MacBook Pro :: Glossy Screen VS Mate Screen Option?

Sep 12, 2009

Im kinda newbie in the MAC World...

and I have this doubt regarding the new macbookpros. 15 inch model

What is the best option for a user that has never tested a glossy screen.

is it true that glossy screen reflect to much ? ....

do I have to put the laptop into a pre-set light conditions in order to have the best image possible ?

what are your thoughts, pros and cons in this matter.

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MacBook Pro :: 2009 Glossy Screen Versus 2010 Standard Res Glossy Screen

Apr 25, 2010

Is there a difference? Anything at all? I would expect Apple to make the 2010 standard res. screens worse in quality and earn more money since they have the higher res. available. I really like the 2009 glossy screen, but i have to be sure it is exactly the same this year. If they did something like that it's typical Apple.

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MacBook Pro :: Pattern Showing On Mate Screen Randomly

May 31, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro 17" 2.16 dual core with a mate screen and now all of the sudden I get this weird pattern. Sometimes it goes and comes back and sometimes it disappears for a month. Is my screen up for a change or is it just something loose.

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MacBook Pro :: Matte Screen Brighter Than Glossy Screen On 15"?

Jun 5, 2010

at least that's what it felt like when i was checking them both out side-by-side at the apple store. Does anyone know for a fact what the luminosity rating is for the matte and glossy screen on the 15"?

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Hardware :: Glossy Or Anti-glare - Could It Be That (after Much Agonizing) Opted For The Glossy Screen

Jan 21, 2010

I just bought a MacBook Pro (2.53/4GB) and I am just a tad disappointed with the graphics.

Could it be that (after much agonising) I opted for the glossy screen?

I feel that I want to adjust the contrast, but I don't know how.

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MacBook Pro :: "Matte" Screen: Just The Glossy Screen W/ Out The Glass?

Feb 21, 2010

I was looking at the MBPs in an Apple store and I noticed that the "matte" screen seemed to be the same display as the "glossy", just with the glass removed and a silver bezel installed.

To me it seems that Apple is charging customers an extra $50 to simply remove the glass. Anyone know if this is true?

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MacBook Air :: Is The Screen Glossy Or Matte

Nov 1, 2010

I haven't made it to an Apple shop since the new MacBook Air was announced, so I haven't seen them in real life yet . Yes I know I should be more committed, but meh I have a life too !

One simple question really; is the screen glossy or matte?

I notice that there is not an option to chose whether it's glossy or matte when configuring online . My MacBook Pro is a 2007 C2D one (one of the last with the silver screen bezel) and I had them both side-by-side in the store and chose matte. I know that these days Apple call it "AntiGlare" and charge you for the privilege (and it's not just the screen that's glossy, the whole surround is black glass), but I'm definitely gonna pay the extra for it on my next MacBook Pro .

But for the MacBook Air without having an option.... I've got a bad feeling that I'm gonna order it online and then when it comes find that it's got a stupid ****ing glossy screen and all I can see when using it outside is my ugly mug in the reflection .

So yeah, on a scale of AntiGlare MacBook Pro to Glossy MacBook Pro where would you put the new MacBook Air's screen?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP: Glossy Screen Or Matte?

Jan 28, 2010

Anyone have advice on regards to what screen type to order with a new MBP 17"?

I would like as much color accuracy as possible, but when I read the apple specs they make it sound like the glossy is better at showing colors...

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MacBook Pro :: Mbp With Glossy High Res Screen?

Apr 17, 2010

Is there anywhere other than apple that offers 15" mbp with glossy high res screen?
i dont want to wait 5-7 days :/

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MacBook Pro :: Scratch Removal On Glossy Screen

Aug 30, 2008

I was cleaning my screen (glossy) on my MPB and noticed a few hairline scratches. Are there any ways to remove the scratches on the screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Cleaner Suggestions For 17" High-res Glossy MBP?

Nov 10, 2010

Can someone recommend a screen cleaner that I can buy? The one I am currently using leaves marks from the microfiber/lint free towel I use once the solution dries.

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MacBook Pro :: Change Screen From Glossy To Matte Via Tech-restore?

Jul 13, 2009

I want to change the screen on my 13" MBP. Has anyone changed their screen from glossy to matte via Techrestore? If yes, what has been your experience? Also, is there any other company that offers the same service?

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MacBook Pro :: Keeping Glossy Screen Dust Free / Clean

Jan 11, 2010

What's the best way of wiping dust off a glossy screen, and generally keeping it clean? I'm hesitant to use just a soft cotton cloth in case it creates static, thus attracting even more dust.

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MacBook Pro :: Anti Glare Screen Protector On Glossy Display?

Jun 18, 2010

Anyone uses an anti glare screen protector on their glossy display and what do they think of it? and how different is it compare to the anti glare screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Which Screen Is Best For Photographers - Glossy Or Anti-glare Matte

May 27, 2012

Which screen is best for Photographers - Glossy or Anti-glare Matte

Mac Pro

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Hardware :: Looking For A Monitor With Glossy Screen?

Aug 22, 2009

I was going to buy a 24" ACD but have read quite a few reports of backlight bleeding, etc, so now I'm really unsure whether it's worth splashing out �528 on one, especially as my Samsung 23" TN screen has no backlight bleeding at all.

So, can anyone recommend a good 23"-24" glossy screen? At the moment, I don't mind suggestions of either TN, IPS, etc, just chuck in your suggestions.

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Hardware :: 24" Glossy IMac Screen Suitable For Pro Imaging Work?

Jan 20, 2008

As a full-time professional photographer, I use 20" iMac Intel 2GHz Core Duo machines (the original Intel iMacs), with the matte screens and maxed out with 2 gb of ram for Photoshop editing daily (CS3). I have found that the matte screens are awesome for imaging work... very accurate colors, no perceptible undesireable variation in color or brightness at different viewing angles. I've been verrry happy with these iMacs for production in my portrait photography studio.

NOW... recently I've considered upgrading one of my original 20" Intel iMacs to a current production 24" iMac for the larger screen area, 4 GB ram capability, and faster processor (filter processing!!!), but have been hesitant because of all the bad press I've read about using the glossy screens for professional color work. Complaints I've seen refer to distracting reflections of room/ambient lighting, a false, over-exagerated color saturation, un-even color/brightness across the full area of the display, light leaks, and dead pixels. What has happened to our beloved iMac?

If these criticisms are valid, I think Apple made a big mistake going from matte to glossy screens with the iMacs. I understand that Apple targets iMacs as just consumer machines... but the fact remains that a LOT of professional imaging people have chosen matte screen iMacs for professional work and the older matte screens were perfect for that.

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MacBook Pro :: Using MATTE Screen Option?

Jun 21, 2010

anyone use this screen for movies or gaming yet? how does it look? how does it compare against the glossy for those who've owned both? i want the matte because i know that for university it'll be better especially for late nights doing work on it it'll be easier on the eyes and i can use it for longer (apparently thats what i hear are benefits of teh AG), BUT i also want to be gaming and watching movies on it and have a feeling ill be losing alot of quality for these features with the matte display

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MacBook :: Won't Show Screen Where To Hold Down Option Key

Sep 11, 2014

My macbook won't show the screen where you hold down the option key and it won't show the apple logo or the spinning gear just a blank white screen when I turn it on. I replaced the old hard drive with a brand new 500 gb 2.5 inch data hard drive.I also purchased a brand new copy of OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.when I put the disc in and power it on holding the option key nothing happens just a white screen with no apple logo or spinning gear.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Finding A 13" MBP Matte Screen Option?

Jun 20, 2010

i know theres alot to read about the matte-and-glossy discussion on the web, but the bottomline is always the same:

- anti-glare screen protectors is something you should not use
- theres no option for the 13", go buy a 15" MBP if you want matte screen

I've been in a store (several times) and I'm working on an iMac 21.5" and I am sure now, i can't live with the glossy screen.

I'm programming, so I have to read all that tiny symbols on my screen without suffering from a headache and I defently will with the glossy screen.

On the other hand I need a 13" Notebook because I will use it on seminars and stuff.

Right now I have a Sony Notebook which is nice, but not a Mac and after 6 months working on an iMac I don't want to miss all the nice features and gimmicks Windows 7 doesn't have, even if it got improved a lot, it is no OS X ;-)

Do you guys think, that there is a chance that Apple will present a matte screen option for the MacBook Pro 13" or the MacBook?

I was not able to find out why exactly Apple is not selling the MBP 13" with a matte screen, since there are a lot of potential customers that won't buy a glossy MBP.
Is there a technical reason or something?

f you could tell me that reason I could stop hoping and waiting and just go for another winbased Notebook I don't really want but need.

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MacBook Air :: Freezing On Login Screen - Can't Click On Any Option

Jun 23, 2014

Just bought mac-air last week. When I start it got freeze on first screen where i can see my username logo and "guest user" logo. and can't click on both options .

tried power on/off many times with no success . 

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OS X :: Macbook With Broken Screen Wont Boot - Using Option Key On Power Up

Jan 19, 2010

Long time lurker, first time I couldn't find a fix without asking so here it goes... I'll try not to leave anything out... Btw way the screen is broke but i use it with an lcd tv. Was working in final cut this morning when suddenly the app froze. No big deal I'll just force quit and restart... Hit enter on the force quit dialogue and the app disappears. Cool.BUT, its hanging in purgatory in the dock, thinking its still "active" or whatever with the little highlight, but clearly states that is "not responding" when right-clicked. Command-opt-esc doesnt show final cut in the applications list when pressed again... AND, Illustrator and photoshop are also now not responding, and begin acting the same way in the dock. Weird right? Ok whatever so I'll just shut down and fire her back up, I think. Apple menu/shutdown shows the yes/no dialogue to shutdown but when i hit okay it does not shutdown. the top apple menu bar disappears as does all files/folders/images on the desktop, but the desktop background remains. i figured it was just taking a sec longer than usual so i walked out of the room, but when i came back it was the same. after REALLY trying to NOT press the power button to shut it off, I finally broke down and did. Now the tv isnt getting the signal from the mac on restart. After much searching (probably here) I found that if I power up the mac and then immediately close the lid it forces the connected display into primary. Again, cool. BUT, I get the blinking question mark folder. I somehow managed to pull the above trick and hit the option key which brought me to what I thought would be an empty startup disk screen. Alas, Macintosh HD is right there. But, when I choose that drive, which is the only thing showing, it goes back to a blank grey screen and never boots. Any ideas? I can get all my data via target disk on my imac, and it appears the drive is functioning fine when i use disk utility when viewing as a firewire drive on the imac.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" MBP Without Matte Screen Option / Official Statement?

May 2, 2010

i wonder if there has ever been an official statement why the smallest MBP isn't available with a matte screen option?

thx for looking!

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IMac :: Option To Shut Off The Screen?

Nov 17, 2009

I know this has been discussed before, but I cannot stand that there is no option to shut off the screen. I know the Shift-ctrl-eject (not sure if I got this right, I'm at work now) works to turn off the screen, but I'm facing another issue.

At night, I frequently record shows on Eye-TV and export them to iPhone, so I can watch them during the morning commute. When the show begins, iMac's screen wakes up. When the export to iTunes begins, the screen wakes up. I tried few utilities where the brightness dims 100%, but it's not the same as turning it completely off.

Has anyone found a solution where you can turn off the display completely? Since my iMac is in my bedroom, this is a huge problem for me. I miss my Mac Mini....

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OS X :: Best Option For Remote Screen Sharing?

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to figure out what the best option is for remote controlling my computer. I've used LogMeIn Free, which is a great option, and I really like that I can use any web browser from any computer, and even my iPhone to remotely control my primary desktop computer.

I've also used Mac's built in to access my various computers using the Back To My Mac, which is also a great option.

I guess I would just like to find out if any better options exist. I do not like that the Mac's built in doesn't permit me to view my remote desktop "Full Screen".

I do not like that LogMeIn seems like little more than a PC ported application made to work with a Mac as an after thought.

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Mac Pro :: OSX 10.7.5 / Can't Get Option To Switch Screen Resolution To 1920 X 1200

Jun 3, 2014

I'm using a temporary monitor while my trusty old Mac HD Cinema Display is in the shop getting fixed. 

As a stopgap I am using a Samsung T190.  

My computer is a Mac Pro tower. I'm running 10.7.5 (Lion) as I'm still working with Final Cut Pro 7. 

I can't get an option to switch the screen resolution to 1920 x 1200 

I can go no higher than 1440 x 900. 

In my quest for a solution I read something about the option key and the "scaled radio button" in the display preferences. 

I don't see a "scaled radio button" in the preferences. 

Here's what the Display Preferences look like:

Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.7.5), Mac Pro

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IMac :: No Option To Detect External Display / Screen Resolution

Aug 6, 2010

I have a 27" imac and have been using an apple led cinema display with it. I have had no problems with the display until today. Yesterday I installed windows 7 via bootcamp and had some trouble with the second display being detected but after downloading all of the bootcamp updates it worked fine. Today I restart my computer back into OSX and the display does not work. I tried resetting the PRam or whatever but that didnt do anything. When I go to system preferences > display there is no longer an option to detect display and there are no longer options to change the screen resolution.

I spoke with an apple tech who has me installing an update but I dont think she really knew what was going on and I doubt this will work. When I reboot back into the windows partition the display works during start up and I see the windows logo. So I dont think its a hardware issue (also the display still works fine with my macbook pro). But as soon as startup finishes I get a black screen. Under the control panel windows still recognizes that there is a 2nd display attached and you can still drag items over to the other screen, I just cant see anything. All black.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Guest User On Login Screen And An Option Disappeared (screenshot)

Jun 21, 2012

Newly installed osx lion 10.7.4the guest user on the login screen disappeared after fresh installation of osx, and an option "Disable restarting to Safari when screen is locked" on "security & privacy" on preferences panel disappeared as well, its so strange! 

macbook pro 13" early 2011

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Early 2011, 13.3/120SSD/8GB

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MacBook Pro :: Comparison Pics Of High Resolution Glossy And Standard Resolution Glossy?

Oct 4, 2010

1) Having a difficult time finding anything good on this. Anyone got direct comparison pics between the two on the 15"?2) Also how much brighter are the mid-2010 15" displays compared with the late-08 15" displays? IIRC the 2009 screens got a wider color gamut and more brightness than the original unibody screens.

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MacBook Air :: Finding Case Mate Suite?

Aug 18, 2008

My new case mate suite, mine has a slight broken bit, but with he cost of sending it back being more then the item it self. It is not worth the cost,for an exchange so I will just keep it.

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