MacBook Air :: Cursor Automatically Clicks On Item If Hover Over It?

Jun 20, 2014

In theory, that sounds nice - just point and it clocks itself - but it's not great. Links inadvertently activated, pages opened while I'm still reading the last one.  It's a hassle.  I went toTrackPad preferences and slowed the tracking speed, but it still does it.  I'm using Mavericks.  Is there a way to turn this feature off? 

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Disable Cursor Hover Feature?

Jun 13, 2012

Was wondering if there is some way to disable the auto-open cursor hover feature? (Not sure what else to call it). It's driving me nuts.It's most disfunctional with Safari--for example when I'm trying to find a specific webpage in the Histor-- if I don't keep moving the cursor constantly, whatever URL the cursor happens to be over will just open and load.Then I have to start over again. This seems to happen sometimes on the desktop as well. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook :: Cursor Clicks To The Right?

Feb 17, 2012

I have a Macbook All of a sudden this morning my cursor does not actually select what I hover over. For example: to creat a new tab in my browser, I can't actually click on the "+" symbol to get a new untitled tab, I have to click about 1/4" to the right of the "+" sign to select it. This occurs with everything -- typing into text boxes, clicking "compose" to write a new email in Gmail -- everything! This is really annoying, it occurs when I click the mouse button and also when I tap on the track pad. (Clicking through this paragraph to edit this question has been a nightmare!

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X :: Cursor Jumps And Clicks Randomly

Jun 28, 2010

My problem is that about every 15-20 minutes my cursor will start jumping around wildly and click randomly for a good 30 seconds then stop. Then I will get control of it again for about 5 seconds and it will just stop or give me trouble and then go back to the same thing. This goes on for a good couple minutes till the rainbow wheel of death comes and stays for a bit then I'm back to being okay. This happens repeatedly while I am on my computer. Which is a Macbook Pro. It happened mostly when I am on firefox which I deleted because it seemed to be the source of it for a while, but it would continue happening even after I got rid of it. I cleared my hard drive to see if that would help, but still nothing.

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MacBook :: Resting Palms On White MacBook Clicks Cursor

Dec 10, 2008

Has anyone experienced this? After doing a thread search I could only find people talking about cracks in the palmrest, which I have thankfully -not- experienced.

Basically the way I'd naturally rest my palms while I type is making for a really annoying experience. Say I'm typing anything (a URL, an IM, etc) and my palms will make a silent "click" happen and before I know it I've accidentally deleted everything I just typed or I've changed windows and made something happen unintended. I'm holding my palms in the air right now as I type.

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IMac (Intel) :: Cannot Use Mouse - Can Move Cursor But Not Activate Item

Jun 4, 2014

I have a Imac 27" - suddenly it seems it freeze - I can move the cusor with the pad - but clicking dosn't activate the function. I have tried to restart (power off) but still the same. I succeded once to get i alive for 15 min. then it stopped working again. The Imac 27 is opdated and less than one year old.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Is Moving And Clicking Automatically?

Apr 2, 2012

I am using MacBook Pro 13 inches for a year.  I am facing cursor problem.  Without touching either track pad or computer after log in, my cursor is moving around the screen and very difficult to control it.  It also click and open/close some files automatically like a ghost.  I tried to hold Comman+Option+P+R to reboot and it helps sometimes then happen same thing again and again.  What should I do?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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OS X V10.4 :: Have The Desktop Items Automatically Sort Themselves Alphabetically After An Item Is Added Or Removed?

May 7, 2012

how to have the desktop items automatically sort themselves alphabetically after an item is added or removed? This feature just disappeared about a week ago, and I can't find the right path to restore it. 

PowerBook G4 1.67 mHz 15", Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X :: MBP - Cursor Clicking / Dragging Files Automatically?

Mar 30, 2009

I love my 1st generation MacBook Pro 15" very much. She's running the latest Leopard update, and everything was running smoothly up until a couple of days ago. For some reason, the computer seems to think that I'm constantly holding down the mouse button. No matter what application I'm in, the cursor starts acting up - dragging boxes and files in finder, dragging things off the dock instead of hovering over them, etc etc. This doesn't happen all the time, and I'm not sure what triggers it, but it somehow seems to happen more often later in the day. Sometimes it stops within seconds, sometimes it's a couple of minutes before it goes back to normal.

Sometimes clicking the real mouse button a couple of times or pressing escape fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. My first thought was that it was Blender causing a problem, as that's the first place the problem showed up. When I noticed the same thing occuring in Finder, after a fresh reboot, I thought maybe a hack I had recently applied was the culprit, but nothing came to mind. To be on the safe side, I tried making a hack-free account and using it for a while, but to no avail-same problem (less often, however). Now, getting desperate, I switched over to my Boot Camp partition. The problem reared its ugly head there, too - not nearly as often, however...just two or three times in my two hours there.

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OS X :: Cursor Moves Automatically To Install Button

Aug 31, 2009

When I try to run an app which requires Rosetta, the install Rosetta dialog box appears which is fine. However, the cursor automatically actually moves to the dialog box and positions itself right above the Install button. It doesn't actually click it but it kinda freaked me out to see it happen.

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Applications :: Moving Cursor To Button Automatically?

Mar 10, 2010

I currently have Steermouse installed but I only use it for this 'snap to' function - I only use the track pad. Are there any other apps (pref free) that provide this function? I am experiencing loss of cursor movement after hibernation and always have to restart the machine. I am going to un-install Steermouse pretty soon and then see if the problem still occurs. In the meantime if there are any alternatives it would be good to know. I am surprised its not a built in standard pref!

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OS X :: Cursor Tracking Speed Reset Automatically On Reboot

Apr 27, 2010

My Mac's cursor tracking speed keeps resetting itself whenever I reboot. I can set the preference again but as soon as I shut down or restart it's right back to being super-sensitive. At first I thought it was interference from my other (bluetooth) mouse. But I disconnected it and am still having the issue.

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Intel Mac :: Cursor It Automatically Selects While Hovering - How To Change To A Manual Click

May 8, 2012

Example:  If my track pad hovers over the SEND button in e-mail, it sends it without me clicking. Or the TRASH CAN, it deletes it.  How do I make this a manual process, requiring a click?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Stop Lion From Automatically Deleteing Item Move To The Trash?

Apr 2, 2012

How do I stop Lion from automatically deleteing item I move to the Trash?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Trash - Auto Deleteing?

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MacBook Pro :: Select Applications (Terminal / Preferences) Freeze On Mouse Hover

Aug 20, 2014

When I hover my mouse over an application (such as Terminal) it freezes with the message 'process Termainl [pid] caught causing excessive wakeups...' 

Some applications (such as Google Chrome) work fine. Others (iTerm, Terminal, Hipchat) are susceptible. If the application exhibits the behaviour - without fail, simply hovering the mouse over the application window, without clicking or giving it explicit focus, will cause it to freeze. 

Prior to this, my battery had swollen and the suspicion was that it was pressing against the trackpad resulting in a constant stream of interrupts. I took the battery out and am typing this without the battery - the issue persists. 

I also tried disconnecting the trackpad. Same issue, even when using an external mouse to navigate.

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Applications :: Locate Specific Item To Remove The AppDelete Contextual Menu Item

Jun 23, 2010

I've uninstalled appdelete as I now use cleanapp. Anyway, I have uninstalled it but the contextual menu is still present. I have tried looking at the services and libraries but cannot locate the specific item needed to be deleted to remove the appdelete contextual menu item.

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Applications :: Web Page With A Link That Produces A Tooltip When Hover Over It?

Oct 31, 2010

Whoever reads this, do me a favor, please. Find a web page with a link that produces a tooltip when you hover over it. Click that link. Wait for the resulting page to load, then hit the "back" button. Move your pointer off of the link you originally clicked, and just wait a moment. Does a tooltip for that link you clicked appear, just as though you were still hovering over it? It does for me. It has in every single version of Safari I've ever used, from version whateverthehellhaveyou in Jaguar, to Safari 3 in Tiger, Safari 4 in Leopard and Snow Leopard, to Safari 5 in Snow Leopard on not one, not two, but 4 different Macintoshes: a G3 iBook, a white non-unibody Macbook, another white non-unibody Macbook, and an aluminum unibody MacBook.

Just wondering if this happens to everyone, or if this is something special between Safari and me.

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OS X :: Hover Mouse Over Links - Multiple Tabs Opened

Jan 23, 2010

If I hover my mouse over a link in Safari, it will start opening multiple tabs of that link without me clicking it until I hover off it. It also opens programs if I hover over it for about a second. This started happening this morning. It was fine last night. I didn't download any updates in that time, and didn't change any system preferences. I tried restarting my system. This happens with both my wireless mouse and the trackpad, so I figured it's a software issue. Could it be a virus? What Mac program checks for/ gets rid of viruses?

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Intel Mac :: Won't Left Click At All Or Taskbar Won't Have The Icons Hover?

Apr 30, 2012

So i haven't had one single problem with my Imac for 1.5 years until Yesterday I recently recieved a SD card that i purchased off ebay and stuck it into the side which I was expecting to popup but didn't This may or may not be the reason why my Imac is acting wierd but basically I cannot Left click at ALL, right click works, the internet works 

The taskbar at the bottom with the icons do not have the title shown when I hover down the bottom either. I have a 2010 Imac with 12gb ram that i upgraded to.  

Is there any steps that i can follow to ensure my imac runs normally, i have alot of data on computer that i need and i cannot find my boot cd anyhwere 


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Applications :: Disappearing Cursor From Word 2008 / Cursor Disappears While Writing

Apr 11, 2010

Anyone come across this? I 've been having it a lot recently on my imac, not my pbook though, and I can't seem to find how to fix it... very strange behaviour, as soon as you start writing the cursor vanishes...make for some very hard writing I tell you...

Well, that's ms, they might even have it as an option somewhere that I cannot find...

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OS X Mountain Lion :: How To Stop Dock Icons From Enlarging On Mouse Hover

Jun 4, 2014

How I can get the icons on my Imac from enlarging when the mouse goes over the icons.   

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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MacBook :: Clicks Not Registering

May 29, 2009

Sometimes in ALL programs (so far) I am not able to click certain stuff. For example, when I'm in Safari (4.0) I try to click a link but nothing happens. It shows me the clicking finger thing and I am able to scroll (I can not use the two finger scroll on the trackpad only the sidebar) and I am able to move the window around. I have found that I can fix it sort of by clicking the link millions of times. Oh also I can not right click the link but I can right click everywhere else.

I thought maybe it might be some of my 3rd party software but I doubt it. The only things I have installed are geekTool and this Cleardock replacement called Mirage.

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Right Clicks By Itself

Mar 10, 2012

The trackpad on my macbook pro is not working properly. Sometimes it right clicks by itself or if won't move around properly.


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MacBook Pro :: Solution For HDD Clicks And Lags

Oct 25, 2009

Since I bought my Macbook Pro 13" 2.53 I replaced my HDD to 500GB 7200, but since then I can hear clicks from time to time and my macbook lags at the same time if I am watching a movie or anything. I found a solution been explained by some PPL but its like no one trust the solution yet, now I tried it on my Snow Leopard, and I can say my problem is solved.

1- Find the attachment and unzip it somewhere on your HDD (I placed mine in Applications Folder)
2- Open your Terminal (You will find it at Applications>Utilities
3- locate your folder at the terminal by CD command
4- Once your at the folder where you placed the file write this command: hdapm disk0 max
It has to come back with successully message to you.

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MacBook Pro :: Mbp Trackpad Not Registering Clicks?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Unibody MacBook Pro (Summer 09) and I'd say my trackpad registers about 25 of every 30 clicks. So sometimes I click something (a link, etc.) and nothing happens but then I click it again and it works. The multi-touch gestures still work as advertised, just the clicks aren't working. I updated all of the stuff that was in the Software Updater and nothing's changed.

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MacBook Pro :: Track-pad No Longer Clicks?

Jun 6, 2012

The track pad on my Mac BookPro no longer clicks. I can still tap to click but if I push down on the track pad I cannot get it to do anything. I am currently living in Thailand. What should I do?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009)

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MacBook Pro :: It Constantly Left Clicks

Jun 19, 2012

My mouse seems to have a mind of it's own, it constantly left clicks

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MacBook Pro :: TrackPad Clicks But No Click Occurs?

Jun 20, 2009

I have early '09 uMBP17 and I'm experiencing one of the issues which apparently plagued first TrackPads: when I press a TrackPad it clicks, yet application doesn't register the mouse click. It happens 50/50. If I press harder/hold pressed a bit longer - it works more often. Still very very annoying.

I have seen that issue with late 2008 MBPs was resolved with trackpad firmware update (and my uMBP17 has the update already).

Has anybody experienced the issue on early 2009 MBPs? MBP17?

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MacBook Pro :: Touchpad Clicks Before Actually Done - Makes Sound Twice

Jun 9, 2010

I'm having this problem with my touchpad, which is really hard to explain in words, so I made this quick vid with my iPhone: As you can see, my touchpad "clicks" before I actually click. It makes the sound twice before the computer registers a click. My warranty has expired.

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MacBook Pro :: Chirps And Clicks When Using External Monitor

Jan 31, 2012

My mid 2010 Macbook Pro makes chirping and clicking noises from the hard drive however it only happens when I have my external monitor hooked up. Any one have any idea why? It is different from the Motion sensor click. I've found all over the net that others are experiancing this issue (not connected to external monitor) however haven't I haven't seen a conclusion.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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