MacBook Pro :: Finding A 13" MBP Matte Screen Option?
Jun 20, 2010
i know theres alot to read about the matte-and-glossy discussion on the web, but the bottomline is always the same:
- anti-glare screen protectors is something you should not use
- theres no option for the 13", go buy a 15" MBP if you want matte screen
I've been in a store (several times) and I'm working on an iMac 21.5" and I am sure now, i can't live with the glossy screen.
I'm programming, so I have to read all that tiny symbols on my screen without suffering from a headache and I defently will with the glossy screen.
On the other hand I need a 13" Notebook because I will use it on seminars and stuff.
Right now I have a Sony Notebook which is nice, but not a Mac and after 6 months working on an iMac I don't want to miss all the nice features and gimmicks Windows 7 doesn't have, even if it got improved a lot, it is no OS X ;-)
Do you guys think, that there is a chance that Apple will present a matte screen option for the MacBook Pro 13" or the MacBook?
I was not able to find out why exactly Apple is not selling the MBP 13" with a matte screen, since there are a lot of potential customers that won't buy a glossy MBP.
Is there a technical reason or something?
f you could tell me that reason I could stop hoping and waiting and just go for another winbased Notebook I don't really want but need.
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Jun 21, 2010
anyone use this screen for movies or gaming yet? how does it look? how does it compare against the glossy for those who've owned both? i want the matte because i know that for university it'll be better especially for late nights doing work on it it'll be easier on the eyes and i can use it for longer (apparently thats what i hear are benefits of teh AG), BUT i also want to be gaming and watching movies on it and have a feeling ill be losing alot of quality for these features with the matte display
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May 2, 2010
i wonder if there has ever been an official statement why the smallest MBP isn't available with a matte screen option?
thx for looking!
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Apr 24, 2010
Apparently for last year's 15" MBP model, it initially only came with a glossy screen, but then in August Apple decided to offer a matte version:
Any chance Apple will once again offer a matte version of the latest 15" MBP?
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Jun 5, 2010
at least that's what it felt like when i was checking them both out side-by-side at the apple store. Does anyone know for a fact what the luminosity rating is for the matte and glossy screen on the 15"?
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Apr 3, 2010
Yeah, I know, yet another matte vs glossy thread. But my external monitor is matte (older ACD), and I'm wondering whether it won't match as well with the glossy...
Or will it not matter anyway, since the external is an IPS panel and the MBPs use TNs?
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Aug 22, 2009
I'm looking at getting a new MBP now, with the matte finish. I'm curious, does anyone have one and is the screen still glass, just with the matte coat?
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Nov 1, 2010
I haven't made it to an Apple shop since the new MacBook Air was announced, so I haven't seen them in real life yet . Yes I know I should be more committed, but meh I have a life too !
One simple question really; is the screen glossy or matte?
I notice that there is not an option to chose whether it's glossy or matte when configuring online . My MacBook Pro is a 2007 C2D one (one of the last with the silver screen bezel) and I had them both side-by-side in the store and chose matte. I know that these days Apple call it "AntiGlare" and charge you for the privilege (and it's not just the screen that's glossy, the whole surround is black glass), but I'm definitely gonna pay the extra for it on my next MacBook Pro .
But for the MacBook Air without having an option.... I've got a bad feeling that I'm gonna order it online and then when it comes find that it's got a stupid ****ing glossy screen and all I can see when using it outside is my ugly mug in the reflection .
So yeah, on a scale of AntiGlare MacBook Pro to Glossy MacBook Pro where would you put the new MacBook Air's screen?
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Jan 28, 2010
Anyone have advice on regards to what screen type to order with a new MBP 17"?
I would like as much color accuracy as possible, but when I read the apple specs they make it sound like the glossy is better at showing colors...
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Apr 7, 2008
I was wondering if there was maybe a screen filter or something of that sort that you can apply on the MBA to make it have a matte appearance? I don't like the glossy screen as there is a lot of reflection from light making it hard to see at times.
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Mar 23, 2009
For those of you that consistently read the Macbook Pro forum, you may have already heard of the Techrestore Matte Service. For those of you that don't: Techrestore essentially removes the glass from your Macbook, puts in a HQ matte screen. Then they make a matte black bezel to go around it. The pictures look great. And it's like on youtube and MacWorld and stuff. It was even ZDNET's best in show. [URL] (sideline3's techrestored macbook pro)
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Oct 3, 2009
The usual dilemma: to buy or to wait? Currently have a MacBook Alu and the LCD on this machine is simply horrible + I the glossy screen turned out to be pretty annoying (although I did like it initially).
I am thinking of getting a 15" with discrete graphics & matte screen (compared it side-by-side with a glossy @ AppleStore - the difference is HUGE)... but I could wait for a couple of months only if I knew that there was a 13" with a good screen/discrete graphics in development since I don't like the size of the 15" (weight is not an issue, it is mostly the ability to use it everywhere). I also compared the 13" MBP screen with a 15" (both glossy) and the 13" just sucks! Why can't they make the 13" a bit more expensive but give it a decent LCD? Even as an option? I have a Sony VAIO Z with a great matte 13" display, wish I could just transplant it into the the Mac
An ideal configuration for me would be a 13" with a decent matte screen and powerful graphics. But then, I'm a bit reluctant to wait as Apple may actually make matters worse by having worse graphics on new-gen MBP and perhaps no matte option whatsoever. I really don't care about the Arrandale vs Penryn, dual-core vs triple-core... whatever. The only part of the computer that I look @ all day long is the display, so it has to be a good one.
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Jul 13, 2009
I want to change the screen on my 13" MBP. Has anyone changed their screen from glossy to matte via Techrestore? If yes, what has been your experience? Also, is there any other company that offers the same service?
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Jul 22, 2010
Does the matte screen provide the same brightness, contrast and colour performance as the Gloss screen?
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May 27, 2012
Which screen is best for Photographers - Glossy or Anti-glare Matte
Mac Pro
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Feb 21, 2010
I was looking at the MBPs in an Apple store and I noticed that the "matte" screen seemed to be the same display as the "glossy", just with the glass removed and a silver bezel installed.
To me it seems that Apple is charging customers an extra $50 to simply remove the glass. Anyone know if this is true?
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Mar 15, 2012
After installing updates, I restarted my Mac and it ends up with a matte gray (cloth-like appearance) with a gray Apple logo, but does not get to the desktop. I can open/close the DVD tray, and have cursor control, but nothing else seems to work. Short of reinstallation of Snow Leopard, what are my alternatives. I did the Lion update online but do not have a system disk, hence reversion to Snow Leopard is my only option.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 10, 2010
I have a 2010 13" Macbook Pro(intel core 2 duo) I am recently loading and backing up a lot of RAW images to my mac and it is taking up a lot of space. I need an external hard drive but don't want to use FW800 or USB 2.0 because of how slow they are...
... is there any faster way?
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Sep 8, 2009
I have a newer MBP 13" and would like to hook it up to my TV (Panny TH-50pz85u). What would be my best option for the best resolution?
Here is specs of the TV: [URL]
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Sep 12, 2009
Im kinda newbie in the MAC World...
and I have this doubt regarding the new macbookpros. 15 inch model
What is the best option for a user that has never tested a glossy screen.
is it true that glossy screen reflect to much ? ....
do I have to put the laptop into a pre-set light conditions in order to have the best image possible ?
what are your thoughts, pros and cons in this matter.
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Sep 11, 2014
My macbook won't show the screen where you hold down the option key and it won't show the apple logo or the spinning gear just a blank white screen when I turn it on. I replaced the old hard drive with a brand new 500 gb 2.5 inch data hard drive.I also purchased a brand new copy of OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.when I put the disc in and power it on holding the option key nothing happens just a white screen with no apple logo or spinning gear.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a Bluetooth mouse that I use with my MacBook Pro.
In Tiger & Leopard, I was able to set my Mac so that it disabled the trackpad from use when the Bluetooth mouse was connected. I just noticed that that setting has been undone and I can't seem to find the preference to set that setting.
Anything? Thoughts? This obviously isn't a crisis, I'm just curious if they've moved the preference someplace else... or something.
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Jun 23, 2014
Just bought mac-air last week. When I start it got freeze on first screen where i can see my username logo and "guest user" logo. and can't click on both options .
tried power on/off many times with no success .
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Nov 6, 2009
Anyone else think there should be an option to invert the up/down scrolling on the Magic Mouse to make it like the iPhone? Try it for yourselves - just flip the Magic Mouse around and try to scroll. You'll find that it's surprisingly natural and intuitive.
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Jan 19, 2010
Long time lurker, first time I couldn't find a fix without asking so here it goes... I'll try not to leave anything out... Btw way the screen is broke but i use it with an lcd tv. Was working in final cut this morning when suddenly the app froze. No big deal I'll just force quit and restart... Hit enter on the force quit dialogue and the app disappears. Cool.BUT, its hanging in purgatory in the dock, thinking its still "active" or whatever with the little highlight, but clearly states that is "not responding" when right-clicked. Command-opt-esc doesnt show final cut in the applications list when pressed again... AND, Illustrator and photoshop are also now not responding, and begin acting the same way in the dock. Weird right? Ok whatever so I'll just shut down and fire her back up, I think. Apple menu/shutdown shows the yes/no dialogue to shutdown but when i hit okay it does not shutdown. the top apple menu bar disappears as does all files/folders/images on the desktop, but the desktop background remains. i figured it was just taking a sec longer than usual so i walked out of the room, but when i came back it was the same. after REALLY trying to NOT press the power button to shut it off, I finally broke down and did. Now the tv isnt getting the signal from the mac on restart. After much searching (probably here) I found that if I power up the mac and then immediately close the lid it forces the connected display into primary. Again, cool. BUT, I get the blinking question mark folder. I somehow managed to pull the above trick and hit the option key which brought me to what I thought would be an empty startup disk screen. Alas, Macintosh HD is right there. But, when I choose that drive, which is the only thing showing, it goes back to a blank grey screen and never boots. Any ideas? I can get all my data via target disk on my imac, and it appears the drive is functioning fine when i use disk utility when viewing as a firewire drive on the imac.
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Feb 11, 2010
Hey I'm gonna get the new MacBook Pro and I was wondering should I get glossy or matte? Which one is better?
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Jan 10, 2011
this might sound a bit strange but I hope someone on here may be able to help me, I've placed my 2007 MacBook Pro for sale but I've recently had enquiries from a buyer with a question that I can't answer in that of whether the screen is Glossy or Matte. Now I never realised there were two options thinking it was a more recent development in the product line but after some research I discovered that it was an option when the machine was purchased. The only problem is that I brought it second hand and no information was included to enable me to work out this detail, so is there a visual analysis I could perform or are there any images I could post so that people would be able to work out which type of screen I have?
The model of MBP is the Mid/Late 2007, Merom Based 17" MacBook Pro with the Hi-Res Screen outputting at 1900 x 1200.
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Nov 22, 2009
Over the past few months of perusing my way through the forums I have noticed a lot of people prefer matte over glossy.....Of course, we all have personal preference - but it just seems a LOT of people always say get a matte screen.
Why is this? I personally prefer the glossy. I'm on a 24" Alu iMac now with the glossy display, checked out the MBP in store and prefer the glossy...
I like the glossy for the high picture quality, I did do a test side by side of matte and glossy, and glossy just looked a lot better. Reflections can be a pain at times, but its not too hard to just move your display a few inches
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Feb 22, 2010
So I don't mean to start a thread that already is out there, but I've looked around and haven't found anything answering my question. Which is basically, why would you get a matte over glossy? Is it entirely because of the glare? Or are there other reasons to get matte. Also, is it sometimes just a preference? Neither one is actually "better" right?
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Apr 13, 2010
Just can't decide which screen option to get, been to my local store and sure, the glossy screen is a lot more reflective. It shouldn't really matter but I do prefer the design of the black bezel. Difficult to tell how usable the screen will be in a real-world situation.
Anyone use the MBP on stage, is reflected stage lighting a real issue with the glossy screen? How about outside, is it unusable?
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