OS X Mavericks :: Remove All Of Games From MacBook Air But Not Lose Content?
Sep 9, 2014
Can I remove or transfer all of the games from a mac book air and an iPhone 4s but not lose the content. Can I have them only available on an ipod or iPad. The Problem: My son plays games on those devices. I don't want to permanently remove all the work he has done in Minecraft and others. I have to limit the games somehow!
I was temporarily using my MAcBook Air as the family media server while our iMac was being repaired. To do so, I plugged in the external drive that is home to all our music, movies and tv shows. Now that the iMac is fixed, I set it back up as the server, plugging the iTunes drive into it and resetting AppleTV to work with it. Now to my question: All the content that had been on the iTunes external drive is now listed, but missing in iTunes. Obviously. Short of having to delete every file one at a time, is there any way to remove everything that is "missing" all at once? I'd like to only keep a few songs on my laptop, and keep the lists of what I have very tidy, hence the need to delete everything iTunes can't find.
I've read some threads but none truly answer my question. I have learnt I need to create a rule in CLOUD as mail is sent to all devices from there and if I create the rule in MAIL on my desktop it does not solve the issue as it will still get sent to other devices, correct?
I want to create a rule for junk. Ever changing junk email addresses, content etc. Sometime mail recognies it and sometimes not. How can I set up a rule, filter, etc to delete these permamnently . Its hard when the sender address is ever changing, or the content is never the same. IE one day it is from weatherx@
next time w3ath3rx@, next vveatherx@..it is so annoying. Or the content like I saw this morning every single word had a 20 in front of it...
One of the email lists that I subscribe to frequently contains messages with images. It's a moderately high volume list with 20-30 messages per day. Inevitably, a few of those messages with attached images (according to the paperclip icon in the messages list) will arrive with no headers and no raw data. The display of the message in Apple Mail shows only the sender's name/address and the subject, nothing else such as the usual warning, "This message contains no content."
The people who run the mailing list don't think that the problem is on their end so is there a way to correct it.
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 12 TB Disk Space
Imac/Mavericks running super-slow for months. Activity Monitor shows "Finder Web Content" is the CPU hog. It also always shows that it's "not responding." Other threads say to quit process, which I do, but it pops right back up. I do use Safari, but Word is closed. Any clues?
I normally export any email I wish to save as a PDF, for some reason a tax receipt I've just received, when exported as PDF, displays only as the sender's details, i.e. name, address, date sent etc.
I've tried saving as RTF and converting but when it converts to PDF it moves the formatting around so figures aren't in one column anymore.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Why am I recently unable to use my mouse to scroll email topics or content? I can only use the up and down arrows keys to scroll. I am able to use my mouse to scroll through internet searches. It only seems to have affected my email messages.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), This problem just started recently
I am operating an iMac with OS X 10.9.4. I have a glitch common to other Mac users in the game "War Thunder" as a result of a game update. The game maker has suggested a fix which requires going into the game folders and deleting the cache:
One potential fix for this issue is to clear (delete all files) from the following folder /Applications/ WarThunder Launcher.app/ Contents/ WarThunder. app/Contents/Resources/ game/cache"
However, when I go into finder the War Thunder launcher contents folder shows only the folders MacOS and Resources. Each contains one file. It does not show up in the Application Support folder even though the following string from the log suggests that the folders and files are all there; " 9.37 [D] skipping identical / users/davidmcleod/library/application support/steam/steamapps/common/war thunder/warthunderlauncher.app/ contents/ warthunder.app/contents/ resources/game/ content/pkg_tanks/res/pkg_tanks_tanks/ "
why I can't see the full list of folders or why they aren't actually there despite being able to play the game up until the glitch?
I notice that web browsers Safari and Google Chrome on my MacBook are infected by adwares "nav-links" and "visual match". However, I cannot find any installed extensions on my notebook. How can I completely remove these annoying adwares?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
After converting avi files to dvd I lose audio on more than half the files. The audio works fine on the avi file. However once its converted the movie plays with no sound.
I'm currently using a free trial version of divX convertor. Then I use iDVD to burn the movie. However the problem isn't with iDVD because when I just try to play the converted movie through the divX player or quicktime there is no sound. Obviously the same holds true when I send the converted file to iDVD.
1. What is the reason for this happening?
2. Do I need to use a different convertor? Or do I need to install additional programs?
3. I'm not the most computer savvy person so please try to give a simple explanation and instruction.
The black strip that covers the hinge on my mbp (the one beneath the MacBook Pro writing) is getting increasingly loose. It slides left and right and also makes clicking noises whenever the lid is opened / shut. Obviously this is a cosmetic annoyance, but as ever, this wasn't the cheapest of laptops so faults like this are quite annoying. Anyone else had similar issues? Also is there way of taking it off and repositiong it without having to take too much of the machine apart?
Whenever my uMBP is on an angle (30Degrees or so) If the screen isn't practically all the way back, it tilts forward and practically shuts itself. Is this a faulty hinge? Will Apple replace this under Applecare?
Back in the day I installed Growl on an iBook G4 running Tiger. I tried to delete all of the application, but when I reboot now, I get a window asking me where to locate GrowlHelperApp. Any way to get rid of this? I'm now on a 2012 iMac now running 10.9.4.
Can I customize the layout of Launchpad? I've deleted apps from my applications folder but they're still in Launchpad with an unsightly question mark icon. Is there a way to fix this?
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Intel Core i7, 8 GB DDR3, 120 GB
Found some difficulties while migrating from hdd to hdd+ssd system.
Basically i want to copy system files only (using CarbonCopyCloner) to ssd and leave the rest of my data (music, films etc) on hdd.
I started with installing a blank system to my new ssd. Then Im about to copy all folders from my current HDD, excluding some big ones that I want to store on hdd.
So my question is: am I doing it right? Won't any hidden files be missing after this kind of migration?
I have spam coming in designated as VIP's. They seem to have self designated themselves as VIP's. How do I change their status to non-VIP? I can remove them from the VIP folder but new mail from the same source is still designated VIP. Is there a folder somewhere that contains a list of VIP's?
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), iMac7,1 (24-inch Mid 2007)
How to locate and remove some malware I must've downloaded? A lot of pop-ups open on every page I visit and random words are highlighted in green and hyperlinked to ads(I have attached an example). I am running mavericks version 10.9.4. It occurs on all my web browsers and is not an extension - even a nortons anitvirus scan revealed nothing.
For the past month I think I've kept my macbook plugged into the wall. And the battery meter now says 95% but it says fully charged and the green light is on? Is keeping it plugged in hurting my overall charge?
My friend has a late uMB and his magsafe port is very very lose. Coincidentally, his battery stopped charging around 10 days after. His computer always runs on AC power and it says the battery isnt charging but it gains around 4% every hour. He thinks its because the lose port, but I think something else is wrong. Anyone have any ideas?
I own a late 2009 MBP that I use with an external monitor as my work computer each day. At the end of the work day I generally unplug the network cable, Apple Cinema Display, and then just put it to sleep by closing the lid. Some days I use it later after I get home, others I don't. If I leave it in Sleep mode I generally lose about 5-8% of the battery by the next morning.
I'm just wondering if I'd be better off shutting it down completely each night. Any pros/cons? Battery considerations?