MacBook Pro :: Slot Stopped Mounting SD Cards - No Recognition
Mar 29, 2012
I was just going between sd cards, trying to empty one out to use for something. Then, suddenly, it stopped mounting. None of the cards that previously mounted before suddenly stopped. As if the SD slot itself had been gone bye-bye. No recognition. SD cards are just fine. We have about dozen of them but it all mounts perfectly on other two macs. Obviously, it's my MBP's problem. I have rebooted two times, with no luck. I inserted them slowly and fast and anyway I could.
Here's more info from system information:
Built in SD Card Reader:
Vendor ID: 0x05ac
Product ID: 0x8403
Revision: 1.00
Serial Number: 9833
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently got a 2008 Macbook air with 10.5.6 installed. It was a floor model.also, the date when i booted it up was before 2001 for some strange reason.anyway, i have a WD 320 gb passport, usb ind. power external. It worked just fine two days ago, but now i upgraded through "Software Update" and..-It does not mount in finder, sidebar, or disc utility. -the power light turns on -cannot force mount with 3rd party software (Mount Me! 2.05) -the MBA will also not mount any SD cards!! I have tried two different cables and even my printer!!-iPod Touch works just fine in the same port-SD cards and WD Passport work fine in anything else
About 90% of the time, SD cards and external hard drives are not mounting as soon as they're connected (via USB or the SD card slot). I need to launch disk utility, and mount volumes manually (disk utility is detecting the devices). This has persisted through multiple 10.7.X updates.
The small slot under the cd/dcd slot, is that for picture cards? Just noticed it. Is there someplace I can go to read up on general things about this computer, seeing as it came with little info?
I've recently purchased the iMac i7 quad; I know it has an SD slot but I'm wondering whether or not this takes SxS Express cards? These are the cards used with the innovative XDCAM's.Do the SxS Pro/Express/-1 cards fit in the SD slot? And if not, do I need some sort of USB card reader?
My MacBook Pro 15' Early 2011 model's SD Card slot stopped working after the 10.7.4 supplemental upgrade. I "zapped" (or reset) the PRAM and reset the SMC, and it worked for a minute but can't get it to work again. Its still under it 1 year manufacture warranty and was wondering if this would be, Apple Phone Support or an Apple Store Genius.Â
i used to put the card in and it would read it right away and appear on the desktop, but now i'm putting the card in and nothing is happening.
i'm assuming i have to take it into apple for repairs or whatever, but are there any protocols i don't know about that i should take before doing that?
why I tryed using their wireless service, which would seem screwed my Hard drive. I installed a small application from Telstra (main telecommunications company in Australia) that allows you to connect via a USB modem to the internet wirelessly. After completing the installation, it prompted me to restart and I did so. However, before it shut down a dialogue came up saying it had to clear/reset the system cache or something like that. I clicked ok (only thing i could do) and my computer restart as normal and I had internet. The problems started when my time machine tried to backup; where it stopped while "preparing to backup" and came up with an error dialogue saying something like Time failed because it couldn't find the directory. I restarted my mac once more without the USB modem attached and tried the backup again, whereby i new error came saying it couldn't mount the drive. One more restart later and I now have a Time Machine that doesn't backup or see prior backups, and a Hard Drive that not only can't be mounted but isn't recognised as even a Media device by Disc Utilities.
Ok, i have a MacBook Pro, running OS 10.5.6, i have all the updates complete. My WD mybook is a 500G,.. the one with the blue circle button in the font [on/off button and blue ring light] you can see it at:
this is my issue: Few days ago it just stopped mounting, I had to force reboot my computer and it hasnt come up sense.
Odd things: Disk Utilities reads that there is a drive connected, but wont mount nor give the options to mount and says that the total capacity=0 bytes [when connected by Firewire 400] when i connect it with USB2 to USB [the square USB to regular USB] it comes up the same but with total capacity = 2TB
STARTING UP: when the WD started up, or powers on, it turns on, the light goes around the ring as usual then it dims down and slowly illuminates the entire ring up and just stays all lit.
NOISES: It makes these odd [sort of soft] clicking noises when starting up,.. not sure if its done that all the time or if it just started,..
COMPUTER START UP: i have tried having it start up by powering everything down [computer and WD] and starting up the computer so the computer starts up the WD, which it does, but then it locks up my computer,..
Disk Utilities [DU]: shows the nice little yellow external WD drive icon on the left panel with the name WD [NOTE: it does not show the double icon, WD and then a sub icon with the drive name] and it wont eject the WD icon, even if the drive is no longer connected, it locks up DU and then if i try to force quit it locks up the mac.
It does give me the option to Partition/Erase and all the rest, but this is my main drive and i am a video editor,.. sort of NEED the files on the drive,.. so i am not all about erasing my data and loosing all my work.
NOTE: the Drive was never formatted, i know i was stupid not to do that,.. but we can move on from that, its in that FAT format, never partitioned or anything.
I have tried hooking it up to a PC running vista, it installed all the "New Software bs" and then never mounted or anything,.. [that was only with the USB, my pc doesnt have a firewire connection]
I have two newer WD 500G drives as well [the ones with the white bar light in the front] and they both come up fine. but if i try to link them up through the older one nothing happens [they dont mount]
what can i do to get the data off the drive? can i reformat the drive and still recover the data? If i throw it at the wall and bust it up,.. is the data still good?Was that too much details?
So, I've been searching the forums, as I just had a 1TB (well actually a dual 500GB) external drive stop mounting and start clicking on me. I'm trying to find a way to recover files, and I know I've seen a lot of posts on DriveSavers, which. I was searching around, and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of a company called "OneWorld Data Recovery." It was something I stumbled across, but I can't find any reviews, or nail down anybody who's used it.
Clearly, this seems fairly suspect, but I figured I'd check and see if anybody had ever heard of it or used it. Thanks!
I would like to set up a mac pro using Slots 1 & 2 for RME ADAT digital audio cards and move the graphics card (geforce GT 120 512mb) to slot 3 or 4 so that I can maximize slot speeds for multiple audio playback via logic. Is this possible?
i just ordered the macbook air 11 inch. but i was just looking around and seen that sony also has a great 11 inch laptop. the vaio x. it has 10 HOUR BATTERY for an 11 inch laptop and weighs in at 1.6 pounds. Now dont get me wrong i would not get it because i dont like windows, but it seems like this laptop doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
I may need to have surgery to remove a cyst (too much typing) below the index finger on my strong hand and I am thinking of trying Voice Recognition Software for the weeks I am recovering. But alas no microphone jack. I never ever use a microphone for anything, so I don't know Is there such thing as a USB mic.
I purchased a Mac Pro two years ago and had additional ram installed at COMP USA (had an APPLE dealer in the store) The ram upgrade gave me a total of 9 gig. When I check (About This Mac) it confirms the 9 gig of ram. I was setting my preferences in Adobe CS 4 and when allocating the percent of ram to be dedicated to CS4 my choice was centered around 3 gig. Same as my Mac Book Pro. I elected 70% of 3 gig of ram.
I recently spilled coffee on my mid 2010 2.4ghz macbook pro. After drying out, the computer worked fine, although the battery was not recognized. Since apple does not cover water damage i bought a replacement battery and installed it today. After starting up the problem is not solved. there is still an X through the battery indicator and if i unplug the laptop it shuts down instantly. When i turn it on, the status LED on the front blinks 6 times before the laptop actually boots up. I have reset the SMC, NVRAM and PRAM. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.
I try to 'calibrate' it and have repeated the stupid lines time after time, clearly and slowly in a quiet environment, but they never flash or indicate that it is calibrated.
How many of you use the Speech Recognition built into the iMac? And of those who do use it, do you use the built in mic or do you use a 3rd party microphone?
I have a Javascript file that detects key codes, but it is set to react to Windows keyboard keys. How would I adapt it to work with a Mac keyboard? Code: // Hotkeys document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){ if(e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey){ switch(e.keyCode){ // Edit styles with Alt+Shift+E case 69: editStyles(); break; // Unblock elements with Alt+Shift+U case 85: unblockEle(); break; // Block element with Alt+Shift+B case 66: blockEle(); break; // Unblock latest element with Alt+Shift+L case 76: unblockEle(true); break; // Block elements (don't use nth-child) with Alt+Shift+W case 87: blockEle(true); break; } } }, false); The Alt key is the problem. I guess the Alt/Option key on a Mac keyboard is not the same as the Alt key for Windows. What name would I give to have that key recognized?
What is it with Apple and still not having implemented automatic recognition of external display when hooking up to the MBP. Seriously? Do we really need to close/ open the lid in order to shut off the MBP screen. Why does it work in Windows (via Bootcamp) and not in OS-X? I was hoping this would be fixed in SL but still no.
I have recorded a voice interview and is wondering if there is a quick way to type these recording out? maybe something that analyse the recording file or something that type when you speak?
I thought perhaps the face recognition algorithm might work if I named my cats in a few pictures, but so far it has not. Would be cool if they updated it to work on cats and dogs.
I know it wouldn't be 100% secure given the iSight resolution and all, as well as other factors such as lighting, etc.Just thought it'd be a nice novelty to keep unwanted users off my Mac when I'm not around.