MacBook Pro :: Slow Video Since OS Reinstall?

Dec 27, 2010

I received a new MBP for Christmas. It's a great machine, and I am really liking Mac so far.

I did a reinstall on the OS after about a day of use. I thought it would be a good way to become familiar with the system, as I had been watching all the tutorial videos trying to become an expert.

Everything seems fine after the reinstall. I deleted the partition, installed the OS/apps, let the updates run, and then renamed the hard drive back to Macintosh HD.

I noticed two things since reinstalling.

#1) Videos seem to load slower (apple tutorials)

#2) They no longer auto-play like they originally did before the reinstall.


I watched an entire HD stream of South Park with no stuttering prior to the reinstall. Now, I can't even get through 30secs of low quality without buffering.

I checked on my PC, and none of these issues are happening so it's not an internet thing.

How can I fix/change this?

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MacBook Pro :: Pb G4 - Running Hot And Slow - Reinstall - More RAM?

Dec 31, 2008

I've a beloved Powerbook G4 from 2005, one of the last, and am running Leopard upgraded from Tiger. It's cpu etc from the hardware info page:

-Model Name:PowerBook G4 15"
Processor Name:PowerPC G4 (1.2)
Processor Speed:1.5 GHz
Number Of CPUs:1
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:1 GB
Bus Speed:167 MHz
Size:512 MB
-Macintosh HD:
Capacity:74.41 GB
Available:15.54 GB
File System:Journaled HFS+

BSD Name:disk0s3It's long in the tooth now I know, but I've never had it crash and am loathe to upgrade simply for the sake of it, but recently it's had growing problems that I'd love to hear some advice on. It's been running hotter and hotter every year, and whilst I live in the outback it never used to singe my lap the way it does now. I installed Leopard a few months ago and realise that a new OS can have it working harder, but even since then it's been getting worse and worse with greatly shortened battery life too. During the day I've taken to plonking it upon one of those squishy icepacks with a teatowel around it to keep it cool....................

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Software :: Horrendously Slow System - Finding Best Way To Backup And Reinstall Everything?

Feb 5, 2009

I'm running an iMac (one of the all-white, 1.83 GHz C2D machines, with 512MB RAM) and i've noticed in recent months it's become outrageously slow, i have no idea why but it's just horrendous.

I'd really like to start afresh with a clean install of Leopard, but only if it will make a difference.

Currently i'm finding that even with 2 apps open (eg Mail and Safari) there is serious lag now and again, and sometimes things lock up completely. Is this just a bloated OSX install or signs the computer is dying?

Anyway, i have a 180GB backup drive currently used for Time Machine, but if i reinstall then restore from that drive, won't it just restore all the bloat?

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MacBook Air :: MBA Too Slow For Video Watching?

Apr 1, 2008

I just got my air a few days ago, as a 2nd computer, a portable to go with my desktop. however I am finding that it is actually a bit too slow for my needs (i got the 1.6/80gb), even as a secondary computer.

I kinda wanted to use the air as my appletv device - to watch all the things I've downloaded on my desktop on my HDTV, which is in another room.

Loading up youtube and flash heavy sites seems to make the fan speed up to full blast. Watching divx movies also makes it spin up to max.

Some video files (notably RMVB real player files) play very jerkily and result in dropped frames, but usually the audio is alright.

All in all, quite disappointing as its a nice little machine otherwise. Just the dropped video frames and fan spinning up to max to watch files is kinda hard to live with. Anyone else finding this with their air?

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Video Conversion From AVI To MP4

Jun 12, 2010

My new (2010) 17 inch MBP (i5, 4GB RAM) is converting video from avi to MP4 much more slowly than my older Windows XP machine (Centrino Duo 2Ghz, 2GB RAM). I am using Red Kawa PSP 9. On my MBP it takes about 14 minutes to convert from AVI to MP4. Identical video on my old XP laptop takes about 8 minutes. Any reason why this should be happening? I just don't get it. My MBP should be lightyears ahead in speed than my old HP laptop.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Crashing On Video And Slow FCP / Motion?

May 18, 2010

I recently (Jan2010) purchased a new MBP 15, with 4GB RAM and 7200pm 500GB Hard disk.

The main reason for buying it was to do video editing on FCP and Motion.

However FCP on this machine seems really clunky, i.e. everything has to be rendered before you can even see an effect. Is this normal? I don't have this on my old work PC with CS4 Premiere Pro. And it sometimes crashes, even on titling.

Also, Motion is really clunky. It doesn't show me any fluidity when playing back even basic sequences... just jumping.

And when I even just play videos on QT or rented DVDs the computer just crashes about every half an hour. Proper crashing too, with no mouse movement or anything.

Can someone shed some light on this?

All the forums I read before buying this MBP, said FCP and Motion would be fine!

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Internet Video Loading

Jun 10, 2012

Ever since I purchased my Macbook Pro over 3 months ago, watching videos has been very slow. It doesn't freeze, it just takes a really long time to load any video from youtube or any other website.  

My internet speed is fine as I have another laptop (Toshiba running on windows vista) and video loading is really quick and don't have to wait for a video to completely load as it is already fast. So is the problem the Macbook or internet connection? 

My Toshiba laptop is wirelessly connected to the internet though (Connected using ethernet cable). However, the macbook is wirelessly connected. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Unable To Reinstall Snow Leopard / Slow System With Waiting Spinning Wheel

Jul 29, 2010

Today, I decided to reinstall Mac OS X Snow Leopard on my iMac, to have a fresh & new copy of Mac OS. I've done this before on my Macbook, and it worked perfectly. The iMac would not read the original Reinstall DVD that came with it. Instead, it would eject it, though it would work it on another Mac. But when I inserted my Snow Leopard disk that I bought separately, it worked.

However, when I entered the reinstall screen, it is extremely slow and I nearly can't use it. I did already use the Disk Utility to erase the hard disk files. So, it is extremely slow, and it wouldn't install either. All I get is the amour of time left, but it doesn't change, just gives me a waiting spinning wheel. It's been stuck on the screen for several hours.

The iMac was bought in January, I believe. What should I do?? This is very weird. Should I take it to the Apple Store, or is there a way to fix it?

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Video Performance And Graphics On System

Apr 29, 2010

I have a 2009 2.53GHz MacBook Pro which I bought a couple months ago. It's been working great, but lately, I've been noticing a lot of strange issues with video playback/general graphics and UI. These includes:- Laggy video performance, frame skipping, generally 2x slow video -- on both iTunes and web video. It's not as smooth as it used to be, though admittedly not totally unbarable - VLC shows a black screen, doesn't show the video - Randomly pixelated icons in the dock (it's almost like the Mac picks a new one everyday to pixelate), dock animation not 100% smooth, although fairly good (not sure if it used to be this way)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Computer So Slow - Can't Even Watch A Smooth Video Anymore

May 21, 2012

I have an anti-virus and don't have that many documents or anything, I don't download big files, all I have is powerpoints from my profesors and pictures from my DSLR and pretty much nothing else

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Video Chat Slow And Choppy

Aug 21, 2009

When video chatting on Skype, iChat, or Yahoo! Messenger, it is always choppy on both ends. I am at my college now so the internet isn't the problem, I know (up speed is 3 Mbps constant and constant down is 5 Mbps).

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PowerPC :: G4 Video Playback Very Slow?

May 19, 2010

Can anyone suggest the reason why my powerbook G4 can't playback video smoothly??

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IMac :: Running Slow / Using For Video Editing

Feb 12, 2010

My iMac will be 3 years old Oct 19 2010 and it's running pretty slow. I do a lot of video editing and have 1GB of memory ( I think that's the RAM). I'm pretty sure that's not the right amount of RAM I should have for the things I'm doing but I could be wrong. I have about 5 apps open at once for recreational use and about 2 for video editing, those 2 being Final Cut Pro and iTunes. So would it be my low amount of RAM causing my computer to slow down or another reason?

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Software :: Imac Too Slow To Play Any Video?

Jul 16, 2008

When I try to watch my videos on vlc it plays way too slow and shows up.


ffmpeg error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)

Also my Quicktime plays just a white screen. Is there any program the plays videos great or decent for my 400MHz powerPC processor that can play AVI, ASF, or either ones?

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Safari :: Why Does YouTube Video Load So Slow

Jun 25, 2012

When I go to YouTube to look at any video with Safari ( 5.1.7 ) on my iMac the video never loads up correctly. I try to pause the video to let it load up but the video won't pause right away. Then I get the spinning beach ball. The video will not play until the entire page is loaded and the video has to be loaded before it will play correctly. This has been going on for at least four or five months. Now if I use Firefox ( 4.0 ) there is no problem at all. I don't want to use Safari for everything and then use Firefox just to look at YouTube.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: Web Pages Loading And Streaming Video Slow

Mar 17, 2008

I'm wondering how much life is left in my 900 MHz G3 iBook (v2.3 with 256 MB). I only use it for web browsing, word processing, and minor media storage, but it's definitely showing its age. Web pages take a while to load and streaming video's too slow to be usable. Would a RAM upgrade solve this, or is it even worth the investment?

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Applications :: Software To Slow Down Youtube Video For IMac

Apr 11, 2009

I occasionally need to slow down a youtube (or generally, any on-line) video. I am not able to locate software that will do this for my iMac. I did come across something for Windows called Enounce.

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Applications :: Video Software For Slow Motion Effect?

Feb 13, 2010

is there a decent FREE program out there to simply add slow motion to a video? iMovie obviously can't unless i'm missing something.

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Laptops :: Streaming Video Very Slow / You-tube Videos Freezing Up

Jun 9, 2008

I may be using the incorrect terminology, but videos like u-tube, are very slow, to the point of just sitting there, frozen, while it "loads" for a minute or two, then runs for a couple of seconds, then stops to load again, sometimes for several minutes.

I have the small macbook, with SL, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB, 667 MHz. I know this is a standard problem, but there must be something I can do to make it better. I thought maybe the SL would help, but no.

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Windows On Mac :: Parallels Video Display Slow (Rhino 3d Modeling)?

Oct 9, 2009

My very new and up-to-date parallels/xppro virtual machine is very very slow with my 3d modeling software (rhinoceros). It didn't used to be this way!

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Mac Mini :: Video Performance - Remarkable Slow Score On OpenGL

Jan 24, 2010

I just got a brand new Mac Mini 2,26 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2 gig RAM, and it's hooked up to my tv with a mini-DVI adapter. Snow Leopard installed. I noticed right away that the screen looks really sluggish, with screen tearing and laggy video performance. Playing videos in Plex for instance there is a lot of screen tear and I had to set the display to 720p to get it decent, and even then it's rough, even on SD videos! So I ran Xbench, and got a remarkable slow score on OpenGL; 43. My MacBook Pro running with the 9400M card got 97.

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Mac Mini :: G5 Dual Tower 1.8 Slow For HD Video - Use External Fireware Drive?

Oct 21, 2009

My trusty G5 dual tower 1.8 is competent, but slow for HD video rendering. Would the new Mini be a significant upgrade for me? I have a great monitor and keyboard already. I can't see much difference between the Mini and standard Imac, beside the slower internal drive. If I use an external firewire drive for capturing, would this no longer be an issue?

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MacBook :: Calculator App Working Slow / Numbers Appear On Screen In Slow Motion

Jun 3, 2004

I have a new MacBook (Dec '08) and everything is working fine with one exception. When I type numbers into the calculator app they appear on the screen in slow motion with a nice long pause as each number typed is displayed. On our iMac the calculator app just flies along and has no problem keeping up no matter how fast I enter in numbers. Any ideas where to start on this one? Besides the standard software we have installed Microsoft Office and Handbrake.

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Startup / Extra Slow To Load Dock / Interface

Mar 28, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro core 2 duo era 2007, OS 10.6.8, with an interesting problem I've not encountered in reading other issues. Here's the system profile, to get that out of the way: [code] Enabled Other than the faulty video card that seems standard for this run of the Pro, I have never had an issue. I have just replaced the battery from the original battery that came with the computer. It was useless to the extent of the word, but my budget did not allow me to purchase a new battery until recently. The battery info only stated "Replace Now" and the LED meter no longer functioned. The battery held no charge, and the computer only ran off of wall power. Up until a few days before I replaced the battery, this provided no trouble. However, it began one day to startup extremely slowly (5 minutes or more on the Apple logo startup screen, and then more time to load dock/top screen toolbar/etc. It also failed to recognize the external HD I frequently use with this computer. My theory was that it was simply underpowered on account of the failed battery, and the internal HD or the CPU was just not able to run properly. I finally put a new battery in hoping that it would fix the issue, but no avail. My startup time seems slightly less, but it seems as if the computer has not loaded interface protocols, as the computer is unresponsive to attempts to open the dock or a finder window, or even hover over battery or volume icons. After 5-10 minutes it finally kicks in and I can use my computer without problem, with the exception of the external HD, which will still not load.I have run disk utility, verified my HD, no errors reported. I have the activity monitor up which shows a pretty minimal load on the CPU and disk usage. Nothing I can think of would explain the problem my computer has suddenly adopted.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Running So Slow On Startup And Apps Are Very Slow To Open Like Around 5 Minutes

Aug 24, 2014

I have this MBP 13'' Mac OS X 10.7.5 running a 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAMs and 500GB storage.The problem started yesterday when I was typing on Word and I copy pasted something from the net (chrome browser) then it froze.I waited for around 5minutes and still frozen with the spinning wheel, then I decided to turn it off by pressing power for 10 seconds restarted my

MBP then now it running so slow on start-up and apps are very slow to open like around 5 minutes. Every action that I try to do like clicking on the apple in the upper left it freezes showing a spinning wheel and it will take time to show the drop down options. I checked disk utility and it said that HD is ok, done verify/permission verify and repair.

I checked the activity monitor noting the ram/CPU usage and its normal it even tells that 2GB of ram is not use.It shows not responding in the activity monitor if you open an app for around 5mins then it opens or it will crash.I already done the 2 kinds of reset and did not work.BUT it opens normally in Safe mode. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Air :: Slow Opening Apps - Slow Read Speed?

Apr 17, 2009

I'm finding my MBA rev b to be quite slow opening apps, I bought the 1.6 ghz 120gb model.

It seems like everything's rather slow to open. I have 30gb free on the hard drive, iTunes, Safari (5 tabs) TextWrangler and mail open all day.

If I ever need to go into Firefox it takes a fair while to get up and running. I ran some xbench scores and it seems very slow on the random reads, oddly it was much quicker writing to the disk than reading.

Is their anyone in the know who can confirm that this is normal? Or if not, is there anything I can do to give it a boost?

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Why Is Macbook Pro Running So Slow And So Slow To Reboot

Jun 6, 2012

I edit using Lightroom and Photoshop and I'm having an issue while editing. After editing around 8-10 photos in Photoshop the computer starts running unbelievably slow. After each 8-10 photos I have to close down everything and reboot. Even the reboot process is super slow as I have to force quit each application usually 1-2 times to get it to close. Is this normal? I have a 2011 17" with 2.2 GHZ i7 with 8GB ram. Is there any setting that I can change or be aware of.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Copied A Video From A DVD, Specifically A Deposition For Work, Why Can't Open This Video In Imovie

Mar 3, 2012

I copied a deposition from a DVD I was sent. I want to edit the deposition into clips with imovie, but I can't seem to get it to open.  I have tried changing the file type and things like that. 

iMovie '08, iOS 5

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MacBook Pro :: Video Card Is Unable To Render The Video And Controls?

May 13, 2010

trying to watch show on got this message. What the heck?

Your computer's video card is unable to render the video and controls.

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MacBook :: Looking For A Video Program That Will Play Video Ts Files?

Mar 19, 2010

im new to mac. I am looking for a video program that will play video ts files that I played on my old vista laptop/

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