MacBook Pro :: Its Screen Won't Stay Open
Jun 12, 2012
When laying down in in bed, holding the MBP vertically watching a movie or whatever, the screen will not stay open for the life of me. It's like the hinges are loose. When on a flat surface, the screen stays open, even if at an angle less than 45 degrees. I read there was an issue with this in 2008. I'll be visiting the Apple Store tomorrow.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 14, 2009
I haz a serial problem, but I'll spare you the plea for sympathy and leave that to my psych. A less serial problem is my 2.4ghz AluMacBook. It's super great funtime, number one! The problem is when I put it in my laptop bag, the lid pops back open! This means pencils or cd's could get inside of the clamshell and damage it! I don't like to have my properties damaged so I'm wondering if there's a way I could re-tension the spring or adjust something soez that it stays shut. No, I'm not complaining about a weak spring, as with the MacBook Pros, I'm complaining about maybe a spastic spring that just can't be subdued. Is there any chance the magnets that hold it shut are weak?
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Apr 12, 2012
How do i get my screen to stay lit up longer? It goes dim after less than a minute
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Jan 2, 2011
Almost every time I would move my Macbook Pro (I generally use it as a desktop, so move it very rarely) my screen would come on white and not show anything for an hour or so, (except a flicker or bleed of color here and there) when the image would suddenly flicker on back to normal. Now, it just stays mostly white, with lots of lines going up and down - the bit of 'color' in the lines does seem to match where windows should be on screen, but very generally, and it doesn't update in real-time, it 'refreshes' every so often. I attached a photo so you can see what I'm talking about.
I had my logic board replaced about a year ago now because of a faulty Nvidia 8600 chip (have a Santa Rosa MBP). I'm currently using an external monitor - which last time was exactly what I did when the chip started dying out and external display worked just fine then, despite the fact that the GPU couldn't drive the internal display anymore, so that's not a clear indicator that the GPU is fine. When I first started having this problem, I brought it to the Apple Store, and they ran the test on the GPU and said it was fine... but that was months back, so I don't know?
I'm thinking (hoping) this is a display cable issue and not a GPU issue. Also, if it was the display cables at fault, how much would it cost to replace the display cables? (internal LCD -seems- to work fine, backlight, etc., I think it's the connection..) Also, as a side-note, since my internal LCD is no longer working, how can I boot into Windows XP (Boot Camp) on an external monitor? It seems not to 'plug and play' at all, unfortunately, and I obviously can't get to the display settings if I can't see anything on the LCD!
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Nov 9, 2010
Been having a few huge issues with my new MBA 13".
#1 - Putting the laptop to sleep. I put the laptop to sleep and put it in the bag and at some point it wakes back up. If I don't remove it during the day by that afternoon/evening when I go to remove it the battery is at 0% and it's fully discharged. One day I took it out a couple hours in and the fan was blowing like mad like it had been running for a while, when I opened the lid I had a black screen and it was frozen. Disabled waked for network access but it was no help.
#2 - When the laptop goes in standby and I open it back up I get a beach ball forever - I've tried to let it go for upwards of 30 minutes and it never unfreezes, but I can move the mouse around. I ended up telling the laptop not to standby when it was plugged in to a power source otherwise I ended up always losing work.
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Oct 21, 2009
Is it possible to force Dictionary app to stay open when the last window is closed? I know it's possible to just hide the window, but sometimes I accidentally close the last window and the app shuts down.
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Feb 23, 2010
Whenever I start up my macbook it stayed on grey background with an apple logo and spinning thing. I press and hold the shift key once and it went to safe mode and did my diagnostic and found out that some file got corrupted so I thought maybe I'll just do another start up and everything will go back to normal. Then I restart it again but this time it wont past that grey back ground w/ apple logo w/ spinning thing again. I tried to do the safe mode again and it won't let me anymore. I went to apple site and i found a bunch of keyboard shortcuts, non of those help me. Any here have any idea what might happen to my MacBook. I'm in Kazahstan for work related trip and they don't use Mac here so there is no where I can buy another snowleaopard cd.
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Sep 10, 2009
If you connect say a 13inch macbook to a 19inch monitor using the closed clamshell mode, will the picture quality on the monitor be like a stretched out version of the 13inch screen? I.e. poor, or does the macbook just act like a desktop computer and allow high quality viewing.
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Mar 9, 2012
i have just updated my itunes and now it quits unexpectedly .
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), can't burn a CD from itunes playlis
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May 11, 2012
I put "levelwidget" on the dashboard - it is supposed to make a macbook into a Level. Sounded I regret! The widget is corrupted and now when I try to open the dashboard it immediately closes and gives me an error message "you can't open the application motion because power pc applications are no longer supported" How do I delete this widget so I can open the dashboard. I've tried to look up the file, but can't seem to find dashboard widget files.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 16, 2012
I use a White MacBook (early 2008) with OS X Lion on it. I checked for updates recently, when I found that OS update 10.7.4 was available.
When I started the update, the Software Update utility asked me to update by restarting. After I did this, the update got downloaded and the machine restarted. Now, it is getting stuck on the boot screen with the Apple logo replaced by a 'circle with a line in it' (like a typical "not allowed") logo.
MacBook (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Jan 6, 2007
My screen has become extremely floppy and it is pretty difficult to get it to stay up; if it does manage to do so it is at a pretty good slope. it's old and I have been tough on it, but was wondering how I would go about fixing this to the best of my ability? or. is this the kind of thing I have to take in for repairs?
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Apr 9, 2012
Mac stay on gray to long before it turn on
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 11, 2012
When installing apps through Installer (from .dmg disk images and .pkg packages), everything works smoothly until it asks me for a password. When I enter it, Installer goes back to the screen before it asked me for the password. When I click next, it asks me for my password, and the cycle repeats. I tried removing my password to no avail. I can install .pkg files from the sudo installer -pkg command. I dont know how to do this for installers that are in app form.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP Early 2011
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May 31, 2008
My Macbook Pro is fairly new, and the hinge on both side is already making squeaking noise when I open my screen. It gets a bit annoying, I open it from the center top of the screen, not by the side. Is this a problem that I should be taking to the Apple Store? Or this can be fixed easily?
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Jul 3, 2012
New to Mac computers. When trying to open computer after being in sleep mode, I clicked the mouse to open the password screen, & a blank blue/black screen appeared & the mouse timer( colored circle) appeared, as if to be waiting. I had to unplug the computer to reboot it. This has happened twice in 2 days.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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Jan 7, 2011
I open and close my 2010 MBP a lot. Maybe 15 times per day. Am I running the risk of breaking a cable between the base and screen or something? Should I just set it down and let it run?
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Sep 9, 2006
I bought the lcd to fix up my cracked screen macbook pro. I see how to separate the complete screen display from the base, but would you know how to open up the screen assembly so can get replace the lcd? I haven't started yet, so it would be great to get some advice from all of you experts.
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Apr 7, 2010
This happens randomly. I don't know if it's the new hard drive I put in there, which I doubt.
The screen flickers from time to time (nVidia issue.) Don't have the time to take it in right now, but I will.
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Feb 12, 2012
I have a little problem with my Pages, KeyNote and Numbers.I can't figure out how to open in full screen. I have tried to serch on google and other sites without any luck.When i start the program i turns out only filling out the middle of the screen.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 24, 2012
When I open Safari I cant get full screen and secod thing is If I want to go to previous page that arrow key is missing as well.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 3, 2012
since last night (monday) i have opened my mac book pro up for sleeping because i never shut my computer off....well last night i opened my computer up, typed in my password and then all of a sudden my screen went black....i called apple support and got it fixed but then again it happened again to me this morning? why is this?
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Apr 6, 2012
When I launch Safari on my MBP 13", the system does not open up a full screen, it is a smaller pop up window (more like a 11' window). Is it my setting of View or Screen? I tried to locate from my system setting but no avail.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Using the original Mac OS X Install
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Jun 23, 2012
I just bought MacBook Air and a bit confused.Firstly, i can't find how to add another language to the keyboard. Is it possible?Secondly, I open the Safari and it's on the half of the screen. How to may picture bigger? There is no sign stretch anywhere.And is it possible to open a few windows with safari like in iphone?
MacBook Air
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Jun 19, 2014
Many websites, if not all the ones I frequent no longer load. Instead I'm left with a white page that loads instantly whether I click on via Google search results or direct input. But if I use Bootcamp into Windows 8.1 the internet works fine, which means something has gone wrong on the OS X side of things. I've tried using different browsers to no avail.
For example:
I wanted to Google "oru kayak reviews" and Google gave me all the usual results.
However, once I click on a link among the Google search results all I get is a white page and a url that reads: [URL] ...
Now if you click it you might get the resulting page, but for me its a white page.
Same thing applies if I were to type in directly to the address bar, like "" for example all I get is a white page.
But for websites associated with Google or Apple for example, like YouTube and the Apple Forums here, they load just fine.
On my mom's Macbook Air and everyone's iPhones the internet appears to work just fine as well.
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Jun 25, 2014
So I bought my 13inch MacBook Pro Retina two weeks ago. 70% of the time when opening the lid the screen will not turn on but my keyboard backlight will. I then have to either close the lid and open again or press the power to put the system to sleep and wake again. It seems the system is working fine just not the screen.
I have tried the SMC and PRAM reset which seemed to work for half of the day, now the problem is back.
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Jun 22, 2014
I Have a very new Mac, and for some reason, the screen goes black when I open it more than halfway. It happens to all the users, and even if it is or isn't charging. The brightening keys also doesn't do anything for it. I don't know if this is connected, but I also have half of the lights on at the dock, it kind of looks like lights on a stage..
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Dec 23, 2009
I took my laptop in yesterday because there was dust inside the screen and they replaced the whole screen and top. However, it now pops open when I pick it up. I'm a student, so it gets carried all over the place in my backpack and I can't have it popping open all the time. It's not upside down or anything, its just when I pick it up. I am leaving to go back to school in a week and I can't drive the 1.5 hours back to the mall again. What can I do? Duct tape?
Also, if I have a campus authorized retailer, can they do repairs?
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May 3, 2012
I click on the mail icon, and it open, but the screen doesn't come up...I know it opens because I have to quit it...??
Info:MacBook Air
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Sep 3, 2014
I wish to refer to multiple pages to check info on each page and copy how do you do this in safari
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9), new to macs
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