MacBook Pro :: Keeps Typing Letter ƒ Instead Of F - Capital F Is Written As Ï
Jun 5, 2014My macbook keeps typing the letter ƒ instead of the letter f. Capital f is written as Ï. I'm not sure what to do.
View 8 RepliesMy macbook keeps typing the letter ƒ instead of the letter f. Capital f is written as Ï. I'm not sure what to do.
View 8 RepliesI have a Intel core 2 Duo 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB Ram MacBook Pro running Mac Os X 10.5.8 and just last night I went to hit 'Shift' to make 'c' a capital letter but it didn't do anything; just made a noise. And I tried 'Shift' on all the other keys and it worked perfectly... anyone know what's going on?
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy keyboard Bluetooth- types a capital P when the cap lock is on, touch again and it types a p space bar puts /have disconnected,
iMac OS X, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I started having an issue with my iMac typing in the letter 'V' in any field, whether in a browser or in a window even after I've unplugged the keyboard. I've tried restarting several times, but it's getting worse to the point that I can't even type my password in b/c strings of the letter 'V' keep erroring out each field. The letter 'V' isn't stuck in the keyboard, my keyboard doesn't need to be cleaned, I've run a disk repair and no errors are coming up. I had to type this from a different computer otherwise the entire message would have had "v's" typed throughout!
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I use a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet
My two-year-old daughter was messing with the keyboard on my iMac, and now the keys on the keyboard are not functioning as they were before. The delete key doesn't work, "a" types a symbol-topped "a" followed by the copyright symbol, etc...
I've restores the factory settings to the function keys in system preferences, but the problem persists.
Keyboard , Mac OS X (10.5.8)
How do I get my HP Printer to select US Letter instead of borderless letter?
iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
When typing my cursor will skip back and I end up typing between words.
MacBook Pro 4,1,Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHZ, 2 GB Ram,, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Ipad 3g, 16G, Iphone 3G, 2010 Apple TV
My macbook pro is acting odd.I can't turn off the CAPITAL letters.So when I try to use my main password to login I can't get in. I'm stuck at the initial screen.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
I have a problem with the non capitals of the letters N and P. When I press them normally nothing happens but when I hold down shift I get the capital. So it seems it is no hardware problem?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy keyboard only types CAPITAL LETTERS. When I restart the computer it is taking ages to boot and words "Boot Safe" appears in red on the screen. Mail search is not working and nor is spotlight
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 actually
My Macbook Pro is displaying all characters on screen as a capitol A in a box. It is also crashing the display picture when i click on things.
MacBook Pro
How I format capital letters for new sentences/paras in mail?
i bought my macbook last thursday its my first mac and i love it but i have a question i thought the macbooks where suppose to hace 2gb 1066 mhz but when go to about this mac it says i have 1067 is this normal or is there something wrong?
also last night when i was about to shut down my pc i went to the little apple but there was something weird
every single thing was reapeated
shut down
shut down
what wrong?and its not there anymore
I recently purchased a MacBook Air. I can't figure out how to produce a document. Must I purchase iWorks separately? All the Apples and macs I've gotten before had the software already on them.
MacBook Air
I just replaced my damage HD (original HD) to my MBP 2009 unibody. So far, I like the SSD drive, and I use it for my internal storage. I've been read a fews article online, but it seems I don't find the answer. My concern is, How do I reduce TBW on SSD? if I play video (like youtube, Netflix, or Hulu) or play online games, would it be increase my TBW? So far, I set up my download file to my external HD. Whenever I download file, application, or etc, it would go to my external HD. Second question, What can I do to lower the use of SSD? Therefore, my SSD will last long like 3-5 years perhaps. Third question, since Samsung Magician Software can't run on MBP. How do I check my TBW and the health of my SSD?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI bought my Macbook Pro 15 2.5 Gh 512 Gb on 20th Aug it get restarted automatically, and sometime when I start my Mac that time also it get restarted with blur screen some text is written and it will reboot automatically and after rebooting it will ask username and password and after login the screen will show a message written your system got restarted.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
i have to copy and past a random "o" and paste whenever...i dont have apple care because my macbook is 3 yrs old... how the feck do i fix this ??
View 3 Replies View RelatedLetter key on keypad DOA. Any easy fixes?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), only one letter unresponsive.
Can I get a mac book in the US with the spanish keyboard with letter Ñ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy computer began to get some strange errors - It is my MacBook Pro Retina 15" Mid-2012.My keyboard can't write the letters "B" and the danish letter "Å", it the same for both small and capital letter (B/b and Å/å).
But even though my keyboard won't write the two letters, it will still register the key is beefing push.when I sits and write this, it will change the text to bold - like turning the bold format on/off each time I push the B key. The same happens when I just push the left command key, so I can turn the bold text format on/off with my left command key. The right command key can't turn the bold format on/off, either only or with the "right cmd+b" - which for this forum should be the original short cut.
Both of my command keys denies to accept some shortcut like "cmd+t" in Safari to make a new tab. But the "cmd+n" works fine. I have no problem with writing the letter "t" or the "n" in the url address line. What I have tried so far without any result:- Resetting of the system management controller (SMC)
- Updated to Yosemite so I now have OS X 10.10.1
- Of course tried to restart.
- Seen my language hasn't been changed from Danish.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am new to the use of Mac (and to the "administration" of computers in general).
I need to run some program that uses the domain name for the license.
When I checked System Preferences > Sharing > Remote login on,
There is a message saying "To log in to this computer remotely type "ssh name@xxx.XXXXXX.XX".
Now, in order to my program to run, I need to change the characters in capital letters (from the domain name) to lowercase. ie. I would like to see a message of the sort "To log in to this computer remotely type
"ssh name@xxx.xxxxx.xx".
Is this possible? How can I change the domain name?
For the past couple months,I've had to deal with shift+r not working . the only way i could get a capital r was with caps lock. and its gotten very annoying lately.
i know its a software error because ive used 3 different keyboards and i get the same problem with all of them. What could be wrong? I have a PowerMacG5 on OS 10.5.8.
A friend passed on a G4 laptop with a very weird problem. My own mac will never be updated beyound 10.3, the version on this laptop looks like 10.4.
All system fonts have changed. Some windows are still okay, like About this Macintosh. As for the rest all are the same capital A with a square around it. I know OSX won't let a user change the system font like Classic did. I read Tinkertool most likely won't do the job. I verified and repaired the permissions. Tomorrow I'll try MacJanitor and Onyx. I'm not comfortable with the Terminal. I do not yet know if another user on this laptop, which isn't created yet, might have the same problem.
Any idea how to solve this? Ever heard of a similar problem?
I've seen threads for crooked keys before, but thats not necessarily my problem. It is related, right below the letter "E" you can very easily see the LED that lights the letter up. Its really annoying and is the only letter that has this problem. Is there someone to pull off the key and re-adjust it? Or should I just take it to the Apple store and explain it to them?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a 2007 macbook. Whenever I try my email address or password, I hit the left shift key, it produces the letter R. When I hit the right shift key, it brings up a window with the widgets? Weather and other items.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cant use the right shift button to get capital m or j. Theres no problem with the left shift button. I�m using MacBook unibody with 10.5.7 but its been so since I bought it.
My notification pop up within os x is not displaying font correctly and instead showing font with this format "[A]" and don't know what to do. I have messaged apple.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
My Macbook pro wouldn't turn on. I booted to the installation DVD and installed OS X to the external drive. Once the installation was done, I was able to access my laptop without any problem and I retrieved all my files from the USERS Folder. I tried to copy my old files to the external disk, before formatting the system’s internal drive and reinstalling OS X.
However, at every attempt, I’d get “some data can’t bet read or written (Error Code -36)”. I ran a Verify/Repair Disk Permissions and this is what I got:
I noticed that almost every letter has a red or blue tint on my external monitor, like behind it, as a shadow. I am connected to dvi. If I use the dvi to vga converter. It gets reduced. I even tried on a new dell monitor and it does the same thing! Is this normal? Could it be my videocard that is beginning to be defective?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSuddenly the text in the bodies of most (but not all) of my yahoo emails is displaying as a series of little square boxes with the letter "a" in each box.
MacBook Pro