OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Locked Items From Trash
Jun 22, 2014
How do I remove locked items from trash? I want to delete unneeded (duplicate) backup files that were on an external disk. I have not succeeded using empty trash or secure empty trash. I am the administrator. Mac OS X (10.9.3) Mavericks.
I need some guidance getting the items I have on my computer permanently deleted from the trash. When I go to delete them I get the following message below and I can't delete anything. What do I need to do?
Message Received: This operation can not be completed because the item is locked wmphelp.htm wmpicon.gif windowshade.gif whatsnew.htm volume.gif viewinginfo.htm upgradingwmp.htm And the list just goes on .......
I had some folders on an external HDD that I moved to the trash and then I moved around the folders on my external HDD and renamed some. Now the items that I moved to the Trash won't delete! They no longer have their normals icons and instead have the plain white piece of paper icon.
It seems the Trash can't delete them because it can't find the file's original file path. The items only reappear in my Trash when I connect the HDD but it's still really annoying.
Went to empty my trash folder and found that there are thousands of items to be removed contained in 43 folders. On clicking empty trash a new box came up and a blue blinking bar went across identifying the empty process. But the items still remain in trash. Is this a virus attack or similar? Mac OS X 10.6.8.
I was trying to delete one album from itunes, so i quickly ctrl A, delete, move files to trash, enter, then all of a sudden I realize my entire library was highlighted and deleting to my trash can! so now I have a trash can full of music and I can't figure out how to get it all back to itunes music folder or even out of the can! ahh plz help!I guess I can drag Items from the trash to my desktop, but I need to bring back like 9000 things from the trash which all deleted individually so dragging them all to my desktop doesnt sound like a good idea. EEP.
when i try to delete items from my trash bin i get the following message even when i hold down the option key (upon which the eye symbol turns into a play button) and try to empty the trash like it instructs me to do it gives me the same error message.
I have deleted some files and folders and moved them to (Trash). I'm going to remove them from Trash but error code 36 appears.please help me to fix this error. I have already used dot_clean command in terminal to fix it but it did not work One of these folders are empty but I can't remove it.I even can't send it back from Trash.
Am having several glitches with mail. I move emails from either inbox or sent to the trash and they return back where I moved them from. Trash does not always empty and I have to restart the computer to get the trash to empty.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
How do you delete individual items from Trash without emptying entire Trash? If I highlight one item in Trash, the only option is the Empty button. I'm afraid it will empty the whole thing. I don't want to do that.
I thought if you hold down option and control or option and command, and go to empty trash these stubborn items that say they are still in use, when they are not, will go away. Shutting down and restarting MBP won't make them go away either.
When I try to empty my recycle bin it tells me that there are some locked items, so I select the option to empty all items. It starts emptying it but then it stops without telling me what the issue is. I have about 1,000 items, what can I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm trying to delete items from my computer that no longer use and need the space and it gives me this message: 'The operation can't be completed because the item AppleWorks 6 is in use". Any idea how I can delete everything even the locked items?
I just setup my new iMac (coming from a PowerMac G5). There is another PowerMac G5 on the same network that is still in use.
With my old setup, I was able to access the other PowerMac computer including all files...I found see, copy, change everything on the other computer. I don't recall how I initially did it but it worked great.
I can't seem to duplicate it on the new iMac. On the PowerMac still in use, it says that Admins are supposed to have total access but my access seems very limited. It will only work for folders that I specifically add in File Share and even then it says some items are locked and can't be modified when I open them on my iMac.
It seems as if I am not gaining access as an Admin but as a regular user. What am I doing wrong here?
Sometimes items it put in the trash don't appear in the trash, although they are there. This often happens when I manually delete podcasts from iTunes, or drag an item such as a PDF from my downloads folder to the trash. The dock icon remains in it's "empty" state and bring up the trash finder window also shows that it is empty. If I restart my MacBook however, the items appear in the trash and are able to be deleted.
I deleted a lot of files from windows and they are locked in my bin now (mac) it would not let me delete them because they are locked, and to unlocked every single one it would take ages, is there anyway to overcome the locked files and empty the bin at once?
My problem is with 300+ files in 2 folders that are left over from mac 9. They are in the trash, and are now locked, utterly. When I try to empty the trash, the error message says "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items." As you may know, when dealing with multiple "disks" (read: partitions), Mac X puts a .Trash or .Trashes folder on each disk. The trash folders on my computer are located on the following paths:
Under my finder list on the top of my IMac, I used to be able to click empty trash. Now its turned into secure empty trash. Secure empty trash always locks up and I have to relaunch finder, search for empty trash in help and use it that way. Does anyone know how to get the empty trash option back under my finder list?
I went through and deleted a lot of stuff then when I was emptying the trash it said that there was a locked file so I found out were it was pulled it out and then got rid of everything else there are about 720 locked files in the folder then I tried to find a quicker way to delete it then I found out how to unlock them so I went to pull them out but it just made a copy of it so now and I put it back in the trash not thinking about how that just adds on to the files so how can I get them out or make it so I can press continue just once for them all to go away.
well we bought a second hand micro sd card from ebay. i was using it fine on osx no problems but when my brother put it on his pc there seems to be a worm on the card as his virus protection pops up. using my mac i am able to pinpoint the worm file but its a locked file and osx wont let me delet it or move it to the trash because its a locked file.
my question is how can i delet this file so my brother is able to use on his pc?
I was doing a major cleanup with an external Seagate USB HDD due to low free disk spaces. It has two partitions/drives: FAT32 (using it for on other non-Apple machines like Windows 2000 SP4) and HFS [Time Machine only]). I threw about 30,000 items (copied from an old Windows 2000 SP4 machine's HDD with NTFS back a few years ago) from FAT32 partition/drive into the trash can. However, I am having problems emptying it.
Most of them were emptied, but some were left behind.This four years old MacBook Pro's Mac OS X 10.5.8's Trash dialog boxes said "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items." and "Emptying the Trash cannot be completed because "<filename>" is locked. To empty everything in the Trash, including locked items, press the Options key while selecting Empty Trash".
[URL] for the screen shots/captures of the error messages.I tried holding Option key and emptying trash, but that didn't work. I used Finder to look at the files, and they had locked status. So I unlocked them which worked, but I can't delete the empty folders/directories, and these don't have locked. What's going on and how do I empty the trash?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 Ghz; A1260 model; 15" size.
I've been organizing some files on my external hard drive and after I had all the files where I wanted, I had to delete all the individual folders that they were in. They are all aliases which is really weird and I have no idea what happened. When I try to empty trash nothing happens, no pop up or anything tell me what's wrong. When I tried to secure empty trash I get this
The question might be stupid but is there any way to deleted some selected items from Trash? As I see, either I can delete everything from Trash or none.