MacBook Pro :: ISight Webchat Via Skype To PC And Quality

Dec 4, 2010

Today I used for the first time the webchat feature in Skype. My laptop is a MacBook Pro i5 with Skype, MacOS is 10.6.5. My parents are using a decent Asus laptop running Windows 7 and the latest version of Skype for Windows. My connection is an 8MB via WiFi (n router). Theirs is a bit slower as it's via a dongle. They said that they could see me very well, no issues whatsoever. On my Mac the webchat was of very poor quality, pixelated, constantly freezing, massive delay. It was barely usable. Is anybody aware of any known issues between Skype on a MBP and on a Windows 7?

Pity I can't do this test, but I would like to see how their end of the chat was, I would like to understand if it was really good or just my parents' inexperienced opinion (they just bough a laptop for the first time). Once thing is for sure though, their chat wasn't constantly freezing and they could see my well 'like a tv'. I couldn't. On a slightly different note, just found out that my 'mighty' $1,499 MBP has a VGA webcam. The cheapest laptop you can buy in the UK for $299 has a 1.3MP webcam. Gutted. This clearly means that the quality of my webchat will never be particularly good and that having a grainy picture is considered 'normal' if you factor in the very limited resolution of a VGA camera (Unless you watch a teeny tiny window like a stamp) independently of the connection speed.

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MacBook Pro :: Is The MBP Unibody ISight Quality The Same As The IMac 27" Quality

Nov 20, 2009

Is the MBP Unibody iSight quality the same as the iMac 27" quality.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Use The ISight With Skype

Sep 30, 2010

I've had my 13" MacBook Pro for 10 months and I'd always tried to use the iSight with Skype here in Australia but it never worked. I just put it down to bad integration as I'd read on forums that it's a common issue. I finally took the MBP into Doncaster (Melbourne, Australia) Apple Store after I'd tried everything else and they gladly replaced the whole screen within the hour. I just wanted to say that I'm suitably impressed with the service they offered. The genius ran tests and tried to get it working and accommodated my request for a quick turnaround. Is this a common issue with the iSight and is this a common turnaround time for a repair?

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MacBook :: Does Skype Offer Support To ISight Camera?

Apr 22, 2009

I was messaging with some friends on Adium and I couldn't see their cameras neither them could see mine. Does skype offer this?

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MacBook Pro :: Exact Quality Of ISight Camera?

Aug 18, 2010

Is there a difference between Macbook Pro and Macbook iSight Cameras? And what is the exact quality of the camera?

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MacBook Air :: Skype Video Conferencing - Quality Of Internal Mic

Feb 10, 2008

How is the quality of the mic and video cam? When I chat with friend who uses a MacBook, her internal mic is quite bad. I usually have her use an external mic. But since a mic jack isn't included in the MacBook the quality of the internal mic becomes more important. How is it? Also, is the cpu powerful enough to push skype high quality video. (I know about ichat but I need skype).

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MacBook Pro :: Isight Camera - Used It For Skype And Noticed It Just Showed A Black Screen?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a 15'' 2010 macbook pro that I've only owned for about a month and a half. At first the isight camera worked great,I used it multiple times for photobooth. But a few weeks ago I tried to used it for skype and noticed it just showed a black screen. I thought maybe the problem was just with skype, but I started checking other programs and it's the same in all of them. The green light is on and it's recognized in system profiler, but the screen is black.

A few days after this happened, the problem seemed to fix itself, but then it went right back to the black screen 2 days later, and had been that way ever since.

I tried resetting the PRAM, but it didn't help. Is there anything else I can do, or is it time to give in and take my macbook to the Apple store?

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Hardware :: Does ISight (Firewire) Works With Skype

Mar 24, 2010

I have a PowerMac G5 and a PowerBook G4 w/o webcams, and looking at buying the external firewire isight from apple. Does it work with Skype? I know iChat works, but what about Skype? Also, can I use my Snowball with the isight or not?

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Applications :: IChat Versus Skype Video/audio Quality

Dec 18, 2006

Is it just me or does Skype have the superior audio and video quality?
Whenever I do some audio or video chatting it seems subjectively better than iChat. (Both on a Mac tried close after one another.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Delete Skype Dmg File As It Says Skype Is In Use While It Is Not In Use?

Jun 14, 2010

On the right hand side of my desktop when I download a program it seems to put an icon or doc on the right hand side. Like right now I have a skype dmg file I can't delete as it says Skype is in use, then right above that is a seperate skype icon that even if I drag to dock it still stays on the right hand side (like a copy), then I downloaded open office again and it put the install icon there (like when you open and you drag your program to teh applications folder)

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Software :: Tried To Use The Internet And Skype, But The Skype Didn't Work At All?

Jun 5, 2008

I have reached this website after scrawling to find a solution on the internet. I hope someone can help me with this problem.I have a 4 years old G4 ibook (OS 10.3.7), and have been using it for internet, skype and foto-storage mainly.Situtation:Yesterday I tried to use the internet (Firefox browser) and skype, but the skype didn't work at all. Since firefox was not working properly either, I did force quit and restarted the computer. I attempted this several times until I could use both applications (never had any problems before). However, Skype didn't work, and in the end, I could not quit firefox at all. At last I did force quit again, and saw white screen with apple icon at the centre when restarting. No time-spinning mark, the apple just sits there.

Troubleshooting that I have done:
I called up support center, and they told me that it's very likey that the computer is stopping at "'carnel" stage (I'm sorry but I don't know what this is). The possibility that it's got something to do with HD is 50/50, so I may have to send it to repairing service in the worst case. They told me to try using Disc Install CD1 to check/repair something wrong in my computer. So I followed the instructions and inserted the install CD and restart the computer with "c" key. The computer read the CD and Installer window showed up. As instructed in a manual, I used First Aid in Disc Utility, and tried "repairing disc". After a while it said "1 HFS has been repaired". It also said that Macintosh HD doesn't seem to have a problem", so I quit the disc utility and restarted the computer.

Against my expectation, the same white screen with apple came up on the screen and sits there with no other movements.I'm afraid of trying somethinig without further so I hope I can get the same story or ideas that someone here might have.

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Applications :: Won't Work With Imovie Photo Quality / Quality Better In Iphoto

Nov 11, 2005

Started archiving all my old photos and creating dvds. started off using iphoto which is great for compiling a quick slideshow to a couple of music tracks. i then imported these to idvd and created my first dvd project which i was pretty pleased with for a first attempt. The only thing i found annoying was that i could not link all the slideshows together in idvd so that they played one after another, instead you had to come back to the menu and start the next i thought i would import these slideshow movies into imovie and create a complete movie with chapters, titles etc. but when i did this i noticed that the quality of the slideshow in imovie was very noticeably worse.

being new to mac i wasnt sure what was up so i thought about importing the photos directly into imovie and working with them there. but once again the quality was really poor compared to the iphoto and idvd slideshows. after this i though maybe its just a preview problem and all will be well when i burn them to dvd and watch them on i burnt a dvd with one slideshow created in iphoto and imported into idvd and also put on a movie of the same slide show that id imported into imovie and back.

anyway long story short quality still better in slide show created in iphoto.

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Applications :: Won't Work With IMovie Quality / Can't Export In High Quality

Mar 8, 2009

is there any way to export the movie as high as my project quality everytime i export the quality goes down.

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.4 Playback Quality - High Quality Is No Longer An Option

Dec 8, 2014

In FCPX 10.1.3 I was able to set in Preferences the Playback Quality to High Quality. I just purchased FCPx 10.1.4.  It has NO such High Quality Option for Playback Quality.  

Now all my still clips are blurred badly.   Is there an option to set a High Quality Playback Option. Or can I download 10.1.3, the level where that worked ? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Final Cut Express HD :: How To Get Quality Of Movie To Match Quality Of Export

Jun 24, 2014

When I export my sequence into a Quicktime movie the quality is much worse than it appears in the editor. More specifically, it looks washed out.

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MacBook Pro :: Heat Up During Skype Use?

Mar 6, 2012

Why does the macbook pro heat up during skype use? And is making a noise like it is working too hard...

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Get Skype To Work

Jul 3, 2012

I can open up skype but cannot sign in. Its the lastest verison. My Macbook pro is brand new.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Cannot Update Skype?

Jun 23, 2014

I can't update Skype for macbook air. how can I solve this problem?

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MacBook :: ISight Turning On By Itself?

Sep 22, 2008

He has a stock white 2.2GHz MacBook, the 2.2GHz SR, with 1GB RAM. Now, recently, he noticed that the green indicator light next to his iSight camera, is always on, even if he just started up his 'Book. If he tries to open Photo Booth, all he gets is not a picture on the Photo Booth window, but in fact, just plain black inside the window, with no error message. Does anyone know what is going on?

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MacBook Pro :: Quick Q Take A Pic With Isight

Aug 31, 2009

I have been using spotlight and google to find the answer but came up kind of empty.i have a 13" MPB and i want to take out a couple of pics with the isight camera, how do i do that? i know how to use it while using skype or yahoo but how do i get it to take standalone pics?

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Use Both ISight Cameras?

Apr 26, 2010

I want to buy an LED Cinema Display and I was wondering... if i have my MBP hookep up to the Display can I use both iSight cameras when doin UStream stuff or whatever???

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MacBook Pro :: Isight Camera Always On?

Apr 1, 2012

The little green light of the iSight camera on my MacBook Pro 13" is always on. I can remove it by resetting the PRAM, but it always comes back. I have not found what app is triggering this so far. I am using Mac OS Lion 10.7.3. 

MacBook 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Isight Not Working On 10.7.4?

May 23, 2012

i have OS X 10.7.4 installed.. and isight will not work with any application i try (skype, facetime, photobooth. i have tried all the different ways of people doing it online, but none of which have worked.

isight, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: IChat And Skype Use Only One Speaker On MacBook Pro?

Jan 23, 2010

when using iChat or Skype, only one speaker (R) works. I was told that it was designed this way to save battery power and bandwidth and that it was originally designed this way when most users were on dial-up isn't this called designing for the lowest common denominator?

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MacBook Pro :: Skype - No Sound In Vista

Aug 12, 2009

I just got my new 2009 13" MacBook Pro. I have installed Vista and loaded my Boot Camp drivers. I am trying to use the built in microphone for Skype. It appears in the Sound menu in the control panel as a working audio input and sound recorder works perfectly as well. However, whenever I select the microphone in Skype, there is no sound. The mic comes up as a Cirrus Logic CS4206A(AB75) device. Skype won't get any input from the mic. Does anyone know how to use Skype in Boot Camp with the new MacBook Pro hardware?

MacBook Pro
Windows Vista
Windows Vista Business operating System

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MacBook Pro :: Skype Only Works On Right Speaker On I7?

May 12, 2010

im on a 17 in i7 ag 500gb machine.

i use skype everyday but i just noticed that the sound from skype is coming only from the right speaker. its weird though because any other sounds from skype, like alerts, come from both. all other sounds are fine on the comp. i tried looking through the settings and nothing is there that i saw that could fix this.

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MacBook Air :: Why Does Webcam Not Work With Skype

Mar 25, 2012

Why does my webcam on Mac Book air not work with Skype

MacBook Air

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Is It Normal For MacBook Air To Heat Up When Using Skype?

May 17, 2012

Is it normal for MacBook Air to heat up a lot when using Skype?

MacBook Air

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MacBook Air :: Why To Reinstall Skype Every Time Use It

Sep 7, 2014

Why do I need to reinstall skype every time I use it? Or every time I restart my computer?

iPhone 5

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MacBook Air :: Skype Download Icon Won't Go Away?

Jun 22, 2014

Last night I downloaded Skype on my MacBook Air that I bought a few weeks ago. 

I downloaded it from, and everything seemed normal. I can now call and talk to friends and family on Skype from my laptop. However, once Skype downloaded, an icon that looks very similar to a USB icon (except blue with the Skype logo) appeared on my desktop. I tried to eject it like a normal USB, and it worked, but the next time I opened up Skype, the icon appeared again. If I try to eject the icon while I am using Skype, a thing comes up saying that it can't be ejected because Skype is in use.

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