MacBook Pro :: Cleaning Keyboard In An Easy Way
Apr 1, 2012How do I clean my keyboard with readily available materials rather than running into hardware store and get some chemicals?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do I clean my keyboard with readily available materials rather than running into hardware store and get some chemicals?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This thread is geared towards MB/MBP owners, (specifically those with the late 2008) models. Its very easy to add stain-art to the cosmetics of any laptop. Drops of soup love to introduce themselves to the trackpad and rain drops may bounce off your jacket onto the screen on a wet day. If you're like me, you're heavily bothered by the slightest imperfection and hesitant to clean it, especially the screen.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI have a rev A MBA and I have noticed that the keys on my keyboard are getting shiny from normal use and wear but I was wondering if whether Apple or a third party company had many cleaning solutions that would clean the keyboard?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI would just like to ask whether it is worth the effort to take apart my MBA rev B myself to try and clean under the keyboard (I have a number of keys that are loosing clickyness and it's starting to affect the typing) or sending the whole thing straight to Apple and let them sort it out (I can't really afford to send it in a week like last time (for hinge issue) which is why I was considering doing it myself. I was thinking of cleaning the top as well. My MBA has a hard life. Since I was digging around in there do you all think its worth replacing the CPU gel as well? My MBA JUST about runs youtube, it stutters with 480p sometimes (won't run 720p without lagging horrifically and certainly not 1080p). Temps are about 60-65 C just web browsing, msn, skype and iTunes, and run into the high 70s mid 80s while watching flash. Everything else works great : ) (except 1 screw fell out the bottom).
View 6 Replies View RelatedEarlier I cleaned my Macbook keyboard with a wet wipe, brushed over the keys (pressing them down whilst doing so). Firstly when I went to go back to using my MacBook the trackpad at first decided to use right click only functions, after a bit I managed to get this working fully again. However the keyboard did nothing but work a bit but the keys not doing the functions they were assigned to do. So I rebooted and tried to login but couldn't because the keyboard wasn't functioning resulting in me having to get a USB keyboard to sign in. For a while the caps lock light worked, but now has completely died and doesn't work even when pressed on the USB keyboard. The keyboard is still active as occasionally when I go to try and use it for example a key that doesn't actually control the brightness ends up controlling the brightness?
I've run diagnostic checks and it's all been passed. Absolutely no idea what's going on? If I have to reinstall Lion i'm more than happy to do so but i'd rather not if I don't have to? Perhaps I damaged the keyboard itself when going through all the keys pressing them down? Although it's pretty unlikely the liquid from a wet wipe could get in right?
I just got my first unibody MBP this summer and I love it! But the black _really_ shows the oil from my fingers. I was curious of what is the safest way to go about cleaning all this off.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just tried cleaning my keyboard/macbook with some baby wipe type cleaners. Great job of cleaning off the macbook but now when I went to boot the machine...the keyboard was all screwy... for some reason it thinks that when I'm just simply pushing down one key, it assumes the command button is being held down... sometimes it thinks that multiple keys are being held and I'm trying to string together an apple command.
my question is this....
1) are there any methods that I can try to fix the keyboard with?
2) I don't have applecare any longer on my macbook, does this mean that Apple will not be able to help me with repair options? does apple by chance take old computers that are broken and give you some sort of credit towards a new one?
3) can I sell this macbook on eBay and possibly get a decent ammount of money for it even with the keyboard issues?
Recently I was cleaning my Unibody MacBook with an alcohol based cleaning product.I was cleaning my Keyboard, upon after about 30 minutes later my shift key stopped working.It appears some of the cleaning product has gotten itself under the keyboard?About 2 hours after, the shift key started working again, but later my F1, 1, Q,A,Z and F11, F12 and Delete keys stopped working?After this I unplugged the machine and put it on the radiator� Too late? � Perhaps�.Today I powered it on again but still the same keys stopped working, though the shift key still works.I've connected an external keyboard to type this up. I bought this machine about November 2008 with only the basic warranty.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have the dreaded " unexpected error occured. (Error code 0x8002006E)" problem.
Basically it doesn't want to burn DVDs ( fine on CDs though ).
I've read various ways to fix this such as zapping pram, SMC reset etc. and none worked. I also read that a cleaning disc might do the job.
So my question is, are these discs safe in a MacbookPro machine? And as I recall these discs have little bristles on one side - which way up should they go ( facing up or down )?
would it be alright to clean the aluminum on the mac pro and keyboard with rubbing alcohol?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHave had my iBook for over 5 years now, and she has a dirty keyboard... I have a cat and I try to vacuum the keyboard to get the cat hair out..but it tends to get hooked on all the keys and then sticks up and doesnt get sucked into the vacuum. Does anybody else have this issue when cleaning the keyboard? I know this probably sounds odd.
Would like to know if anybody has any tips on how to clean the keyboard successfully of all cat hair lol.
Mines starting to get dirty, like I never washed my hands.. I guess thats what I get without cleaning my keyboard in a year.
Just so you know I have the extremely thin one.
I had a very minor Mountain Dew spill several weeks ago, and I thought nothing would come of it. As time progresses, several keys are losing their effectiveness. Some sugar has to be in there gumming up the works. The keys that don't work the worst are "p", "'", shift and enter, right around my liquid spill. These keys have extra physical resistance, and once pressed, they send the right electrical signal, so I'm very optimistic that a Q-tip and a little alcohol will fix me right up.
I don't see any screws on my A1243 thin aluminum keyboard that came stock with my 3GHz 24" Merom iMac. Does anyone here have experience taking them apart or cleaning them?
After having purchased a wired Apple Aluminum keyboard, I noticed there were no screws or rivets. So I did a quick search and discovered that glue was the main binding agent, and that disassembly of the keyboard is nearly impossible, well, you could disassemble it, but it most likely would never see the light of a caps lock key again.
So, to all of you that are the proud owners of either the wired or wireless versions, what is your preferred methods of keeping this baby clean?
When I bought this PowerBook, someone spilled soda into the PowerBook's keyboard, and everything on this computer works fine, except for the letters S, W, and Z.
If you pull the keys off, You can see the soda marks, I know with desktop keyboards, you can clean this and it would be fine, however, this has the keys that light up, so I do not know. What should I do besides pay $250 for a new keyboard from Apple?
I am looking for a simple VPN solution. I have a macbook at work (always on) that I would like to use as the server and another macbook that travels with me that I would like to connect from. I searched and couldn't find anything, if I missed it please point me in the right direction. I know nothing about VPN's
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere apparently is a method by using the source code. But I hope there is an easier way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone tried the invisible shield on their macbook air? Does it take away from its beauty? Easy to take off?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook, 2007 vintage with osx 10.6.8 and an 80GB original HD is going to get a new brain....a 240 GB HD. I have the USB cable to connect the new HD to the laptop before swap of the drives. Is there an easy way to transfer the appropriate info from the old HD to the new SSD before the hardware swap?I have a backup plan to use my external backup drive to do this but that would seem rather cumbersome.
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MacBook Pro, OSX Lion
I don't have an external hard drive in my possession, nor can I borrow one, but I need to move my iTunes library from my PC to my MacBook and really don't know how to go about that.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Now for the rub:
I've looked a fair bit and can't seem to find any way remotely easy to use the Apple DVD Player app. with my SD & optibayed MBP. VLC works but it isn't nearly as elegant or easy to use. I've scabbed up two loadings of Snow Leopard trying to replace frameworks/DVD files to get this to work. Interesting that the MBA can use DVD Player with the modified SD & all other computers w. an attached optical can use DVD Player too.
Has anyone been able to hack this easily? The only thing I can find is Macbidouille did an Hex edit of the framework/dvd file but there's quite a bit lost in translation. This should be the same problem any ext. DVD player has.
Is there an easy and relatively inexpensive way to use the tv screen to watch movies from a macbook 10.6.8? The only outputs I have are 2 usb, an ethernet, and one that I can't identify that's right next to the ethernet.
macbook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
got my MBP about a month back. It's getting a little grimey now though and I want to know what the best way to clean it is. I was recommended to buy this [URL] when I visited my nearest Apple retailer, but was wondering if there was anything better out there?
View 13 Replies View RelatedShould i get cleaning software for my 4 yr old MacBook Pro?
Macbook Pro
The fan was rattling so loud forever so I cleaned it. Unfortunately I broke 3 blades.
then the noise completely stopped, so I was happy, but soon found out its probably not working because newly downloaded Istat shows exhaust: 0rpm.
i opened mac again to check wiring, connection etc.
still 0 rpm...does this happen often?
Macbook mid 2007, 10.6
Anyone know if the hard drive is as easy to change as the previous unibody?
I believe they remove the doors for access to the area, but I haven't seen shots of the back of the 13" MBP yet.
I commonly work with remote desktops (using Citrix) on Windows servers from my MacBook Pro. The apps I commonly use require the use of Function keys. I know I can go into System Preferences to change how they work (turning the Fn option on or off), but this is difficult to do with the frequency I need to. When I'm not remoted in, I prefer to keep my keys as the normal Mac functions. Is there a utility for my Menu Bar that will let me quickly toggle this option, without needing to go into System Preferences each time? I looked up FunctionFlip, but it does individual keys, and no longer has a Menu Bar icon.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot see how to remove the subtle "smudges" that accumulate. It is like there are fingerprints on the screen, and even with a soft paper towell and gentle cleaning fluid, there is no real improvement.
I know this sounds silly, but the cool screen on the laptop is a part of its attraction, and it is natural to want to make it nice.
How do you make a mbp faster like cleaning it up?
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