MacBook Pro :: Increasing Screen Brightness By Removing Glass Layer
Apr 5, 2010
I have a Macbook Air and the new 13" macbook pro. I see that the Macbook Air is much brighter than the 13" macbook pro (under the same ambient lighting, both set to maximum brightness). I was told the reason for this difference is because of the lack of the glass layer on the Air. Is that really true ? If so, can you please let me know if I'd be able to get the same brightness I get on the Air on the Pro also by just removing the glass layer on my 13" macbook pro. TechRestore offers such a service for $134, which is simply a subset of their service for matte replacement (I don't want the matte replacement as I like the glossy screen). But since such a service would void my warranty and return policy, I want to be really sure before getting it done with them. I'd greatly appreciate any inputs/advice.
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Jul 21, 2006
I was wondering if/where I could get a better screen for my 12.1" Powerbook... Better viewing angle, brighter, possibly glossy. OR is there a way to bump up the screen brightness by just putting more juice in it? I know it would hurt battery life, but while it's plugged in it wouldn't hurt.
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Apr 18, 2010
Can you remove the glass from the screens of the glossy MBPs? From what I gather, it's a standard glossy screen a la the white macbook under there, which might be preferable in some cases.
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Aug 11, 2010
there is a small chip behind the glass of my 27" imac. It's about the size of a small crumb or the eye of a small needle. It's hard to see, but it's definitely there. Today is my last day to get the imac replaced or repaired. I have a feeling if I bring it in that they will see there's no reason to swap out the entire imac, and if there is I would have to wait awhile because it's a custom high end one so they don't have the specsI'm worried if they swap the glass that it's just some 19 year old kid that does it and he won't be careful with the screen and will get dust, finger prints, etc. on the glass making it worse.
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Nov 10, 2009
I have a new 24" LED ACD, and while I love it, I hate it! I can't stand the glossy screen on it, as this is in my office at work, and the only way to arrange it is with a window at my back.
All I see is reflections all day, and it now gives me a headache.
So, the options I see are:
1) Revert back to my older 20" ACD
2) Try and remove the glass from the new monitor and run it without the glass and see if that.
3) Try and put on an anti-glare screen on it and pray that it works.
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Nov 15, 2010
The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.
Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.
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Jun 20, 2009
So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)
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Oct 26, 2010
Has it been verified that you can remove the glass on the new 27" Cinema Displays with a couple of suction cups (like you could with the iMacs)?
I've got a few dustballs that I'd rather fix myself - I'd rather not drag it into an Apple Store.
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Feb 17, 2008
I have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?
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Nov 28, 2010
I have the 21" iMac and need to brighten the screen. How do I do this?
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May 22, 2012
I need to rename "Original Layer" to Original Image" When this layer exists. In photoshop I've been trying this, but I get this error error "Can’t make «class cCLr» 1 of document "DE00ER515.psd" of application "Adobe Photoshop CS6" into type boolean." number -1700 from «class cCLr» 1 of document "DE00ER515.psd" to boolean tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"tell current document if (quick mask mode) then delete channel ¬ "Quick Mask"if layer "Original Layer" then ¬ set OriLayer to "Original Layer" set OriLayer to make layer with properties {name:"Original Image"} delete layer "Original Image" end tellend tell?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 2.2 Santa Rosa Rev. D model. Recently I have discovered gray dots appearing along the top of my screen.
A few at first, but masses growing are growing rapidly. In the past 3 weeks the problem has started to spread to both my right and left edges as well. Under different viewing angles the dots sort of dissapear. The dots are not uniform in size or pattern.
I have a slight feeling that this has to do with my NVIDIA 8600GT graphic card.
I read tonight that that specific card was reported faulty and thousands have had problems and have had to get their logic boards replaced.
I also read that Apple extended their warranty for this specific reason.
Anyways, the dots are increasing and it's worrying me as I am not sure if this will be covered or not.
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Nov 6, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
how many think the new mbp will have glass over the screen. it was not used on new mba but never was
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Sep 5, 2014
Macbook pro 2014 only had it for about 2 months but recently about three weeks ago the display has been flicking to a black screen but has gradually been increasing and it now happens every two minutes - just randomly goes black for about 5 or 10 seconds and sometimes goes back to home screen but sometimes goes to log in screen, It interferes with me trying to do my work when this happens so frequently
MacBook Air, iOS 4.3.3, Transferring from Windows XP
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Oct 12, 2009
Well when I turn my screen off then I get a clearly visible 'thing' on my screen. The reason why I call it a 'thing' is because I have no idea what it is and how it got there. Can't I be something 'pitched' my screen and the back ledscreen cracked? Because I don't think dust can get behind the glass, both the behind screen and the glass have this "thing". It's luckily not big, may be 2 mm2. I got applecare so I guess apple will fix this for me? right? But it is kinda silly that ill have to lose my macbook for 3 weeks just for that little thing, but I'll have to because I can't clean it myself I guess.
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Jun 15, 2009
Has anyone noticed a very slight flicker on their new MBPs? I have a new 13" and, every so often, the screen brightness dims and then brightens very quickly (happens in less than a second).The option for auto-adjusting the screen brightness is off so it's not that particular function.It's most noticeable on all-white backgrounds both on AC and battery power. Hard drive access doesn't seem to coincide with the dimming.
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Jan 19, 2009
lately, my mba has been behaving a little weirdly. its screen would suddenly become a little dimmer when the brightness in the room has not changed a bit. after a long while(15 min?), it'll turn brighter again by itself, and again without any change in the lighting of the room. the change is not big but obviously. any idea? can it be some software? or setting? or a defective light sensor?
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Aug 2, 2010
So I bought a Macbook Pro 15" i5 at the weekend and it arrived this morning. This is my first ever Mac, but I followed the battery calib etc., before playing. I turned it on, set everything up and found something that stood out like a sore thumb on the screen (and I'm always on white background forums/websites). At first I thought it was a dead/stuck pixel, called Apple and they told me to take it to an authorised dealer to do some tests on it. However, I turned the screen off and looked, and it's definitely a spec of dust under the glass! This is my first Mac and this is not a good experience so far. What were Apple's QC unit doing? Shall I take it to the AD to have a look at it, and what do you think they will do? Or shall I ring Apple again in the morning? It's currently 11:15pm here in UK. I bought it under Higher Education discount, so I guess if i return it for a refund, I won't be able to buy any other Pro?
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Dec 16, 2010
I accidentally knocked over a glass of tea on to my Macbook, I cleaned it up and everything seemed fined. I packed it up put it in my bag I get home and now it has a white blotch (appears to be under the screen). I turned my Mac off and had it on it's side over night and it seemed to help a little but still very much there. Has anyone had this same problem? If so, is their a fix or is this something Apple should take care of?
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Nov 3, 2010
I was thinking about possibly selling my MacBook Pro and purchasing the 11.6-inch Air because I'm a college student who doesn't need much more than word processing, web browsing, iTunes, and portability. But I hear that the Airs don't have the glass covering of the Pro... Is the screen itself plastic or glass and does it scratch easily?
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May 1, 2012
i just had the unfortunate incident of someone touching my screen with an object. i dont think it scratched but it led me to researching if the glass is scratch resistant and trying to learn more about the glass itself. ive read that it is gorilla glass which i think is very scratch resistant but that i believe is not confirmed.
can anyone shed light on the LCD glass they use and if it is able to withstand minor bumps/nicks/taps/ from objects like pen-caps, or a paper clip hitting it etc etc??im looking for specific info like its actual properties, makeup and scratch threshold.
iPad 2, iOS 5, 16GB Wi-Fi
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Feb 21, 2010
I was looking at the MBPs in an Apple store and I noticed that the "matte" screen seemed to be the same display as the "glossy", just with the glass removed and a silver bezel installed.
To me it seems that Apple is charging customers an extra $50 to simply remove the glass. Anyone know if this is true?
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Jul 22, 2008
I'm running osx 10.5 off a intel mac mini through a samsung syncmaster 920nw.the native resolution is 1440x900 60hz
i'm a designer, and often i find that i simply don't have enough screen space, is there any way that i can increase the resolution, display preferences don't give me that option, i've downloaded software called switchresx, but i can't seem to get the resolution right and also the software expires eventually.
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Sep 15, 2007
I just got a new 15" MBP and it keeps changing the screen brightness by a couple notches either way on it's own. Anyone have/heard of this problem?
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Mar 4, 2008
My MacBook's screen is pretty dim, even at full brightness. The iPod Touch far outshines it and even a Sony PSP is brighter.
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Oct 10, 2009
Recently, after about 5 minutes of use (not sitting idle), my MacBook's screen will go very dim. I hit the buttons on the keyboard to take the brightness all the way up, but it doesn't get much brighter and there's only one thing that I can do to make the screen go brighter: I go into System Preferences and click Display. The second I click that, the brightness returns without me doing anything in the Display section, so after Display comes up, I just close it out and the screen brightness is fine for a while. It seems to do this after the lid has been closed for a while and then starts dimming again after opening the lid and using it for about 5 minutes. Is there a way to fix the auto-dim mode without disabling it? MacBook (white) is running Leopard 10.5.8 with all the latest updates.
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Apr 7, 2010
I dropped my laptop on a tile floor and the bottom hit it flat. my computer works fine besides the fact that my computer screen's brightness is as if my brightness level was all the way down.
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Jun 2, 2010
I find it you have to or it will be too dark.
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Jul 1, 2012
I wanted to check out Windows 8 so i decided to install it using Bootcamp on my Macbook Pro. I installed it successfuly, along with the Windows Bootcamp drivers, but my Display is VERY dim, the brightness is all the way up to the Mac. I rebooted the Macbook Pro and ran OSX and the brightness is fine, but on windows is very very dim and idk how to fix it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 25, 2010
Anyway to speed up your cursor at the login screen? I find switching users the tracking on the cursor gets really slow?
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