cancel or prohibitory symbol'. Strange thing is I can hold down option and boot into my windows partition no problem I go through all the motions suggested by the apple website, such as resetting the PRAM etc.. Nothing works. Flash forward to today. I finally get a hold of my snow leopard installation disc and boot my macbook with it. I run the disk utility and it finds that my hard drive's good to go.
I read online and it seems that the best option would be to install snow leopard again. I decide install it again, but about halfway through the installation, the installation fails and pretty much freezes. I had to shut down the macbook via the power button. Now, whenever I try to boot up my macbook I hear the chime, but nothing happens after that. I am just left with a grey screen. I cannot enter safe mode, single user mode, and when I try to choose the start up disk by holding down option, the arrow pops up to choose which disk to pick, but there are no disks to choose from.
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Mar 18, 2012
I am trying to reformat my Macbook pro. I run the reinstall disc. When I type in my user name and password then click restart, the system reboots but get stuck on a grey screen. You hear the cd spinning for a minute or so but then it goes off. Do I have a bad disk(doesn't appear to be scratched anywhere) or am I not being patience enough.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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