MacBook Pro :: Printer And IPod Offer From Apple Store On New Purchase
Jun 23, 2010
I decided on getting a 15 inch Macbook Pro instead of a 13. I am trying to lower the cost as much as possible. I will be getting the 8GB iPod touch with it to sell off since I already have an iPod. I see that there is also an offer for a rebate if you buy a printer with the Macbook. Will this offer still qualify with the iPod offer? Which printer has the best resell value? And it says up to $100, so if I get one of the $100 printers will I get a $100 rebate? Also I was looking in the forums and saw some post about promo codes? Are there any promo codes that can be used right now?
How do I get Apple to return the paid version of a certain app back to the App store? The free limited version is still available but the paid version with more features has been removed. I know people who want to get this app and cannot. It is Word Play Online and has a very loyal following with over 50,000 names playing and yet is gone from the App Store. How can I find out where it went?
Pictures of the iPods at the Phoenix Biltmore apple store in Arizona.Second, Third, and Fourth Generation iPod nanos. the 2nd and new 4th are roughly the same size.
Does anyone know if you can upgrade say the hard disk of a base level macbook pro (13 inch i'm looking at) AT the apple store? I guess to illustrate my point - I'm looking at the baseline 13 inch macbook pro and I wanted to upgrade the hard drive from the 160 gb - maybe the 300 or 500 gb hard drive. Because I'm only stopping by for a day I wanted to buy one on the spot (thus getting it at an apple store rather than buying it online).
Can you call an Apple Store and purchase something that they will hold for you when you come in? I wanted to pick up a macbook pro today but it's an hour drive and want to make sure it's available at that configuration. Also do they need to see the credit card used? It's a corporate card that I don't physically have on me.
I want to buy a Macbook Pro from the online store, but this message keeps appearing when I try to checkout. "A request to your bank for the funds necessary to ship this order was declined." I tried 2 different debit cards, both have sufficient funds.
I would like to replace my 1st generation unibody MacBook Pro's bottom case and I am interested in knowing the price. Can I purchase and replace the bottom case at the local Apple Store (I'm in Sydney)? I'm in warranty, if that's a factor.
I have two computers that I wish to purchase Lion for. Can this be done under a single AppleID?This is in a corporate environment? I need to upgrade two computers from Snow Leopard to Lion.
A friend gave me a Gift Card so I could purchase OS X Lion. But apparently he gave me an Apple Gift Card and the App Store requires an iTunes gift card. How can I purchase OS X Lion with a Apple Gift Card?
How do I download Lion OS purchased in 2011. I need to make a new bootable hard drive?? I purchased a OWC SSD 480GB 3G for my early 2008 Mac Pro.They tell me I must download my original CD and then update to Lion?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Solid state drives
I am planning to get another 24" white imac, I am collector and was wondering since it's off ebay but with apple care if I can renew it by buying more apple care? But I am concerned in that I read "Apple is not obligated to renew this Plan. If Apple does offer a renewal, it will determine the price and terms." Also the original owner has changed the hd, surely that does not void the warranty?
I have been trying to find my current charges for apps and wish to return the ones that are not suitable. I follow the steps as described and after signing I have gotten the message cannot find iTunes store and it leaves me there. The instructions given do not pertain to the setup of the iTunes store.
I have a credit card for one of my companies that I used to buy the iPhone and create an Apple ID for purchases on the app store. Subsequent to that I created a new company, with its own credit card, and created a new Apple ID specifically for purchases for that company. Now when I go to make a purchase on the app store with my iPhone how do I switch between the two Apple IDs so that the purchase I make uses the appropriate credit card?
lion shows as purchase in app store even though it came bundled, also facetime, keynote,pages and numbers even though these were pre installed with the macbookpro late 2011.
I have purchased Mountain Lion from the App Store. When I try to download i get a message stating that it cannot be downloaded. My Mac Book Air has the correct specifications needed but Apple won't let me download the software.
I have some apps that I bought sometimes ago when I'm still living in newzealand. Now I moved to other country permernantly. Therefore, I have to change newzealand mac app store to us mac app store(Apple forces me, because my new credit card is us base). Â
Problem is, I have to switch back to newzealand store everytime I needed to install something, then switch back to US store to install some other thing. that's annoying.Â
Now, I can rebuy the apps that I've already have for my US store, but that's hideus, why should I pay twice for the same thing ? Is that the best if Apple let me transfer the apps ? what big deal about it ? beside's the country flag the apps are rather look and cost the same, why don't let me do it?
I am trying to make a purchase from the App Store in Snow Leopard 10.6.8, but can't make any purchases. When I try to purchase, I get the message, "Additional security information is needed. To use this Apple ID you must first login to the my info web page then provide additional security information." But when I click on Update Security Info, it brings me to a page at [URL] but the page will not load, and it says that Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server. I have also tried it in Firefox and it does not work there either. I went to the Apple Store online, and updated my account info with the proper credit card and information, but it has not helped. What is going on here. This is for my bosses account and not my account, and we need to purchase some software for this machine, but are completely unable.Â
just tried to purchase garage band from the App store by redeeming a gift card.Even though I'm logged in it either goes to update account or tells me to login to purchase even though I'm already logged in. when i login to purchase, it goes back to update account. seems to be going in a circle.
I purchase Numbers because I have been unable to save my work. I install it and then when it goes to sleep or I turn off my computer it doesn't save my install and I have to reinstall the purchase all over again. Why? How can I fix this cause everyday I can't save my work....
I installed the app Ticket to Ride on my iMac. I bought extra maps for that game; an in app purchase.Now i installed Ticket to Ride also on my MacBook. That was easy and free! Now I also want the in app purchases free on my MacBook. Is that possible or do I have to buy them a second time?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Bought for account # 1 app iPhoto - no more access. Deleted the app and want to go to the current account to buy a # 2 application iPhoto, but instead of "Buy now" show "Accept". App Store says you need to buy again. How to buy, if the function is missing?
I just discovered the copy of imovie on my computer was installed by my son who got it from a torrent site. I unistalled it and now the app store will not let me purchase it through my account. I'm trying to make things right, but have hit a roadblock. I wanted to use the imovie app to work on some family video.
I have purchased the lion from Mac app store, But since i was eligible for a free upgrade, apple refunded me 30$. But now i am ready to upgrade from snow leopard to lion i can't see it in my app store under history purchases or even in the hidden section.