OS X :: White MacBook Milk Damage - How To Know If Ruined
Oct 15, 2010
So my brother spilled a cup of milk on his Macbook. Its the white older gen from 06' ish. Now I took it apart, how can I tell if the macbooks actually water damaged. Where are the markers that change color? Also, from what I can gather I think the keyboard has ruined but not the motherboard. The charger lights up green when there is no battery, but doesn't if the battery is attached. I tried the original battery and one from my working macbook, does the same thing on both batteries. So it's not that. Im thinking it will start up if i replace the keyboard because it probably got ruined so the power button won't send a signal to the motherboard, therefore wont turn on.
I don't want to take apart my working macbook and risk ruining it with static discharge or something, unless theres a good possibility that the keyboard is the problem on the broken one. I see milk residue on the battery prong and around the front left corner. So im assuming the battery ribbon on the macbook and the keyboard itself got ruined. I do not see anything wrong or milk residue on the motherboard or its surrounding components. Also worst comes to worst and it is ruined. What is the best thing to do with it? eBay?
I dropped a glass of milk on my MacBook Pro yesterday, I was so sad. The milk landed all around, keyboard, trackpad, screen. I dried it all with a towel and it works perfectly. But, the screen is completely ruined. It is smudgy and sticky, and blurry with milk. I think using a towel is the worst thing I could have done. What can I use to cleanse my screen of this uncomfortable smudge?
My wife just got a refurb Macbook today and I noticed that the charger for my MBP and her MB are different wattages. If they are reversed will they do any damage? I suspect that putting the MB charger on the MBP won't but I am afraid the reverse may.
A friend accidently spilled water on her Macbook and now when she turns on the laptop, it will start and as soon as it goes to the home screen it will shut off. What exactly could the water have damaged?
I accidentally spilt milk on my black macbook core 2 duo (13 inch). I immediately turned it upside down to get it off my keyboard, but then I think it seeped behind by lcd screen. This happened about 10 days ago. I turned off the laptop for about a day and a half, but have been using it since hoping it would go away.. but it hasn't yet. The picture I attached is the current situation. It improved a bit in the first three days but since then nothing has changed. The laptop is under a year old, but Applecare doesn't cover this damage. The guy at the store said it probably needs some cleaning, he would need about 2 hrs and the labor charge is $99/hr. It was a terrible mistake, but I do not want to pay that much.
After an argument my mum threw a glass of milk on the keyboard while it was on. I turned it off as fast as I could, everything looked ok before it shut down. I turned it over and wiped off all the liquid. It's open, face down on my bed just now. Should I turn it on to see if it's ok, it's been 1 hour now? It's a 13" MacBook Pro, 2.4Ghz
I recently spilled close to a tablespoon of milk onto the keyboard. Most of this landed on the keys themselves. I thought nothing of this and continued working for 4 hours. I left for 6 hours and came home to a non working Powerbook G4. The green powerlight does come on. I let sit for one day. Still nothing.
Last summer my wife and I purchased a Macbook Pro that supposedly had milk spilled on it. I'm technologically inclined enough to know that it was a very good deal. So we bought it to be used as her main computer because she doesn't do much beyond managing her iPhone, Facebook, and word processing, like most College Students. At the time I thought my Macbook was more than adequate but I've come to realize that there is a substantial difference between the two machines. I'm going to college as well for video production and I've not noticed the difference until I edited on hers while mine was in the shop. Anyway, long story short, I want to really get her computer repaired and trade her, which she's fine with she thinks my Mac is 'cuter' anyway... So I now realize this whole first little bit was unnecessary but nonetheless I'll leave it.
It has a few issues but functions perfectly as a desktop computer, we have a bluetooth keyboard & mouse for it. I really want to make it more mobile. But here's the list of the issues: 1) The 'o' and the '0' button do not work at all. 2) When you first turn it on sometimes it makes the tone that button is being held down and if you put the cursor in a text box it continuously types ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo until you hit backspace on the computer then it's totally fine. 3) It doesn't totally go to sleep. Even if it's closed you can still blatantly hear the hard drive clicking back on like you just opened it every minute or so and if you tell it to go to sleep while it's open it'll wake itself up within a minute. 4) When it's unplugged and not off the battery lasts less than 2 hours at best with an average of about an hour. 5) and the back lit keyboard only really glows in the middle of the keyboard supposedly where the spill occurred. The other keys do glow but not nearly as bright.
I think that's about it. I've taken it to the local Apple Store and they said that I can get just the keyboard replaced for about $150 then if there's no major damage we can send it off to get the other issues fixed because it's still under warranty until next July. However with the liquid spill that voids it which I'm sure you know. But if they crack it open and it's all nasty then they won't do anything and it could cost up to $1,200 to fix which is still a much cheaper deal for a machine with the same specs. I also have a 500 GB hard drive waiting to go in this bad boy. It's a Late 2008 15" MacBook Pro Model A1260, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB Memory, GeForce 8600 at 256 MB. Hope my descriptions where good enough I have a feeling that the milk spill has affected the logic board which is a hefty fee. And I plan on taking to to the Mac Authorized dealers here in town, like Mac Authority, to see if they'd be cheaper.
Spilt chocolate milk 9 am in the morning. I have let it dry for 6 hours. Some keys still feels sticky. What to do? I do not own any special tools like an air compressor. Its a mac external keyboard.
I was trying to install Windows 7 onto my machine and now it appears that the hard disk is ruined. Instead of the Apple logo during startup there is a question mark that flashes. I was told by the Apple people that it was a hard disk problem and that it now needs replacing.
The DVD drive in the iMac has not been working for a while now. I'm currently contemplating how to go about fixing this. I do have an external blu ray player from which I should be able to boot but I don't know how. Can someone please tell me how I can fix this problem? I currently have a non functional iMac.
If I open up the Imac and replace the HDD will the problem fix itself? Will the iMac want to re-install OS X?
Okay, so I installed Snow Leopard on my parent's Mac mini and it has a Hanns.g display connected to it. In 10.5 Leopard, the colors looked normal (still not as good as an Apple monitor, but colors were close enough). Anyway, like I said, I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now the monitor's color is all out of whack. I tried re-calibrating it and everything. The weird thing is, I got the Finder to look okay, but all of the blue icons in the Dock (iTunes, iChat, Safari, QuickTime etc) look PURPLE! Also, the menu bar selections are the same purple color instead of that light blue. The other weird thing is... looking at the Finder icon in the Dock looks half purple and half light blue, but when I hit cmd-tab, it looks half blue and half light blue. The cmd-tab icon of the Finder looks like I'd expect it to look, but all the colors are completely destroyed in the Dock. Another thing is... scroll bars seem to look like normal blue too. One more thing... when I tried doing the manual calibration, it shows you how bright to make the monitor with the little graphic. The graphic looked so washed out that I couldn't make the monitor dark enough (on the darkest setting) to get even close to the picture that the calibration tool wants me to see. Is Snow Leopard only compatible with Apple monitors? I installed Snow Leopard on my Mac Pro (Apple Cinema Display) and all the colors are consistent. The colors look the same regardless of 2.2 gamma or 1.8 gamma, so please don't bring that up. I want BLUE icons... not purple!
Prior to Snow Leopard, you could use swipe up to see the desktop and then swipe down to come back to your previous window. Now you must swipe up again to go back to your original window. The up/down movement is ruined in Snow Leopard...
So I've owned Elgato's EyeTV Hybrid product for about 2 years (previously had the 250 model) and really enjoy recording sports games with it (plenty of Patriots, Celtics and Red Sox memories on my Mac now!).
But, all of a sudden, almost no channels are available. After a lengthy back and forth with Elgato's awful online email support, it turns out Comcast now requires a digital cable box for almost every basic cable channel except PBS and CSPAN. Who wants to record CSPAN? That essentially makes the EyeTV Hybrid a useless product for two reasons:1.) It forces you to get another digital cable box from Comcast for about $8/month2.) Prevents you from using the software or the EyeTV iPhone App to watch live TV, control recordings via guide, etc.
The only solution is to buy their new EyeTV HD product for $200 but you'll still need to pay Comcast for a dedicated box. I've asked Elgato's customer service repeatedly for a discount on the new product, since it's really my only option and because the product I purchased less than two years ago has been stripped to nothing. It's been 20 days and no response from them. I guess I'll just buy a Slingbox instead...recording ability or not.
i just updated my 2.7 GHZ intel core i5 to lion 10.7.4 mac update today. About one hour later, my iPad 2 didn't have internet but had wifi. This problem was from my mac, as my iphone was having the same problem.
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick, that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick,that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
Anyone seen anything like this before. I can actually see part of it right on the white of the page I am typing in this thread.
i left my macbook running while i was installing windows had an error and had to leave in a hurry didn't know it was not in sleep and it was left on in a incase for around 20 minutes, will the safe shutoff kick even if its not booted up. it should be fine right? it felt very hot to the touch but was only around 77c on boot up.
I have a Macbook that I was carrying in my backpack in one of those neoprene cases along with my water bottle (silly, I know...but it hasn't ever spilled prior to now!). I walked around for about 5-10 minutes at which point I noticed the bottom of my backpack was wet. I immediately opened it up and found that there was water on the bottom 2 inches of my case. I pulled my computer out and there was sort of a sheen of water on the front and back 2 inches on the side with all the ports. I then wiped it off. The screen came on when I opened it (it had not been off) but I turned it off and now I have it leaning so that if there is any water in the ports it will drain out.
I have a new MBA, 13" which I'm loving so far. I like the screen bright - like almost all the way up all the time. Other than shortening my battery life, will this setting cause any damage to the screen?
On google I found some suggestions about the keyboard able to damage Matte screens on older MBP. Is this still an issue in 2010? In other words, do I need to put something between the Matte screen and the keyboard when the lid is closed?
Downloaded Spotify and try to open it says it is damage so tried to delete it and will delete. Moved it to the trash but when I empty the trash it just keeps running and nothing happens. How do I get rid of this file?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Operating System version is 10.6.8
My MacBook Air was not starting up so I sent it in for a repair. Just got a call that the logic board is corroded and there is excessive water damage. However, I have never split anything on my laptop nor has anyone else. I carry it around with me all the time. I thought at first it might be damage due to a shock as a dropped it a few months ago and it has a slight dent on a corner.
Would my Macbook get water damage if I took it into the shower with me?Now what I mean is would the water damage sensors go off if I left my Macbook sitting on the floor while I have a shower? Would the steam set them off?
I got out the shower n pressed the pause button to stop the music. While that i notice couple of spot of water around my return button just a little. Nothing happened to the computer after using it for about 1 hours. So i left and came home around 7 hours later, got on the macbook air n then it kept prompting the shutdown menu option screen. From there it would just go to constant reboot. Is this due to water damage at all? or is it just a coincidence. Because my black macbook has had way more water on it before n its perfectly fine.
My son spilled a diet coke on my macbook. It mostly got on the keyboard and monitor. I removed the power chord, turned it off, and wiped off the soda immediately. But of course it's liquid so it is probably moved under the keys right? I turned it back on a few hours later and there doesn't seem to be any problems. Is it possible there was no damage?
I drunkenly spill wine on my brand new 15" MacBook Pro and get convinced by my (also drunk) girlfriend to submerge the entire thing in plain white rice in order to magically suck the moisture out.The thing won't charge or power on three days of "drying" later. I came across one guy's post that completely taking the laptop apart (guided by an intricate YouTube video) and cleaning the internal components with a special alcohol would solve this nightmare for me. My question:Should I fess up to Apple (who I have ProCare with) or see what an independent repair
My MacBook Pro suffered from a overdose of some delicious red wine. Apple Care said it needed a new logic board and graphics card (i think that's what it called). I want to sell it as is on eBay. is there a way for me to retrieve pictures and videos from the machine?
Anyone know how I can find the moisture damage sensors on a rev b? I need to get a keyboard replaced, but many moons ago a small amount of liquid may have been spilt on this thing and due to 3rd party repairers over here I don't want to take it in and then find out that I owe loads due to it not being covered. So I want to check first to make sure the sensors are not activated.
I sent in my MBA for repair last week to a repair depot, and they say that there is corrosion on the motherboard from liquid damage. The problem with me is that the computer has never had any contact with liquids, especially in the area where the motherboard is. Can anyone show me where the corrosion is on this?
I have a 17", early-2011 MBP. Last October, I installed 16gb of memory from Crucial. A few weeks ago, I started having trouble booting, and the display showed vertical magenta and cyan lines, which the Apple Store diagnosed as a bad logic board. I paid to have the logic board replaced. When Apple sent it back, they said that the memory had also been bad, and they replaced my 16gb of Crucial memory with 8gb of Apple-approved SKhynix-brand memory. I paid a flat rate for the repair, and Apple didn't charge me any more for the bad memory or blame the bad memory for the logic bord problem. I sent the bad memory back to Crucial, and they replaced it under warranty.
Is it plausible that bad memory damaged the logic board, or vice versa? I'm inclined to just put the new memory in and forget about it, but if the aftermarket memory is a risk to the logic board, I'd like to know sooner rather than later. I was also thinking of upgrading the memory on my other Mac (a newish Mini), and Crucial's customer service was irreproachable (and memory-intensive applications like Aperture work a lot better with the extra memory), but I don't want to burn out any more logic boards.