Can Apple Downgrade Laptop From Lion To Snow Leopard
Jun 27, 2012I have an application that can be used in Snow Leopard but not in Lion because of "PowerPC". Can Apple downgrade it or does anyone know how to?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have an application that can be used in Snow Leopard but not in Lion because of "PowerPC". Can Apple downgrade it or does anyone know how to?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Basically looking for an answer to the title question. If it is possible, which version of Snow I need to buy....the $29 version? I'm basically wanting to downgrade because I want iLife 11 suite which has the iWeb software.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy customer bought a new imac, it turns out he got a 12.1 iMac Mid 2011. With system 10.7.2. Printing machine can only be installed on the system snow leopard. how to downgrade as well. because if the downgrade by using Original iMac 10.6.7 installer. system cannot Update .. application also can not be installed (iLive) and also update to 10.6.8 stuck. ..
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to downgrade Lion to Snow Leopard? Trying to install SL disc but it always prompts 'Cannot install disc on this OS version'. Most of my softwares can't be installed in Lion.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently purchased a new MacBook Pro (I bought it in Janurary, so not the new ones). My POS software will not run on Lion. I was wondering if there was any way that I can downgrade my computer to Snow Leopard, I have the disc. Also, I installed Snow Leopard on an external HD but my computer would not start up from that disc, is there any way to fix that? Information: Snow Leopard Version 10.6.3 - Lion Version: 10.7.4 - MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7, 4GB RAM.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe have a new iMac at work bought through Apple's refurb site. It is running the latest version of Lion with all firmware updates, etc. It is replacing a G5 running Tiger.
The problem is this“ it is supposed to be running Adobe CS5, but also CS4 (and Office would be handly also) We have other macs here, some running Leopard, some Snow Leopard, but the Adobe apps are not happy at all in Lion, and InDesign CS4 crashes all the time and won't even print without jumping through a million hoops (obviously the Office 2004 app won't run at all).
Due to the level of issues we are having with Lion (and the reliability of the all the software under Snow Leopard) I am looking to downgrade to Snow Leopard.I have a full retail version of Snow Leopard (10.6.3), but the Lion system won't boot from the disk, it just gets to the grey screen, and beeps three times. I presume this means that there isn't the required drivers on the disk to run the hardware, or there's a firmware update that doesn't allow installation.
Am i totally stuck with this OS? I was looking to install Snow Leopard on a partiton, but when i run the install disk from the Lion desktop, it reports that I can't run it because 'I have Install Mac OS X 23.1.1.'I would really like to just have Snow Leopard on my iMac, or failing that, Lion on a small partition, and Snow Leopard and all the programs on the larger partition that I would boot from.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 Ghz Intel i5, 4Gb RAM (work)
I've been reading a lot on the process of downgrading from Lion to Snow Leopard. But it all seems a bit blurry as no actual facts are posted, and I couldn't find out if its only possible for machines that did not come with Lion pre-installed (mine did). I'm really keen on downgrading so I can get back to work. The compatibility with most of the audio plugins I use is not good, so I'd rather just keep working with the previous operating system. I have read a lot of the other threads on this matter, but the main point here is if it is possible to downgrade in a machine that came with Lion preinstalled. I've seen videos on how to do it, but they don't mention if it works on any Mac or only in those that, at some point, already had a version of Snow Leopard installed.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
I have a 17 inch MacBook Pro (early 2008). I installed Lion back earlier this year so I could use the iBooks application. Big mistake. Since then my wifi connection constantly drops out. I've roamed these forums and tried just about everything suggested. I would now like to go back to the Snow Leopard software I had installed before.
The problem is the last Time Machine update I ran was on Lion (I know *face palm*). If I were to completely erase my hard drive, install the Snow Leopard DVD, then install the Snow Leopard update, would I still be able to use some of the files from my Lion Time Machine back up? My biggest concerns are my music purchases on the iTunes store and Microsoft Word documents....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have just upgraded my system mac book pro from 10.6.8 to 10.7.....but it become slow and graphic problem also....can any one suggest how do i downgrade my system back to 10.6.8...I do have Time Machine backup for 10.6.8 working time a day ago..
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I just bought a slightly used 2011 MBP MD313LL/A that has Lion installed. This is my first macbook (I have an iMac) I need to take Lion off and install Snow Leopard to be compatible with my current software. Any suggestions to the safest way to do this? I will be installing VmFusion 4 to run my Windows XP.
MacBook Pro, 13.3" Macbook Pro MD313LL/A-4GB/750
i got my macbook pro 13" preinstalled with leopard and it had the snowleopard cd in it.
i installed snowleopard but that has reduced my battery life mysteriously.
so how do i remove snowleopard till the time mac comes up with a fix ??
the box only has a snowleopard cd, no leopard installation cd.
Is there any way that I can downgrade to Leopard I have got Snow Leopard Installed?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI found this [URL] and I'm considering to give it a try after buying additional flash drive. Do anyone already did it and does it work?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
We will be replacing our G5 computers with new Macs soon (as in finally!). In the mean time I need to work for awhile on my laptop running Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, before moving to a new Mac I will probably have to switch back to one of the G5 Macs for awhile.Â
Is it possible to move a Snow Leopard mail database back to Leopard?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How can I downgrade from Maverick to Snow Leopard?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I just bought a new mac with snow leopard preinstalled, But like every new os, a lot of devices, programs, are unsupported,so... is there any way to downgrade to leopard without paying a new licenselike vista - windows xp downgrade program ?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI want to downgrade for any reasons, but I'm worried that I won't be able to get all my apps back (I realize I'll probably have to redownload the leopard versions). Anyway, I only have time machine backups from snow leopard, are they compatible with leopard (ie I use the snow leopard time machine backup to restore my personal files in leopard)?I have a bootable dmg image if anything goes wrong, but I don't want to waste time if I do something badly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got a Mac Mini to use as a HTPC. It came with Snow Leopard installed, but I want to switch back to Leopard.I have a Leopard disc(legal, official disc), but I can't get it to install.I tried inserting the disc and installing from the disc. After I select to install I am prompted to restart the computer, but when I do that the computer just keeps re-booting. I waited for five reboots, but when it did not seem to be working I manually turned off the power.I tried to erase the HD with Disk Utility, but it is grayed out and I can't do anything there either.I tried booting from the disc, but I can't do that either.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have MacBook from late 2006. Core 2 Duo 2.0 with 3 GB of ram ( 4 GB, but only 3 is readable.
Besides the smaller footprint of the install, will I get any noticeable performance upgrade and also will It be able to support more ram now that its a completely 64 bit OS
Yesterday I went out and bought the new snow leopard and 4gb (2x2gb) of OCZ ram. First, I installed the OCZ ram and booted into Leopard for a minute to check it was working all right. Then I installed snow leopard and that went smoothly. I used my laptop for around 3 hours last night and then it froze. Then this morning I have used it for a little over an hour and it froze again. All my drivers are up to date.
View 3 Replies View RelatedApple this weekend followed the release of its latest Snow Leopard beta with new pre-releases of both Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server.
Mac OS X 10.5.8 build 9L25
Since opening the Mac OS X 10.5.8 beta test to developers approximately one month ago, Apple has shown signs that the release may cap off development of Mac OS X 10.5.
For example, each new build has arrived with a focus area noticeably distinct from the last, with lower-level technologies and frameworks seeing greater attention than usual. As such, it's been speculated that the Mac maker may be giving its Leopard OS a final once-over.
This trend appears to have culminated with this past weekend's release of build 9L25, which no longer asks that developers focus their attention on a small subset of Leopard's components. Instead, it groups together the more than three dozen components that had been isolated into smaller focus groups in earlier betas.
The latest build also lists no known issues and addresses just two new bugs, one related to saving mail messages as individual message documents and another to URL localization.
Mac OS X 10.6 Server build 10A403
Separately, developers this weekend were also treated to a new build of Mac OS X 10.6 Server, labeled build 10A403. With it, Apple asked that they test upgrade installs of the server software itself, in addition to upgrade installs of Calendar server.
Developers were also reportedly asked to spend some time with the system's new Podcast Producer, evaluating as many third-party video and web cams as they possibly can. Included with the software is a new Web Podcast Capture which leverages a new Dual Source Video Capture feature for allowing users to create picture-in-picture format podcasts.
Mac OS X 10.6 build 10A402a
Mac OS X 10.6 Server build 10A403 arrived on the heels of Mac OS X 10.6 Client build 10A402a earlier in the week. That build introduced some widely-reported interface tweaks to the Dock's pop-up menus and Expose.
One AppleInsider reader has published a few more screenshots of these interface changes to his blog, including the Dock's new menus, Expos�'s new grid view, and changes to the Dock's grid view scroll bars. [ View this article at ]
is it possible to install mac snow leopard on apple power pc g5
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
the software launch2net which enables internet connetion via a usb modom is not yet compaplible with snow leopard. so its more pratical for me to use internet...
just now i did an archive and install, my question is that, all my aplication and things downloaded will remain in my mac right?
I'm sick of all the Safari crashes. The only thing I do on my MacBook is use the internet. I enjoy the new features, but I'm tired of the hanging and crashing. Can I just pop in the Leopard disk and downgrade, keeping all of my files? Or will I have to backup everything and put the files back on?
View 12 Replies View RelatedCan anybody tell me if i can downgrade from SL to Leopard as i think SL is causing my computer to run really slow.I have a 2007 Macbook 1GB and only 80GB hard drive, i'm going to give it to my daughter as I'm getting a HP 2120TX lap top and a 27" iMac when they refresh them. Thing is the MB is really sluggish even doing the simplest task.Could it be that SL is the problem cos the low amount of RAM, should i just re-install Leopard, and if i can how do i do it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got a Quad 2.5Ghz G5 and it has Leopard installed.I have certain software that I need to pay for an upgrade to make it work in LeopardI can't afford that at the moment and would like to downgrade to Tigerwhich all of the software will work just fine.The problem is that every time I try to do a clean install for Tiger (Retail DVD)it gives me a kernel panic every time.could anyone tell me the right way on how to downgrade to Tiger?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can I re install leopard on a macbook air with snow leopard installed?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm looking at one of the new Mini's and I don't want to use Snow Leopard yet. The fonts in QuarkXpress and CS3 are still too problematic my tastes. Can I downgrade to Leopard, or am I stuck with Snow Leopard as the base system?
View 3 Replies View RelatedUpgraded to Snow leopard and used it consistently for around 6 months now.Major problems with Neo office and canon printer drivers finally forced me to concede and make the long trek back to Leopard via Tiger One full system reinstall later and the iMac is a happy bunny. All except Mail. No issues with Address book, found the old files on my backup (TM), slipped them in and no worries.
Mail is being the proverbial pain in the whatnot. It installed happily with Tiger, I didn't open it. Upgraded quietly to Leopard and sat comfortably in the dock, until another person (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty) tried to restore the emails from TM directly. End result smiley finder face with the message "You cannot use this version of the application Mail with this version of Mac OS X."
So I trashed it, used Pacifist to reinstall Mail from Tiger, tried to run it. Same message. So I ran the leopard upgrade, same message. Trashed it and tried again without trying to open it at the Tiger stage, same message.Everything I try fails please can some Mac genius point me in the right direction??
I have a macbook pro with leopard 10.5, march 2008 model.The leopard OS is great, but i need Tiger for my studio.I heard that its impossible to downgrade from leopard to tiger on mymacbookpro with e.g a 10.4 universal DVD.
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