Mac Pro :: Unable To Know About Hard Disk Activity Noise?
May 10, 2009
I usually just turn off my monitor at night but for some reason, the HD constantly makes spinning noise even then the computer hasn't been used for hours ( i don't run time machine ).
Is there any way to tell what process is causing this stupid HD activity? My previous Dell machine was so much more quiet than this POS. I prefer not having to explicitly put the machine the sleep every time.
I am getting HD noise like every 20 seconds. Even with no activity. Per the suggestions of another user, I typed this in terminal: iostat -w 1 disk0 And the sound seems to coincide with the output whenever the first column has a value other than 0. So it seems there is activity, it's just not user initiated. Is this some kind of energy saving feature that apple is doing or is it a logging application? Is anyone else having the same issues? Even if you're not, could you run the program and check for 1 or 2 minutes (without any other apps open or doing anything) to see if you also get a value other than 0 in the first column every so often and an associated sound?
Once in a while when I tilt my MBP, the hard disk will make a brief click noise. Also, I can trigger the noise by closing the lid, and then tilting the MBP. Is this normal? Is this just part of the built-in accelerometer?
I have searched and googled in different forums and found this issue but never found a good resolution or explanation. many of the posts were related to 2009 or around that time. since yesterday I started to hear a noise like clicking or something (it's a hard disk noise that we all know and have heard) from my hard disk. I have no clue where it comes from. my mac is absolutly idle and no huge process or I/O is going on. its happing once in 10 minutes maybe. Well, I want to start observing it on when exactly it happens! but to me it should not happen!
I have my iMac since August. I use it a lot, and I've noticed that the hard disk makes read and write noise a lot of times, even using Safari, for example. It looks like fragmented. What can I do?
when occurs a suspension of hard drive activity, manually or after a period of inactivity, this suspension seems to be incomplete (a ventilator continue to run) therefore my mac (power-mac G5, OS 10.4.11) is unable to restart, no possible action from the keyboard (I must shut down and restart)
Info: PowerMac G5, Mac OS X (10.4.4), & PowerBook (10.3.9)
I am considering purchasing diskwarrior but want to make sure it can help my situation before I purchase it. My imac will not boot from the internal hard drive (Intel processor) When I use disk utility to try and repair the disk, I get error messages and it won't repair. I can see the HD but cannot repair it. When I connect using target mode with my mac book pro, the hard drive does not appear on my host (macbook pro) computer. I have reloaded OS X (Leopard) onto a firewire external drive and can boot my imac that way but I can not find my original internal Macintosh HD. Will disk warrior be able to help with this scenario. I would really like to access that internal Macintosh HD and retrieve my files.
I've download a Seagate Diagnostics programme to check whether my external Seagate FreeAgent Desk is working properly or not. However, when I run the programme, it indicates that cannot find the disk.
I have a student who put most of her project work for the past few semesters on an Western Digital hard drive which was in a I/O Magic shell. It was dropped and immediately started a grinding noise. She took it to the local mac guru who has been unable to recover any of the data. My gut tells me it's a goner but I wanted to run it by the gurus here to see if they might recommend anything that we might try before giving up.
I just got my macbook pro yesterday and ran it all yesterday not hearing anything. Today when I woke it from sleep I could clearly hear the fan or hard drive going. I was in a quiet room and it's quite annoying.
istat says its at 2000 rpm so thats when I started thinking it may be the hard disk. It does pulse every now and then but thats even while it's just sitting idle.
I guess I could live with it but its just annoying. Anyone else having this?
I've created a Snow Leopard boot disk using this method link. I created it on a 16GB CF Disk. I've tried it twice. First time I formatted the disk as eXfat with 1 partition. Next time I used Mac OS Extended for a 7Gig partition and fat32 for the rest.
Upon boot I get the normal install stuff like I do with the DVD, but then no hard disk shows up. I thought it was because of the eXfat which is why I tried again. I looked into the system profiler and I can see my seagate hard disk, but under disk utility it doesn't exist. My Sata DVD drive shows up though. If I boot off of the DVD I can see and install to my hard disk.
I'm trying to make a USB Disk because I'm planning on getting a SSD and I will be removing the Dvd drive.
I am trying to partition my current HardDrive so I can run a Macintosh on half of it. The other half will of coarse be windows. I've tried programs like BasiliskII and SoftMac, neither work.
I grabbed some spare 10.4 disks I had, and my computer refused to read them. So I got my hands on a different set of 10.4 install disks and my computer still refused to read them.
I am trying to do this because it's a project for my Computer Hardware class. I've spent way too much time on this without any progress.
My intention is to partition an external HD in half allowing it to serve as a backup for a pc running windows xp, and the other half as a backup for a mac(10.5. I am using a Seagate external HD(new) that was initially partitioned on a windows xp computer.
The 1st half of the 1TB HD was formatted in NTFS format, and the second half was erased and (I thought) reformatted in HFS plus but when I attempt to use CCC(Carbon Copy) to copy the mac 1/2 of the hard drive, I get this message:
"You may have difficulty booting from this target volume, the underlying disk is not formatted with a partitioning scheme that Apple recommends for Intel Macs."
I have read the recommendations that the external HD need to be partitioned with APM or GPT, but I cannot seem to get to that option now for the mac side of the external HD.
In the Disk Utility, the external HD shows both sections of the partitioned drive(the xp section and the leopard). I do not want to reformat the entire drive(both sections) if at all possible.
I just want the Mac side of the ext drive to be properly prepared for CCC, and the windows side to remain as is.
recently the harddisk of my macbook pro crashed and I had it replaced with a SSD thinking I could use the old harddisk as an external but now it seems like the crashed harddisk cannot be detected by my macbook. What should I do?
For some strange reason, my early 2008 Mac Pro keeps making hard-drive access sounds / head-moving sounds. It's been doing it non stop for 3 days now. The sounds are short, about 3 per second, about as fast as you would read this: "grind grind grind" then a short half-second pause, then repeat. Sometimes there's a longer 1-2 second delay. But it almost always seems like triplets, "grind grind grind"
I have no apps or background processes running that I've been able to discover. I've checked startup items, launch agents, and launch daemons.
I've checked Activity monitor but I see nothing unusual, and no correlation with any cpu activity.
I've checked disk utility and SMART is verified, permissions are repaired, and the disk is verified to be "OK."
I've tried fs_usage, lsof, and top, and see no correlation to anything.
I'm clearly missing something and am hoping someone can point out what it is? What else can I do to determine what the disk activity is doing? Are there any apps or other UNIX commands to check? Or is my drive dying?
Okay, simple summary; I've got an external drive that I use for downloading large files, and for music (to reduce activity on my main drives), and this is exclusively used by Transmission (bittorrent), and iTunes as a result. However, very rarely I can hear the disk thrashing away, and this will continue even after I quit both programs, the only way I can seem to make it stop is by unmounting the drive and remounting it again.
I'm using a macbook and would like to copy over several games over to my friend's external harddrive. The files are rather large -8gigs, 6gigs, 4gigs.
For some reason it wont allow me to copy the files to the HD. only prompting me with the message "the operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 0)".
I presume that it's formatted correctly because I was able to copy a smaller file (363megs) without any troubles. However, whenever it involves these large torrents it prompts me with that same message.
I'm running 10.5.8 on a 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac. The machine often slows down dramatically and i can hear the internal drive going like crazy. When I look in Activity Monitor however there's nothing chewing up much CPU. I can see that there's a lot of disk activity going on however. Unfortunately I don't see anyway in activity monitor to see what processes are accessing the hard drive. Does anyone know of a way to track down what processes are accessing the disk?
I have SL installed since the release day and I've noticed that for some reason my hard drive is a lot more active than it was before. At first I thought it was indexing something (such as the spotlight index that needs to be built) but this has been going on for days now. Even during very light computer work (just one firefox window with macrumors) de disk still keeps going like crazy. It's not constantly, but definitely way more frequent than on leopard.
I just bought an iMac 27" 4 cores, the one with the Intel i5. Sadly, this computer feels like my first iMac in terms of speed - it is sluggish and the reason for this is that the hard drive is being thrashed excessively. By using iStat Menus, I can clearly see that the disk is being constantly read, constantly at 3 MB/s, which is insane since I am not copying anything: I thought the culprit was Spotlight, so I turned off indexing on my main HD and the problem still persists. I cannot find one utility out there that will let me know what process is beating the crap out of my hard drive. Is there such thing for OS X? Something like Windows 7 resource monitor is exactly what I am looking for.
Okay. So I had an Imac G5 (white) running 10.4 This one crashed and I got a new iMac G5 (Silver). Since then I have removed the old hard drive. Today I connected it to a Serial ATA - USB Converter. It powers up and sounds to be working fine (hums, spinning) but my new computer says "Disk is unreadable". It gives me the option to format, but I want to recover my old files first.
Important: I also have a similar Lacie external drive that I hooked up the same way and it worked fine. I was able to take the files off of it.
My guess: I believe when the drive is connected, it is trying to start up the OS (this was the start up disc). It has that click sound like it's trying to make the chime and then spinning like it's working. Can you change the drive to a "Slave"? Or is my disc corrupted?
I have noticed a lot of disk activity reading and writing, it maxes out in bursts up to a couple of minutes at a time and overall seams to be reading and writing a lot of the time, with no processor activity at all. There is no obvious culprits in the activity monitor but terminal displayed large number of read and writes for mds, but spot light is not indexing (no dot in Mag glass) and this has been happening from months now.
Possibly longer noticed it when recieved replacement drive due to crook seagate, may have been doing this but could not hear it. Running last Snow Leopard on iMac 27 mid 2011 i7 custom with 8 gb of ram. also should note this unit has had load of issues Bad Ram, some software problems would not sleep (software) none of which have ever manifested on any of my other (older) macs. Also have noted that this drive activity does seem to coincide with using safari on occasion??
I created an image of an external hard drive to back it up, then I checked it and it opened fine. I moved the file to another drive and initialized the original drive and dropped the dmg file back onto the drive. Now it won't open. I really need the files on that drive. Is there any way at all to open it if even for a short time to retrieve the files?
Last time when I was login my system, the password will not eccepted. So several time try to enter the correct password, even not eccepted but the messege came you cannot login at this time.So I reinstall my system in archive option after instalation.I restart my system but unfortunately my Hard Disk & Files are not apearing in desktop.
I received an Acomdata 2Tb external hard drive today from Amazon and plugged it in. Time Machine popped up and I declined to link the hard drive to it. I went into Disk Utility and chose the new hard drive on the left column and went to erase. I chose Mac OS Extended. I named it and hit erase. It started going, and going..... and going... and a half an hour later I knew something was wrong.
Disk Utility was not responding and I eventually had to Force Quit. Now I cannot format the hard drive. I starts and then it stops with a disk error. I tried to run the First Aid verify and repair and both stopped after a few seconds with an error. What do I do?
Last time when I was login my system, the password will not eccepted. So several time try to enter the correct password, even not eccepted but the messege came you cannot login at this time.So I reinstall my system in archive option after instalation.I restart my system but unfortunately my Hard Disk & Files are not apearing in desktop.