Laptops :: Streaming Video Very Slow / You-tube Videos Freezing Up
Jun 9, 2008
I may be using the incorrect terminology, but videos like u-tube, are very slow, to the point of just sitting there, frozen, while it "loads" for a minute or two, then runs for a couple of seconds, then stops to load again, sometimes for several minutes.
I have the small macbook, with SL, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB, 667 MHz. I know this is a standard problem, but there must be something I can do to make it better. I thought maybe the SL would help, but no.
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Mar 17, 2008
I'm wondering how much life is left in my 900 MHz G3 iBook (v2.3 with 256 MB). I only use it for web browsing, word processing, and minor media storage, but it's definitely showing its age. Web pages take a while to load and streaming video's too slow to be usable. Would a RAM upgrade solve this, or is it even worth the investment?
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Jul 20, 2009
I have an Ibook g3 700mhz 384 MB and having dificulty watching streaming video for ex. or any other. I can watch movies on flash drive and dvds no probs or from harddrive but streaming is very choppy. I know connection is not the issue (I have broadband) and streaming works fine on sony desktop running xp 1ghz with 256 mb ram. What gives?
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Jun 8, 2008
Anyone know how to do this on the Mac?
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Feb 6, 2012
My MB Air with Lion and the latest Flash player won't play videos embedded on the BBC news web page. I have tried on Safari, Firefox and Crome and it doesn't work on any of them. Videos stream just fine on a Windows 7 laptop.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 12, 2012
i have big problem with my Imac bought on february 2012 . It's almost difficult to wacth youtube videos and movies on streaming.I have lag on video and sounds interruptions also if the movie is totally uploaded .... I can't understand why .i read that i'm not the only one ...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 10, 2009
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like Download Helper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
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Aug 19, 2004
Any mac apps out their to capture a streaming video? Version Tracker has one, but didn't work at all. I'm trying to capture a mms://~~~.wmv stream
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Feb 14, 2010
What can i use to stream media from my iMac to my PS3?
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Jun 13, 2012
a solution for playing streaming videos on imac g4
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Mar 22, 2009
This will be easier if you know my setup, so here goes:
Computers: Mac mini (not a new one) (10.5.6)
Dell XPS 410 (Vista Home Premium)
Dell Studio 540 (Vista HP x64)
Router: Belkin N+ (4 gigabit ethernet, 802.11 b/g/n)
Connection Type: Mac (AirPort to the router)
XPS 410 (Ethernet) 540 (N+ USB adapter)
Other devices: PS3 (a few more, but they're not relevant).
Here's what I want to do. I want to stream some video, maybe music, from my mini to the PS3. For free. I was thinking since the PCs can connect to the PS3, that I could use one of those a catalyst.
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Sep 2, 2008
I've rented 3 dvds from Netflix and tried to watch them in my MBP, thinking there was a problem with the dvd, but they all have the same issues. The video will suddenly freeze but the audio keeps going. The only way I can get out of this frozen screen is to use the remote that came w/ my MBP to eject the dvd. Also, the dvd menus are no longer functional. I can only press play but I can not navigate the menus with my remote, or with the mouse (the mouse cursor disappears now when I put a dvd in the drive). When I press play, it will play for about 10 minutes and then freeze. It seems like each time it's freezing about halfway into a track/chapter. I can eject the dvd, go back to the beginning, skip forward to the next track, and rewind to just after the point where it freezes, but I have to do this with EVERY track/chapter.
And I have to eject it every time or it won't play at all. This is a dvd-burning Superdrive. I have no idea how I would go about replacing the drive if it's broken, as it's built into the laptop with no way that I can see to access it. The laptop is just barely out of warranty. Here's another Mac oddity: when I log into Apple's own forums, the option to post a new thread in any of their forums is gone. It's not at the top of the page where it used to be, nor is it anywhere on any of the pages that I've visited. I'm talking about when I go to the main discussions page, and then click on the link for Macbook Pro or iPod, there's nothing there for posting.
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Apr 24, 2009
I would like to know what the lowest processor speed of a PC that you can watch streaming videos thru the net that keeps up with audio and video at the same time.
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Feb 27, 2012
Movies streaming very slow?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Dec 6, 2010
I have web sharing on so I can stream all the media on my computer's hard drive to my ipod touch.It works, but the speed performance is pretty terrible. I'm just streaming videos over my local wifi network (not through the net) and the playback buffer on my ipod touch will take a while to start, then there'll be a burst where the buffer starts moving forward reasonably quickly, then it'll suddenly completely stop adding more to the buffer, wait a little while, and then suddenly start adding more into the buffer.
I'm running this on my own wifi network at home, it should be blazing.In fact, I actually get much better streaming speeds into my ipod touch when I actually do watch a video I'm streaming from some other website on the net.
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Apr 30, 2009
I am not to Hot on this stuff so I will try and expalin as best as possible. I have found a streaming video which I want to download or copy/rip which ever is the best. When I right click the video it comes up with a Flash or Micromedia properties & I dont think it was made for people to download. I am assuming its a Windows based program behind it of some sort. What my aim is, is to be able to rip it & download it onto my Mac then have it on my Itouch. I dont mind paying for a decent program as there are quiet a few I would,nt mind doing.
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Feb 8, 2010
The set up:
iMac (early 2009) ethernet connection to TimeCapsule
iMac is running Medialink
TimeCapsule has a folder with MP4 movies of varying bitrates/quality
TimeCapsule is the internet router
PS3, connected through 802.11g wifi for internet and media access
Macbook air, connected through 802.11n for internet and media access
What works: Netflix streaming in my PS3 works splendidly, including all HD content (720p) at data rates of around 5 MBPS
What does not: Streaming movies from Airport disk to PS3 is awfully jerky and stuttering for all decent quality rips (i.e. 1.5MPBS and more). Low quality rips, 700KBPS or below, play alright as far as I can tell. Thought perhaps PS3 is not playing well with the all mac set up, but streaming the content to my macbook air is also the same way. Unusable.
I do not understand why despite having faster connections on both ends (802.11n to n), I can't stream playable content at 1.5 MBPS on my network (points to some upload issue with TimeCapsule?)
On the other hand, despite slower wifi, PS3 is able to pull content from the internet via the same TimeCapsule, even HD movies, and plays them smoothly.
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Jun 30, 2012
Yesterday, I bought an hdm cord and adapter so it would fit into my MacBook Air. I also bought a separate speaker system. When I set it up, it worked perfectly. I had to disconnect my MacBook and when I set everything up, it did not work. I could see my MacBook's background colors on the TV, but the video would not stream. I could see it on my computer, but not on the TV.
iPhone 4S
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Jan 20, 2010
I have a 2007 Santa Rose MBP and it has started to run very slow during the bootup and actual use of it. Here is how the bootup goes:
I turn it on and get the bong sound and a full white screen. In about 10 seconds I get the Apple log and in about another 10 seconds the circle that rotates as it boots up.
Then at about 2 minutes it changes color to a light blue color with the pointer on the screen. Then in about another 10 seconds changes to a darker shade of blue. At a total of 3 mins and 40 secs I then get the desktop with the space type background and in a couple more seconds the Mac OS X login screen. It takes around a minute until I am able to type anything. For awhile before that time I can type I get the beachball.
Here are the details of what I recently did:
I had a 250GB hard drive in my MBP running the newest version of Leopard. I was down to around 50GB free so I purchased a 640GB hard drive. I also was due to upgrade to Snow Leopard. I had an external USB enclosure that I could temporarily use. What I did is put the 640GB hard drive in that external enclosure and formatted it with the GUID partition table. I then used SuperDuper to mirror my internal hard drive to the external hard drive. I have a lot of programs installed and a lot data on my hard drive so didn't want to lose any of this.
Once the mirroring of my internal hard drive was completed to my external 640GB hard drive I then booted from that drive (using it externally and selecting option at bootup). Things seemed to run fine with no issues.
I then after booting up from this external hard drive did a Snow Leopard upgrade to this external hard drive. Once again this external hard drive appeared to run perfectly normal.
After things seemed to be okay I then opened up the MBP and swapped hard drives so the 640GB drive was my new internal HD. I then booted and once again I used it some and things appeared to work normally.
After this later in the evening I installed two programs, Final Cut Studio 3 and Logic Studio 9. As far as I can remember my computer was acting a little odd and after a reboot that is when all the above issues started.
As far as I can tell this never started until those two installs. Is it a chance I didn't try it out enough but I remember even with the HD being external USB my system appeared to run faster than ever. I even think the program didn't start with Final Cut Studio but started with Logic Studio 9
Any idea of what caused this? Even after my computer running it's VERY slow to the point of being almost unusable. For example if I open Word it takes 3 minutes or so to open. Almost any action causes the beachball to appear.
After looking at the Apple site I did both a PRAM erase (using Command Option P and N) and also a SMC reset by removing the battery and power cord and pressing the power button for over 5 seconds and neither fixed it.
I opened up Disk Utility and did a Verify Permission and got the following information:
Permissions differ on "usr/share/derby", should be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x.
Warning: SUID file "System/Library/ been modified and will not be repaired.
Since it said it didn't repair it I did a Repair Disk Permissions but that didn't seem to fix it.
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a macbook pro, 2.4 ghz, 2 gb ram, graphics nvidia geforce 8600 - it's about 3 years old.
The problem is that my mac is becoming slower and slower, sometimes it becomes unresponsive with simple tasks such as loading several tabs in the browser (i normally use firefox). And it happens too with photoshop, illustrator and basically any software.
The worst, is running 3D software in it. Some few months ago i could work fluently on a 3D project, now i just can't make anything that it just breaks down or crashes. Even scrolling windows is a pain in the b*tt.
I know that 3D software might be way too heavy for a 2gb ram and my graphics ain't the best... but i'm sure something is wrong with my computer because it was working fine some months ago...
I've been making software updates, i use Onyx like once a week to run the scripts, i've made a SMART hardware checkup and it says it's everything ok...
The harddrive is 160 gb and it has 20gb free space. It doesn't have much space left, but i don't think this could be the source of the problem.
Could it be a graphics card problem? i've been looking for drivers update in nvidia website, i can't find them for mac.
Or maybe some more extra ram could resolve the problem. But i don't know if i want to take the risk of spending 200 euros on + 4gb for nothing..
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Oct 15, 2010
I have a 2nd gen white Macbook (2,1) that my wife uses for only email and web search (I have moved on to Macbook Pro). Her Macbook is running very slowly. I've looked through these forums and found snippets of advice. I did the Mac Hardware Test, Extended Test, and it says nothing is wrong. There's 1mb RAM, a 2mb processor, and 59gb of storage left. She has only two programs at the most open at one time. I'm lost as to what's making it run slowly. Would bumping the RAM to 2mb
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Jul 21, 2009
i've noticed for a while now that everytime i watch videos on my macbook pro, using vlc player, sometimes the video picture would stop, and or stutter, if it would stop, the audio would go on, but the video remains stop, after a few seconds, before the video would resume, the video would be distort or scrambled for a few seconds before it would come back to normal, it had been happening for some time now, i thought it was just the software, so i tried another player, the mplayer for mac, and it still would stop at random times. but last night, after stuttering for every 10 minutes while watching the video, the screen on my macbook pro freezed. i cannot do anything, but my mouse is movable, and the caps lock on the keyboard still lights, but i cannot do anything but to do a hard reset, it is the first time that has happened to me, the screen freezing, and i don't know if it has anything to do with the stuttering of the video.
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Jun 28, 2005
Greetings, Could anyone tell me what application(s) will capture streaming video and audio on a Mac.
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Sep 1, 2010
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like DownloadHelper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
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Mar 30, 2008
my first time posting a question maybe I can get some help. I have an Ibook g3 700mhz 384 MB and having dificulty watching streaming video for ex. [URL] or any other. I can watch movies on flash drive and dvds no probs or from harddrive but streaming is very choppy.
I know connection is not the issue (I have broadband) and streaming works fine on sony desktop running xp 1ghz with 256 mb ram.
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Dec 22, 2008
So, at the moment I'm torn between the Rev B 1.86 SSD MBA and a fully loaded (2.4/4GB/128 SSD) MB to replace my aging MBP. As a student, my usage is light, with the caveat that I watch an awful lot of streaming video in Safari - sites like Channelsurfing, Megavideo and especially ESPN360. Am I likely to run into major fan/heat issues with this kind of usage profile, or have the revisions Apple has made to Rev B made a big enough difference to assuage my worries?
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Nov 12, 2009
how do you record any streaming video on the Mac. I know popular sites like youtube allow download, but most other don't.
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May 4, 2010
I just got a macbook. I love it with the exception that when I stream sports, the picture and sound are clear but the picture's streaming speed isn't steady.
For instance, a watching hockey, it looks like the players are speeding up and slowing down the entire time.
Does anyone know of a driver that I can run to stop this? Maybe a different browser. I have tried firefox and safari and the problem is the same on both.
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Jul 8, 2010
I've been monitoring my complex's Internet usage and the total for the avg day is about 4 gb, 2 of which goes to upstream. A lot of the traffic goes to video stream and I want to know if watching movies online require that much. If it doesn't, then it must be someone seeding their BT.
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Dec 11, 2014
My friend is trying to convert a trailer for web streaming but is having troubles with the format. We filmed the videos in Nashville and then he edited the trailer but every time he sends me a copy it's pixelated... What settings he should be using on the compressor?
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