MacBook Pro :: Faint Metallic Click Noise Whenever Move Unit
Jul 24, 2010Whenever I move my MacBook Pro, I get this weird faint metallic click noise. Is this normal? I have seen some videos on YouTube with this problem: [URL]
View 6 RepliesWhenever I move my MacBook Pro, I get this weird faint metallic click noise. Is this normal? I have seen some videos on YouTube with this problem: [URL]
View 6 RepliesI have used Mroogle but everything that i found had something to do with the clicking the hard drive makes when it is moved. The noise my computer is making seems to be coming from the front of the computer near the trackpad. It is metallic-y and rather annoying when browsing the web or streaming movies or playing games.Is this something that i should be concerned about?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI just bought one yesterday, and noticed that everytime i pick it up the inside "clicks".. like a metallic click sound.. Is this normal? or should i return it
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a 13" MacBook Pro from Mid-2009 and just today I've noticed a real faint clicking noise coming from the fan. It almost sounds like that noise a bike makes when you put a baseball card against its wheel. It's not very loud, but when I'm working in a silent room, it's been pretty annoying. I opened the back and blew all the dust out and all that, but the problem seems to only have got worse since then. The fan is still spinning at its usual 2000rpm.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just picked up a new MBP and loving it so far. Not sure if anyone else experiances this so I thought I would ask. When I have walked away from my Mac for a few minutes the screen dims down and has a faint beeping noise. When I touch a key or trackpad it is restored to full colour and the noise stops. Any ideas what or why this is?
View 3 Replies View RelatedEarlier I noticed a faint noise coming from the top left of the iMac, a little 'hiss' like, but otherwise hard to describe. I presume it's the HD, but I'm not quite sure as diagrams show the HD being more-a-less in the middle. Perhaps the room has got quieter, but then again the concern is that the iMac has got louder.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFirst of all, Noob imac owner here. I was just handed down an old imac g3 400mhz desktop that doesn't power at all.When hitting the power button on the unit or keyboard, the units screen makes a noise. No hard drive or green light comes on at all. At dead silence in the room, i can hear the screen flicker, like a tv would come on. I went to go about and read a few problems before, replaced the battery and even tried a new power cord. Any Ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs the right click noise supposed to sound different to the left click? Mine does, is that normal?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhenever I pick up my MBP then put it back down, There is a noticeable clicking noise which comes from the HDD i presume. Is this normal? Is it the motion sensor? I'm still in the 14 day period, should I take it back for a replacement?
View 7 Replies View RelatedOnce in a while when I tilt my MBP, the hard disk will make a brief click noise. Also, I can trigger the noise by closing the lid, and then tilting the MBP. Is this normal? Is this just part of the built-in accelerometer?
View 19 Replies View RelatedMy 13" MacBook Pro (Mid 2011) is making a loud click, or snapping noise whenever the clamshell is closed, or moved a little sometimes. It's becoming very persistant and doesn't seem normal. Most of the time it does make the noise (which is from the back right). I'm taking it in tomorrow under warranty. Any suggestions? Is this normal? The screen also moves smoothly and is always in place. It's all strange and hopefully they can replace the hinge.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I got my MBA for 2 days now. Everything works fine except I heard these randomly Click noise coming out from under the power button place every once a while . It only does it once everytime when it happens and the click sound goes less than a second. Is this suppose to be normal?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI can move the arrow around but the mouse won't let me click anything.
MacBook Pro
My 2008 Macbook keeps producing a metallic clicking sound from the bottom right of the computer. This happens more frequently when it's resting on a surface other than a desktop (ie my legs). Is it a serious hardware problem or just a warning sound so I don't hold the computer a certain way?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
We've had a Macbook now for about 18 months - no problems. However, last night it was very slow in starting-up and then we found it impossible to move any icons around the screen (click+drag). We have just five small folders on the desktop.
Although 'hiding' is 'on', the dock has also disappeared completely and settings for the dock cannot be changed under preferences.
The Macbook won't turn off under 'shut-down', we have to shut-down by holding pressing 'on' button.
Alright well to make a long story short, this afternoon I formatted my Windows Vista PC and reinstalled Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I'll jump right in.Every time I click on something in iTunes, whether it be a song, or a category in the library, iTunes plays this weird "blip" sound. I have isolated it to being just within iTunes. I am not sure what the heck this is and I never had a problem with iTunes 8 before I did my reinstall today.
I was able to capture a bit of the sound using Sound Recorder in Vista. You may need to turn your speakers up a bit to hear it.I have tried completely reinstalling iTunes, but that hasn't fixed the problem. If this is a new feature added into iTunes, then tell me how to turn it off. It is beginning to really piss me off!
I have posted this on the Apple forums, but I thought I would post it here to see if any of you guys knew.
You know something that has always bothered me is the loud and obnoxious clicking sound which happens whenever you click with a mouse. Unfortunately for me my new magic mouse is louder than previous mice I've used. When I use the mouse at school during class, or at the library the noise is very noticeable, annoying and distracting to others (and to me). I wonder if there is a way to setup the magic mouse to tap to click in the same way that touchpads work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI posted this awhile back, but didn't find a solution. Anyway, my 12" PowerBook G4 is back from the shop, where, I found out, they haven't worked on it for three weeks or so (it's been there two months!) It still will not boot. The battery charges, and when I press the power button, I can hear the "click" noise that means it's trying to start. I can never hear the HD spin all of the way up. It sounds like it tries and then fails. Nothing ever appears on the screen... ever. I have to do a hard shut down, and then it sounds like the HD spins down. For awhile, it did the "double dinging" noise, but I don't know what that means... and couldn't find anything on [URL:...]about it.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am not sure how to describe it properly, but since 10 minutes ago, my trackpad on my 13"mbp has been making a weird clicking sound. Normally, it makes a click which is regular, just like the store units/how it should be, however for the last 10 minutes the BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER ONLY makes a weird longer noise which I cannot properly describe. its almost like a rattling noise, or something that sounds like its breaking. had this mbp since july this year, and i do have apple care (got it on student discount price!!
Just wondering if you know what the problem is, Or if it is going to be a problem/if trackpad may be breaking Or if I rang apple/took instore what would they do. Reason why I havent immediately took it in is because if MBP could get new processors soon, I could take it in after refresh in the small chance I get a new computer replacement..........
On the Windows side, I like to right-click and "Send To" except I'd usually prefer it *moves* selected files instead of copies. Is there a Mac utility where I can right-click and move to configurable folders? It looks like the only "folder" by default is the Trash ("Move to Trash"). I know there's the left-hand collapsible pane with Places, but I don't want to clutter it up with too many folders that I could neatly tuck into a contextual menu.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDo you know if there is any way to have all my open windows available in the dock to move from one to other one with a single click? Though I liked the Expos� per application feature, I would prefer having all my opened windows available in the same region they are minimized. On similar way, do you know if there is a way of having all the opened windows [instead of all the opened applications] available when doing COMMAND-TAB?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy wireless mighty mouse just randomly stopped clicking. I had been using it as normal when I noticed that it would move around but not click. None of the buttons work. I have disconnected / reconnected etc and restarted my machine, changed the batteries but nothing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen in an opened safari page my mouse is freezing i can move it freely around page but can not click on any item. I can not even go to the quit option to get out of page???
View 1 Replies View RelatedLast night after I shut my MBP, I went to re-open it a few minutes later to find the computer to do nothing. If I try a hard restart with the power button it sounds like it is going to boot but nothing happens. The only real indication I have that it is even on at all is the light on the lid latch is on but not pulsating. When the lid is up the light is very faint and when the lid is closed the light is bright. I have tried most of the things i saw on the apple support site with no luck.
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy battery is at 89% and the light on my magsafe is a very faint green that I can only see if I block the light with my hand. What does this mean? I googled to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've noticed this for a while, but just failed to write about it. Whenever I leave speakers/headphones or anything of that sort plugged into my MBA turned on without anything playing out of them, i hear this very faint beep every couple of seconds. When i turn the speakers off, it turns off, but usually i forget to and come back to hearing this super soft/faint beep. Any clue how to get rid of this? Is this an issue I should consult with Apple? And this happens regardless of whether or not i "mute" sound on my MBA.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've been a mac user for about 5 years and have worked with them pretty extensively so i'm not a newbie, but I have been having the craziest issue i've ever come across on a mac start about a week ago with my very own and here it is:
Like it says above I'm using a 2.4GHz macbook with 2Gb of RAM bought in 2007. Starting about 2 weeks ago, I find that when i'm using speakers or headphones (ie: NOT the in-built speakers) that there is faint techno music playing the background. I do like techno music but it's no song that I recognize from my library, and it seems to be about a 10 second loop. It was first one song, then i restarted my computer and it was ok for about a week and now it's back with a DIFFERENT loop (still electronic?) Has anyone ever come across anything like this before? It has nothing to do with the volume of the speakers/headphones. They still go loud and I can still hear what i'm actually watching/listening to just fine, but then there's this techno off in the distance. OR if i'm not listening/watching anything and turn the volume up all the way on either the speakers or headphones i'm able to hear the music relatively clearly but it still sounds muddled and far off. Any advice would be awesome.
I am having a Power/Battery problem with a Macbook (surprise surprise!). This Macbook is the first generation, early 2006 model. It is a 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, black. This Macbook will not charge a battery, any of the 4 Macbook batteries I have tried. However, it will recognize each battery I put in (using About this Mac), and it will run on battery power when not connected to AC power. The charger light is always a very faint green light (same for both 65 and 85W chargers). Occasionally it will shine the bright green (normal) for a moment, but quickly dulls to the very faint green light.
Last night I tried swapping out the internal battery connector that I know is right for this macbook. After the installation, when I started it for the first time, the light on the charger appeared orange for the first time. I waited to see if the "charging" lights on the known-good battery would light up, but they never did. Eventually the charger returned to the same faint green color. Has anyone seen this before? From what I can tell the only parts remaining that could be the problem are the internal Magsafe connector and the logic board itself.
My battery died while listening to music today and when I plugged in the power supply, the computer will not accept the charge and the power supply light is blinking yellow but very faint.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My 13" white MacBook is coming apart at the seems! Does Apple Care cover this?
Left side:
Right side:
I covered the open seems with fiber tape to keep the dirt out. I hope it's covered.